5e Phb Mm And Dmg

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Feb 18, 2020  That led to asking for the 5e PHB for xmas, and receiving it. I really liked what I was reading! Last week I bought the MM, and then asked a friend to borrow the DMG. Now I'm dreaming up 5e Eberron adventures in my head. I know 5e is not perfect - the saving throw gap in particular concerns me, and sure some things are unbalanced - but.

So basically VMware doesn’t support Mac computer, therefore, you need Unlocker. How to use dmg on vmware server Which a tool used to unlock VMware’s Mac options.

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  • 15e Equipment Design Guide
    • 1.2Mundane Equipment
    • 1.3Magical Items

5e Equipment Design Guide[edit]

Have you ever felt like you creating an item to highlight a unique idea or concept, but were unsure of how to create a piece of equipment? Well, you're in luck, because this guideline is a good place to start, as it should help cover how to create most types of equipment in 5e. As with everything on the wiki, please make sure that you are familiar with the precedent, which in this case for items is set by the 5th edition corebooks, the Player's Handbook, (PHB) and Dungeon Master's Guide, (DMG). Explicit guidelines for creating a magical item are provided on 5e DMG pp. 284-5.

Naming Your Item[edit]

Mundane Equipment[edit]

Most mundane items and equipment tend to be quite common in any campaign, mainly due to the fact that many townsfolk have jobs relating to the creation and sale of mundane equipment. This section of the Equipment Design Guideline will go over many of the nuances behind creating a homebrew piece of mundane equipment as well as guide the creation process of creating any particular piece of mundane equipment.

Mundane Weapons[edit]

A mundane weapon should have something that differentiates itself from other existing homebrew and 1st party mundane weapons. A mundane weapon can be made to be unique through a variety of ways. It can have differing properties than another weapon. It can deal a different amount of damage. It could deal a different damage type. Or, it could even have a special property unique to the weapon.


Mundane items should be able to be used by all characters. They should not have class, race, or background requirements and they should not provide additional features for being a certain class, race, background.

Mundane Item Description

Adding a description to nonmagical items is essential to understanding what the item looks like. Everyone is not going to know what exactly you mean when you call an item a katana, even if the name fits the item you are creating. Explaining how the weapon looks, its length, and any other discerning characteristics is key to having a good description.


Realistically, changing the cost of mundane weapons does not affect how balanced the item would be, though if an item does have a gold cost that falls too out of line of the standard gold cost for mundane weapons, it likely needs to be adjusted. Weapons should, however, usually have a gold cost similar to its weapon counterpart if it has one. Below are the approximate costs of what a mundane weapon should cost based on the 1st party mundane weapons.

  • Simple melee weapons should usually cost between 1 sp and 5 gp
  • Simple ranged weapons usually shouldn't cost more than 25 gp
  • Martial melee weapons should usually cost between 5 and 50 gp
  • Martial ranged weapons should usually cost between 25 and 100 gp
  • Renaissance weapons costs vary greatly, but they should usually fall between 50 and 500 gp
  • Modern and futuristic items are assumed to be anachronistic in a vanilla D&D campaign, so do not have a purchase cost(—). [1] Specific campaigns in which these items are considered 'mundane' may list prices.

Considerations for the cost include:

  • The materials used. For example, a steel-hafted polearm will cost more than a wooden one. Even if the weapon statistics are the same, it matters when the DM needs to adjudicate (such as what might burn, or what is magnetic). It could conceivably matter for a homebrew class's weapon proficiencies, for example, if the class is restricted to cheaper wooden weapons.
  • If the item has some versatility (not as in the versatile property!). For example, if the weapon can deal more than one type of damage, this could add an extra 5 gp to its value.

While weapons can have a variety of different properties, there are some combinations of properties that a singular weapon should not have.

  • Heavy weapons may not have the light property
  • Two-handed weapons may not have the light or versatile properties
  • Light weapons may not have the versatile property

Mundane Armor[edit]


Even more so than mundane weapons, a homebrew piece of armor should be unique and not serve the same purpose as another piece of armor, whether homebrew or official. Below you can find a few pointers on how to create a piece of armor.

  • Armor should fit into the general theme of medieval armor (no steampunk armor)
  • Armor should generally fit into its appropriate category (no heavy metal light armor)
  • Light armor should add your Dexterity modifier
  • Medium armor should add your Dexterity modifier, but should have a maximum such as (max 2)
  • Heavy armor should just provide a static Armor Class, such as 15

A piece of armor's cost should be reflective of how much AC the armor provides, what material the armor is made out of, whether it has any requirements, and whether it has any special properties. See 5e SRD:Armor for the costs of armor of mundane 1st party armor and 5e Armor for the costs of several homebrew pieces of armor.


If you have ever wanted to create a bobble and feel like it wouldn't fit well as a common magical item, well you’re in luck, D&D Wiki is host to an ever-growing list of trinkets on the 5e Trinkets page. While some PC's may consider these items to be worthless, they have the potential to both create interesting backstories on how you obtained such an item and they can be used for plot purposes by DM's. Remember, these items are meant to be mysterious and whimsical, so have fun using and creating them.


Tools are specialized equipment that allows you to do things you normally wouldn’t be able to do such as create glasswork, create a painting, or sew a blanket. A tool always has an associated tool proficiency, so you need to describe what the character can achieve with that proficiency, e.g. proficiency with this tool lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to (whatever the tool does). Any ability check you make with a tool that you are proficient in allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the check.

Tools should not state what ability score is required to use them as the use of a tool should not be tied to a single ability score, [2] and DM’s should interpret how a tool is used. For example, a DM could ask for an Intelligence check to come up with on how to incorporate a reloading feature with tinker’s tools onto a crossbow and a Dexterity check to see whether you could create such an apparatus. See 5e PHB pp. 154 for the list of descriptions on 1st party artisan tools.


5e Phb Mm And Dmg 2

While often hard to obtain without the right contacts, poisons they can be extremely useful to a trained assassin. The effects of poison and how they are applied vary considerably, but there are some things that should remain consistent across all poisons. Creatures should be able to apply poisons by contact, ingestion, inhalation, or through an injury, poisons should always require a saving throw, poisons should never just kill a creature, and the price of a poison indicates its cost per single dose. Info on what each how poisons are applied can be found on 5e DMG pp. 257.

Mounts and Vehicles[edit]

The speed of vehicles is measured in mph and the speed of mounts is measured in movement speed per turn. As a rule of thumb, 1mph equals a movement speed of 10 feet.


Mounts are common tamable creatures that can be used to carry gear and pull vehicles. Creating a mount is fairly straightforward, all you need a creature name, a gold cost, a movement speed, and a carrying capacity. When you are creating the mount think about how its size and physical characteristics translate into stats. See 5e PHB pp. 156-7 for more info on mounts.


See the 5e DMG pp. 119.

Magical Items[edit]

So you want to create a magical item? Well then your in luck, as this section on magical items should provide you with a plethora of tips and tricks on how to properly build a magical item. Let us get started then.

Making A Unique Magical Item

Making a unique magical item is usually much trickier than making mundane items. When creating such an item, ask yourself, has a similar item to this already been made by WotC(see 5e DMG pp. 150-214/5e SRD) and do a quick search on the wiki's relevant equipment section to see whether there is an already existing item that is similar to what you are trying to create. In general though, your magical items should not just provide a bonus to damage or AC, or something else similar as those concepts aren't interesting and have already been done plenty of times before. Try giving the item a one of a kind property or two to differentiate it from other magic items, and by doing so, turning a plain magical item into an interesting one.

Adding A Description

Besides having one of a kind properties, adding a description to your magical item will make it both more flavorful while also differentiating it from other magical items. Magical item descriptions can include: a short description of how the magical item was made or info on the history of the item, or info on how the item look. Specifically, if the magical item is a piece of armor or weapon describe how the item is different than a standard piece of that specific armor or weapon. For example, does the item have a different color palette than a regular weapon or armor? Does the item have a slightly different shape? Is the item made of unique or different materials than regular weapon or armor? And are there any small touches to the item that would make it unique, such as having a tassel, engravings/inscriptions, or something else.

Looking At Balance

If you are unsure of how balanced a magical item you are creating would be, it is a good idea to look up a relevant 1st party magical item to compare it to. See the 5e DMG pp. 150-214 for the full list of magical items and see 5e SRD:Magic Items for magical items that appear in the System Reference Document(SRD). In terms of magical item balance, remember that items that give bonuses that you don't need to hold are better than those you do need to hold, as demonstrated by the +2 shield and the +1 armor being the same rarity(rare).

Magic Item Rarity
RarityCharacter Level
Very rare11th
Do’s and Don’ts

While you do have a lot of creative freedom when creating a magical item, there are some guidelines you should follow when creating a magical item.

  • Don’t have a magical item gain additional effects or charges based on your level, ability scores, class, race, other equipment, or through other means. A piece of equipment should also not grant additional effects to a PC's already existing traits or features.
  • Don't include a gold cost for a magical item as the purchasing of magic items and their cost should entirely be under the purview of the DM in the specific campaign that they are running.
  • Do use the standardized durations: 1 round, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour, etc. over durations with round-counting, e.g. 6 turns, 1d4 + 1 turns
  • Advantage on any check is extremely strong, if given consider making it circumstantial, for example, you have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made against dragons.
  • Do allow an item to have a prerequisite to attune to it. Examples include 15 Strength, class/es, and a spellcaster. Try and avoid homebrew class requirements as well, as it is far too strict of a requirement.
  • Don’t change how much damage a weapon itself deals (a longsword should deal 1d8/10 not 2d8/2d10) or how much Armor Class a piece of armor itself gives (plate should only give 18 AC).
  • Don't have an effect that requires an on hit saving throw with every hit as it greatly slows down combat.
  • Do explain exactly what bonuses a magical item grants. A +2 battleaxe does not inform players what the +2 entails. Does it mean a bonus to spell attack rolls, just damage rolls, or something else?
  • Items themselves shouldn’t have a level requirement, but the DMG does state that PC's should typically obtain certain rarity magical items when they are around a certain level [3]. See the Magic Item Rarity table for specifics.
5e phb mm and dmg 1

Remember, a character can only attune to 3 magical items at any time, and PC’s who attempt to attune to any more must first end their attunement with one of their items before being able to attune to another[4]. Also, if a magical item can be abused by passing it around or if having multiple items with bonuses would make a PC too strong, an item should require attunement. [5]Magical items themselves should never allow you to attune to more magical items, or else PC’s power can get out of control. Attunement slots should never be adjusted by player-accessible entities, as only the DM’s should have full control over this power. By giving a PC an item that allows for them to attune to more magical items, it prevents the DM from fine-tuning the power granted to PC’s by magical items.

Charges and Regaining Powers

5e Phb Mm And Dmg 3

So you want to give a magical item the ability to cast spells multiple times or use power from a pool of power, then creating a magical item with charges should suit your need. Charges can be used to use homebrew properties items have or casting spells, in which case the charge cost should typically cost the same as the spell slot level.

It is, however, important to remember that magical items have their own powers, and don’t draw power from you. As such, magical items should regain a certain amount of charges and their uses of certain properties after a certain amount of time such as at dawn or after a certain amount of days. This is based on the precedent set by WotC for magical items. See these for an example of how a magical item's properties are recharged figurine of wondrous power, wand of lightning bolts, and staff of thunder and lightning.

Potions and Other Consumable Magic Items[edit]

Creating consumable items can be a fun endeavor. These items effects can provide a variety of boons and buffs to a PC or they can be downright silly. Also remember, when you use a consumable item such as a potion, scroll, or something else, the item is used up. [6] Generally, a consumable item should only provide an effect when used or drunk and the effect the consumable item provides shouldn't be permanent. Making its effect permanent would be like making an item that needs to require attunement and try and balance it around not requiring attunement. If done, you are effectively just giving PC's bonus traits/abilities that can not be taken back or reigned in by the DM if needed.

With that said, there a few magical items which can boost a pc's ability scores permanently. These items include the tomes and manuals. Although these and other potentially permanent consumable items could be given to pcs, DM's should remember to make these items both few and far between and not more powerful than a +2 ability score increase, lest the issues descripted above come to fruition.

Cursed Items[edit]

Generally, curses on items shouldn’t be too deliberating since severely punishing a player for attuning to a magical item doesn’t feel good as the PC and often times is just downright cruel. Cursed items should also require attunement as to not overtly punish PC's for being inflicted by a curse just for finding a magical item and because all 1st party cursed item require attunement. Also, when making a cursed item, the item itself should be balanced as a standalone item without the curse, as again, 1st party cursed items are balanced this way. Remember, that attunement to a cursed item cannot be undone except through use of a remove curse spell. [7] Having to suffer the effects of curse that you can not get rid of because it needs a spell of a much higher level than you have access to can be very frustrating for a player, especially if their character is dramatically changed (gender change, becoming another race, turning a neutral good hero into an chaotic evil murder without talking to your pc about it, etc.) and the effect has no relevance to the story. Remember that cursed items too are rated by rarity. [8] This helps you to balance the effects of the curse to something appropriate to the level at which the player character will be usually encountering the item. In general, no effect of a cursed item is permanent. In addition, no cursed item provides benefits unless it helps it fulfill the function of its curse, neither is it unique. (A bag of devouring function as a bag of holding so you want to reach inside it, a berserk axe grants an attack bonus so its berserk wielder can better kill people, etc.) Unique items with powerful, long lasting advantages and penalties are the purview of artifacts, the deck of many things (which functions more as an artifact and campaign killer than a 'normal' magic item) or items that grant access to the wish spell. Remember, you are trying to develop something FOR your PC's to interact and tell a story with, not to humiliate or punish them. Lastly, your players are very likely to find a way to weaponize cursed items against their enemies or for personal gain, so be careful with items that self replicate, control creatures, polymorph something into another form, etc.

Sentient Items[edit]

The 5e Dungeon Master's Guide contains an excellent guide on how to create sentient items, covering generating its ability scores, its method of communication, special senses, alignment, characteristics, purpose and conflict on page 214-6 which should be referenced throughout the process. Regardless, this design guide will go through the nuances of creating a sentient item as sentients items are one of the hardest types of equipment to create. But first, know that sentient items shouldn't just be more powerful than other items of its rarity, though they can have a variety of unique effects.

General Info

The first things to consider when making a sentient item is the name of the item and the name of the sentience that is occupying this item. This name may be identical, but it isn't the name of the sentient item should reflect the appearance and properties of the said sentient item. After that, the item likely needs a unique appearance that sets it apart from any regular item. Finally, you may include a summary as to how this sentient item was created and its background.


Overall, sentient items tend to just have more properties than a regular magical item of a similar rarity. For example, if a regular legendary item has 2 properties, a sentient item that is legendary might have 5. With that said, these properties should not make the sentient item more powerful than other items of its rarity. A legendary sentient item should still be on similar power level to other legendary items.


The sentience section should have include all the mechanical stats of the sentient mind housed in a sentient item. This section should include the sentience's alignment, their mental (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) ability scores and their corresponding ability score modifiers, the sentience's hearing, vision range, and any special visions, what languages the sentience can speak, read, and understand, and how they communicate(out loud, telepathically to wielder, telepathically to creatures within X range).


5e Phb Mm And Dmg 1

Here you should describe the sentient item's personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws, as if you were making a new character. This info should include what the weapon likes, dislikes, its goals, how the item reacts to a wielder, and how the sentient item could possibly get into arguments with their wielder.

Finally, a model example of how a sentient item should be formatted and balanced can be found in Sunlight Rose (5e Equipment).

Dmg 5e Pdf


  1. 5e DMG pp. 267
  2. 5e PHB pp. 154
  3. 5e DMG pp. 135
  4. 5e DMG pp. 138
  5. 5e DMG pp. 285
  6. 5e DMG pp. 139
  7. 5e DMG pp. 138-9
  8. 5e DMG pp. 135

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Since this and other similar questions get asked on a fairly frequent basis I have written up a quick guide which hopefully hits the salient points and which at the same time provides a reasonable synopsis of the position. Do let me know if I've missed anything of value. Assuming you think it's of value I'll sticky it in due course.
License considerations:

If you are a player then all you need is the demo license of Fantasy Grounds provided that the DM has an Ultimate license. If the DM only has a standard license then you will need a standard license too.
If you are a DM then having the Ultimate license will allow all of your players to join your game with only the demo license. If you have only a standard license then all of your players are going to need a standard license too.
The ONLY difference between a Standard and an Ultimate license is that with the latter players can join your game with only a demo license. There is absolutely no difference in the content included with either license. No 5e manuals (PHB, DMG, MM etc) are included in ANY license – they are all separate purchases.
What comes with the license?

With a demo license you can access the 5e SRD and basic rules (as from April 2018). This will allow you to create some basic characters with all of the limits that come with the SRD and basic rules (see below).
With a Standard or Ultimate license you get the 5th edition ruleset built in, the D&D basic rules and the 5e SRD. The ruleset is what allows you to handle a game of 5e D&D. It allows you to handle character creation, combat and a multitude of other things. However it is only a tool – it does not include content such as the PHB etc.
With the Basic Rules and the SRD you can create characters, encounters, treasures and everything else that you would need to play a game of 5e. However these modules are very much cut down versions of the Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide and Monster Manual. You will not get the following with the SRD; for characters most of the archetypes, backgrounds, race options and almost all of the feats are missing. For NPCs many of them are missing, as well as all of the background information and all of the artwork. For the DMG; many magic items are missing; all of the dungeon creation and alternative rules are missing as well as all of the treasure tables and many other things.
What do I really need to play 5e?

First of all this depends on whether you are a player or a DM. As a player the only thing you need is a demo or Standard license as noted above. You need nothing else, but see the information on the PHB below. Whilst it isn't necessary for you to own this you might want to in order to create characters offline (provided you have at least a standard license).
As a DM this is a more difficult decision. The three core rulebooks – the PHB, DMG and MM have all been written and optimised for Fantasy Grounds. This means that many features in the FG versions are not available in the paper version. So for convenience alone the purchases are worth it. However here’s some further information on how each of the three volumes might, or might not, be for you.
Primarily the PHB is concerned with character creation and the rules for actually playing the game. If you own the PHB then you can make it available to your players so that they can create their characters. Full drag and drop functionality means that players can drag a class, race, background and equipment into their character sheet and (almost) everything will be set up for them ready to play.
Note, however, that the character sheet is not a character builder so some manual intervention is required to get the best out of the character.
The drag and drop functionality links sections of the character sheet to the Player’s Handbook so the player (or the DM) can click on these links to open the relevant section. Of all three of the core rulebooks the consensus is that the PHB is pretty much essential for its ease of use and functionality.
If you are going to be creating your own campaigns (as opposed to purchasing adventures) as a DM then the Monster Manual will be a very desirable module to own. All of the NPCs are in there complete with background information and full colour artwork that can be shared with players. NPCs from the MM can be dropped into encounters and from there onto the Combat Tracker and onto maps. Each will have a token representing the NPC as well as all the statistics, attacks and defences of the NPC. When placed on the CT the NPCs attacks, spells and other abilities will show up on the CT and as DM you will be able to use those by simply double clicking on the attack, ability or effect.
If you plan to use only published adventures then the MM is perhaps less of a necessity since all of the NPCs in those adventures will come with it.
The Dungeons Master’s Guide contains information on how to create worlds, dungeons, campaigns, NPCs, treasures and other rewards as well as detailed guidance on running a game and generally how to be a DM. It also contains many pages of magic items and a huge number of tables for rolling up random treasures, dungeons, personalities and a host of other things.
Whether you need any of this might also depend on whether you intend to make up your own adventures or run published ones. However even if you fall into the latter category the lure of those magic items is great – and with a single roll of a dice you can create a treasure parcel down to the smallest detail. If you roll a sword it will tell you what kind of sword; if you roll a scroll it will tell you what scroll you got; or what gem; or what armour or what potion.
Wherever possible the tables in the DMG have been optimised for use in FG like this. You roll once and if the table entry directs you to roll elsewhere then that roll is made too.
In summary then, the three core rulebooks are not essential but depending on how you run your game it could make life a lot easier, give your players a host of options, give you easy access to information and rules as well as cutting prep time by a considerable amount. It is worth mentioning also that if you have the time and inclination you could add all of the information into Fantasy Grounds yourself and create your own modules for personal use.
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