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Fantasy Grounds Game Updates About Fantasy Grounds Fantasy Grounds - Fantasy Grounds is an application acting as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games. Now, as the year of double critical success dawns upon us I wanted to once more create something for the community (and something I've threatened to do for over a year) so I spent a chunk of the Christmas break updating my sheets and creating some new sheets. Watch the Trailer. Your favorite RPG game systems are playable with FG. While you can play ANY game on Fantasy Grounds, these systems allow you to buy preloaded content that is ready to play.


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Hi Guys,
We are actually playing the UltraModern 5E in Fatasy Grounds, and is full of new weapon properties that I wuold like to automate on weapons, but i need your help for some of them:
Super Heavy:
You suffer disadvantage on attack rolls with the weapon.
If your Strength is less than 18, you are knocked prone.
Armor Piercing:
If an opponent has immunity to the weapon’s damage type, the opponent has only resistance to that weapon instead of immunity.
Autofire Attack:
It's uses 5 or 10 rounds of ammunition instead of 1.
Explosive attacks inflict bludgeoning damage, and also deal extra damage to creatures vulnerable to fire as if they dealt that damage type.
If you hit the intended target with an explosive attack, roll all damage dice twice and take the higher values.
Laser weapons deal fire damage.
If you hit with a laser, you gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll against the same target.
This is lost if you don’t fire at the same target or if you miss.
If you roll a critical hit, the target is blinded until the beginning of your next turn.
If you roll a critical hit with a magnetic weapon, you inflict additional damage equal to twice the weapon’s tech level.
A mastercraft weapon deals +1 damage if any of its damage dice result in a maximum result.
Nuclear weapons inflict force damage, and also deal additional damage to creatures vulnerable to necrotic as if they dealt that damage type.
If you hit with a nuclear weapon, every subsequent hit on the same target gains a +1 bonus to damage.
This is cumulative up to the weapon’s tech level and is lost if you don’t hit that same target before the end of your next turn.
If you roll a critical hit, the target is poisoned until the beginning of your next turn.
Pincher weapons inflict lightning damage.
If you roll a critical hit on the attack roll and the target is not immune or resistant to lightning damage, the target takes additional damage equal to twice the weapon’s tech level,
and the target has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn.
Plasma weapons inflict force damage, and also deal additional damage to targets vulnerable to fire as if they dealt that damage type.
Creatures immune to fire are only resistant to plasma weapons.
If you roll a critical hit with a plasma weapon, you inflict twice the tech level in additional damage on this turn, twice the tech level -1 on the beginning of your next turn, twice tech level -2 on the beginning of the following turn, and so on until 0.
Directed Energy: As many times a day as the weapon’s tech level, you can attempt a directed energy attack—make a single attack, firing a single shot, as an action.
On a hit, roll all damage dice twice and take the higher result, add all relevant modifiers as normal, and add twice the weapon’s tech level.
Each creature within 5 feet of the hit target also suffers damage equal to twice the weapon’s tech level. If you miss, the initial target suffers half damage with no area effect.
Shotguns do +3 damage if fired at targets within 10 feet.
At long range, they inflict half damage.
If you roll a critical hit, the target is knocked prone.
Sniper weapons list a bonus.
If you are proficient with the weapon, you can use an action or bonus action to aim, gaining the bonus on your following ranged attack with the weapon against a creature at least 25 feet away. The bonus is lost if you move, are moved, or after you make a ranged attack with the weapon (whether you hit or not).
This bonus is cumulative for up to two actions.
Sonic weapons inflict thunder damage, and also deal additional damage to targets vulnerable to bludgeoning as if they dealt that damage type.
If you roll a critical hit, the target is deafened for one minute.
Can you please help me to understand which one of thos properties can be automated, which one not and which one can be used with some workaround?
Many thanks!
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