Sleeper Shark Does No Dmg

All tier one animals are starter animals. They do not evolve from anything.

AnimalEvolves ToAbilityImage
Clown Fish CrabYour movement speed is increased when near other Fish.
Blobfish King CrabOther than being a deeeep creature, you are identical to the fish.
Icefish King CrabYou are the arctic equivalent of the fish. You can also stay still to get more regeneration.
Worm LampreyYou are able to move through the ground, but you have no boosts.
Piranha Two Piranhas


You can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.

Tier 2

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Crab Jellyfish


Flying Fish

Giant Isopod

FishYou can walk on land and hide in island bushes.
King Crab Blobfish


Reflects a percentage of damage taken back at the attacker
Lamprey Worm


Using a dash into an animal tier five and above attaches to them. You get a portion of all food they collect.
Two Piranhas Jellyfish


Flying Fish

Giant Isopod

Three Piranhas

PiranhaYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.

Recent research by Lee Hulbert, formerly a biologist with the National Marine Fisheries Service and now with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, revealed that sleeper sharks are not the lethargic bottom dwellers once thought. They spend little time on the bottom.

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Jellyfish Squid

Little Auk




King Crab


Two Piranhas

You poison anyone you touch.
FrogYou can walk on land, and can jump higher than normal.
Flying FishYou can glide above water.
Giant IsopodBy using a dash, you roll up into a ball. In this state, you are invincible, but cannot move.
Three Piranhas Squid


Little Auk

Four Piranhas

Two PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.
AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Squid Seagull






Flying Fish

Giant Isopod

Three Piranhas

Staying still hides you.
CatfishCharging a dash will suck in nearby food and prey.
Little AukYou can fly while still being able to swim equally well.
Four Piranhas Seagull




Five Piranhas

Three PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.
AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Seagull Ray


Electric Eel


Wow recount show spell reflect as my dmg. Nov 01, 2010  Recount does not support multiple windows at once. Skada as an alternative to recount does support that, but if you are one role the other, I have to question why you need both open at once, especially since neither should be open during combat outside of testing on a dummy. Feb 22, 2020  Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. Recount (Preservation) is an attempt to preserve it through the 2.4 patch and fix up some minor things along the way. If Cryect returns the project really should be wholely his and he can keep or abandon any changes I've made here. For changes see the change log. Feb 08, 2017  100k dps difference between warcraftlogs and recount? Is this normal? I noticed this for almost every fights in heroic i would end up 70-100k less than what recount show, it also appears to be only for me as I noticed others' dps were similiar to recount. Warcraft logs show scrubber damage, just looked my logs up. Jan 28, 2012  Solved Recount doesn't reset (automatic) Hey guys, im having some problems with recount. With my last UI recount worked without any problems (lui v3), but recently i installed another UI and now recount doesn't reset automatically anymore. As of patch 3.2 this spell is no longer reflects many spells reflectable prior to 3.2. I won't go into lists of examples, but once such case is using Improved Spell Reflect in Malygos phase 2 (I haven't tested this in 25 man). It seems Spell Reflect has taken yet another kick in the crotch on the PvE side of the game.



Little Auk

Four Piranhas

You can fly and hide in trees. You poop every so often.
BarreleyeYou see animals from further away.
DuckYou can fly and hide in beaver dams.
SealYou can walk on land. Staying still while standing on ice turns you invisible. Swimming near ground gives you a small speed boost.
Five Piranhas Ray


Electric Eel


Six Piranhas

Four PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.
AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Ray Beaver




Gulper Eel





Five Piranhas

Staying still with your head touching any ground hides you.
PelicanYou can fly. Using a dash into an animal tier four and below absorbs them.
Electric EelUsing your dash stuns nearby animals and takes animals out of cover.
PufferfishUsing your dash inflates you. While inflated, anything that touches you gets poisoned and knocked back.
Six Piranhas Beaver




Gulper Eel

Seven Piranhas

Five PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.

Tier 7

Sleeper Shark Does No Dmg Download

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Beaver Sea Turtle


Snapping Turtle


Sea Lion



Electric Eel


Six Piranhas

You can hide in dams.
AnglerfishStaying still turns you invisible and spawns fake food. If anyone eats the fake food, your next hit will be 100% more damage.
PenguinYou can walk on land, and can hide in igloos.
SnakeYou can walk on land. You can also climb up and hide in trees. Using a dash into an animal attaches you to them and poisons them.
Gulper EelUsing a dash into an animal absorbs them and deals damage over time.
Seven Piranhas Sea Turtle


Snapping Turtle


Sea Lion

Eight Piranhas

Six PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.
AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Sea Turtle Hammerhead Beaver




Gulper Eel

Seven Piranhas

You block 50% of hits except when hit in the head. You are immune to poison.
Octopus Humboldt SquidYou mimic the appearance and movement style of anything you kill for a short while. Using your dash leaves ink behind you that can blind other animals. You can walk on land.
Snapping Turtle ManateeStaying still with your head touching any ground turns you invisible and spawns fake food.
Dragonfish OarfishCharging a dash will slow down animals in front of you.
Sea Lion Leopard Seal


Your attack damage is increased when near other Sea Lions.
Eight Piranhas Manatee

Nine Piranhas

Seven PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.

The specific way of which animals evolve after tier eight gets complicated. The animals are sorted in these charts based on which animal you have to evolve to on tier eight to get there.

Sea Turtle's Evolutions

To evolve into any of these animals, you must pick the Sea Turtle when you get the chance.

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Hammerhead Shark

Whale Shark

Sea TurtleYou can smell blood. Blood icons lead to hurt animals.
SharkTop Tier HammerheadUsing a dash gives you a 100% speed boost and a 50% damage boost. You can track bleeding players.
Whale SharkYou have Remoras to protect you. Hold your dash to order them to attack the nearest animal.

Octopus's Evolutions

To evolve into any of these animals, you must pick the Octopus when you get the chance.

Snapping Turtle's Evolutions

To evolve into any of these animals, you must pick the Snapping Turtle or the eight tier of Piranhas when you get the chance.

Sleeper shark does no dmg 2

The tier nine animal you must choose to get your desired top tier depends, but it is definitely on this table.

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Manatee Bald Eagle




Snapping Turtle

Eight Piranhas

Using your boost heals 50% of your health. You heal nearby swamp animals.
Nine Piranhas Ten Piranhas Eight PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.
Bald EagleTop Tier ManateeYou can fly. Using a dash into an animal grabs them and deals damage over time. You see animals that are above water from further away.
CrocodileUsing a dash into an animal grabs them. You can shake them for extra damage. You can walk on land. Staying still on top of the water will transform you into a beaver dam.
HippoUsing a dash gives you a speed boost and slows animals you make contact with. You can walk on land.
AnacondaYou can climb and hide in trees, just like a snake. Instead of striking out and poisoning your enemies, you can wrap around them and slowly suffocate them.
Ten Piranhas Nine PiranhasYou can grow in numbers with each evolution. Using a dash gives a speed boost.

Tiers 9 and 10 - Dragonfish's Evolutions

To evolve into any of these animals, you must pick the Dragonfish when you get the chance.

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Oarfish Manta Ray


Goblin Shark

DragonfishYou can't harm animals tier five and below except for Jellyfish. You heal nearby animals that you can't harm. You are immune to poison.
Manta RayTop Tier OarfishCan join up to four animals. A full charge boost replicates them.
SunfishYour attack has no recoil. You regenerate faster when closer to the surface.
Goblin SharkUsing your dash will give you a speed boost and poison fangs at your head. Clicking with poison fangs will launch them.

Sleeper Shark Does No Dmg Start

Tiers 9 and 10 - Sea Lion's Evolutions

Sleeper Shark Does No Dmg Game

To evolve into any of these animals, you must pick the Sea Lion when you get the chance.

The tier nine animal you must choose to get your desired top tier depends, but it is defiantly on this table.

Sleeper Shark Does No Dmg 2

AnimalEvolves ToEvolves FromAbilityImage
Leopard Seal Polar Bear

Elephant Seal

Sleeper Shark

Sea LionYou can walk on land. A deadlier, faster version of the penguin.
Narwhal Cachalot



You cause anything you touch to bleed.
Dolphin Marlin


You can jump out of the water and back in for a speed boost that can stack up to three times.
Polar BearTop Tier Leopard SealUsing your dash throws snowballs that can slow animals down. You can travel through ice.
Elephant SealYour attack damage increases after being damaged. If you are poisoned or are bleeding, you inflict those upon hit.
Sleeper SharkBy boosting into someone you can hold onto them. Shake from side to side to hurt them.
Cachalot NarwhalUsing your dash emits a blast and slows anything it hits.
WhaleUsing your dash can suck in animals. Tier 5 and below will become trapped until you take a breath, and above will get hurt.
Marlin Narwhal


You can move exceptionally fast, and boosting will cause enemies to bleed.
Orca DolphinUsing a dash into an animal grabs them.
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