Redis Desktop Manager 0.9 0.51 Dmg

Yes, it's been done already. No, it's still not particularly easy. You do not need to use either Qt Creator or VS2015.

  1. Redis Desktop Manager 0.9 0.51 Dmg Download

Cd src/./configure qmake-qt5 && make && sudo make install cd /usr/share/redis-desktop-manager/bin sudo mv qt.conf qt.backup Tip: checkinstall Instead of sudo make install consider to use sudo checkinstall -D -install on deb -based OS and sudo checkinstall -R -install on rpm -based OS to generate package and install it into the system.

I am building on information found here, here, and here. Thanks to these folks and the contributors to RDM.

Redis Desktop Manager 0.9 0.51 Dmg Download

With this document, I sought to 'trim the fat' from these other guides and prove that VS2015 itself was not in fact necessary - just its tooling.


  • VS2017 Community
    • Workloads: 'Desktop development with C++'
    • Individual components:
      • MSBuild
      • VC++ 2015 v14.00 (v140) toolset for desktop
      • Windows 10 SDK (10.0.14393)
      • Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763)
      • Windows 8.1 SDK
  • 32-bitCMake 3.x
  • Python 2.7 - make sure the path to python.exe is in your Windows %PATH%
  • NSIS - only needed if you want to build an installer
  • Redis Desktop Manager. Home; Install; Quick Start; Features Overview; FAQ; Known Issues; Development Guide. Build RDM from source; Generate test data; App profiling; Debug SSL; Remove app settings on OSX; Fix bugs or implement whatever you want:) Redis Desktop Manager.
  • Run RedisDesktopManager: /usr/share/redis-desktop-manager/bin/rdm or redis-desktop-manager; After installation Redis Desktop Manager will be available in main menu. Build from source with automated bash script. Build from source with automated bash script. Build from source with automated bash script.


From a Bash shell:


NOTE: Replace %BASEDIR% below with the path to the RedisDesktopManager directory you just cloned.

Now, find 'Qt 5.9.7 32-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2015)' in your Start menu. Run it, and execute the following commands in the resulting terminal:

If you don't want or need an installer, then your binaries are in %BASEDIR%binwindowsrelease. If you are unlucky enough to need that.. read on.



From the Qt terminal you used in the previous section:

Prepend the following to the DEFINES= on or around line 14: -DAPP_NAME='RedisDesktopManager' -DAPP_VERSION='0.9.9' -DCRASH_SERVER_URL=''

It shoud look like:

Then, back in the terminal:

There should now be a redis-desktop-manager-0.9.9.exe in %BASEDIR%buildwindowsinstaller.

Wasn't that fun?

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