How Much Dmg Is Attack Up 7

Damage per hit These tables detail how much damage is done per attack based on the level of enchantment used, assuming the target is not wearing armor and the attack is fully charged.‌ Java Edition only Critical damage is in parentheses. Mordhau weapons guide Patch #7 – stats & tips on the best weapons in Mordhau. Right, I’ll waste no time because we’ve lots to cover; but I will say that if you’re looking for tips on the ins and outs of combat itself, then you’d be better off checking out our Mordhau melee combat guide (or indeed our Mordhau archery or Mordhau horseback combat guides depending on your preference).

Apex legends stacking or floating dmg. Feb 22, 2019  On by default, Apex Legends boasts three options for those who want to view (or not view) damage numbers during their games. Players can either turn them off entirely or set the damage numbers. Select either Off, Stacking, Floating, or Both There are four options to choose from when changing Apex Legends' damage numbers. The four options dictate how the damage numbers are displayed. Stacking adds each consecutive hit together, so hit for 17, then 34, you think oh he must be low, but really you only hit for 34 because they stacked two 17s. Floating would show two 17s. It’s just less confusing in trying to figure out how much health they actually have after you hit them. The default display setting for damage numbers in Apex Legends is Floating. It’s the most comprehensive look at damage numbers, but can be hard to read, especially in the heat of battle. If you’re having a hard time reading damage numbers, we recommend trying out the Stacking option, or combining the two with the Both option. Floating is per hit, stacking shows total damage. It really is all preference though. Personally I use floating because I’m used to it from RPGs and loot games. The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends made by Respawn Entertainment. Exploring World's Edge. Created Nov 18, 2018.

Maximum level


Primary items
Secondary items


Enchantment weight


Incompatible with

Bane of Arthropods, Smite, Chopping‌[upcoming:JE Combat Tests]

Numeric ID*


Sharpness is an enchantment applied to a sword or axe that increases melee damage.

  • 1Usage
    • 1.1Damage per hit


How Much Dmg Is Attack Up 7 10

In Java Edition, Sharpness adds 1 extra damage for the first level, and 0.5 ( x 0.25) damage for each additional level.

In Bedrock Edition, Sharpness adds 1.25 ( x 0.625) damage for each level.

An anvil is required to apply Sharpness V to wooden, stone, iron, and diamond tools. Golden tools, Netherite tools, and books can get Sharpness V through enchanting.

Damage per hit[edit]

These tables detail how much damage is done per attack based on the level of enchantment used, assuming the target is not wearing armor and the attack is fully charged.‌[Java Edition only] Critical damage is in parentheses.

Java Edition[edit]

How Much Dmg Is Attack Up 7 0

WeaponBase damageSharpness ISharpness IISharpness IIISharpness IVSharpness V
Wooden/Gold sword4 (6)5 (7)5.5 (7.5)6 (8)6.5 (8.5)7 (9)
Stone Sword5 (7.5)6 (8)6.5 (8.5)7 (9)7.5 (9.5)8 (10)
Iron Sword6 (9)7 (10)7.5 (10.5)8 (11)8.5 (11.5)9 (12)
Diamond Sword7 (10.5)8 (11.5)8.5 (12)9 (12.5)9.5 (13)10 (13.5)
Netherite Sword8 (12)9 (13)9.5 (13.5)10 (14)10.5 (14.5)11 (15)
Wooden/Gold axe7 (10.5)8 (11.5)8.5 (12)9 (12.5)9.5 (13)10 (13.5)
Stone axe9 (13.5)10 (14.5)10.5 (15)11 (15.5)11.5 (16)12 (16.5)
Iron axe
Diamond axe
Netherite axe10 (15)11 (16)11.5 (16.5)12 (17)12.5 (17.5)13 (18)
Sharpness extra damage
In Java Edition11.522.53
In Bedrock Edition1.252.53.7556.25


Sharpness, Smite, Chopping, and Bane of Arthropods are mutually exclusive. However, if commands are used to have two or more of these enchantments on the same item, their effects will stack.‌[Java Edition only]

How Much Dmg Is Attack Up 7 2


How Much Dmg Is Attack Up 7 Download

Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Added Sharpness.
1.814w02aSharpness V can now be applied to a sword without the use of an anvil.
1.915w36aPreviously, Sharpness added 1.25 damage per level; see Armor/Before Java Edition 1.9 § Enchantments for the effect of pre-1.9 Protection.
Upcoming Java Edition
Combat TestsCombat Test 4Sharpness can now be applied to axes.
Sharpness is mutually exclusive with new enchantment Chopping.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.12.1build 1Added Sharpness.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU11.0Patch 11.0.1Added Sharpness.
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