What Is Used For Dodging Dmg In Dnd

Dec 13, 2017  My laptop (MacBook air 2015) has never had any issues with opening dmg files until recently. Double-clicking on files doesn't do anything, even though I've confirmed I have disk utility on my laptop and that it's the default application for DMG files. I've also verified some of my files and have been able to open them in the past. Dmg


Blind, incapacitate, or immobilize the fighter so he can't benefit from Dodge, or blind the ranged party members so they're less effective. Apply forced movement effects (e.g. Thunderwave) to keep them spaced apart. Read the 4e DMG (you can find the PDF online, but that would be illegal and wrong). Armor Class: An object’s Armor Class is a measure of how difficult it is to deal damage to the object when striking it (because the object has no chance of dodging out of the way). Table: Object Armor Class provides suggested AC values for various substances. Hit Points: An object’s Hit Points measure how much. Apr 29, 2016  And TIM there is a flanking option in the DMG if you are interested on page 251 and if you really want to make it interesting try facing DMG 252. What my group gets wrong or does not use is cover DMG. DnD 5e Player Handbook.

(Dungeonscape variant, p. 14)

It is foolhardy to explore a dungeon alone. Those who attempt to do so quickly find that they lack the skills needed to get the job done. Sometimes, this can happen in larger parties as well. Enter the factotum, a new standard class, capable of mimicking the abilities of others and filling in when the need is greatest.

After a lifetime of work, few can claim even a fraction of the versatility that the factotum displays every day. Skilled in nearly every art, factotums draw upon their lore to master almost any trade or ability for a brief period of time before other pursuits draw their attention. Whereas bards use their general knowledge to aid others, factotums focus their abilities solely upon themselves. Constantly on the hunt for new abilities and tricks, factotums eventually find the right tool to overcome practically any problem.

As a factotum, you are a jack of all trades. For short periods of time, you can stand in for almost any other member of the party. Your intellect, training, and experiences allow you to bolster your efforts in almost any situation. But your magical abilities are at best limited. You can master potent spells, but your lack of formal training makes it difficult for you to use them more than once each day. Furthermore, your understanding of magic is broad rather than deep.

Hit die


Starting gold


Skill points

6 + Int

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A factotum is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and shields (except tower shields). Because he uses spells as if they were spell-like abilities, a factotum can wear armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. A multiclass factotum still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Inspiration: The factotum is a dabbler, a professional explorer who plunders a wide variety of fields to find the tools he needs to survive. He reads through tomes of arcane magic to gain a basic understanding of spells. He offers prayers to a variety of deities to gain their blessings. He observes warrior stances and exercises to understand the art of fighting. But while a factotum learns many paths, he masters none of them. Rather than train in a given field, he masters all the basics and manages to pull out something useful when the situation is desperate enough.

To represent this seemingly random body of knowledge, a factotum gains inspiration points that he can spend to activate his abilities. At the beginning of each encounter, he gains a number of inspiration points determined by his level (see Table 1–1).

Cunning Insight (Ex): Before making an attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a competence bonus on the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. Cunning insight does not require an action, and you can use it as often as you wish during your turn or others’ turns—provided that you have the inspiration points to spend. Because this ability provides a competence bonus, it does not stack with itself.

What Is Used For Dodging Dmg In Dnd

Cunning Knowledge (Ex): When making a check involving a skill in which you have at least 1 rank, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a bonus on the check equal to your factotum level. You can use this ability once per day for a particular skill. For example, if you use cunning knowledge to gain a bonus on a Hide check, you cannot use the ability to improve other Hide checks for the rest of the day, though you can use it on different skills.

Trapfinding (Ex): You can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and you can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps. See the rogue class feature (PH 50).

Arcane Dilettante (Sp): At 2nd level, you acquire a vague understanding of magic. You know that with a few weird hand gestures and an array of grunts and bizarre words, you can conjure up something that looks like a spell. By spending 1 inspiration point, you can mimic a spell as a spell-like ability.

At the start of each day, choose a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list based on your factotum level. You can choose one spell at 2nd level, and you gain additional spells as shown on Table 1–1. The maximum level of spell you can use, according to your class level, is also shown on the table. You can select any sorcerer/wizard spell up to that level, but you can prepare only one spell of your maximum level. Your caster level equals your level in this character class. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your spell is 10 + the spell level + your Int modifier.

Once you have used a spell, you cannot use it again until you have rested for 8 hours. After resting for this time, you choose new spells and lose any unused spells from the previous day, though you can select the same spell on consecutive days. You cannot prepare the same spell multiple times to use it more than once during the same day.

You cannot use spells that require an XP cost. You must otherwise provide the necessary material components as normal.

What is used for dodging dmg in dnd 2

If you wish to enhance a spell with a metamagic feat, you must apply the feat when you prepare the spell. In addition, you must be capable of using a spell of the modified spell’s level.

Brains over Brawn (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain your Intelligence bonus as a modifier on Strength checks, Dexterity checks, and checks involving skills based on Strength or Dexterity, such as Hide, Climb, and Jump.

Cunning Defense (Ex): You study your opponents and learn to anticipate their attacks. Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain your Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Armor Class against one opponent for 1 round. Using this ability is a free action. You gain this benefit even while wearing medium or heavy armor. You can use this ability multiple times to gain a bonus against different opponents, but you cannot use it more than once during your turn against a single foe.

Cunning Strike (Ex): With a quick study of a vulnerable opponent’s defenses, you can spot the precise area you need to hit to score a telling blow. Starting at 4th level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain 1d6 points of sneak attack damage. You must spend the inspiration point to activate this ability before making the attack roll. When determining if you can use sneak attack against a target that has uncanny dodge, use your factotum level as your rogue level.

Opportunistic Piety (Su): Factotums are legendary for the number of holy symbols, lucky trinkets, and blessed items they keep handy. As the saying goes, there are no atheists in the dungeon. Starting at 5th level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to channel divine energy as a standard action. You can use this energy to heal injuries, harm undead, or turn undead. At 5th level, you can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom bonus (if any). You gain one extra daily use of this ability at 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level. You cannot use opportunistic piety if you have exhausted your daily uses, even if you have inspiration points left to spend. If you use this ability to heal injuries, you channel positive energy to heal a living creature of a number of points of damage equal to twice your factotum level + your Int modifier. The energy will also deal the same amount of damage to undead targets.

If you use this ability to turn undead, you act as a cleric of a level equal to your factotum level. No matter what your alignment, you cannot control undead—your understanding of divine magic is too rudimentary.

What Is Used For Dodging Dmg In Dnd Free

Cunning Surge (Ex): Starting at 8th level, you learn to push yourself when needed. By spending 3 inspiration points, you can take an extra standard action during your turn.

Cunning Breach (Su): Starting at 11th level, your broad knowledge allows you to study an opponent and gain a brief flash of insight to breach her defenses. By spending 2 inspiration points as a free action, you can ignore a single target’s spell resistance and damage reduction for 1 round. The target automatically fails any spell resistance check that she attempts to avoid your spell.

What Is Used For Dodging Dmg In Dnd 2017

Cunning Dodge (Ex): Starting at 13th level, your luck, reflexes, and intuition allow you to avoid an attack or spell that would otherwise defeat you. If you take damage that would reduce you to 0 or fewer hit points, you can spend 4 inspiration points as an immediate action to ignore the damage. You dodge out of the way, take cover from a spell, or otherwise escape. You can use this ability once per day.

Improved Cunning Defense (Ex): At 16th level, you gain your Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Armor Class. You no longer need to spend an inspiration point to gain this benefit. Unlike the standard cunning defense ability, you do not gain this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor.

Cunning Brilliance (Ex): At 19th level, you become the ultimate jack of all trades. Your sharp mind and keen sense of your surroundings allow you to duplicate almost any ability you witness. At the start of each day, choose three extraordinary class abilities. Each ability must be available to a standard character class at 15th level or lower, and must appear on the advancement table or in the text description for that class. By spending 4 inspiration points as a free action, you gain the benefits and drawbacks of one chosen ability for 1 minute. You use the ability as if your level in the relevant class equaled your factotum level. You can use each chosen class ability once per day.

What Is Used For Dodging Dmg In Dnd Pdf

For example, if you use a monk’s flurry of blows ability, you gain all the benefits and drawbacks described under Flurry of Blows (PH 40). You do not gain the benefits of unarmed strike, because that is a separate ability in the monk’s class description.


Level BABFort Ref Will Spell Level Inspiration Points Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 2 Inspiration, cunning insight, cunning knowledge, trapfinding
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 0 3 Arcane dilettante (1 spell)
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 1 3 Brains over brawn, cunning defense
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 1 3 Arcane dilettante (2 spells), cunning strike
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 2 4 Opportunistic piety
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 2 4
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 2 4 Arcane dilettante (3 spells)
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 3 5 Cunning surge
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 3 5 Arcane dilettante (4 spells)
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 4 5 Opportunistic piety (+1 use)
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 4 6 Cunning breach
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 4 6 Arcane dilettante (5 spells)
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 5 6 Cunning dodge
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 5 7 Arcane dilettante (6 spells)
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 6 7 Opportunistic piety (+1 use)
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 6 7 Improved cunning defense
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 6 8 Arcane dilettante (7 spells)
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 7 8
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 7 8 Cunning brilliance
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 7 10 Arcane dilettante (8 spells), opportunistic piety (+1 use)

Class skills

Skill nameKey abilityTrained onlyArmor check penalty
Control ShapeWIS
Decipher ScriptINT
Disable DeviceINT
Escape ArtistDEX
Gather InformationCHA
Handle AnimalCHA
Iaijutsu FocusCHA
Knowledge (arcana)INT
Knowledge (architecture and engineering)INT
Knowledge (dungeoneering)INT
Knowledge (geography)INT
Knowledge (history)INT
Knowledge (local)INT
Knowledge (nature)INT
Knowledge (nobility and royalty)INT
Knowledge (psionics)INT
Knowledge (religion)INT
Knowledge (the planes)INT
Martial LoreINT
Move SilentlyDEX
Open LockDEX
Sense MotiveWIS
Sleight of HandDEX
Speak LanguageNone
Use Magic DeviceCHA
Use Psionic DeviceCHA
Use RopeDEX

Spells for Factotum

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