Diablo 3 Ias Or Dmg

Jun 21, 2018 Same goes for Decrepify that can be switched out with Devour which has multiple useful runes. Or keep the Decrepify for the increased cooldown and dmg reduction even while wearing The Witching Hour. Stat Priorities General rule of thump CHCCHDCDRIAS, this doesn't apply to your amulet here you obviously want Elem. DMG, CHC, CHD. Hello everyone! My Name is Dannie Ray and I’ll be here every Saturday explaining all things theorycrafting so you can better understand your characters and the game you love, lets hope you haven’t forgotten all the math you’ve learned in school because we will finally have a chance to put it to good use. For Diablo III on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Azurewrath.What's all the fuss about?'

  1. Jewels are the only way to boost certain properties in specific item slots. Examples include: 15% IAS jewel (rune Shael gives 20% but only works in the weapon), 15% All Res jewel will work in the weapon (rune Um also gives 15% but only helm/armor and 22% in the shield), also 7% FHR jewel is the only way to get it from a weapon and all -15% requirements jewels are better than Hel rune.
  2. An uber list of abbreviations, acronyms, and other terms specifically related to Diablo III. To streamline it, this list has been purged of general online chat acronyms and terms. Those can be found in the Diablo 2 version of this list elsewhere in this wiki.
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Required Level: 30
Prerequisites:Might, Blessed Aim, Concentration
Synergies: None.
Details: Probably the most popular aura in the game, Fanaticism increases the damage, attack speed, and attack rating of the Paladin and everyone in his party.

  • The damage bonus to party members is only 50% of the bonus the Paladin himself receives, but the Attack Rating and Attack Speed bonuses are shared fully. Bowazons are especially grateful for this attack speed increase.
  • Fanaticism can not be found on Act 2 Mercenaries, but it is available as a property on some Runewords, and is highly sought after for that purpose.
Skill Level Progression [e]
SlvlRadParty Dmg.Your Dmg.ARAtk. SpeedSlvlRadParty Dmg.Your Dmg.ARAtk. SpeedSlvlRadParty Dmg.Your Dmg.ARAtk. SpeedSlvlRadParty Dmg.Your Dmg.ARAtk. Speed
1 7.3 +25% +50% +40% +14%6 10.6 +67% +135% +65% +26%11 14.0 +110% +220% +90% +31%16 17.3 +152% +305% +115% +34%
2 8.0 +33% +67% +45% +18%7 11.3 +76% +152% +70% +27%12 14.6 +118% +237% +95% +31%17 18.0 +161% +322% +120% +34%
3 8.6 +42% +84% +50% +20%8 12.0 +84% +169% +75% +28%13 15.3 +127% +254% +100% +32%18 18.6 +169% +339% +125% +34%
4 9.3 +50% +101% +55% +23%9 12.6 +93% +186% +80% +29%14 16.0 +135% +271% +105% +33%19 19.3 +178% +356% +130% +34%
5 10.0 +59% +118% +60% +25%10 13.3 +101% +203% +85% +30%15 16.6 +144% +288% +110% +33%20 20.0 +186% +373% +135% +35%

Classes of the Diablo games - Skills[e]Diablo II:AmazonBarbNecroPaladinSorceressLoD:AssassinDruidOther:Diablo IDiablo III
The Amazon - Amazon Skills[e]
Bow and Crossbow SkillsJavelin and Spear SkillsPassive and Magic Skills

• Magic Arrow
• Fire Arrow
• Cold Arrow
• Multiple Shot
• Exploding Arrow

• Ice Arrow
• Guided Arrow
• Immolation Arrow
• Strafe
• Freezing Arrow

• Jab
• Power Strike
• Poison Javelin
• Impale
• Lightning Bolt

• Charged Strike
• Plague Javelin
• Fend
• Lightning Strike
• Lightning Fury

• Inner Sight
• Critical Strike
• Dodge
• Slow Missiles
• Avoid

• Penetrate
• Decoy
• Evade
• Valkyrie
• Pierce

The Barbarian - Barbarian Skills[e]
Combat Masteries SkillsCombat SkillsWarcry Skills

• Sword Mastery
• Axe Mastery
• Mace Mastery
• Polearm Mastery
• Throwing Mastery

• Spear Mastery
• Increased Stamina
• Iron Skin
• Increased Speed
• Natural Resistance

• Bash
• Leap
• Double Swing
• Stun
• Double Throw

• Leap Attack
• Concentrate
• Frenzy
• Whirlwind
• Berserk

• Howl
• Find Potion
• Taunt
• Shout
• Find Item

• Battle Cry
• Battle Orders
• Grim Ward
• War Cry
• Battle Command

The Necromancer - Necromancer Skills[e]
Curse SkillsPoison & Bones SkillsSummoning Skills

• Amplify Damage
• Dim Vision
• Weaken
• Iron Maiden
• Terror

• Confuse
• Life Tap
• Attract
• Decrepify
• Lower Resist

• Teeth
• Bone Armor
• Poison Dagger
• Corpse Explosion
• Bone Wall

• Poison Explosion
• Bone Spear
• Bone Prison
• Poison Nova
• Bone Spirit

• Raise Skeleton
• Skeleton Mastery
• Clay Golem
• Golem Mastery
• Raise Skeletal Mage

• Blood Golem
• Summon Resist
• Iron Golem
• Fire Golem
• Revive

The Paladin - Paladin Skills[e]
Combat SkillsDefensive AurasOffensive Auras

• Sacrifice
• Smite
• Holy Bolt
• Zeal
• Charge

• Vengeance
• Blessed Hammer
• Conversion
• Holy Shield
• Fist of the Heavens

• Prayer
• Resist Fire
• Resist Cold
• Resist Lightning
• Defiance

• Cleansing
• Vigor
• Meditation
• Redemption
• Salvation

• Might
• Holy Fire
• Thorns
• Blessed Aim
• Concentration

• Holy Freeze
• Holy Shock
• Sanctuary
• Fanaticism
• Conviction

The Sorceress - Sorceress Skills[e]
Cold SkillsFire SkillsLightning Skills

• Ice Bolt
• Frozen Armor
• Frost Nova
• Ice Blast
• Shiver Armor

• Glacial Spike
• Blizzard
• Chilling Armor
• Frozen Orb
• Cold Mastery

• Fire Bolt
• Warmth
• Inferno
• Blaze
• Fireball

• Fire Wall
• Enchant
• Meteor
• Fire Mastery
• Hydra

• Charged Bolt
• Telekinesis
• Static Field
• Lightning
• Nova

• Chain Lightning
• Teleport
• Thunder Storm
• Energy Shield
• Lightning Mastery

The Assassin - Assassin Skills[e]
Martial Arts SkillsShadow Disciplines SkillsTraps Skills

• Tiger Strike
• Dragon Talon
• Dragon Claw
• Fists of Fire
• Cobra Strike

• Dragon Tail
• Claws of Thunder
• Blades of Ice
• Dragon Flight
• Phoenix Strike

• Claw Mastery
• Psychic Hammer
• Burst of Speed
• Cloak of Shadows
• Weapon Block

• Fade
• Shadow Warrior
• Mind Blast
• Venom
• Shadow Master

• Fire Blast
• Shock Web
• Blade Sentinel
• Charged Bolt Sentry
• Wake of Fire

• Blade Fury
• Lightning Sentry
• Wake of Inferno
• Death Sentry
• Blade Shield

The Druid - Druid Skills[e]
Elemental SkillsShapeshifting SkillsSummoning Skills

• Firestorm
• Molten Boulder
• Arctic Blast
• Fissure
• Cyclone Armor

• Twister
• Volcano
• Tornado
• Hurricane
• Armageddon

• Werewolf
• Lycanthropy
• Werebear
• Maul
• Feral Rage

• Fire Claws
• Rabies
• Shock Wave
• Hunger
• Fury

• Raven
• Poison Creeper
• Oak Sage
• Summon Spirit Wolf
• Carrion Vine

• Heart of Wolverine
• Summon Dire Wolf
• Solar Creeper
• Spirit of Barbs
• Summon Grizzly

Diablo I - SpellsHellfire - Spells[e]
Rogue - Sorcerer - WarriorBarbarian - Bard - Monk

• Apocalypse
• Blood Star
• Bone Spirit
• Chain Lightning
• Charged Bolt
• Elemental
• Fireball

• Firebolt
• Fire Wall
• Flame Wave
• Flash
• Golem
• Guardian
• Healing

• Heal Other
• Holy Bolt
• Identify
• Inferno
• Infravision
• Lightning
• Mana Shield

• Nova
• Phasing
• Resurrect
• Stone Curse
• Telekinesis
• Teleport
• Town Portal

• Berserk
• Immolation
• Jester
• Lightning Wall
• Magi

• Mana
• Reflect
• Ring of Fire
• Search
• Warp

Diablo III Classes Diablo III Class Info [e]

Diablo III:
Demon Hunter
Witch Doctor

Other classes:
Archivist (April Fool's)
Dervish (rejected)
Fan-made classes

Skill info:
Active skills
Passive skills
Signature skills
Fan-made skills


Archetype sub-types:

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Diablo II Items[e]
Axes • Bows • Crossbows • Daggers • Javelins • Maces • Polearms • Scepters • Spears • Staves • Swords • Throwing • Wands
Belts • Body Armor • Boots • Circlets • Gloves • Helms • Shields
Assassin Items • Amazon Items • Barbarian Items • Druid Items • Necromancer Items • Paladin Items • Sorceress Items
Charms • Class Items • Crafted • Horadric Cube • Runes • Set Items • Uniques • Jewels • Sockets
Guides and Stats
Calculations • Gambling • Item Generation • Modifiers • Runewords • Quest Items • Potions • Ethereal • Gems • Base Item Levels • Misc
Jewels are found only in the Expansion. They are small one-space items that can be magical or rare. Jewels have no function on their own, they must be inserted into socketed items. They have set mods that are the same no matter what you socket them in, unlike Runes and Gems that change depending on what they are inserted into. The stats are pretty low, especially on rare ones, but some types are very useful.


There are six graphics for jewels, but these have no connection to their mods or properties in any way. They are just pretty in their variety. A keen eye will also notice that they are all, in fact, the same icon inverted and recolored six times. Socketed jewels (and Runes) don't do anything to change the colour of an item either, unlike gems.

Jewel graphics

Jewels are often the best thing to socket in an item. Their best benefits are resistances, Increased Attack Speed, and damage, both physical and elemental. The bonuses you get to mana and hit points and many other things are nice also, but are less than you can get from gems or common Runes.

The real benefit of jewels is that they can give their bonus from items that gems and runes don't. For example, it's easy to add 19% resist all with a perfect diamond, but that's only in a shield. You can get up to 15% resist all in a helm or armor or weapon from a jewel. An important strategic note for those using attack-upgrading jewels: if you use two weapons at once (Barbarian/Assassin) it is much better to use an attack-upgrading jewel in socketed armor or helms. This will bestow the bonus upon both attacks, rather than just the one weapon in which the jewel has been inserted.

See the Jewels Affixes Page for a listing of every possible affix on a jewel, with some commentary about which are the most useful.

Rare or Magical Jewels?[edit]

The Rare jewels are uncommon finds, and they can look very shiny, with up to four mods, but you'll very seldom see one with any mods you really want. You only have one socket in most of your best equipment (Rare, Set, Unique, Crafted) so you want to add something really top notch. A Rare jewel with 4 mediocre mods is not better than a magical jewel with 1 or 2 really good modifiers. You can re-roll Rare jewels with the 6 perfect skull recipe in the Horadric Cube, but this has an Ilvl 40 max affix limit, which makes getting good mods even more difficulty.

Dream Jewels[edit]

It's hard to configure a dream jewel, since many of the best mods are magical only. Here are a few lists of the best affixes for various purposes. Full Jewel Affix list here.

The real benefit of jewels is that you could put these damage ones into your helm or shield or armor, and get the same benefits, on top of having a really good damaging weapon. The +%damage jewels don't work right when socketed into non-weapons, and if you put all damage jewels into your equipment, you'll likely have problems getting enough resistances and hit recovery and such from just your jewelry, boots, gloves, and belt. But the choice is yours.

Magical: Damage-Dealing Jewel
Prefixes (Pick One) Suffixes (Pick One)
Ruby: 40% Enhanced Damage
Crimson*: +8 Minimum Damage
Vermillion: +15 Maximum Dmg
Argent*: +100 AR
Diamond*: +40% Dmg, 50 AR vs. Demons
Pearl*: +50% Dmg, 50 AR vs. Undead

Fervor: Increased Attack Speed
Bliss +10 Minimum Damage
Carnage: +15 Maximum Dmg
Thunder*: 1-100 Lightning Dmg
Daring*: +9 Virility
Virility*: +9 Strength

* Theses Affixes are available on Rares as well.
• The best magical jewel is probably a Ruby of Fervor or Carnage.
• Fervor (IAS) is the best weapon Jewel affix in most cases.
Rare: Damage-Dealing Jewel
Prefixes (Pick Two) Suffixes (Pick Two)

Realgar: 30% Enhanced Damage
Crimson: +8 Minimum Damage
Carmine: +9 Maximum Damage
Argent: +100 AR
Diamond: +40% Dmg, 50 AR vs. Demons
Pearl: +50% Dmg, 50 AR vs. Undead

Wrath: +9 Maximum Dmg
Thunder: 1-100 Lightning Dmg
Burning: +25-50 Fire Damage
Daring: +9 Virility
Virility: +9 Strength
Envy: 28 Poison dmg over 2 sec

An ideal rare could do:
  • 30% Damage, +18 Minimum Dmg, +18 Max Dmg
  • 1-100 Lightning Dmg, 25-50 Fire Dmg,
    9-28 Poison over 2 seconds, with any three prefixes.

For Defensive Jewels, there is very little difference between Magic and Rare. The most important difference is that Scintillating (11-15% resist all) is magic-only. However you can get up to 10% resist all on a Rare. Also the top bonuses to life and mana can't be found on Rares, but those are weak bonuses that can easily be made up with a small charm each.

Rare Defensive Jewel
Prefixes (Pick Two)Suffixes (Pick Two)

Shimmering: 10% Resist All
Ambergris: 30% Lightning Resist
Ruby: 30% Fire Resist
Jade: 30% Poison Resist
Sapphire: 30% Cold Resist

Truth: 7% Faster Hit Recovery
Virility: +9 Strength
Daring: +9 Dexterity
Knowledge: +9 Energy
Freedom: -15% Requirements

Prefixes beat Suffixes badly on for defensive bonuses. The dream defensive Rare Jewel:

40% Resist Lightning
40% Resist Fire
10% Resist Cold
10% Resist Poison
+9 Strength
+9 Dexterity
+9 Energy

Overall it's possible to make items with Jewels that are even better than Runewords (this was the case in v1.09, but not after v1.10 when new, far more powerful runewords were added). Assuming 4 perfect Rare jewels, you could fashion four-socket armor with 90% Resist All and +36 each to Str/Dex/Vit. Or change a bit, get 27 each to Str/Vit/Dex and -45% requirements. It's possible to get up to 160% Resist to 3 elements, and 40% to the fourth.

Diablo 3 Ias Or Dmg Download

Damage is off the charts too. Just in a six socket weapon you could have +6-600 lightning, +150-300 fire, up to +180% damage, and +108 max/min Damage, or a ton of poison damage, or cold, or throw in a magical or two and have 15% or 30% IAS.

And of course you can mix and match. Picture a Sorceress or Necromancer with a six-socket one-handed weapon with all defensive jewels? Over 100% resistance to all, +54 Energy and Strength. Or change a few suffixes and still have 30 or 40 to Strength, with other benefits. Covering so many of your needs with one item would leave so much freedom for the rest of your gear.

Obviously Jewels with such awesome modifiers aren't found often, and never in any quantity, but non-magical items with a lot of sockets could potentially be turned into the most Uber items in the game, and that's just with Jewels. Mix in some very rare Runes and the possibilities are almost endless.

Diablo II ItemsItems BasicsUnique Armor IUnique Armor IIUnique Weapons IUnique Weapons IIUnique Weapons IIIUnique Class ItemsItem SetsRunewords
Base Armors and Weapons [e] Runes Socketables Miscellaneous Items Info

• Belts
• Body Armor
• Boots
• Gloves
• Helms
• Circlets
• Shields
• Amulets
• Rings

• Axes
• Bows
• Crossbows
• Daggers
• Javelins
• Maces
• Polearms
• Scepters
• Spears
• Staves
• Swords
• Throwing
• Wands

Class Items
• Ama Weapons
• Asn Claws
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms
• Necro Totems
• Pal Shields
• Sorc Orbs

• Rune list
• Rune FAQ
• Rune hunting
• Runewords

• Modifiers
• Sockets

• Amethyst
• Diamond
• Emerald
• Ruby
• Sapphire
• Topaz
• Skull

Horadric Cube
• Cube Recipes

Crafted Items
• Blood Recipes
• Caster Recipes
• Hitpower Recipes
• Safety Recipes

• Charms Affixes
• Charms Guide

• Item Generation Tutorial
• Treasure Classes
• Magic Find
• Gold Find

• Prefixes
• Suffixes
• Special Modifiers

• Gambling
• Quest Items
• Experience
• Potions
• Books & Scrolls

• El
• Eld
• Tir
• Nef
• Eth
• Ith
• Tal
• Ral
• Ort
• Thul
• Amn

• Sol
• Shael
• Dol
• Hel
• Io
• Lum
• Ko
• Fal
• Lem
• Pul
• Um

• Mal
• Ist
• Gul
• Vex
• Ohm
• Lo
• Sur
• Ber
• Jah
• Cham
• Zod

Belts [e] Body Armor Gloves Helms

All Unique Belts
• Lenymo
• Snakecord
• Nightsmoke
• Goldwrap
• Bladebuckle

• String of Ears
• Razortail
• Gloom's Trap
• Snowclash
• Thundergod's Vigor

• Arachnid Mesh
• Nosferatu's Coil
• Verdungo's Hearty Cord

All Unique Armor
• Greyform
• Blinkbat's Form
• The Centurion
• Twitchthroe
• Darkglow
• Hawkmail
• Venom Ward
• Sparking Mail
• Iceblink
• Heavenly Garb
• Rockfleece
• Boneflesh
• Rattlecage
• Goldskin
• Silks of the Victor

• The Spirit Shroud
• Skin of the Vipermagi
• Skin of the Flayed One
• Iron Pelt
• Crow Caw
• Spirit Forge
• Duriel's Shell
• Shaftstop
• Skullder's Ire
• Que-Hegan's Wisdom
• Toothrow
• Guardian Angel
• Atma's Wail
• Black Hades
• Corpsemourn

• Ormus' Robes
• The Gladiator's Bane
• Arkaine's Valor
• Leviathan (L)
• Steel Carapace
• Templar's Might (L)
• Tyrael's Might (L)

Wow classic spell damage vs intellect. All Unique Gloves
• The Hand of Broc
• Bloodfist
• Chance Guards
• Magefist
• Frostburn

• Venom Grip
• Gravepalm
• Ghoulhide
• Lava Gout
• Hellmouth

• Dracul's Grasp
• Soul Drainer
• Steelrend

All Unique Helms
• Biggin's Bonnet
• Tarnhelm
• Coif of Glory
• Duskdeep
• Wormskull
• Howltusk
• Undead Crown
• The Face of Horror

• Peasant Crown
• Rockstopper
• Stealskull
• Darksight Helm
• Vampire Gaze
• Valkyrie Wing
• Crown of Thieves
• Blackhorn's Face

• Andariel's Visage (L)
• Crown of Ages
• Giant Skull
• Harlequin Crest
• Nightwing's Veil
• Steelshade
• Veil of Steel

• Kira's Guardian (L)
• Griffon's Eye (L)

Class Helms:
• Barb Helms
• Druid Helms

(L): These Uniques can only be found by B.net Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Boots [e] Amulets Rings Shields Miscellaneous

All Unique Boots
• Hotspur
• Gorefoot
• Treads of Cthon
• Goblin Toe
• Tearhaunch

• Infernostride
• Waterwalk
• Silkweave
• War Traveler
• Gore Rider

• Marrowwalk
• Merman's Sprocket
• Sandstorm Trek
• Shadow Dancer (L)

All Unique Amulets
• Nokozan Relic
• The Eye of Etlich
• The Mahim-Oak Curio
• Saracen's Chance
• The Cat's Eye
• The Rising Sun
• Crescent Moon
• Atma's Scarab
• Highlord's Wrath
• Mara's Kaleidoscope
• Seraph's Hymn (L)
• Metalgrid (L)

All Unique Rings
• Nagelring
• Manald Heal
• Stone of Jordan
• Dwarf Star
• Raven Frost
• Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
• Carrion Wind
• Nature's Peace (L)
• Wisp Projector

All Unique Shields
• Pelta Lunata
• Umbral Disk
• Stormguild
• Swordback Hold
• Steelclash
• Wall of the Eyeless
• Bverrit Keep
• The Ward

• Viscerataunt
• Moser's Blessed Circle
• Stormchaser
• Lance Guard
• Tiamat's Rebuke
• Lidless Wall
• Gerke's Sanctuary
• Radament's Sphere

• Blackoak Shield
• Stormshield
• Head Hunter's Glory
• Medusa's Gaze
• Spike Thorn
• Spirit Ward

Class Shields:
• Unique Paladin Shields
• Unique Necro Totems

• Rainbow Facets

All Unique Charms
• Annihilus
• Gheed's Fortune
• Hellfire Torch

(L): These Uniques can only be found by B.net Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Axes [e] Bows Crossbows Daggers Polearms

All Unique Axes
Normal, one-handed:
• The Gnasher
• Deathspade
• Bladebone
• Skull Splitter
• Rakescar

Exceptional, one-handed:
• Coldkill
• Butcher's Pupil
• Islestrike
• Pompeii's Wrath
• Guardian Naga

Elite, one-handed:
• Cranebeak
• Death Cleaver (L)
• Razor's Edge
• Rune Master (L)

Normal, two-handed:
• Axe of Fechmar
• Goreshovel
• The Chieftain
• Brainhew
• Humongous

Exceptional, two-handed:
• Warlord's Trust
• Spellsteel
• Stormrider
• Boneslayer Blade
• The Minotaur

Elite, two-handed:
• Ethereal Edge
• Executioner's Justice (L)
• Frostwind
• Hellslayer
• Messerschmidt's Reaver

All Unique Bows
• Pluckeye
• Witherstring
• Raven's Claw
• Rogue's Bow
• Stormstrike
• Wizendraw
• Hellclap
• Blastbark

• Skystrike
• Riphook
• Kuko Shakaku
• Endlesshail
• Witchwild String
• Cliffkiller
• Magewrath
• Goldstrike Arch

• Widowmaker (L)
• Eaglehorn
• Windforce

• Amazon Bows

All Unique Crossbows
• Leadcrow
• Ichorsting
• Hellcast
• Doomslinger

• Langer Briser
• Pus Spitter
• Buriza-Do Kyanon
• Demon Machine

• Gut Siphon
• Hellrack

All Unique Daggers
• Gull
• The Diggler
• The Jade Tan Do
• Spectral Shard

• Spineripper
• Heart Carver
• Blackbog's Sharp
• Stormspike

• Fleshripper
• Ghostflame
• Wizardspike

All Unique Polearms
• Dimoak's Hew
• Steelgoad
• Soul Harvest
• The Battlebranch
• Woestave
• The Grim Reaper

• The Meat Scraper
• Blackleach Blade
• Athena's Wrath
• Pierre Tombale Couant
• Husoldal Evo
• Grim's Burning Dead

• Bonehew
• The Reaper's Toll (L)
• Tomb Reaver (L)
• Stormspire

(L): These Uniques can only be found by B.net Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Scepters [e] Spears Staves Throwing Weapons Wands

All Unique Scepters
• Knell Striker
• Rusthandle
• Stormeye

• Zakarum's Hand
• The Fetid Sprinkler
• Hand of Blessed Light

• Astreon's Iron Ward
• Heaven's Light (L)
• The Redeemer

All Unique Spears
• The Dragon Chang
• Razortine
• Bloodthief
• Lance of Yaggai
• The Tannr Gorerod

• The Impaler
• Kelpie Snare
• Soulfeast Tine
• Hone Sundan
• Spire of Honor

• Arioc's Needle
• Steel Pillar
• Viperfork

• Amazon Spears

All Unique Staves
• Bane Ash
• Serpent Lord
• Spire of Lazarus
• The Salamander
• The Iron Jang Bong

• Razorswitch
• Ribcracker
• Chromatic Ire
• Warpspear
• Skull Collector

• Mang Song's Lesson (L)
• Ondal's Wisdom

All Unique Throwing Weapons
• Deathbit
• The Scalper

• Gimmershred
• Lacerator
• Warshrike (L)

All Unique Javelins
• Demon's Arch
• Wraith Flight (L)
• Gargoyle's Bite

• Amazon Javelins

All Unique Wands
• Torch of Iro
• Maelstrom
• Gravenspine
• Ume's Lament

• Suicide Branch
• Carin Shard
• Arm of King Leoric
• Blackhand Key

• Boneshade
• Death's Web

(L): These Uniques can only be found by B.net Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Maces [e] Swords

All Unique Maces
Normal, 1H:
• Felloak
• Stoutnail
• Crushflange
• Bloodrise
• The General's Tan Do Li Ga
• Ironstone

Normal, 2H:
• Bonesnap
• Steeldriver

Exceptional, 1H:
• Dark Clan Crusher
• Fleshrender
• Sureshrill Frost
• Moonfall
• Baezil's Vortex
• Earthshaker

Exceptional, 2H:
• Bloodtree Stump
• The Gavel of Pain

Elite, 1H:
• Nord's Tenderizer
• Baranar's Star
• Demon Limb
• Stormlash
• Horizon's Tornado
• Stone Crusher
• Schaefer's Hammer

Elite, 2H:
• Windhammer
• Earth Shifter
• The Cranium Basher

All Unique Swords
Normal, 1H:
• Rixot's Keen
• Blood Crescent
• Skewer of Krintiz
• Gleamscythe
• Griswold's Edge
• Hellplague
• Culwen's Point

Normal, 2H:
• Shadowfang
• Soulflay
• Kinemil's Awl
• Blacktongue
• Ripsaw
• The Patriarch

Exceptional, 1H:
• Bloodletter
• Coldsteel Eye
• Hexfire
• Blade of Ali Baba
• Ginther's Rift
• Headstriker
• Plague Bearer
• The Atlantean

Exceptional, 2H:
• Crainte Vomir
• Bing Sz Wang
• The Vile Husk
• Cloudcrack
• Todesfaelle Flamme
• Swordguard

Elite, 1H:
• Azurewrath
• Bloodmoon
• Djinn Slayer (L)
• Frostwind
• Lightsabre

Elite, 2H:
• Flamebellow
• Doombringer
• The Grandfather

(L): These Uniques can only be found by B.net Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Diablo 3 Ias Or Dmg 2017

Amazon [e] Assassin Barbarian Druid Necromancer Paladin Sorceress

Amazon Weapons
• Lycander's Aim
• Titan's Revenge
• Lycander's Flank
• Bloodraven's Charge
• Thunderstroke (L)
• Stoneraven (L)

Assassin Claws
• Bartuc's Cut-Throat
• Firelizard's Talons
• Jade Talon
• Shadow Killer (L)

Barbarian Helms
• Arreat's Face
• Demonhorn's Edge (L)
• Halaberd's Reign
• Wolfhowl

Druid Helms
• Jalal's Mane
• Cerebus' Bite (L)
• Ravenlore
• Spirit Keeper

Necromancer Totems
• Homunculus
• Boneflame
• Darkforce Spawn (L)

Paladin Shields
• Herald of Zakarum
• Alma Negra
• Dragonscale

Sorceress Orbs
• The Oculus
• Death's Fathom (L)
• Eschuta's Temper

(L): These Uniques can only be found by B.net Realm Ladder characters. They can also be found in single player.

Item Sets General Info -- Set Items Catalog[e]
Diablo II Classic Item Sets Diablo II Expansion Item Sets

• Angelic Raiment
• Arcanna's Tricks
• Arctic Gear
• Berserker's Arsenal
• Cathan's Traps
• Civerb's Vestments
• Cleglaw's Brace
• Death's Disguise

• Hsaru's Defense
• Infernal Tools
• Iratha's Finery
• Isenhart's Armory
• Milabrega's Regalia
• Sigon's Complete Steel
• Tancred's Battlegear
• Vidala's Rig

• Aldur's Watchtower
• Bul-Kathos' Children
• Cow King's Leathers
• Griswold's Legacy
• Heaven's Brethren
• Hwanin's Majesty
• Immortal King
• M'avina's Battle Hymn

• Naj's Ancient Vestige
• Natalya's Odium
• Orphan's Call
• Sander's Folly
• Sazabi's Grand Tribute
• Tal Rasha's Wrappings
• The Disciple
• Trang-Oul's Avatar

Diablo 3 Ias Or Dmg Free

Runewords - Rune list - Rune FAQ - Rune hunting[e]
Armor Runewords
Weapon Runewords

• Bone
• Bramble
• Chains of Honor
• Dragon (L)
• Duress
• Enigma
• Enlightenment
• Fortitude (L)
• Gloom
• Lionheart

• Myth
• Peace
• Principle
• Prudence
• Rain
• Smoke
• Stealth
• Stone
• Treachery
• Wealth

• Delirium
• Dream (L)
• Lore
• Nadir
• Radiance

• Ancient's Pledge
• Dragon
• Dream (L)
• Exile
• Phoenix
• Rhyme
• Sanctuary
• Spirit
• Splendor

• Beast
• Black
• Brand (L)
• Breath of the Dying
• Call to Arms
• Chaos
• Crescent Moon
• Death (L)
• Destruction (L)
• Doom
• Edge (L)
• Eternity
• Faith (L)
• Famine
• Fortitude
• Fury
• Grief (L)

• Hand of Justice
• Harmony (L)
• Heart of the Oak
• Holy Thunder
• Honor
• Ice (L)
• Infinity (L)
• Insight (L)
• King's Grace
• Kingslayer
• Last Wish (L)
• Lawbringer (L)
• Leaf
• Malice
• Melody
• Memory

• Oath (L)
• Obedience (L)
• Passion
• Phoenix (L)
• Pride (L)
• Rift (L)
• Silence
• Spirit (L)
• Steel
• Strength
• Venom
• Voice of Reason (L)
• White
• Wind
• Wrath (L)
• Zephyr

(L): These Runewords can only be created by B.net Realm Ladder characters. SP chars can enable them with the RWM.

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