Does True Dmg Counter Tanks In League Of Legends

Thing isnt about bruisers, its about the tank. Tank makes or breaks the game, especially if its a good player behind the champ. And if one team has a good tank and the other team doesnt, game is lost by default. Dmg audio plugin bundle 2.24 2016 win osx r2r download. Trust me if you dont have anyone to initiate and soak up damage and CC while getting some CC on enemy carries you will not win. Rarely do i post but i noticed several people complaining about Vayne's true damage not being counter-able, and that simply is not the case. Aside from hard cc (stuns, which are an excellent way to shut her down) I can think of several items and champions that lower her true damage significantly, lets play a game because i think there is value in figuring it out for yourselves.


Does anyone else think true damage is something that should never, ever be in this game?
I think it's a major design flaw to have abilities, some even scaling with ad/ap, that deal massive amounts of damage that can't be reduced in any way. You could argue that buying health is a counter, but the fact that a single ability forces you to spend thousands of gold on an item that you normaly would never get already puts you at a disadvantage.
It's the same with stealth champions passivly putting you behind in items because you have to keep buying sight wards or oracles in situations that you normaly wouldn't, but that's a different thread :P
The amount of damage on these abilities is insane. Have a look at Olaf's E: it deals 340 true damage on a 5 second Cooldown. Yes, it does deal 136 true damage to himself as well, but with his Spellvamp from W he already heals back half of that + he gains attack speed with his passive from it as well.
Cho'Gath's ultimate is at 650 true damage at level 16, with a 0.7 Ap multiplier.. so it's not really hard to get to 800 true damage even if you go tanky. Considering that that's almost half a carries HP even in late game, I can't really see how it's fair at all.. His Ult deals more True damage than some AP carries ultimates deal in regular magic damage. Yes it's close range, but with all his CC he doesn't really have too much of a problem getting close to your carry.
Now.. Darius.. yeah. I'm gonna be bold and say his Ult is accualy the hardest to pull off, as it doesn't deal as much damage without his passive stacks, but with a fully stacked passive it's not that hard to get 1k true damage on it. You need about 150 Bonus AD to hit 1k true damage on a skill that can potentially be used 5 times in a teamfight..
Irelia would be another champion to have a look at, but I feel that she's overall pretty balanced. She needs to build attack speed for her true damage to be effective, but she also needs tankyness to stay alive. Finding the right item combination for that can be pretty hard, as well as the fact that she doesn't really have any CC except for a (very) close range slow/ potential stun, so I'll just leave her out for now.
TL;DR: True damage is unfair and should be removed without exceptions.
This turned out alot longer than I originally planned it to be.. sorry about that. Please do voice your own opinions and tell me what you think about true damage, even if you didn't read my wall of text - which is completely understandable.

Does True Dmg Counter Tanks In League Of Legends Minecraft

Does true dmg counter tanks in league of legends game

Does True Dmg Counter Tanks In League Of Legends Download

Rarely do i post but i noticed several people complaining about Vayne's true damage not being counter-able, and that simply is not the case. Aside from hard cc (stuns, which are an excellent way to shut her down) I can think of several items and champions that lower her true damage significantly, lets play a game because i think there is value in figuring it out for yourselves.
Counters to Vayne's True Damage:
1. Frozen Heart (Poppedcollar)
2. Ninja Tabi (Daejin)
3. Wardens Mail/Randuins Omen (Greazyhippy)
4. Ezreal
5. Heimerdinger
6. Teemo (Warrenar)
7. Corki (Warrenar)
8. Jax
9. Malphite
10. Nunu
11. Gragas
Edit: So here is the list of non-hard cc that can counter Vayne's W. The best way to reduce her true damage output is by reducing the rate at which she attacks or by lowering her chance to hit. The 3 items that counter her true damage also have the additional benefit of providing armor to lower the damage on her Q. Additionally these things stack additively with one another, making a combination of dodge, a.s. debuffs, and partial/full blinds, cut her damage significantly. The current best item to purchase against her imo is Warden's, the current best champion counter-pick imo is Malphite.

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