League Of Legends Yasuo Dmg Build

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Dec 25, 2013 As you can see I dont build him full glass cannon but more of a tankier yasuo which works great with his passive, I think his damage is fine with just a statik shiv and bt/ his 50% armor pen bonus from his ult which is on a 24 second cd with this build late game. Jan 10, 2014  The thing is, is that yasuo's passive makes him do 10% less dmg on crits (not just 10% less crit dmg its 10% less dmg of the whole crit) so building IE is a must on him in order to make up for that just to get him at a normal crit dmg% (with alittle above).

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Hey guys, I am a normal elo player who Wants to share his yasuo build so you can get win after win.

Early game

At level 1 use E on your opponent and follow up with some basic attacks. At level 2 you should use E + Q and use E on an enemy minion to get back in position.

Mid game

In the mid game you should be rushing for your core (first the shiv), then (if you were losing) you'll get a lot more damage output. Use this in you advantage and start roaming once your opponent leaves the lane or has just died.

Late game

If you have done well in the mid game you should have 10+ kills and a lot of farm, allowing you to punish off enemies that are completely out of position and maybe even solo'ing Baron Nashor. This is the partnof the game were your team gets a big boost from you due to the fact that you can easily take ANY objective.


League Yasuo Build

You ideally want to initiate inca teamfight with you tornado hitting at least 3 enemy champions so you can follow up with your ult and clean up, however it's better for a tank like Malphite / Alistar to initiate because their ult can easiliy hit 4 to 5 enemies at once wich will ( followed up with your ultimate ofcourse) result in almost an instant ace for your team.


It sure takes a while before you really understand this champion but when you do he is very rewarding and fun to play, like you can see in the following video:

League Of Legends Where Does Yasuo Play


This has been my guide / build, I hope you enjoyed it and add me (BSQD) in-game if you need more tips and tricks on Yasuo.Not Updated For Current Season

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

Full Damage Yasuo Domination build mid/top

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League Of Legends Yasuo Dmg Build

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