How Does Pure Dmg Work

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DMG (dimethylglycine) is basically the amino acid glycine attached to two methyl groups. It is a normal physiologically active nutrient found in low levels in such foods as cereal grains, liver, and beans. Humans also naturally produce DMG in small amounts. The Nexus Obelisk (colloquially called the Fountain Laser) is a type of turret in League of Legends that possesses the highest structure damage output in the game and presides over a team's spawn platform, mainly for the purpose of preventing spawn-camping by an opposing team (or the act of.


How Does Pure Dmg Work Take

edited February 14, 2020 in Ranger

Even with the trait that gives bleeding 33% more damage the damage is minimal. Is there any reason the weapons main mechanic is also so bad in PvP modes? Condi ranger should work, especially with trailblazer gear but the damage it does is minimal despite having a literal 33% bleeding increase and 25% poison increase trait.

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  • Idk what yu are talking about, Condi Druids have been a cancerous build since forever.

    They abuse Shortbow alot.

    If I play a stupid build, I deserve to die.
    If I beat people on a stupid build, I deserve to get away with it.

  • Try this. Make sure you use bonfire while they are immobilized. You could switch out axe for sword or change your sigils to doom for the poison.

  • 3
  • @Yasai.3549 said:
    Idk what yu are talking about, Condi Druids have been a cancerous build since forever.

    They abuse Shortbow alot.

    Either you are trolling or you need to get out of gold.

  • Compare Magic bullet from mesmer pistol 5 to Conscusion shot on shortbow from ranger

  • @Yasai.3549 said:
    Idk what yu are talking about, Condi Druids have been a cancerous build since forever.

    They abuse Shortbow alot.

    Only in wvw where druid is a little less kitten with apoc stats, and its not the shortbow pure say, its the CC bomb interaction with ancient seeds. You can burn out cleanses by sustaining and keeping bleed pressure (this is why pvp does not have any toughness+healing power)

  • edited February 14, 2020

    SB could use some work imo.

    I don't think it's condi's are overall that bad but they only apply under certain circumstances unlike most condi weapons. this is the main problem with SB imo.
    For skirmishing in PVP only applying condies when you hit your foe from behind or the sides is not a good thing to have when the enemy is going to be facing you almost constantly trying to whack you.
    In PvE it's more managable with the pet tanking but it's still a pretty annoying when your trying to stack bleeds and the enemy keeps aggroing on you and not allowing it.

    SB should always bleed imo and if Anet want the current playstyle to continue then just make the bleeds you apply from behind twice as strong or something.
    As for Poison Volley, nerf the direct damage, remove piercing, slightly buff the poison damage and leave one poison AoE field per arrow for every arrow that strikes an enemy (upto 5 total)
    Or just turn it into a poison variant of the Longbow's Barrage skill, ground target poison arrow barrage.

  • Shortbow dmg is ABYSMAL.
    absolutely terrible. Condi ranger is so terrible you need to run sharpening stone just to do any dmg if the enemy isn't standing still in your bonfire and traps.
    Like seriously. How many shortbow skills do you need to use just to kill a sentry in wvw? On my longbow with half commanders half zerk I can use 1 rapid fire and deal 13-15k dmg in 1.5 seconds.
    And my Condi setup is dire + trailblazer. It makes no sense why shortbow should be so bad.

  • edited February 15, 2020

    If you compare Ranger Shortbow to Thief and Rev, the weapon is terrible for damage.

    Ranger Shortbow can't even tag to save its life. It has 0 AoE pressure. If you look Thief/Rev Shortbows, AoEs everywhere, even their CC is AoE based.

  • Also theres a big problem with ranger as a class since release. We have pets and thus Anet feels the need to give us incredibly low weapon coefficients/conditions applied.

    Do I agree with it? Hell no but thats what theyve consistently done over the past 6 years

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  • This is myn comment on thief shortbow in thiefs balance discussion..

    Just compare thief and ranger shortbow. Thief shortbow have imob on stealth atack bouncing aa, 2 which can work on power and condi, 3 can be spammed evade, 4 even gets unblockable cc like it wasn t enough utility (increase in count was not nerf since its cc at landing now) and finally 5 for epic mobility. Thief shortbow works with condi and power and is must pick except you are de. Now ranger which should be able to have atleast condi variant with shortbow viable doesn t get it. Very poor condi dmg, no power dmg almost, skill 5 is bad version of thief 4 on sb now after patch (yes it stuns so what when thief can interupt 4 times during we can interupt again). Instead giving ranger shortbow unblockable interupt with less duration but more active usage (used for interupt purpose not for stunclock) which i wait since start you give it to best utility weapon in this game thief shortbow. Its clear anet likes thief and have no idea of what to do with ranger shortbow which could bring balance in game if it was made as active interupt weapon. But yes ranger need swoop nerf for almost double the cd but yea thiefs mobility is fine and in line and smokescreen is also good because its okay that thief which hardest counter was ranged dmg is now not a threat aswell. Give thiefs more utility and maybe more stealth they rly lack utility and nerf shortbow for ranger its outperforming (tell me what is ranger with sb able to do vs smokescreen while its active beside swaping weapons). Thief will be able to interupt ranger block on gs 4 now instant making it stupid to use vs thief even though it needed nerf in cd and is fine now. What is not fine is unblockable aoe cc (can be casted pretty often even with initiative cost raised) while ranger shortbow is still forgotten. Now tell me thief need unblockable cc on top of already op weapon more than ranger needs it on dead weapon which doesn t even work on condi builds. Thiefs have all tool to stay in meta forever and anet is even giving them new tools and when they are broken it takes half of the year to fix it and than give them new op skills like smokescreen to make them broken again (dp is cool build and very skillfull but right now there is not much counterplay it used to have back in days when it was balanced). So mobility (strongest tool in only pvp mode called conquest) and stealth (best defence mechanics in game used for offence aswell which is possible to keep perma effect) stays same for thief while ranger loose pet and gain swoop almost 2x longer cd nice balance i see who profits.
    Its just first balance but buff on thief sb 4 just doesn t make any sense. Maybe we see ranger sb being played in 2025 and thief geting nerfs in 2030 if it goes on like this because there is no real counter for thief mechanics in conquest and each balance split it even furher and make it untouchable in terms of utility.

  • edited February 16, 2020

    Now check myn discussion on ranger forum if you want to see how ranger sb works in top100 pvp. I play only condi ranger for 1 year now and i think am showing you right example of how it can work with a litlle more love (i build my bar all around making sb work with eagle trick for poison master and wilting strike not having cd). I found sb poison valley fine but other skills needs more aoe style like axe or some bouncing like thiefs. Concusion shot is what makes me mad most since it doesn t get unblockable or counts and thiefs get it.. Ranger shortbow should be able to build pressure like it does with additional trait that makes skills like splinters which leave some kind of barbs below target it hits (someone already mentioned that) . What i would like more is having light on your feet reworked so it stays as piercing and additionally takes 20 endurance on target when you interupt with concussion shot (remove dmg modifiers from pvp they are uselles on sb).. concussion shot for 1/4 unblockable daze with 2 counts 20sec recharge and skill 3 which is evade and traited with light on your feet now interupts (1/4 sec daze) and deal dmg if something is interupted.. Thats my opinion give ranger shortbow strong interupt mechanic with active usage rather than making it aoe since not all weps are used for zerg but i see most ppl want sb to be aoe.. Its definitly worst option that thief have unblockable aoe rupt which it gets on strongest weapon ingame. I would make shortbow more of single target strong control (interupts and movement condis) to differ it from thief but it definitly needs more utility and love to make it worth as i mentioned above. Just make it best single target interupt (1/4 daze) weapon in game because thats what shortbow was in original game. Its definitly weapon which should work best in pvp and making it interupt playstyle instead hard cc will bring even balance to whole game.

  • The shortbow is perfect in PvE and I'm doing so great with SB/SB soulbeast either open world or fractls and dungeons and even in raids its good, but incase with PvP shortbow is not really that good and its very situational and requires high skill to make it viable, LB will always be better than SB in PvP/WvW and SB will always be better than LB in PvE.

    Bear in mind that Im speaking about soulbeast.

  • edited February 16, 2020

    @Murshid.9854 said:
    The shortbow is perfect in PvE and I'm doing so great with SB/SB soulbeast either open world or fractls and dungeons and even in raids its good

    It's doing fine in sPvE, but other professions can do it much better with better burst and cleaving. SBow doesn't cleave and burst. In high level Fractals, the only viable condi build that is able to dish burst like power build is the Condi Firebrand and at some extend Weaver/Tempest.

    Yes, sure, SBow do very well for open world PvE hero points and world bosses, but have you tried the SBow when you travel to go fight Drakkar ? It's completely useless. So, any events with lots of mobs tagging, it fails.

    Longbow can actually be used in the Power SBeast builds

    Even then, Power SBeast is more useful in high fractals for the burst and killing trashes.

  • @Krispera.5087 said:
    It's doing fine in sPvE, but other professions can do it much better with better burst and cleaving. SBow doesn't cleave and burst. In high level Fractals, the only viable condi build that is able to dish burst like power build is the Condi Firebrand and at some extend Weaver/Tempest.
    Yes, sure, SBow do very well for open world PvE hero points and world bosses, but have you tried the SBow when you travel to go fight Drakkar ? It's completely useless. So, any events with lots of mobs tagging, it fails.

    I completely agree with you in terms of cleave since it takes effort from me as SB/SB SLB to really make decent aoe damage which requires positioning and using the roar and snake trap very efficiently unlike other professions SB where aoe is easier, but in terms of burst it don't have high burst indeed but it can build condi damage to a very high level specially that it have very easy rotation.

    Longbow can actually be used in the Power SBeast builds

    Its really nice to know that LB SLB can be good in PvE, even the benchmark is not as good as meta or as SB/SB but still its viable option for LB fans.

  • edited February 20, 2020

    @Murshid.9854 said:
    The shortbow is perfect in PvE and I'm doing so great with SB/SB soulbeast either open world or fractls and dungeons and even in raids its good, but incase with PvP shortbow is not really that good and its very situational and requires high skill to make it viable, LB will always be better than SB in PvP/WvW and SB will always be better than LB in PvE.

    Bear in mind that Im speaking about soulbeast.

    Pretty much spot on. I can't complain about SB damage pve like I do LB. LB in pve just makes no sense to me. Feels like I'm forced into pet swapping and nothing else. Honestly makes me really sad. That was the essence of ranger back in the day! (like the first time I stepped out into the wilderness in prophecies. #timeless)

    I started experimenting with Wilderness Survival + druid all through PoF. #unstoppable

    Then I dabbled with shortbow. Was never a fan until SOULBEAST. Now I'm even more unstoppable. #vulturestance . Target health just melts.

    And have we forgotten about sigils? Shortbow: super sigil of severence + anything else.
    That SB 5 skill, you can pretty much land interrupt 99% of the time. Shouldn't be hard.

    If anything lasts longer than 4seconds, without swapping, it's an Elite or higher.

  • @Anput.4620 said:
    Even with the trait that gives bleeding 33% more damage the damage is minimal. Is there any reason the weapons main mechanic is also so bad in PvP modes? Condi ranger should work, especially with trailblazer gear but the damage it does is minimal despite having a literal 33% bleeding increase and 25% poison increase trait.

    Shortbow is OP and getting the nerfs it finally deserves! And that pesky OP healing staff too! Take that rangers!!!

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