Lol Highest Lvl 2 Dmg

Lol Highest Lvl 2 Dmg

This is a list of the champions and their base attack damage at level 1, attack damage growth and attack damage at level 18. No abilities passive, active or innate are included in this list. Item-gained damage is not included. League of Legends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site.

Full armor penetration and a Doran's Blade as the first item will allow Garen to achieve a total of 210 damage with Judgement over 3 seconds. If using a few critical strike runes and you somehow managed to score a critical with all three hits he could deal 280 damage, as only the bonus damage can critical. Most importantly though, this spell is AoE making it by far the most highly damaging level 1 ability.
AoE aside; Fiddlesticks is able to Drain a single target for 310 damage over 5 seconds with an Amplifying Tome and standard AP/Magic Penetration runes and masteries.
However, both these abilities are channeled and 'may' not be able to deal their full damage.
Udyr is the holder of the highest damage level 1 single-hit ability. His Tiger Stance activation will deal a total 210 damage over 2 seconds with a Doran's Sword. As this ability counts as a physical damage hit and a magic damage DoT, Udyr would have to use the double penetration runes and masteries to reenact this. It is possible for the auto-attack part of this ability to critical hit through runes for a near total of 290 damage over 2 seconds.
The only issue is that DoT damage can be countered by potions and passive regeneration making Udyr's Q damage appear a little less in game. So moving on to our final contender:
For the highest damage level 1 single-hit-non-DoT ability, I believe it is Poppy's Devastating Blow. Using a combination of AP/Magic Penetration runes and AD/AP masteries this ability has a theoretical damage of over 140 with a Doran's Blade against a target with 500 HP. It has the potential to hit for over 170 on a target with 950 HP and above. You could further increase this with sheer luck using a few critical chance runes to a painful 250 damage.
Note that in the case of Poppy and Udyr you can auto-attack first for additional instant damage due to the abilities resetting the auto-attack timer.
You could slightly increase these numbers by gaining the extra 5 AD/AP by using Ignite early combined with the mastery.


Lol highest lvl 2 dmg download

Lol Highest Lvl 2 Dmg 1

People proclaim what champs they think have the lowest/highest stats well now you know. (these stats are taken from the Site)
(This is excluding passives/abilities) Just base stats.
Lowest HP at lvl 1: Anivia @ 420HP, worthy mention Lux @ 424
Lowest HP at lvl 18: Soraka @ 1565, worthy mention Anivia @ 1610
Highest HP at lvl 1:Blitzcrank @ 568
Highest HP at lvl 18: Nunu @ 2381, worthy mention Alistar at 2278
Difference of highest HP to lowest @ lvl 1: 148 hp difference 26% Difference
Difference of highest HP to lowest @ lvl 18: 816 hp difference 34% Difference.
Lowest Damage at lvl 1: Karthus @ 45.45, Worthy mentions Teemo and Trist @ 47.5
Lowest Damage at lvl 18: Fiddlesticks @ 93.2
Highest Damage at lvl 1: Tryndamere @ 62.53 worthy mention Taric @ 61.5 (Rammus @ 64 if you include passive)
Highest Damage at lvl 18: Cho'Gath @ 129.7
Difference of highest DMG to lowest @ lvl 1: 17.8 DMG difference 28% difference
Difference of highest DMG to lowest @ lvl 18: 36.5 DMG difference 28% difference
**note these are taken from the site, meaning if Riot forgot to update a change in stats they could be wrong**

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