Rune Dmg By Game Chart League

Some champions in League of Legends are just flat-out stronger than others.

For the marksmen and markswomen of League, or the ADCs, there are several types of champions to play. There are attack-speed-focused hyper carries like Jinx and Tristana, and then there are the face-melting high early damage carries like Draven and Jhin. Fortunately, the current ADC meta allows players to choose whichever one suits their tastes because they’re all mostly viable right now.

Think old Dangerous Game. Presence of Mind. Kills/assists restore mana and reduce Ult cooldown. Select one of the following. Follow Rune Forge to stay up to date! Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved. Senna is an infinite-scaling ADC. She gains more damage and stats as the game goes on. Your goal is to poke early on and try to pick up souls to get to your power spikes as soon as. GAME STATS PUBG Overwatch. Auto setting Rune. The views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. The ultimate gaming assistant that analyzes your performance, highlights your strengths and weaknesses, and gives you insights to level up your game.

This list of top-tier champions can be affected depending on a number of things. Sometimes the meta shifts for no apparent reason other than players’ tastes, but usually there’s some kind of balance change behind it. It can be difficult to keep up on the flavor-of-the-month champs, so let us do that for you.

Here are our top five ADC for League’s Patch 10.5.


Kai’Sa has been zoned out of the meta with the recent release of Senna and Aphelios but is slowly coming back after those champions received significant nerfs. She brings a lot of utility to a team in the form of mixed damage. With more AD oriented champions being picked up in the top side of the map, having a Kai’Sa will allow you to have some mixed damage to counter your opponent’s armor stacking plan.


  • Mixed damage
  • Invisibility
  • Late game beast


  • Low range
  • Hard to come back if behind

Kai’Sa can build AP, AD, or attack speed and remain effective as long as she builds them in the correct scenarios. For instance, flat AP is best used for reliable burst damage, but full AD and crit is used for high-risk, high-reward bursting due to relying on crits. The attack speed and attack speed hybrid builds work best against teams with tons of tanks. They put out the most consistent and reliable DPS due to her true damage passive.

Item build

Press the Attack is the best Keystone you can pick for Kai’Sa, whether you’re building her for attack speed or crit. She gets the highest value from it, especially in the early game, making it so both Kai’Sa and her support deal higher damage in trades. The Inspiration secondary tree will grant you the needed sustain early with biscuits and grant you free boots at 12 minutes.

Ability priority

Kaisa’s skill priority is R>Q>E>W. You want to max Q as soon as possible to be able to farm waves efficiently and poke enemies when needed. You want to max E second to get a reduced CD on your attack speed steroid alongside the invisibility when upgraded, allowing you to be slippery in team fights. Do you keep cast when dmg taken gem level 1. The damage per level from W isn’t as high and impactful as the other two abilities, so you max it last.

Game plan

Your general goal as Kai’sa is to reach your power spike and then assist your teammates in taking objectives. Your power spike occurs when you get enough AD, AP or Attack Speed to upgrade your abilities, granting you additional damage or utility.

During the laning phase, you need to focus on forcing good trades for you and your teammate. Try to proc Press the Attack against the opponent, then follow up with a Q into W for a devastating amount of damage. This will force them to either back or fully commit to a play, allowing you to turn around and finish them off.

In the mid game, stick around your team and be aware of your positioning. Try not to expose yourself to enemies and let them engage on your tanky allies instead, which will allow you to do damage instead of dying. Do not use your ultimate to engage, unless you are sure that the enemy is alone.



  • Infinite scaling
  • Strong utility
  • Global ultimate


  • No dash
  • Slow wave-clear

Senna is the new support/ADC in the game. While she was initially designed to be a support, she quickly became a staple pick for ADCs. Her infinite scaling, which grants her free AD, crit, and lifesteal, is too good to pass up. She may have some flaws, like the slow-wave clear that’s a necessity for ADCs to have, but her kit and utility overall compensates for that.

Item build

The Inspiration primary tree is essential for ADC Senna. Glacial Augment makes her extremely obnoxious for enemies to deal with and buys you enough time to keep doing damage or run away from the enemy. Biscuits will grant you additional sustain during the laning phase, while Approach Velocity alongside boots makes you more mobile. The secondary Precision tree grants you the needed mana to spam your abilities, while Alacrity gives you the attack speed that you won’t get from items since you’ll go for a Lethality build most likely.

Ability priority

Senna’s skill priority is the following: R>Q>W>E. Q max will grant you both healing and damage required to poke and sustain through the laning phase. It’s the perfect two-in-one combined ability. W second will let you follow up with a root more often on your Glacial Augment proc to get a pick or run away from enemies. While E is extremely powerful in coordinated play, it’s rarely used by your solo que allies, so it should be maxed last.

Game plan

Senna is an infinite-scaling ADC. She gains more damage and stats as the game goes on. Your goal is to poke early on and try to pick up souls to get to your power spikes as soon as possible. Don’t expose yourself when picking up souls since good players will punish you for that. Try to poke enemy champions down before going for a soul. Since Senna lacks the traditional wave clear that most ADCs have, try to plan your back to base accordingly. Don’t let enemies build a large wave and crash it into your tower since it’ll be difficult to get CS under it.

In team fights, try to use your utility fully. Don’t just go and right-click on enemies since Senna isn’t the proper pick for such gameplay. Use your heal, shield, root, and global ultimate to assist your allies in need and turn the fights when needed.



  • Flexible playstyle
  • Strong kit
  • Hard to telegraph next moves to enemies


  • Requires weapon management
  • Need to adapt fast to a fighting situation

Aphelios is a one-of-a-kind champion. He was marketed as the most unique AD to enter the Rift and the community thought he’d be the Invoker of League. Instead, he became one of the most powerful ADCs with barely any downsides. While his kit is strong overall regardless of weapon combination, there’s still some expression of skill and the master Aphelios players can be distinguished from the first time Aphelios users. If you want to experience what it’s like to play one of the strongest ADCs in the game, then Aphelios is for you.

Item build


The Precision primary page is important on Aphelios since it grants him additional burst via Press the Attack and Coup de Grace, while also granting survival via Overheal and Legend: Bloodline. The secondary is more flexible, with some players going for Sorcery to access Nimbus Cloak and the stacking AD from Gathering Storm, while others go for Inspiration to get boots alongside biscuits for more sustain.

Ability priority

Rune Dmg By Game Chart League Download

Aphelios doesn’t have any abilities to max. He automatically gets access to his Q at level two and his ultimate at level six, 11, and 16. Instead, he gets access to level up stats: attack damage, attack speed, and armor penetration. The priority for him is: attack damage > attack speed > armor penetration.

Game plan

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Aphelios is one of the strongest ADCs in the game, but he needs items to excel. His core build is Essence Reaver into Runaan’s Hurricane. This combination will allow him to melt enemy players in team fights. Therefore, you should play as safe as possible during the laning phase. Don’t take unfavorable trades. Try to learn what your combination of weapons does to use it as efficiently as possible.

In team fights, your goal is to stick around your team, try to land a good ultimate, and then follow up with autos from a safe distance. Always keep track of what weapons you have in queue and learn the best combinations for different situations.



  • Rewarding gameplay
  • Strong zone control via Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Fluid, synergizing kit


  • Skillshot reliant
  • Needs time to scale

Ezreal is one of the best ADCs for newbies to the role to pick. He teaches you how to land skillshots, how to maximize damage output via auto attacking between abilities, and how to zone off enemies from an objective with your Iceborn Gauntlet. While he isn’t as strong as Senna or Aphelios, who are the two best ADCs in the game right now, he’s a strong contender, especially after recent buffs.

Item build

Ezreal used to run with Kleptomancy before it was reworked into Omnistone. The Inspiration tree was core on him since it granted him sustain, boots, and additional CDR. With the removal of Kleptomancy, most Ezreal players transitioned to the Precision primary tree, which is used by most meta ADCs. Lethal Tempo allows you to unleash fast auto attacks, especially when stacked with attack speed. Presence of Mind grants you additional damage via Muramana, Legend: Bloodline is for sustain to keep you healthy before you get your lifesteal items, and Coup de Grace will help you finish off low health opponents. The secondary Sorcery tree grants you additional CDR and Manaflow Band gives you additional AD via Muramana and makes sure you never run out of mana.

Ability priority

Ezreal’s skill priority is: R>Q>E>W. His Q needs to be maxed first regardless of AD/AP build since it reduces his other cooldowns if a target is hit. It’s the bread and butter ability for farming, poking, and helping you proc your Sheen item. E is maxed second after Q since mobility is much more important than the additional damage scaling from W.

Game plan

Ezreal is one of the strongest mid-game ADCs. To reach the mid-game, you have a simple game plan. Farm efficiently during the laning phase to purchase Manamurne and a Sheen Item (Trinity Force or Iceborn Gauntlet). With Manamurne converted to Muramana at around 20 minutes and the Sheen item completed, you’re at your strongest point in the game. At this stage of the game, your goal is to group with your teammates and push for objectives. You’ll fall off compared to other ADCs, but you’ll still be a reliable damage dealer even in the later stages of the game. Remember to weave auto attacks between your abilities to maximize damage output.

Miss Fortune


  • Strong AoE damage
  • Lane bully
  • Attack speed steroid built-in kit


Pc Game Chart

  • No dash
  • Doesn’t deal that well with tanks

Miss Fortune became more popular over the last few patches both in pro play and solo que. She’s a lane bully who excels in the early to mid game. Her ultimate allows you to kill entire teams in a clumped up zone.

Item build

The Precision primary tree has all the needed runes for ADCs. Press the Attack will increase your burst damage on a single target, while Overheal alongside Legend: Bloodline will grant you more effective health before a fight and allow you to lifesteal back to full HP if focused. Coup de Grace combined with your ultimate will allow you to unleash devastating amounts of damage to low health targets. The secondary Sorcery rune is essential here since it has Nimbus Cloak to grant you movement speed to kite easier and Absolute Focus to make you an even bigger bully in the lane.

Ability priority

Miss Fortune’s skill priority is: R>Q>W>E. Her core ability early on is Q since it has good scaling and allows you to poke down enemies or easily finish them off if they’re low. It’s important for you to learn the positioning requirement for your Q to ricochet to the required target. W max second over E is better since it grants you attack speed, which directly improves your fighting capabilities for the entire duration, while E only affects a small zone from which enemies can just walk away.

Game plan

Rune Dmg By Game Chart League Of Legends

Miss Fortune is a lane bully and excels in the laning phase. Try to use Q on low health minions so that it ricochets to enemy champions and crits for 200 percent damage for easy poke potential. Don’t waste your E aggressively since it barely does anything. Keep it up to run away from enemies or chase them down after the trade window is over. Try to farm as efficiently as possible to reach your power spike. Once you have one to two items, group up and look for ultimate opportunities in team fights. Keep track of the enemies with dashes who can dive you or CC you. Don’t waste your ultimate before you see them using their CC or dash.

I'm thinking specifically AD carries that get Zeal and Phantom Dancers first (Kog'Maw or Vayne). But it can also definitely work with champions that get Infinity Edge first (Tristana), by rushing Cloak of Agility (830) instead of farming for B.F. Sword (1650). Cloak of Agility can be farmed a lot faster than B.F. Sword, and with the added Crit Dmg bonus, could still do some damage enough to farm for the rest of the items. It can land you some early kills at bot lane because the enemy ADC would still be farming for his B.F. Sword while you already have a Cloak of Agility. It would scale a lot better later on than AD Runes. And it also stacks with Infinity Edge.
So instead of going:
Boots + Pots x3
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
B.F Sword (1650)
you can go:
Boots + Pots x3
Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Cloak of Agility (830)
TL;DR - B.F. Sword (1650 = expensive). Cloak of Agility (830 = cheap). Cloak of Agility + Crit Dmg Runes (nice scale) = Win?
I'm just curious as to why AD Runes are still preferred over them. I'm still pretty new to this game so can anyone explain?

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