Proficiency Die Rule From Dmg

  1. Die Rule Supplies
  2. Steel Die Rule

Burst Fire Proficiency. The DC of Dexterity saving throws made against firearms using burst fire (DMG p. 267) is 13 + the attacker's proficiency bonus (not 15) if the attacker has proficiency with the weapon. You may use this rule in conjunction with the Burst Fire Nonproficiency rule, above. We break down the various sections of the DMG we find worthy of discussing. DMG Optional Rule- Hero Points Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Dungeon Masters Guide. Proficiency Die Dungeon. 5e Experiences using optional proficiency dice? I was noting a boredom in my players and was wondering if anyone had tried the dice for proficiency bonus ala the DMG optional rule. Now toss on a bardic inspiration die or some Bless from the cleric and we are averaging +16 even at a 20AC its a 4 or better to it up to 25 and its. Previously, I've allowed my players to use the proficiency dice optional rule (DMG, pg. 263).When I was asked how they should calculate their spell save DCs with the proficiency dice, I had them just use half the maximum of the die (which would be the same as the static proficiency bonus).

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I was wondering if anyone has ever tried using the proficency die option in the DMG where you add an extra die to a roll instead of a static bonus. The scaling goes d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12 instead of 2->3->4->5->6. Expertise would double the dice rolled.
On average, this would increase the die roll by .5. So the average roll is 11+(2,3,4,5,6) at a given proficiency level.
Reading other people's house rule of letting skills be 2d10 instead of 1d20 to reduce the swing, I wonder if it would be too much to allow Expertise to grant a +1 to the skill roll as well.
This allows the Expert to always make a DC 10 in their field. The average roll at level 20 with a 20 in the chosen stat would be: (11.5 from 2d10)+(13 from 2d12)+6 = 30.5. This is from an individual that has reached the peak of mortal ability in attribute and proficiency in a given skill. Compare to the normal variant: (10.5 from d20)+(12 from proficiency)+(5 from attribute bonus) = 27.5. A 3 point difference or about 10% improvement.
I am aware that there is Reliable talent for Rogues and I think Bards gets something like that as well that helps them as well. I see this as helping those that want to use Expertise feats to gain Expertise in other classes.
What is your experience/opinion of the variant, and/or my idea of a house rule?

The Damage columns give the damage dealt by the weapon on a successful hit. The column labeled 'Dmg (S)' is for Small weapons. The column labeled 'Dmg (M)' is for Medium weapons. If two damage ranges are given then the weapon is a double weapon. Use the second damage figure given for the double weapon’s extra attack.

Die Rule Supplies

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A collection of variant rules useful for modern and futuristic firearms.

Steel Die Rule

Armor Piercing[edit]

Armor Piercing

Attacks with weapons or ammunition with the armor piercing trait are quite effective against armor, by either burning straight through it or passing through unsealed areas.

  • Armor Piercing (-1). Targets with natural armor or worn armor and an AC of 14 or better take a -1 penalty to AC.
  • Armor Piercing (-2). Targets with natural armor or worn armor and an AC of 16 or better take a -2 penalty to AC, in addition to the benefits of armor piercing (-1).
  • Armor Piercing (-3). Targets with natural armor or worn armor and an AC of 18 or better take a -3 penalty to AC, in addition to the benefits of armor piercing (-1) and (-2).
  • Armor Piercing (-4). Targets with natural armor or worn armor and an AC of 20 or better take a -4 penalty to AC, in addition to the benefits of armor piercing (-1), (-2), and (-3).
  • Armor Piercing (-5). Targets with natural armor or worn armor and an AC of 22 or better take a -5 penalty to AC, in addition to the benefits of armor piercing (-1), (-2), (-3), and (-4).

The AC penalties do not stack together.

Proficiency Die Rule From Dmg

Burst Fire Nonproficiency[edit]

The DC of Dexterity saving throws made against firearms using burst fire (DMG p. 267) is 10 (not 15) if the attacker does not have proficiency with the weapon.

Burst Fire Proficiency[edit]

The DC of Dexterity saving throws made against firearms using burst fire (DMG p. 267) is 13 + the attacker's proficiency bonus (not 15) if the attacker has proficiency with the weapon. You may use this rule in conjunction with the Burst Fire Nonproficiency rule, above.

Short Burst[edit]

Firearms with the short burst trait can, fire a number of rounds of ammunition with a single pull of the trigger. This is typically a three-round burst but could be anywhere between two and five.

When you make an attack with a firearm with this trait, you can choose to expend a single round of ammunition as normal, or fire a short burst and expend additional rounds of ammunition as indicated in the parenthesis. If you fire a short burst and successfully hit, you can re-roll a number of the damage die, as indicated in the parenthesis, accepting the new results.

For example, a bolter has short burst (2), so when you attack you expend three rounds of ammunition and re-roll two of the damage die if you successfully hit.


Firearms with the scope trait have a scope which facilitates extreme long-range engagements.

If you have not moved since the end of your last turn, you can use an action to aim down the scope of a firearm that has this trait at a specific target. Once you do so, you are incapacitated and your speed becomes 0 until the start of your next turn. However, the first attack you make against the target at the start of your next turn is made as if the firearm has a different range value (listed in parentheses), with no long range at which attacking imposes disadvantage on your attack roll.

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