Rogue Mechanic Do More Dmg Then A Assasin Ddo

  1. Rogue Mechanic Do More Dmg Than A Assassin Ddo 3

Fort DC (12/16/20 + Rogue Level + Intelligence Modifier) Negates daze. The damage scales with 200% Ranged Power. Note: The daze does not work correctly, targets hit by the daze effect can still move and attack, yet are vulnerable to sneak attacks.) Bug: Thunderstone actually blinds targets and damage does not scale with RP. Far Shot: +1 Sneak Attack Die. +10 Positive Spell Power.Your Point Blank Shot and Ranged Sneak Attack range is increased by 5 meters for each Deepwood Stalker Core Ability you possess. Oct 12, 2019  If you use a long bow, you should deal more damage with a Ranger 5/ Rogue (assassin) 3. With assassinate you hit with advantage and if you hit is a critical, plus sharshooter. Then you sums hunter's mark, proficiency, DEX and fighting style. Rogue Assassin II. Usage: Passive Cost: 2 action points Progression: 42 action points Requires All of: Rogue Sneak Attack Training III, Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy III, Rogue Assassin I Available to Rogue class level 12 Grants an +1d6 sneak attack bonus to damage, +2 bonus to Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently skills and Fortitude saves against poison.

This class training chapter is looking for an experienced stealth master.

If you have specific knowledge about how to train this class for any level of stealth operations, please volunteer to help by leaving your information on the DDO forums or ask to adopt this chapter as a contributing editor.


A Rogue is arguably the most prepared class in the game. While not necessarily the strongest fighter, it knows where to hit for the greatest damage.

When other classes fear a hall of deadly traps, the Rogue ambly dashes about them, disabling the devices as able.

Frustrating locks and closed doors do not faze the Rogue. Observation and practice even allows the Rogue to use wands and scrolls and weapons for emergencies.

Rogues can silently infiltrate most anywhere, often earning them reputations as master thieves.

Class Trees

Rogue Mechanic Do More Dmg Than A Assassin Ddo 3

  • Assassin: Trained to eliminate resistance under stealth, the Assassin knows how to approach a target while evading any guards. True to its name, this class can assassinate an enemy while in Sneak and remain hidden to others while doing so.
  • Mechanic: Fond of great crossbows, this tinkerer has improved trapper, magic device usage and lock-picking skills as well as in creating impressive traps and learning how to damage constructs more effectively.
  • Thief-Acrobat: A skilled, agile and deadly quarterstaff combatant, the Acrobat is the better general fighting Rogue of the trees.

Stealth Strengths

  • Hide and Move Silently as class skills
  • Most skills of any class for adapting to any occasion
  • Low or no Armor Check Penalty (Light armor only)
  • Self-sufficient with proper Use Magic Device training
  • Fast movement speed, fast sneak speed
  • Best sneak attack of all classes
  • Can silently open and disable objects without breaking Sneak
  • Can assassinate an enemy without alerting others or breaking Sneak and invisibility
  • Pairs very well with all other classes


  • Vulnerable in long-term combat if unable to sneak attack for higher damage

Spells/Spell-Like Abilities

While not normally spell casters, Rogues can emulate proficiency with magic devices (wands and scrolls) and learn to wield weaponry and gear that aren't normally designed for them, thanks to the Use Magic Device skill. A strong UMD score can help provide emergency and operations support for a stealth party.

Tactical Strengths

  • Assassinate (Assassin Level 12), Assassinate an enemy without breaking Sneak, or even invisibility if active.
  • Sneak Attack Training: Rogues do this better than any other.
  • Kip Up (Thief-Acrobat): Immunity from most knockdown effects.
  • Trapmaking: Rogues can deploy noisemaking traps to lure and divert enemies, as well as damaging traps to guard a party
  • Open Lock and Disable Device: Critical skills to silently and reliably open doors and remove traps, as well as opening chests, of course. Provides a silent way to open bashable (noisy) doors.
  • Wrack Construct (Mechanic): Able to deal extra damage to Constructs.

Training Suggestions

Rogues can blend many abilities from different trees to create many varieties.

For stealth operations, these skills should be considered:


  • Stealthy (Assassin tier 1): Up to +3 Hide/Move Silently, 75% sneak speed.
  • Fast Movement (Acrobat tier 1): movement speed boost
  • Improved Traps (Tier 2 mechanic): makes traps equal to your disable device skill.

Rogues are great multiclass options for Wizards, who share INT as a vital stat, staff-using monks and tempest trap monkeys.

While Rogues aren't solely 'trap monkeys', they are clearly most suited for removing obstacles and providing diverse support that no other class can do, so the core rogueish skills are important in the safety (and profit) of many parties.

Special Training

See Master Assassin nokowi's YouTube channel for advanced stealth assassin examples.
Drow Elf Legendary INT assassin

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