Fallout 4 15 Dmg Reduction

Nov 25, 2015  Weapon, Torso, two legs and two arms. Which means that you can have the astounding 90% dmg reduction in Fallout 4 if you find 6 items with the same type of dmg reduction. There are a lot of specific dmg reductions in the game, such as 15% vs humans or 15% vs robots. These are pretty useless since you are always fighting different types of enemies.

Hey everyone.

! This guide is for people who like: heavy weapons, PVE, solo play, bloodied effect, power armor, good survivability and high DPS. !

Its been weeks since I was working at my heavy gunner that does huge amounts of damage, but also doesn't die from anything at all, basically an invincible* wrecking ball build. I saw enough players dying from puny ghoul attacks and people running away in fear from radroaches. I decided to share and explain why this might be a build you are looking for.

*Build has only one problem you need to be aware of – poison can kill you very fast. If that doesn't scare you and you like using proper size guns – keep reading.

Lets start by choosing correct perks. You can exchange some cards for the ones that suit your playstyle, however, keep in mind, that survivability is very important in this build.

—STR 15—

Main stat for Heavy Guns. Provides 60% increased DMG and good amount of DEF.


Flat 20% damage increase. Alternatively you can go with one star Gunner perk for 10% DMG increase, but why bother with other stuff when you can have more DPS?


The same as above.


The same as above.


45% less damage from melee attacks. Great increase of survivability, especially good for ghouls encounters.


You will be shooting a lot. DR is very important to keep you alive at low health. Recommended but not necessary.

BEAR ARMS 3 (Optional)

You can swap bullet shield for this perk to decrease weight of guns by huge amount at the loss of 60DR. Not recommended, but good temporary utility perk. Swap it after you make some space in your stash to hold part of your weapons.

LOCK AND LOAD 3 (Optional)

Either this, bullet shield or bear arms. If you choose it, take the speed demon mutation. I personally don't care much about reload speed. Out of ammo? Swap your gun or wait few seconds. You have high capacity weapons after all.

—PER 1—

You don't want perception. You wont use much VATS. Just shoot at enemy direction and you will hit them eventually. There is no good perks for you in this category. If you want level 3 lockpicking, you need to think what you want to cut from other stats.

A spell's interaction with Spell Reflection may change if the ability gets changed by other abilities, talents or by Aghanim's Scepter. For example, when a single target turns into a non-targeted spell, Spell Reflection may no longer reflect it. Spell Reflection does not reflect any active attack modifier and does not reflect any abilities of. How to get spell reflection on details dmg meter. Left click: open the details window for a player, or, open the report window depending on what's being shown in the window. Shift + left click: depending on what displays you are, it may report only that line or open more details from the actor or spell shown on the bar. Right click: if clicked at. Bars: General: General settings for the bars that appear within Details windows. Here you can change settings such as the color and texture, icons, direction the bars are oriented, the height and spacing between bars, and border around the bars. Bars: Text: Settings for changing.


The only resonable choice. Glowing enemies are very rare with the exception of nuke zones. If you go for lockpicking, swap to this (level 3) perk whenever you hunt enemies.

MASTER PICKLOCK 3 (optional)

If you really need or like to open safes, then go for 3 PER and cut 2 points somewhere.

—END 7—

Good stat to increase HP, contains great perk to ignore almost any explosion.


Do you like explosions close to you? Exploding a car with your bare (power armor) hands makes you feel better? Choose this perk, you wont regret it. Oh, and also those big, flying, scorched things won't hurt you with ranged attacks. Shooting Fat Man at your feet might kill you, but I did not tried it that close to be sure you are indestructible. Shooting from close distance destroys your weapon anyway.


By increasing your HP pool you increase your DMG at the same time. How? You will have more health points at higher radiation levels, which translates to: you will survive and at the same time do more damage whike having smaller HP bar. Be sure you have around 8-10% HP so you don't die. At 310 HP this build has, thats 30 health. Looks like not much, but you ignore over 95% of incoming damage – don't know the exact numbers.

—CHA 8—

Good stat for traders, it affects prices. You will find here also some defensive perks worth considering.


Not worth putting 3 points. Not sure, but it might increase your FINAL damage by 5%, which is much better than adding said DMG.


Debuff lasts only 2 seconds and time does not stack. 30% reduction is great for strong, single targets.



High, 20% DMG reduction, totally worth it. If you don't play solo, redistribute the points and invest into group perks.

—INT 6—

Bloodied builds are nerdy. At least 5 points are needed for crafting comfort. Affects condition of crafted items, even fusion/plasma cores!


You want more accuracy, do you? But don't miss that 45% armor penetration, which is the main point of choosing this perk.



Must have for bloodied builds. 40DR and huge 20% DMG boost.

DEMOLITION EXPERT 1-5 (optional)

If you prefer combination of bloodied and explosive heavy weapons instead of bloodied + faster fire rate, then consider squeezing this perk.

—AGI 8—

Increases AP. Improves sneak, which you don't need. Gatling gun headshots while crouching can do 2-3k DMG easily.


Why 5 points and not 1? More damage (up to 60%, not 36%) and more action points for DODGY perk from AGI stat. Use one point if you want, or go with three.


This one is great if you have plenty of AP. PA users are usually not that agile so they dont have big pool of action points to use. You dont plan to run from enemies, do you? Outside of combat you may run and jump like a bunny-rabbit, but during combat you should use AP for your advantage. And that is what this perk is about. We are talking about a bit over 150 AP, so you can take 5 hits reduced by 30% damage.

—LUCK 11—

If you use mutations, this is the place. Also some DMG increase and other useful stuff.


The only purpose of this is to lock the mutations, so you don't gain new ones and don't lose existing ones. Mutations are a good boost to various stats.


Is class freak worth it? With mutations, that this build uses, yes. Without class freak you lose 50HP and AP, 55% chem effects, 4AGI and INT. Look at this as 38HP and AP increase, better by 37% chem effects and +3 to INT and AGI.


15% DMG increase. Take it.


18% chance to ignore ranged attack. Deflecting does almost no damage, so we take it for defensive purposes. You should use this, at least when being around Supermutants or Schorched. Ghouls don't use guns so swap it in Whitesprings.

ONE GUN ARMY 3 (optional)

You can swap this for Ricochet if you need it. You quickly kill most of the enemies, but for SBQ or other big boss fights this might be a good choice.


QUICK HANDS 3 (optional)

Instantly reload at 18% chance. Sounds resonable. If dont happen, swap weapons.



Slower falling equals longer time to start landing animation in PA. Increased AP from 4 AGI is a plus.


Jumping high is usefull. We can't use jetpack (slot occupied by Emergency Protocols), so that needs to be enough. Additionally some carry weight increase.


DMG increase at low HP, similar to bloodied.


Quickly regen your health when out of combat. Saves some meds, food, water between combats at the cost of slightly worse chems. Worse radaway is actually better. You won't need good quality stimpacks, and psychotats are still working great.


50 energy and 50 damage resistance. A must have.


Alternatively use Herbivore, but keep in mind food spoils pretty quickly, and veggies aren't that good for you (we are talking in-game!). Just eat raw meat for up to 40% of bar replenishment. Or cook if you care about minor buffs.

SPEED DEMON (optional)

I personally don't like to eat and drink more often, reload speed is not a big deal for me, and moving speed is already boosted by Emergency Protocols.

PLAGUE WALKER (optional)

Aura that marks enemies around you. Most of the time does nothing. Diseases are annoying. Its up to you.


I personally use T51-b because of the best energy and damage resistances and Nuka-Cola paint is one of my favorites. Choose your own PA, though. Radiation resistance is important but radiation itself can be mitigated by using diluted radaways or other stuff. If it comes to T51, we are talking about over 600DR/500ER/300RR during combat.

Choose between max level:

T51-b – 455DR 455ER 310RR

Strangler – 453DR 393ER 500RR + set bonus

Ultracite – 454DR 395ER 395RR


HEAD – Targeting HUD.

Thats the only good option. Useful in some situations. Not necessary.

TORSO – Emergency Protocols.

A must have if you want to survive. Don't miss it. Huge DEF boost and running speed improvement (doesn't stack with speed demon).

ARMS – Any or no mods.

For melee builds only.

LEGS – Calibrated Shocks.

Carry weight, a total increase of 100. Great if you don't use Bear Hands perk.


– Serendipity doesn't work in Power Armor.

– Diluted stimpacks are good enough to heal you and weight less.

– Same goes with radaway. And removing less radiation is better.

– Dont satisfy hunger over 80%, because you will get stupid HP buff. After status fades, your HP will disappear and you might easily die. Drinking plenty of water is ok (irl too).

– Psychotats are way to go. Bloodied builds have allergy for Psychobuff, so be careful (temporary HP buff is bad).

– Don't use Unstable Isotope and Electrically Charged or you'll ruin your build.

– Wear unyelding set outside of power armor to increase your abilities of trading (CHA), crafting (INT) and carry (STR). Crafting fusion/plasma cores with high INT increases durability well above 100% Leave your PA while trading or traveling when overencumbered and use Radicool and Hard Bargain at shops. Dont forget to increase carry capacity with deep pockets (Grafton vendor server hop) or alternatively decrease weight.

– You can sometimes use purified water during combat instead of a stimpack to regen some health and conserve meds.

– Swap perks whenever you need them. Use better vendor prices perk, better repairing, perk for modding armor and guns, for crafting more ammo, chems, duping items and so on.

– Keep your health at around 10% for good damage boost and better survivability

– Even if you have one star bloodied legendary guns, they still will do tons of damage, so if you find one, keep it/buy it, because its around double damage than normal. Faster fire or explosive are just an addition to your DPS.

– Use toxic goo to increase rads toa level safe for you. Always have couple of them in your inventory just incase you dont have your rage mode activated.

– You need plenty of steel and lead for bullets. Use Scrapper perk and scrap ranged weapons (West Tek recommended). For lead use your excavator armor and go to Lucky Mine, gather some ores, melt them using acid from Vault94. Always use Ammosmith and Super Duper while crafting ammo

Fallout 4 15 Dmg Reduction Free

4:15 In Spanish

Have fun!

Feedback is welcome.

Source: Original link

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Fallout 4 15 Dmg Reduction Download

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