Dmg After Your Stun Meaning Wot

Relatively to the stun mechanic, we see that there is enough negative feedback, so we intend to announce soon our intentions that will be related to that mechanic. About the limiting amount of the SPG in the battle, well, that could influence on team setup breakdown, so you might see 2 SPG almost each battle.

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The long-term impact and significant effects of these tests on the game mean that your involvement as a World of Tanks player is absolutely critical. The more commanders who test New Balance and give their feedback, the better the outcome of these tests will be. Enable your allies to cause a total of 17 000 HP damage to enemy vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks within 10 battles. Sparks in Eyes: Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 1 800 seconds within each of 10 battles. Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 2 000 seconds within each of 10 battles. Apr 08, 2019 WOT isn't exactly pay to win,about when you land into a tier 7 T21/Tiger1/IS you may want premium cause if your a avg or below player your prob more prone to losing silver to gaining especially on a bad game.Premium tanks are a option especially if you want to grind silver but it can be done if your not popping off a grand a shot like with a 122mm shell in a IS.Premium shells which cost quite.

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Dmg After Your Stun Meaning Wot 2

Dmg After Your Stun Meaning Wot 1

Thats how this game should be named, just read till the end to RLY see what I mean
Because of this simple equation: Tanky DPS + AoE Disable = Win
Want some examples.? Here they are:
Sion's stun + Shield blow = Win
Amumu's bandage stun + AoE dmg root = Win
Malphite's rock slow + AoE knock up = Win
Cho'Gath's AoE knock up + AoE silence = Win
Vladimir's AoE slow + AoE dmg dealing and dmg increasing = Win
Galio's AoE slow + AoE Taunt = Win
Maokai's Root+ AoE dmg decrease returned to enemys = Win
Rammus's power ball knock + Taunt+ AoE dmg = Win
Blitzcrank's grab + low cd knock up + AoE dmg silence = Win
All of these do alot of dmg, disable many champs at a time and are incredibly tank for what they can pull off.
What about these champs? :
Master Yi
Dr Mundo
Twisted Fate
What do they have in comparition? What do they ****ing have!?
Nothing.Yi has no disable, Mundo has a SKILL SHOT that slows 1 target, TF can slow/stun 1 target if he choses the right card, Gangplank? I wont even bother explain, Jax has a close aoe stun ONLY IF HE DODGE and do it quick before it goes, Sivir has no disables, Teemo needs ppl to step on his shrooms and if hes facing alot of AP his blind is completely useless.
Where am I going with this? I'll explain right away. In fact those tanks I've named above easily make it for the best champions you can have in the game, dmg/disable-wise considering they are TANK.
There is no room for a yi or gangplank, because they're going to do less dmg than said champions even if they are squishy as hell and have no disable. Whats the balance in this!?
All you have to do in order to win every game is to make up a team whitch is made of a mix of those champions and here you go! Disables > Skills you can be the best sivir, the best yi, the best gp , the best Mundo but if they have Maokai, Malphite, Renekton, Sion and Karthus, its over. ITS OVER You'll just loose the game no mather what if they have at least a bit of brain!
They will be as tank as Chuck Norris's abdos and still deal way more dmg than you while disabling you and your entire team!
Again just look at characters like Yi, GP or TF THEY ARE JOKES NOW theres simply no room for them because they wont be able to do their dmg (whitch is already pathetic.) because they will get disabled to death

(Improvised thrown weapons - if not similar to an existing weapon - actually use Dex.) That said, it's important to note that the damage roll for a weapon attack always uses the same modifier as the attack roll unless something explicitly makes an exception. $begingroup$ Note that thrown weapons don't inherently use Strength; that's only true if they're melee weapons with the thrown property.Though there's only one official thrown weapon that's classified as a ranged weapon: darts. Some magic weapons confer bonuses to the Attack Roll, Damage Roll, or Both. D&d 5e what does dmg 213 mean. Special modifiers on the weapon itself.

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