Install Xcode 8.2.1 Dmg

Blame it on the internet gods (or probably Apple), but I have the hardest time downloading large (like gigabyte size) downloads from Apple’s servers. I’ve had problems when downloading iOS updates in iTunes and problems when downloading new simulators in XCode. After some long period of time trying to download a file, I get a “connection timed out” error. I try again. Same error. Try again. Same error.

Xcode 8.2.1 Download

Googling around I can tell that I am not alone. Others have the same problem and there really doesn’t seem to be a noticeable correlation to internet connection speed. This error even happens to users with “fast” connections.

Dec 11, 2017 I could not get xcode 8.2.1 for EL CAPTAN at apple store. I cannot use the xcode version 9.2 because I have not been able to install the High Sierra; High Sierra keeps on freezing half way through installation. Jun 03, 2017  For that you guys need to install the Mac OS X on windows 10, 8, 8.1 and ios using a virtualization program called VMware. Step 2: For Mac OS X search on google and download OSX.Mavericks.ios as shown below. Step 3: After completion of downloading the Maverick ios that is (OS X). Aug 11, 2018 Then simply click on the “+” button to expand the information about the release and to access the download, it will be labeled something like “Xcode 7.3.1.dmg” or “Xcode 10.xip” according to the version you are downloading. Home iOS ios13 iOSProgramming Swift SwiftUI Xcode xcode 11 Xcode 8 GM seed Xcode 9 Xcode Dmg Xcode Download How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file? How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file? Dec 12, 2017 Watch how to install multiple Xcode versions at the same time (i.e.: Xcode 8.3.3 along side Xcode 9). In the off chance that you can't update your project to Xcode 9 (Swift 4), you can still.

Since I don’t know what is causing this error and I can’t fix anything on Apple’s servers, all I can do is find a work around. So if you are in a similar situation and for some reason need to download new iOS simulators outside of the normal XCode download process, here is how you do it.

These steps worked for me, on my machine, but your results may vary and Apple may change things tomorrow and break this whole process. So good luck.

Here are the specs for my setup:

MacOS 10.11.6
XCode 8.2.1

Find the Download URL


The first thing you have to do is find the file that you need to download. To do this, open up XCode and click on “Preferences > Components” to see a list of available simulators to download.

Click the down arrow next to the simulator you want to download to begin the normal download process. In this example, I am downloading the iOS 9.3 Simulator.

Now open up your program and make sure you are looking at the “All Messages” tab. You might want to click the “Clear Display” to make the next step easier.

Once you are sure the simulator download has started in XCode, cancel it. When the download is cancelled, a new log will appear in Console with the url of the file that was being downloaded. This is the url for the file you want to manually download.

For my iOS 9.3 Simulator, the url was:

Download the Simulator Manually

Now that you have the url of the file, you can download it however you like. I chose to do it through Safari so I could easily see the progress and resume the download if needed. So I typed the url into the Safari address bar, pressed enter, and watched the bytes start flowing in.

You can just as easily download the file using curl on the command line. It doesn’t really matter how you get the file, just that you get the file.

Install Xcode 8.2.1 Dmg Download

Move the Downloaded File to the XCode Cache Directory

Thanks to Google translate and some nice Chinese speaking person, I was able to figure out the next step.

Install Xcode 8.2.1 Dmg Software

You need to locate the XCode cache directory on your computer. This will be under: ~/Library/Caches/

This cache directory isn’t a true “directory” and is instead a package. But we can still access it’s contents by right clicking on the file and clicking “Show Package Contents”.

Inside the cache directory you are looking for a folder called “Downloads”. When I first navigated into the cache directory, “Downloads” did not exist for me. So I created a new “Downloads” directory.

Apr 19, 2016  spelldamage - spell hit - spell crit - stamina - intellect Spell damage is the most important, if you find any item with spell damage on it while leveling you will probably be wearing it until you reach lvl 60. It increases the dmg of all your spells which makes you kill things faster. Destro warlock crit to spell dmg free Apr 09, 2008  I agree you need to go affliction and be the utility lock. You wont top any meter and you wont see the ubber damage out put that the destro lock will, but you will still be very useful (just for different things other than dps). Look I have roughly 137 spell hit, i have buffed roughly +805 spell damage and roughly 11% crit. Aug 23, 2019  Spell Power increases the damage done by your spells by a flat amount per point, with a different coefficient per spell. Your most common spell, Shadow Bolt, has a coefficient of 85.7% along with a base damage of 510 (at max rank).This means that to calculate the damage of a ShadowBolt cast, you just do 510 + (Spell Power. 0.857) = Base damage of one Shadow Bolt.

Install Xcode 8.2.1 Dmg Windows 7

You need to place your downloaded simulator file into the “Downloads” directory. Make sure you have not changed the filename of the downloaded dmg file. It needs to match the filename of what appears in the original download url.

Install Xcode 8.2.1 Dmg Windows 10

Install Simulator in XCode

Now we need to tell XCode that the file is ready to install. So go back to the simulator installation window in XCode by clicking on “Preferences > Components”. Click the download arrow next the simulator you are installing and you should see the progress bar move a lot faster this time. XCode is now using the manually downloaded file instead of downloading a new file from the Apple servers.

If all goes well, your simulator is now installed.

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