Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg

  1. Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg 3
  2. Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg Download
  3. Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg 1

Jan 13, 2015 All in all so many other heroes are better solo now than thrall early game. May as well group and stack Crash. And even if you are solo sometimes if the game has a long obj I still go Crash and know I'll still be able to get the quest done. OK so now with crash you have a scary Sustain dmg mage Thrall that can output 150-250k game dmg easily.

  • Dec 29, 2019  Bonuses are reset if Chain Lightning is used on the same Hero it was last used on, or if Thrall dies. Powerspike af. 40% slow practically whole team and 25% bonus dmg + multiple 2 because of Echo of elements you are going to hurt. 20 Wind Rush.
  • Feb 16, 2020 Another Thrall game. I play on US West. Come join me to play sometime. Crash Thrall - Most Teamfight Hero Damage Done, blew up Falstad 10x! HoTS Heroes of the Storm Kjell Heroes of the Storm.

Samuro: Altough his clones are good at quest feeding, he is is impossible to kill. Whenever I get him low he just stealths away.

Sgt. Hammer: It's a close 1v1, but if I ever screw up I have to hearth and come back but in that time hammer will have destroyed the 2 towers and the gate. If there is anyone backing him up I'm screwed because no one on my team ever helps me kill hammer.

Sonya: Playing against Sonya is almost as unfun as playing as her. She is a good counter to me because she is tanky and her damage comes from abilities.

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Stitches: This guy makes me want to cut open my stomache. Getting hooked after using my abilities is incredibly scary.

Stukov: A boy that was left home alone too much, stukovs problems come from his ults. They have stopped me from doing something cool more than wow players have.

Sylvanas: Similer to hammer, exept it isn't ever a close 1v1, she absolutely destroys me everytime. If I fight her I have to hearth and come back but in that time sylvanas will have destroyed a whole fort.

Tassadar: I got some people mad at me for spoiling legacy of the void, but it's been out for 5 years i think it's fine. Also if Blizzard can make this guy a xel-naga and get away with it then I don't care. The most overrated StarCraft character by far, he will just sheild up, and use a void ray attack untill I get rid of his sheild, then go invisible and go away. The only way I can kill him is if he decides to rematch me after I beat him within 30 seconds. The fact that it has ever happened makes me question the people I'm fighting.

Thrall: Not just the most overrated character in Warcraft, but in all of Blizzard. He can throw a root that is really hard to dodge, and then whack me for half my hp, while regaing half of his.

Tracer: Cheers luv! The bullshits here! In most games I'm givin the responsibility of dealing with tracer, but most of the time that means I have to attack her while she's surrounded by her team. Also pulse bomb needs a nerf in recharge time.

Tychus: I don't know what fighting tychus is supposed to feel like. Whenever I use evasian he just happened to have used his ability right before it, and whenever I attaxk him with evasion on cool down, he uses his traight and destroys all my hp.

Tyrael: I would complain about tyrael but I cannot judge him, he is justice itself.

Tyrande: I'm guessing some owl complaint is coming but no, I would be happy if her owl could kill me. Those days were great. But her healing is crazy when she has someone to constantly attack. More than I can deal a lot of the time.

Uther: Stuns.

Valeera: Her, Arthas, and murky are my top 3 counters to me. She is number 2 I would say. She can knock out half my hp but this time I literally can't do anything about it. I've sweeping stiked right into her but her stun outranged me, and I died. The only way I can hit her is if I suprise her, which is hard to do unless I'm in a bush.

Valla: I don't know how but in my 2000 games I've never 1v1ed a valla. I don't know if she would win the 1v1, but she is really good at killing me in fights when I'm doing badly, and for ults she can either do 200 dps with no way to dodge, or stun me for ez dmg.

Varian: It's really just twin blades I have a problem with. He does so much more damage, has more mobility, and no down sides. He wrecks me in fights and is great at chasing me down

Whitemane: Being honest, whitemane is the only hero where I don't know her abilities. She's just so uninteresting to me I just never cared to fudn out what they were, but her healing seems to be really stong and annoying.

Xul: he will root me, make a sheild that forces me to rub away, and then make it so that my attacks are really slowed down. He also has that poisen aoe, and it does way too much damage for a game with no purple moss clumps.

Yrel: I would say 2nd hardest hero to kill, just annoying by how it makes games less fun. Basically a training dummy because she never does but never deals any damage.

Zagara: Fighting her is just the same sequence of events every single time. I jump at her, an run away, she uses every single ability she has, I wait for hydralisk to die, she spreads creep everywhere, I attack her, she runs away and heals, I destroy the creep, she come back, and repeat. The exact same thing has been repeated so much it's like another version of Skyrim.

Zarya: The weight lifter gets exersise from carrying her whole team so much. She got the sheilds from tassadar, the beam from tassadar, the long range aoe from tassadar, and the ult that makes the wall from tassadar. Difference is, she deals crazy amount of damage, and has way too much hp.

Zeratul: This guy can do up to 4 teleports in 3 seconds. How is that fair. He goes away and comes back so much it's like I'm playing against my ex. Also he can 1500 burst DMG and teleport away so easily and I don't know what to do about it.

Zuljin: Unless I'm perfect with lowering evasion with sweeping strike, he deals so much damage. I've gone for trades with him so much and there's no feeling like being in a tough 1v1 with him, get him down to really low hp, and then he just ults and kills me.

So I finally finished complaining. I don't know if I should find a way to do something Similer or sleep for 10000 years but I'll do anything at this point.

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Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg 3

  • A list of why I hate every hero in qm as an illidan. A-J

    Abather: Less people that can be hut with sweeping strike, and no way to destroy mines without taking damage myself. Alarak: Discord strike is impossible to dodge without sweeping strike and screw lighting surge. Alexstraza: It's tough to say why healers are bs but for this one I will go with can way outheal my…

  • A list of why I hate every hero in qm as an Illidan Part 2 K-R

    Kael'thas: living bomb is a free 500 DMG and that boy can do it 2 times. It's also annoying cause I taught him how to do it. Also just some advise, never pyroblast an Illidan with metamorphosis, as it is incredibly easy to dodge it if their ult is up. Kel'Thuzad: While in the middle…

  • Why I hate every hero in QM as Butcher: K-Z

    Inspired by an earlier post with Illidan, I wanted to share my perspective on other heroes as the quintessential and probably the most hated QM hero in the game, The Butcher. Kaelthas: a good kaelthas is always behind his entire team which means i can never charge him without dying. And if he times his…

© Post 'A list of why I hate every hero in qm as an Illidan part 3 S-Z' for game Heroes of the Storm.

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Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg Download

2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.

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Thrall Hero How Much Hero Dmg 1


2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020.

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