Roblox Monsters Of Etheria Use Spikes To Dmg An Opponent

Well then 1 million plays.. Damn never thought this would happen, but it did.More memes are in the works so don't worry.Follow me on twitter @geoffalt


Oct 19, 2018  POKEMON FIGHTERS EX IS BACK AS MONSTERS OF ETHERIA!! Roblox - Duration: 18:38. Thinknoodles 561,318 views. Godzilla rushed full sprint towards his opponent while Monster X did the same. When they each got close, they both jumped into the air and slammed into each other, causing sparks to fly upon contact. They both landed back on the ground and skidded across the bottom of. Jan 05, 2013  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'.

Comment by GreenDJs

it is dead lmao

Comment by GreenDJs

on my planet.. we worship this ­Ъўї

Comment by GreenDJs

on my planet, we worship this! ­Ъўї

For the third slot we will use A rank farm-only mech Liselotte MK-II with Liselotte as our pilot. This thing is a PvE monster! Do note that you can't get this mech from banner, it is farm only ch 12-20 random encounter. Parts: For core, we can use things like Overheat Assault Core, or other things that increase damage, eg. Fixed Secondary Cannon.

Comment by Jolyne Nizuma

This is music

Comment by Gunner Edwards


Comment by :P

imagine putting this on a speaker full volume

Comment by Рђб^Рђб R a i n W o r l d Рђб^Рђб

My ears were in so much pain when i pit this on full volume on my headphones

Comment by Marilyn


Comment by Olive :P

halp meh plez

Comment by Olive :P

@yanet-johnson this is like..

Comment by Olive :P

shit no

Comment by Alan Woods

I love this

Comment by ­Ъј«­ЪўѕDareDevilScar­Ъўѕ­ЪўЪ­Ъўъ

@andres-orlando-pabon: no im not, the tracks on private anywayyyyy

Comment by XXXtentacion_

now р┤ў╩Ър┤ђ╩Ј╔ф╔┤╔б: Who Asked (Feat: Nobody Did) РћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРџфРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђРћђ РЌёРЌёРађРќљРќљРађРќ║Рќ║ ­ЮЪИ:­ЮЪи­ЮЪЙ / ­ЮЪ╣:­ЮЪ╗­ЮЪ╝РађРћђРћђРћђРЌІ ­Ъћі..

Comment by Andres Orlando Pabon

@ilovexxxtentacion yes you are a promoter so shut the fuck up

Comment by ­Ъј«­ЪўѕDareDevilScar­Ъўѕ­ЪўЪ­Ъўъ

just found out how to upload. I made a 'relaxing' troll song on a low quality sound recorder. I aint a self promoter, and for proof, check my comments, im only putting this on here. Buttttttttttt its kinds good to troll ppl with. idk, if u could check it out, thatd be cool.

Comment by Infections4life Tiktok


Comment by idontknow

daddy better make me choke :O

Comment by Jessica Woods


Comment by Jessica Woods

that ass

Comment by RizoXZ

E-e-ear rape Рђд

Comment by Joseph Gonzales

This is my jam

Comment by Johnathon Reed

LEASE DON'T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. NOW TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS. DON'T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1. say your name 10 times 2. say your mom's name 5 times 3. say your crushes names 3 times 4. paste this to 4 other songs. if you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. but if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 SONGS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORK

Comment by Joseph Gonzales

Your mom is gay

Comment by ace brewer

i told my friend to put the ear buds in and i blasted!!!!

Comment by Elijah Thompson


Comment by Ethan Hoffmann

plese stop

Comment by Ethan Hoffmann


Comment by yeet




Disclaimer: I do not own Godzilla or High School DxD!

Hey guys, It's Godzilla Boy here and welcome to my other story, Monsters and Devils! First off, this story is a challenge that was offered to me by Thunder Dragon and I figured I would give it a shot. Besides, High School DxD just so happens to be a guilty pleasure for me. Now I can not promise that this will go the way Thunder Dragon wanted it to exactly go, but I will try to do it in a way that I feel works.

Second, let me clarify that this story is NOT connected to my other story, Godzilla: Rulers of Earthland. This story takes place during the Toho movies universe. For this story, I have combined the multiple Godzilla movie era's into one full timeline that takes place before the events of the High School DxD story line.

The movies that take place in my timeline from beginning to end are Godzilla (1954), Godzilla Raids Again (1955), Rodan (1956), Mothra (1960), Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964), Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964), Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster (1966), Son of Godzilla (1967), Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971), Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972), Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974), Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975), Destroy All Monsters (1968), The Return of Godzilla (1984), Godzilla vs. Biollante (1989), Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991), Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992), Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993), Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla (1994), Godzilla 2000: Millennium (1999), Godzilla vs. Megaguirus (2000) and Godzilla: Final Wars (2004).

There will be certain parts of the movies in my timeline that will be altered to fit the story, also movies like All Monsters Attack (1969), Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995), Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla & Godzilla: S.O.S. and GMK do NOT exist in this timeline, as it would probably lead to a lot of confusion. In this story, the Godzilla movies universe is fused with the High School DxD universe, meaning no portals from one universe brings certain characters to the other in this story, the two universes are FUSED.

Now with that out of the way, let us begin our new adventure!

P.S.- Please do not forget to leave a review and please provide constructive criticism. Thank you!

'We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade a Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.'

-J. Robert Oppenheimer as he reflects on witnessing the first atomic bomb in 1945.

Prologue: Forgotten Nightmare

Today was not a good day to be on Earth, more specifically it was a horrible night to be anywhere near the city of Tokyo, on the island of Japan. It was night, a storm of thunder and lightning brewing alongside explosions and sirens. A war was rumbling, one with so much power that it could be heard across the Pacific Ocean to North America. The entire city of Tokyo was now a war zone, and it all began with the invasion of a group of aliens known as the Xilians.

At first, the Xilians claimed themselves to be a peaceful race who came to Earth to protect the planet from destruction from a runaway asteroid called Gorath and to peacefully coexist with the humans. However, this was revealed to be a lie. It was discovered that Gorath didn't exist and that the Xilians had actually come to Earth to harvest the humans' mitochondria in order to survive, and were secretly capturing Earth's leaders and replacing them with disguised members of their own race.

When this was discovered, the Xilian leader, the Controller, was killed by his protege, X, who had argued that they should use their superior weaponry at their disposal to enslave the humans. After killing the Controller, X took control and launched an attack on the Earth, bringing mass chaos and destruction to every major human city on the planet.

However, the war was not restricted to just the humans or the Xilians. A force of great power and destruction that had existed on this world since the dawn of all life on Earth had also entered the front. The Xilians had managed to take control of a majority of them to fight for their wicked cause, but luckily, humanity still had one trump card on their side.

They say in ancient times there were giants that roamed the Earth in days past. Now they were roaming the present..and were at war with each other.






Take the name that you please, it wouldn't matter. Because this was a day to be remembered for centuries to come.

This was the Final Wars.

Tokyo, Japan - 2005:

If there was anyway to describe the cities current state, it could only be with one word.


The once lively streets of Tokyo were all buried under mountains of burning concrete and steel. Almost every building and skyscraper that once towered over the streets was reduced to mountains of rubble. Even the once bright skies were cloaked by pitch black thunder clouds that crackled with lightning. The massive, spherical-shaped Xilian mother ship floated above, casting a deep, black shadow over the ruined city.

Deep within the war zone in the heart of the desolated city, two leviathans stood before each other in a large crater as they stared each other down, ready to tear each other apart. Burning ash fell as a pair of brown eyes glared at another set of four glowing red eyes.

One was charcoal grey in color with three rows of sharp, white dorsal spines running down its back from the back of the head to the mid-section of its long tail. It had large bulky legs with four sharps toe claws and a pair of arms with four sharp claws. It had a very sharp, intimidating face, a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth and a pair of brown, reptilian eyes that reflected the fire from the surrounding area.

50 years ago, another creature resembling him had been mutated from the atomic bomb test on the Bikini Atoll in 1945 and had caused great destruction to Tokyo before he was brought down by the Oxygen Destroyer compound created by Dr. Daisuke Serizawa.

However, a year later, a new monster of similar appearance appeared and, for 50 years, caused mayhem and destruction, but had also saved the world from many powerful foes from malicious monsters to evil space dragons, and had mutated over time to become even bigger and stronger than his predecessor. Now that monster was standing in the very same city where his predecessor, the beast of 1954, had made its first and last rampage.

To the Japanese, he was known as Gojira, a creature of Odo Island legend. But to the rest of the world, he was the King of the Monsters, Godzilla.

Across from him, a tall, lanky creature growled as steam erupted from its mouth every time it let out a breath. Its skin was jet black, but certain parts were covered by a white, bony armor that made its appearance like that of a skeleton. Its long tail had two split ends that began at the mid-section and each shoulder was adorned with half a head, making it look like it had another head before it split down the middle and settled at the shoulders. Its main head was slightly elongated and had two glowing red eyes along with one on each shoulder head. A creature connected to the Xilians, he was a very new monster that just recently crash landed on Earth to destroy his opponent.

To the Xilians, he was called Monster X, a mysterious Kaiju who had landed on Earth to destroy Godzilla.

The two titans growled and snarled at each other, their muscles tensing as they each waited for the other to make the first move. No one could understand what the two giants were saying, but the unrelenting glares they gave each other spoke volumes over the torrents of thunder and lightning.

'(This ends now, invader.)'

Roblox Monsters Of Etheria Use Spikes To Dmg An Opponent Id

'(If that is how it must be..)'

A bolt of lightning struck between the two and they charged at one another.

Godzilla rushed full sprint towards his opponent while Monster X did the same. When they each got close, they both jumped into the air and slammed into each other, causing sparks to fly upon contact. They both landed back on the ground and skidded across the bottom of the huge crater before facing each other again.

Monster X charged again before jumping up and spinning in mid-air as he delivered backhand blow to Godzilla's face, which was quickly followed up by a tail slap to the face. The Xilian hybrid landed back on the ground and grabbed Godzilla by his hands before twisting them in his grasp, causing Godzilla to be lifted off the ground as he cried out in pain.

Monster X roared in Godzilla's face as he watched his suffering, but the King of Monsters managed to fight through the pain. He untwisted his arms and landed back on the ground before pushing Monster X away from him. He then turned around and swung his tail at the invader, but Monster X ducked under the attack and avoided. However, Godzilla blasted him in the face with his Atomic Breath as he got up again and made him skid back before dropping to one knee.

While remaining on one knee, Monster X's four eyes flashed yellow and fired his gravity beams. The graviton bolts struck Godzilla in the chest and forced him to take a step back. He roared in pain and dropped to one knee as well as he watched his foe get back on his feet and snarl at him. Godzilla snarled back as he too got back up and prepared to fight on.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Japan:

'Hurry, honey! We gotta hurry if we don't want to be left behind!' a man with short brown hair and glasses exclaimed as he rushed towards the door with brown suit case in his hands.

'I'm going as fast fast as I can dear! Lets just hope there wont be too much traffic when make to the evacuation zone!' a woman with shoulder length brown hair replied.

Throughout all of Japan, a state of emergency was declared and all cities and residences that hadn't been hit by the invasion were to evacuate to special underground military bunkers in order to wait out the invasion. All over the country, people were frantically packing as many personal belongings and valuables that they could carry and already heading out their doors. While some chose to take cars, others opted to travel by foot in order to avoid getting caught up in any traffic jams.

While the husband and wife were hurriedly grabbing as many belongings that would fit in their car, a young boy of about 5 or 6 years of age with brown hair and similar colored eyes was sitting in front of the television, completely oblivious to his parents frantic behavior as he watched the news broadcast that gave a birds eye view of what was currently happening in Tokyo.

'As you can see ladies and gentleman, the entire city of Tokyo lies in ruins after the Xilian attack and it appears that Godzilla is attempting to fight off this new monster which we believe is working for the Xilians.' the female reporter stated from their news helicopter.

The young boy stared in awe as the news helicopter showed the standoff between Godzilla and Monster X. The Nuclear Leviathan rose to his feet after getting hit by that last attack and charged at Monster X, while the latter did the same. The two behemoths slammed into each other with such force that the ground shook upon impact. Monster X threw another punch at the saurian, but Godzilla was able to block the attack and rammed his head into the Xilian hybrids chest, temporarily stunning him. Godzilla seized the moment and his spines glowed blue before firing his atomic blast from his mouth and struck Monster X in the chest. The space monster roared in pain and collapsed on his back while Godzilla stomped towards his downed foe.

'Issei!' the mother shouted with worry from behind. 'Hurry up and grab your bag! We leave in five minutes!'

The boy, Issei, looked back at her for a moment, then looked back at the screen one last time before getting up and heading to his room.

Back in Tokyo:

While the two behemoths were engaged in their standoff, another large creature zoomed over Tokyo Bay with speeds that defied its size.

The head and upper thorax was covered in snow white fur while its underside remained bare, its abdomen was also covered in white and brown fur. Its wings were designed with yellow, orange, brown and black colors. It had six legs that were tipped with sharp claws, two antennas on the top of its head, and two large, glowing blue eyes.

Existing since ancient times, this creature, unlike Godzilla, was respected by most of Japan as a guardian and a protector to all of mankind. After sensing her old ally was in trouble, however, she had come all this way to save her friend.

It was Mothra, the Guardian of Mortals and the divine protector of the Earth, who had come here to help Godzilla and to protect the planet from this dangerous new threat.

As she flew over what remained of the city, she sensed a malevolent presence approaching her from behind and quickly dipped to the side as a silver blur flew past her before turning around and charging her again. The two collided with each other in mid-air before they separated and turned to face each other.

Standing before Mothra was a tall, bipedal figure with dark grey metallic armor and four large, red sails on its back. Its tail had metal spikes running down the top and was tipped with four curved spikes, two larger than the others. Each foot was a single, curved hook and it had a large beak filled with sharp, metallic teeth, it had two large, serrated mandibles beside the beak and a single large, serrated hook on top of its head. A large red visor was adorned on its face and each arm was a large, double-pronged chainsaw.

This was a creature that Mothra was very familiar with, for she had fought this creature thousands of years ago and had defeated it. This monster had then returned and attacked Earth once again twice afterwards alongside other monsters, but was defeated by Godzilla along with another Kaiju and a human-built android, retreating into the dark depths of space to recover.

It was Gigan, a cyborg monster created by the M Space Hunter Nebula aliens, but was 'inherited' to the Xilians, who sent him back to Earth in a mummified state before being awoken once again to destroy the humans.

The two monsters circled each other before Mothra began flapping her wings to try and make Gigan lose his balance. Gigan felt himself being pushed back slightly and responded by revving up his chainsaws and slammed them into the ground and rushed at Mothra. As he was prepared to ram her, the Guardian of Mortals flapped her wings to raise herself higher into the air, but Gigan then launched his spiked tail into Mothra's abdomen as she chirped in pain.

Gigan then spun around, swinging his tail and sent Mothra tumbling through the air, though she managed to straighten herself out and flew higher into the air. Gigan fired up his thrusters and flew up after her quickly before he slashed a section of her left wing off.

She let out a blaring chirp as she tumbled towards the ground and crashed somewhere into the desolate city. Gigan released a metallic shriek as he flew off in search of his ally.

Monster X fired a barrage of graviton bolts from his eyes at Godzilla, which exploded upon making contact with his body. The Monster King roared as he began to make his way towards the Xilian warrior, but was stopped when he was blasted from behind by multiple crimson energy rays.

Godzilla slowly turned around and saw Gigan land on the ground with his chainsaws raised as he let out a battle cry. Godzilla looked between him and Monster X and let out another roar.

In another part of Japan, a young girl walked beside her mother as the two joined a large crowd of people who were also leaving town towards the evacuation site. Both of them were dawned in hooded robs so no one among the crowd could identify them. However, as the two walked past a shop, the girl caught sight of the news footage being shown of Tokyo on a television propped behind the window and she immediately stopped in her tracks.

Her mother saw this and came to her side. 'Honey, what is it?'

The girl said nothing, but pointed up at the television, a look of wonder on her face. Her mother followed her gaze and she too found herself staring at what was being shown.

The female reporter spoke as she observed what was happening from below. 'I don't believe this people! It appears as though Godzilla is challenging both Gigan and the new monster at the same time!'

Godzilla faced Gigan as his spines flashed blue and he fired another atomic blast, but the cyborg screeched as he crossed his chainsaw arms over his chest and blocked the attack. The Kaiju King continued to fire his atomic breath and was forcing Gigan back a little, but then was struck from behind as Monster X jumped up and kicked Godzilla in the back, cancelling out his beam as he crashed face first into the ground. Gigan saw the Alpha Predator try to stand and shot a red flare from his visor. The flare compacted and shrunk to a point, before splintering apart in a shotgun blast of plasma hitting him all over his body. Godzilla cried out in pain and collapsed again, but the space monsters were far from finished as Monster X approached the downed saurian.

Deciding she didn't want to have her daughter see what would happen next, the mother grabbed the little girl by the hand and gently pulled her along with her. 'Let's go Akeno, we need to get moving.'

Akeno willingly followed her mother, but not before casting one final glance at the television, which showed Godzilla having his arms pinned behind him by Monster X while Gigan revved up his chainsaws. Fearful of what would happen next, she looked away and quickly followed her mother towards the exit of the town.

Godzilla roared as Monster X had him by the arms and held him still as Gigan let out another blaring screech and approached them. Godzilla struggled to break free from Monster X's grasp, but the Xilian warriors' strength kept him at bay. Snow leopard download. Gigan swung one of his chainsaws and slashed Godzilla across the chest.

He cried out in pain as the cyborg prepared to swing at him again, but the Monster King managed to maneuver himself so that Gigan ended up unintentionally slashing Monster X across his back. He bellowed in pain as he released Godzilla and stumbled a little, but it didn't end there.

Out of nowhere, Mothra appeared from behind and used her wings to smack both space monster in the back of their heads, causing them fall on their faces in unison. Gigan got up first and shrieked in anger as he activated his thrusters once again and flew after the Divine Moth. Monster X got up next and faced Godzilla, who let out a roar as he charged right at him.

Gigan charged through the rubble covered streets in pursuit of his quarry when he suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Mothra appeared behind the cyborg and let out a chirp as she hovered in place. Gigan turned around and screeched again when two small compartments opened up on his chest and fired two large spinning blades that flew towards the Guardian of Mortals.

Mothra flapped her wings and dodged to the side and avoided each one, but then Gigan fired another shotgun blast of crimson plasma from his visor and engulfed Mothra in a massive explosion. Gigan turned away from the blast and let out a screech of victory.

However, he was completely oblivious to the fact that his spinning blades were coming right back at him like boomerangs and slashed his neck. At first, he didn't even feel the pain, but when he turned to look back at the explosion to see what had hit him, his head literally just fell to the ground with a loud thud.

But it didn't end there. Mothra suddenly shot out of Gigan's explosion engulfed in fire and let out another blaring chirp as she plowed through the cyborgs body, causing his body to explode and sending his limbs and other components flying all over the demolished streets.

Gigan was dead and Mothra was victorious, but the war was far from over.

Monster X dug his feet into the ground as Godzilla pushed him back across the desolate landscape. Despite his supreme physical strength, the space monster lost his footing and fell back, allowing Godzilla to get on top of him.

The Monster King's spines flashed as he powered up his Atomic Breath, but Monster X reached up and bit him in the neck, causing Godzilla's head to lurch up and for his attack to miss completely as it struck the side of the Xilian mother ship. Godzilla decided to go the old fashioned way and pried Monster X's jaws off of him before he started wailing punches onto the Xilian champions face. After several hits, the Xilian warrior managed to block the next two punches with his arms and pushed Godzilla off of him.

Suddenly, a series of explosions were heard and both looked up to see the Xilian mother ship explode in fiery inferno. Both covered themselves up as molten steel and debris rained down onto their heads and around them, setting everything ablaze.

Godzilla and Monster X faced each other one last time before they each fired their respected beam attacks towards each other. The two attacks collided and another colossal explosion rocked the area and sent both monsters flying back.

Once he was able to get his bearings back, Godzilla slowly rose back to his feet, but not before noticing Monster X on his hands and knees looking to be struggling. However, the Xilian warrior suddenly let out a cackling sound similar to laughter before bloody black and gold wings ripped their way out of his back. The white armor that covered his body cracked and fell to the ground as new muscle began to form underneath. Monster X shook, a crown of additional horns erupted from his cracking helmet and skin and his humanoid build twisted and churned, becoming more ursine-like.

His claws grew larger, digging into the ground as his chest plate blew off and what was once the greaves of his helmet also simply broke apart from the growing mass beneath them. Two additional heads mounted on serpentine necks erupted from his shoulders, as the core head formed from Monster X's own.

Wings flapped amongst churning lightning, a demon of black and gold calling out a war cry that sounded like screaming, roars, and bloodthirsty laughter all at once. It was a sight that made Godzilla actually take a step back in surprise.

It almost reminded him of a certain other three-headed, golden dragon that he had fought before who he had killed several years back. A beast who shared the same title as a breed of monsters so powerful and so evil that one could quite possibly die from just hearing its name alone.

The new monster, Kaiser Ghidorah, approached the Monster King, while Godzilla did the same as he roared in challenge. Godzilla spines flashed as he fired his Atomic Breath while Kaiser Ghidorah retaliated with his Anti-Gravity Beams. The two attacks collided and fought for dominance before Kaiser's ultimately surpassed the King of Monsters and blasted him in the face, knocking him on his back.

Kaiser continued his assault and fired more Anti-Gravity Beams from his mouth, which pushed Godzilla head-first into another building, causing it to collapse on him. Kaiser Ghidorah fired more beams into the air towards the Monster King, which actually lifted him off the ground and into the air before dropping him on yet another building head-first. The demonic space dragon continued to fire even more beams and dragged Godzilla across the rubble-filled streets and making him plow into one last building.

He then used his beams to lift Godzilla's limp body into the air one last time before dropping him right in front of him. Kaiser let off another piercing roar as he raised his front legs high off the ground before crashing them down onto his body.

Godzilla roared in agonizing pain as he tried to lift his head, but Kaiser stepped on it to keep him down. He then delivered a solid kick to the Monster Kings face as he was knocked into another building.


Kaiser Ghidorah stomped towards the helpless King and launched his three heads towards him. His left one grabbed him by his right arm while the right one bit down on his left leg, and the middle head had bitten Godzilla on the neck and, using his three heads alone, lifted him up into the air. Godzilla roared as he struggled to break free, but each time he did, he felt himself get weaker and weaker. He then noticed Kaiser's elongated necks had a strange blue light coming from inside that traveled down their throats.

That when he realized it. He was having his energy completely drained.

Godzilla let out a weak growl before he felt himself go completely limp again as the demonic dragon continued to suck his body dry of nuclear power.

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed what looked like a floating ship with a large drill mounted in the front hovering several feet away. It was a ship he recognized.

It was the Gotengo, a human-made battleship that he had encountered many times before over the years. It was also the very same ship that had awoken him from his slumber in the South Pole to fight off the monsters the Xilians had taken control of.

He noticed that two floating disks were spinning around the ship while the large drill was glowing with a very prominent energy. Then, the ship fired a concentrated blast of energy from the drill that struck Godzilla's spines. The Monster King felt the energy flowing from his spines to the rest of his body and he felt his energy begin to rejuvenate. Godzilla raised his head and let out another blaring roar.

He grabbed Kaiser's middle head with his free arm as his body released a powerful shock wave that traveled through the dragons necks and forced him to release Godzilla. The Monster King landed on his feet before grabbing Kaiser Ghidorah's left head while biting down on the right head. Kaiser's middle head fired its Anti-Gravity Beam from its mouth and struck Godzilla in the face and forced him to release the head.

Kaiser prepared to fire another blast, but Godzilla beat him to the punch and fired his Atomic Breath right into his middle head, causing it to completely explode. Godzilla noticed the right head prepare to fire as well, but Godzilla redirected it to slice through the neck of the left head.

He tossed the head away before grabbing Kaiser Ghidorah's last remaining head and used all of his strength to throw Kaiser over his head and into the ruined streets. Godzilla roared and stomped towards Kaiser and stomped on the neck of his last head, then kicked it away and sent him flying further away.

He stomped over to Kaiser, grabbed him by his tail and began swinging him over his head repeatedly and slamming him into the ground. He continued this about three or four times before he then swung him into the air and began powering up his spines. However, just as he was about to fire his beam, his spines flashed bright red as he shot a crimson beam out his mouth and blasted Kaiser higher into the sky.

Godzilla's Final Breath sent the demonic dragon higher into the planets atmosphere before he completely exploded, completely blowing away the storm clouds above. The Monster King roared in victory.

Kaiser Ghidorah was finally dead, but Godzilla was far from finished.

He slowly turned around to face the Gotengo, the ship that had just saved his life, but also the one that had been nothing but a constant nuisance to him for two decades now. Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath towards the Gotengo and knocked out the sky before stomping towards it. As he got closer, he could see seven individuals climb out of the damaged ship, facing him. He recognized them immediately.


Godzilla stopped several feet from the Gotengo and snarled at the small group before him, but most of them stared at him unflinchingly, not moving a sing muscle. Then, he noticed one of the human females turn her attention elsewhere before she pointed at something. Godzilla glanced over and was surprised by what he saw.

Coming towards him was a small bipedal creature that closely resembled him. Its body was light green and its chest was yellow, with small, stubby protrusions running down its back and very stubby arms and legs. Its eyes were very large and were red in color with an amber outlining. Godzilla couldn't believe who it was.

It was Godzilla Junior, his youngest adopted son after his oldest son who he had met in 1993 after he and an old ally, Rodan, had defeated a robotic double of himself. The robot would've surly killed both of them, but Rodan ended up sacrificing himself so that Godzilla could save the infant dinosaur. After that, Godzilla had taken the baby in as his own and the two of them had lived together since then along with Godzilla's oldest son, Minilla.

Godzilla was visibly surprised to see his son all the way out here on his own, but was even more taken aback when Junior stepped in front of his father with his tiny arms spread out in an attempt to stop him.

Godzilla growled at his son, demanding to know what he was doing. Junior replied that he needed to stop attacking and pleaded that he forgive the humans.

He wasn't very surprised. After all, his son had spent his first several days after hatching under the care of humans and had tried to show him that humans weren't as terrible as he thought. Godzilla had tolerated it for a few years since his son had always been kind to humans, but his view on them still hadn't changed.

But now, after being saved from certain death by the very humans who hated and feared him, who for 50 long years had done nothing but try to destroy him, he was starting to wonder if Junior actually had a point. Godzilla let out a sigh through his nostrils. Perhaps after everything that had just happened, right now it really wasn't the time for more conflict, not after everything that had just happened. He looked up and noticed the dark thunder clouds begin to break as sunlight began to shine down on the city.

Without incident, Godzilla simply turned around and began to stomp away towards the coast with his son giving the humans one last glance before following close behind his father as they made their way towards the coast, leaving behind a devastated Tokyo.

Elsewhere, in a world outside the mortal realm, three figures stared at a holographic screen which showed Godzilla and Junior leaving the ravaged city behind. Both had watched the entire battle from beginning to end and were completely dumbfounded by the great amount of power and destruction displayed by the Kaiju, especially Godzilla.

The first figure, a man with blue eyes and long crimson-red hair that was tied in a pony tail with a black ribbon rubbed his chin. 'That certainly was quite the nerve wracking display, but it seems it all went well in the end.'

The second figure, a woman with chin-length brown hair and violet colored eyes smiled with amusement. 'I must agree with you dear, although in all honesty, it could easily have gone either way.'

'Hahaha, I suppose so.' the man chuckled heartily.

The third figure, however, remained silent as he stared at the floor in deep thought. He too had shoulder-length, crimson-red hair like the other male and had blue-green eyes, unlike his companions.

'Is something wrong son? You look distressed.' the woman asked as she looked at him with slight concern.

The man sighed as he stood up from his seat. 'It's nothing mother, I'm just concerned is all.'

'How so?' the other man asked.

The younger male gestured to the screen. 'For nearly 50 years, the humans have endured the wrath of these mighty creatures, these 'Kaiju'. But for us, however, it's been over thousands of years, father. Never before have we had to deal with such destructive creatures since the Two Heavenly Dragons, or even..him.'

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The way he said that last word made it clear to his mother and father who he was talking about, but they allowed him to continue. 'Although this creature may easily be as strong, if not stronger, than the one who wiped out the Greek Gods all those centuries ago, there is still the one who intervened with the Red and White Dragons' battle and even nearly killed them along with our entire race had it not been for our unexpected ally. And although we know that he was sealed away, hopefully for good, we still face the risk of whether or not these creatures will turn on us next should we try and get involved with them.'

'You need not worry about that son.' the man's father interjected with a reassuring smile. 'Although there were times when we felt that we could have or even should have gotten ourselves involved with those creatures, there wouldn't be anything we would be able to do. You made the right decision choosing to keep us out this monster affair.'

While that did ease himself up a little, he was still rather concerned for the humans, as well as for their race. Even though they had never dealt with a problem like this for thousands of years, there could quite easily come a moment where that could change at some point, where their entire species could be effortlessly wiped out should a creature of such great power find themselves in their world.

Then, the sound of a door opening grabbed their attention and they looked over to see a young girl with long crimson-red hair like the two males and had blue-green eyes like the younger male. 'Otou-sama!Okaa-sama! Grayfia told me you guys were watching a monster fight! I wanted to watch too!'

Her mother smiled as she picked the girl up and rested her on her lap. 'Ara, ara. If we had known you wanted to watch, we could've brought you. But I doubt you would handle it.'

'I too could!' she retorted before her attention turned to the screen which showed Godzilla and Junior entering Tokyo Bay and heading out to sea. 'Hey, is that one of them right there?'

Her father nodded. 'That's right, it is one of them.'

'What's its name?' she asked out of curiosity.

The younger male smiled and knelt down beside her before looking at the screen. 'That, Rias, is perhaps one of the strongest creatures to ever walk the mortal realm. The humans call him the King of the Monsters: Godzilla.'

Rias looked back just as Godzilla turned around, almost looking like he was staring directly at her through the screen, and gave one last tremendous roar that left the girl in a state of awe.

A lone figure walked through the partially burning ruins of Tokyo, the sun beginning to shine down like a beacon of hope. The figure was disgusted by the sight. It made his stomach churn seeing the sun shinning once again.

However, he felt quite satisfied seeing all the death and destruction the Xilians had left behind before their demise, but not satisfied enough. He wanted real carnage, a real apocalypses, a real war, one that would finally relieve him of his boredom. And he wasn't going to stop until he got just that.

Then, just several meters away from where he stood, he noticed a chunk of grey material as big as his fist sitting in the open streets among the rubble. As he got closer, he realized it was flesh, but it wasn't just any normal chunk of flesh. It was the flesh of a certain saurian that had just so happened to lose it during the great struggle.

A crooked grin stretched across his face and his beady red eyes flashed with glee. He had finally found what he was looking for. Now he was just one step closer to his goal.

His goal of beginning another another three-way war between the Three Factions was almost within reach.

And cut! And so the adventure begins! This chapter was a set up for the main story which begins next chapter. Please don't forget to review and let me know what you think so far before I continue. Since I am also writing my other story on top of this, It will probably take a while for me to make updates, so please wait patiently for the updates of this story and my other one. Thank you and remember to comment and review. Remember, it must have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism or they will be taken down.

This is Godzilla Boy signing off!

Next Time: Time of Peace

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