Whats The Best Dmg Against Sentients Warframe

  1. The Sentients also want to make close inspection on the Omnitrix, so they may want Ben incapacitated in his human form. Both Max and Gwen can assist Ben in his fight against the Sentients, although they might classify both of them as 'Threat Level: Zero' and ignore them as the Sentients fight Ben.
  2. Oct 09, 2017 I'm currently stuck on the Second Dream quest, where you have to fight the sentient. After taking close to 1/3 of his health, he becomes immune to Impact, Puncture, and Slash all at the same time. I am absolutely lost on how I'm supposed to beat him at that point. Each shot takes a total of 4 health off im, regardless of how high/low my impact/puncture/slash are. What do I do?
  3. Oct 19, 2017 Despite unlocking early on in Warframe’s campaign, Plains of Eidolon isn’t really where new players should be spending their time. That goes double for raids on the lumbering juggernauts that.

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Main Character Index Tenno (Warframes A-M, Warframes N-Z) Grineer Corpus Infested Syndicates Orokin Colonies Sentients Others


Viral + Puncture, Viral good against lancer and gunner(Cloned Flesh), Viral Good against crewman, Viral has no negative against sinew, shields and protoshields, no negative against robotics. Puncture good for armour(Grineer), good for robotics, and good for sinew. Only negative is that puncutre does less dmg to shields Ice is also good. Jul 23, 2019  Warframe General Discussion Topic Details. Jul 23, 2019 @ 7:18pm Whats the best AOE weapon for primary's? I was thinking of everyone's opinions on which area of effect weapon is the best so everyone could give answers here Showing 1-11 of 11 comments. Downside is self damage and lacks dmg/cc against some specialized.

WarframeThey were the opponents of the Orokin Empire during the war. They had undulating Worm Ships with fearsome firepower, and could subvert any Orokin technology. Only the Tenno and their mastery of the Void and ancient weaponry could hope to match them.
  • Achilles' Heel: The Void and everything related to it. Any Sentient unit that travels back to the Origin system through it becomes 'barren', unable to properly replicate. In combat, Void energy can also strip away their acquired damage immunities in some cases, and in others it's the only way to get to damage them in the first place.
  • Adaptive Ability: Hunhow-derived Sentient enemy units such Battalysts or Shadow Stalker have the ability to adapt to a specific damage type/element after some time, making them immune to that and forcing you to switch up.
  • Alien Geometry: Sentients have an unusual structural design theme that literally revolves around a single point where their mechanical heart is located, creating arches around them that can be used as weapon platforms, normally built for their ground troops.
    • Logical Weakness: Thanks to this uncanny design flaw, it is enough for the Tenno's Warframe to defeat Hunhow since the only thing that keeps his heart from being exposed is the arch that can be ripped open with their bare hands.
  • Ambiguous Robot: On one hand they seem to be AI, referred to by Simaris as 'Synthetics' and are clearly made from some kind of metallic substance, yet they also bleed and have some kind of gelatinous flesh. Best exemplified in the Sentient Cores, as it is uncertain whether they should be classified as device or organ. They appear to blur the line between biology and technology to the point where the difference is basically academic, which leads to..
    • Biotech Is Better: This trope. It’s unclear if they started as biological organisms that were engineered with to have machine-like traits such as metallic armor and energy weapons, or machines so advanced that they possessed traits like a biological organism, such as the ability to heal from injury/damage, grow larger and stronger over time, and even reproduce. Whatever the specifics of their origin, the Sentients were unquestionably kicking the Orokin Empire’s shiny golden ass until they unleashed the Tenno.
  • Antagonist Abilities: Sentient Adaptation allows them to actively nullify 95% of all damage from a given elemental type toward an individual sentient, and said buff is permanent. If you don't have another three of four damange types handy, you're in trouble. Of course, using the Operator's powers can remove this.
    • While it's never used by the sentients themselves, it's implied by Revenant'snote ultimate that this could also be used offensively to inflict as much damage as possible to an enemy regardless of their resistances.
  • Arch-Enemy: The Sentients as a whole serve as this to both the Orokin and the Tenno. With the former, they were their greatest and most destructive opponent, starting and winning an interstellar war against them and causing their whole civilization to collapse. With the latter, fighting them was the purpose for which the Tenno were created in the first place, and the Sentients have remained their most dangerous foes both in the past and in the present.
  • Cool Starship: The dropship. It can transport hundreds of their 'drones' packed tight enough to give even the clone-obsessed Grineer pause.
  • Disintegrator Ray: Their preferred weapon. The original Mirage was lost to one.
  • Evil Is Visceral: While not actually viscera (And whether or not it's mechanical or organic is anyone's guess) the red-and-ivory color scheme of the average Sentient, combining muscle-like red structures with solid bone-white planes can easily give this impression. Furthering the impression are the walls of their ships, where the walls look vein-covered and seem to pulse.
  • Family Values Villain: Sentients find their personal families Serious Business, as shown by how Hunhow and Erra literally do not consider that Natah may have turned against them of her own free will.
  • From Bad to Worse: If the interstellar Civil War wasn't enough of a mess, Tyl Regor and the Lotus awaken the solidified Sentient Hive Mind.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The Old War was responsible for introducing the Tenno and Infestation to the Orokin System.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The Orokin created them to terraform the nearby Tau system and make it habitable. By the time the Orokin came to claim their new worlds, the Sentients had come to realise that all their progress would be undone by the Orokin, and were not going to hand the now-habitable planets over to the people who had ruined the Origin system.
    • Driving the point further, the Orokin created them to be extremely adaptable. This adaptability is what most likely allowed them to overcome their programming and turn against the Orokin.
  • Grew Beyond Their Programming: The cause of their uprising. Orokin initially created them as pre-programmed machines to terraform and colonize the nearby Tau system. Gradually, however, their mental capacities developed to the point of giving them sentience and free will, eventually allowing them to declare war on their creators and win.
  • He's Back: Centuries after their defeat, they return to the solar system in Tombs of the Sentient.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: While they turned against the Orokin for well-intentioned reasons, unwilling to submit the worlds they terraformed to their misuse, the scale and lengths to which they decided to carry their genocide deprives them of their moral high ground. Doubly so in the present when they decide to pick up where they left off and start a new war, even if there are no Orokin left any more and current civilizations of the Origin System being in no position to threaten them, ultimately making them no less villainous than their abusive creators.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: Amps, the most effective weapons against the Sentients, appear to be derived from Sentient technology, specifically that of the Eidolons.
  • Living Ship: The biggest ones are essentially this.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms: Deliberately made to breed and grow like living organisms.
  • Not So Different: Ironically, they're this to their greatest enemies, the Tenno. Both were entities the Orokin disdained on principle (the Sentients for being thinking machines, the Tenno for being void touched 'demons'), only being put into service because there was no other option. Both ended up rebelling against the Orokin. Lastly, both derive strength from organic technology - be it whatever material the sentients are composed of or the Technocyte virus for the Tenno. The only major differences are that the Sentients are extremely vulnerable to the Void, whilst the Tenno draw power from it, and whilst the Sentients are feared by the natives of the Origin System, the Tenno are revered as its Protectors.
  • Starfish Aliens: They are descendants of self-improving human-made terraforming machines, technically placing their origins to Earth and making them human-made aliens. However they invade the Origin System from outside, and they are the most strange, bizarre and generally alien faction in the setting both in appearance and essence.
  • The Unseen: Until Update 17, the only way you'd even know about the Sentients is from Codex entries and Lotus dialogue.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: An interesting case where this is done with a mook: while the first sentient you'll encounter in game is no different from the rest of them, its durability will make for a very tough battle against it, not to mention its Adaptive Ability allowing it to nullify most inflicted on it (especially since, at the level, the player will likely be using a loadout explicitly tailored to fight one faction, with only a couple of elemental damage types, which the Sentient will easily adapt to).
  • Wall Master: Sentient Mimics can disguise themselves as regular objects that can be found on the levels, only to and attack when you get close. Fortunately, they are easy to deal with and aren't difficult to find, as the objects they masquerade as often look warped or out of place - either standing where such objects normally would not be, oriented in an (often amusingly) wrong way, or even being objects that should not appear on that mission type. Veteran players who ran through the game's missions countless times will spot them immediately. Dealing with them has been described by players as like playing Prop Hunt or Prey (2017).
    • Also overlaps with Chest Monster, as they've been known to disguise as Ayatan Sculptures as well, and even veteran players have fallen for it.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: It is revealed by the Vitruvian that the reason the Sentients went to genocidal war with the Orokin is because they realised the Orokin would go bring ruin to other worlds if they could ever leave the Origin System.

What's The Best Dmg Against Sentients Warframe 2017

The leader of the Sentients in the Origin System who was sealed in a tomb on Uranus. Tyl Regor wakes him up during the Natah quest, nearly dooming everyone in the process.
  • Ambiguous Gender: He has a male voice actor and is referred to as Natah's 'father' but also describes himself as having a womb. Not all that unusual since he's a Sentient, and whatever gender norms they might possess don’t mirror those of humans.
    • It should be noted that Natah's massive 'mother' shows up as the setting of the trailer for The New War.
  • Arc Villain: Of both The Second Dream and Octavia's Anthem quests.
  • Badass Boast: 'I am Hunhow, Sentient destroyer of worlds.'
  • The Dreaded: Lotus panics and briefly goes off the grid when she realizes the Grineer are at risk of waking him up. Later, Alad V calls him a 'boogeyman to the Corpus'.
  • Enemy Mine: In the Second Dream he teams up with the Stalker by offering a way to kill the Tenno once and for all.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: While he chides Lotus for betraying her mission as a Sentient and his daughter, he is reluctant to have her brainwashed.
  • Evil Sounds Deep/Badass Baritone: Has a low reverbating voice that practically oozes with spite. And it drops several octaves down when Hunhow introduces himself with the aforementioned Badass Boast to the Stalker.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: According to Natah, he was originally a farmer. Even assuming this was metaphorical rather than literal (that is, he was in charge of food production), it's still quite a difference to being the spearhead of the invasion.
  • Hive Mind: He is one. Cutting him up into little pieces does nothing more than let him spawn a litter of eyes, several of which he glued to the Stalker's corporeal form. There is a limit to to his expansion, though. He panics when the player's Warframe is about to break War, which is one of his pieces, and causes the Stalker to flee.
  • Kaiju: How large is Hunhow? This is a fan-made approximation, with 'regular' Sentient drones and a Warframe and Liset for scale. You're going to need some bigger guns, Tenno.
  • Mind Rape:
    • Is able to brainwash Cephalons, burning out their consciousness, which is both introduced and demonstrated in Octavia's Anthem.
    • He did something to Natah's mind; after, she claims he 'fixed' her after the Orokin had originally brainwashed her, but it is unclear if that is true.
  • Not Quite Dead: It spooked Tyl Regor right out of his skull when he realized Hunhow was still kicking.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has a moment when the player's Warframe is about to break War, freaking out and begging the Stalker to protect him.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The Orokin or the Tenno were able to seal him in a tomb in the underwater caves of Uranus. As you can expect, this didn't last forever..
The Eidolons
Once a Sentient fleet mind that assaulted the Unum's tower, it was killed by the original Gara. Its fragments still haunt the land near Cetus, giving them the name Plains of Eidolon. Known variants include Teralysts, Gantulysts and Hydrolysts.
  • The Assimilator: Planned to do this to the Unum and her tower when it realized Kuva could heal it.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Due to its sterility, the Eidolon was exceedingly cautious in its attacks on the Plains. Once it realized the Unum's Kuva could partlyundo this, well..
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The three large Eidolon types, whose wails and footsteps can be heard far across the plains.
  • Battle in the Rain: Hydrolysts are always surrounded by a raging thunderstorm.
  • Beam Spam: Gantulysts, whose unique attacks are comprised of these and heavily-damaging pillars of light.
  • Eldritch Abomination: As is to be expected with the Sentients. As with Hunhow, death seems to be gradient rather than an absolute state, with the Eidolon Sentient still trying to reunite.
  • Flunky Boss: As the fight with Eidolons drags on more and more Vomvalysts will flock towards them, attacking the Tenno and also recharging Eidolon's shields. Left unchecked, they can overwhelm a team of Tenno through sheer numbers. Hydrolyst is able to create Vomvalyst Blooms that continuously spawn new Vomvalysts right on the spot and strengthen the existing ones.
  • Hollywood Acid: Hydrolyst attacks often create pools of highly-damaging acid.
  • Invincible Minor Minion: Vomvalysts, which are the most common and weakest type of Sentient in the game. Once killed, they turn into spectral entities that are completely immune to conventional forms of damage. They lost this status once you unlock your operator abilities, though, and their spectral forms can be absorbed by Eidolon Lures to charge them.
  • Machine Worship: The Ostrons built a shrine in honor of the Gantulyst and see the Hydrolyst as an omen of natural disasters.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: The Eidolon fragments are essentially undead Sentients; nearly mindless fragments of a massive, dead creature, lying dormant beneath the earth and waters of the Plains during the day, and emerging only at night to wander aimlessly, trying futilely to recombine into the creature they once were and blindly lashing out at any living thing that crosses their path.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: The original Sentient must have been in the same size category as the Unum's tower, if its petrified fragments scattered across the Plains are any indication.
  • Shock and Awe: One of the Hydrolysts' unique abilities, courtesy of the rain clouds they generate after appearing.
  • Walking Wasteland:
    • The Eidolons somehow affect bodies of water on the Plains, causing them to deal energy-draining Magnetic procs to Warframes and the 'shock of your life' to anyone else that enters them at night.
    • The Hydrolyst is powerful enough that its mere presence alters the weather around it. Its attacks can also leave pools of acid that quickly eat away at any Tenno standing in them.
  • Weakened by the Light: Even as it was alive, it experienced pain at day and as such only attacked at night.
  • We Have Reserves: Averted. As the Sentients were all sterilized when they used the void rails to return, they could not create new Sentients and were appropriately cautious.
A flying Sentient construct that is seen within the gaseous atmosphere of Jupiter, seen around the Corpus gas cities where it can be fought. It appears to be some sort of liason between the Sentients and Alad V in their cooperation. Drops parts for the Wisp warframe.
  • Bait-and-Switch: A variation - the central platform where you fight the Ropalolyst has a massive laser built into the floor. Players who've knocked the Ropalolyst out of the sky (and thus presumably disabled its ability to fly) will try to activate the laser to fry the sentient..only for it to fly away while the weapon's still charging. You're supposed to stun it first by hitting its weak spots (the elbows, then use the laser to roast it.
  • Boss Arena Idiocy: It decides to take the fight to you in a place that just happens to contain the machinery capable of destroying it. Natah implies that that's part of the plan, though.
  • Boss Preview: Before you get to fight it you can randomly spot it in other missions on Jupiter as it wreaks havoc on the structure you're traversing before flying away.
  • Colossus Climb: You can grab and climb onto its neck to ride it and even steer it in certain directions - as long as its shields are down. In fact, this is a required aspect of the fight.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Inflicted one on Alad V's forces in the past, singlehandedly and effortlessly eradicating an army Alad set out against it.
  • Grapple Move: Once you down it, it can snatch you in one of its arms if you get too close. The only way to escape is switching to your Operator and back.
  • Giant Flyer: It's only slightly smaller than a Teralyst, but is a very fast and nimble flyer.
  • Enemy Mine: Alad V does not like dealing with this thing, so he advises you on how to destroy it even though he cooperates with the Sentients in general in that case. Because it's the thing that's forcing him to keep working with them; he knows how bad a situation he's in, and the Ropalolyst being gone will give him some breathing room to work on an escape plan.
  • Flash Step: As if it wasn't fast enough as is, it can teleport when it really needs to.
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: Similar to Eidolons, Ropalolyst's attacks mostly consist of various energy blasts.
    • Homing Projectile: Its most typical one is a swarm of small laser bolts that home onto players.
    • Wave Motion Gun: But it also has more powerful direct beams that can quickly kill those caught in their path.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: According to Natah's monologue, the Ropalolyst dying at the Tenno's hands is the real reason it exists; its death will somehow further the Sentients' plans for the Origin System.
  • Nigh Invulnerable: Even after you weaken its defences and cripple it, the Ropalolyst is still too tough for your warframe's weapons to destroy, regenerating to full health before you can kill it. You'll need to use your environment to do the job.
  • Puzzle Boss: Defeating it requires an involved multi-step process to weaken its defenses and make it open to a finishing blow.
  • The Quiet One: It has no lines of dialogue to the players, but Alad implies that is is intelligent and communicates with him somehow, making it this.
  • Scenery Gorn: Its defeat completely ravages the area where you fight it, turning it into burning smouldering ruins.
Natah's 'brother' and one of the Sentients that attacked the Origin system. He first appears in the eponymous quest of the same name, in a flashback to the Old War when he was assaulting Lua.
  • Animal Motifs: He has vaguely avian motifs in his appearance - with his spindly body, long digitigrade legs and face with large round eye-holes, a long beak-like protrusion and no visible nose or mouth he resembles an anthropomorphized bird skeleton.
  • Establishing Character Moment: When seeing a defeated Dax soldier who poses no danger to him and is trying to crawl away with her life, he callously grabs her by the head, lifts her to his face and starts squeezing, stopping short of crushing her head only because Lotus interrupts him. This tells us all we need to know about his attitudes.
  • Eyeless Face: While appearing humanoid in the vaguest sense of the word, the head and face of Erra is very alien in appearance. His face does not possess eyes, rather only holding shapes similar to empty eye sockets.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: In his first appearance during the Old War, Erra is trying to persuade the Lotus to come back to the Sentients. While he displays loathing and hatred towards the Tenno accompanying her (going as far as calling them parasites), he shows genuine pleading in his voice towards the Lotus, attempting to bring her back to their family.
  • Evil Sounds Deep/Badass Baritone: Like Hunhow, Erra has a deep voice, which can be heard especially when he pleads with the Lotus within the very heart of Orokin power.
  • Fight Off the Kryptonite: Last time we see him during the Old War flashback he's on the receiving end of several Tenno's void blasts. Seeing how he made it to the present time, this was not enough to kill him.
  • Lean and Mean: His body is very lanky and inhumanly tall, and he's very mean to all non-Sentients.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: His name becomes this once you learn that it comes from an Akkadian god of war and plague. Eesh..
  • Slave Collar: Inflicts this on Ballas for extra humiliation.
  • They Call Me Mister Tibbs: A decidedly non-friendly example. That's Master Erra for you, Ballas.


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