Do I Keep Dmg Files After Installing

Dec 27, 2006  Well, after installation I tend to keep the.dmg file in the same folder where the application was installed. Then if the application is ever corrupted I can just delete it, and do a reinstallation from the.dmg without having to go back and download it again. One such question is, when I download a file from the Internet, for example the Skype app, I will download a.dmg file on my HDD. I can open it and use the app, however, when I close it and restart the computer, the app won't get installed to my apps as I am used to from.

One way to avoid keeping DMG files after installation 7 comments Create New Account
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Do I Need To Keep Dmg Files After Installation

One way to avoid keeping DMG files after installation

Easier solution:
Move the DMG to /tmp/ before opening it. Then forget about it.
Files in /tmp/ get deleted on reboot.
If you decide you want to keep it, move it back to your Downloads directory or wherever you want it.

One way to avoid keeping DMG files after installation

Great Idea!
So the cmd whould be:
mv '/Users/MyShortUsername/Path/To/MyDownloaded.dmg' '/private/tmp/'
Obviously, you must replace 'MyShortUserName' with your correct username , replace 'Path/To/' with the correct path to your dmg file and finally replace 'MyDownloaded.dmg' with the correct name of your dmg file.
If you don't use the quotes for the source path and the destination path, just remember to escape the spaces in the paths with backslash! (')

You know, you don't have to use /private/tmp. Just /tmp will do. In fact, it's preferred to use /tmp.

One way to avoid keeping DMG files after installation

I go the other way. I keep ALL dmg files.
Every so often I move them to an 'Installers' folder, thus keeping the downloads folder clear. Less often I check the total size of the Installers folder and back up to CD/DVD and then clear it.

Mac os x 10.5 dmg torrent windows 7. Numerous upgrades and fixes are also made to make this OS better than the preceding versions.Users can create Professional pictures the usage of the built-in or outside digital camera, Practice backdrop consequences, and modify focus, white stability, and exposure. Security is specifically kept in mind at the same time as designing this running machine.

One way to avoid keeping DMG files after installation

Or you could use a crontab:

0 20 * * * /Path/To/Script/clean.shAfter

With something like the following:

This will move any files in the ~/Downloads/ folder, to a child folder called 'archive' on a daily basis.. then after 30 days, delete it.

Although, run at your own risk.. its job is to actually delete data.

Wait wait, let me get this straight… if I have files I don't want to keep, I can put them in the trash to get rid of them?
God bless Mac OS X Hints.

Good luck USING them after you put them in the trash. This hint was about continuing to use DMGs that are in the trash. You know you aren't going to want to use it, so always throw it in the trash, then continue using it.
Personally, I download to the Desktop so everything I download is extremely obvious to me. I also have it sorted by 'Last Modified' so DMG downloads appear in the upper right. Can't forget those!

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