Pathfinder Dex Dmg On Melee

Sep 28, 2018  Dex Based Melee Weapon Finesse - Use Dex instead of Str on to hit rolls (Rogues get this for free at first level) Fencing Grace - Choose a light weapon and add Dex to DMG instead of Str - Weapon finesse, weapon focus. Jul 04, 2013 This character could be adjusted to wield a shield along with a one-handed weapon (perhaps a longsword), but as I mentioned in a previous post, in Pathfinder, two handed melee is king; your damage would take a serious dip if you went that direction. With a significant shift in ability scores, this cleric could even be a strong archer, though. Pathfinder - Ranger Combat Styles Breakdown Disclaimer. I support a limited subset of Pathfinder's rules content.If you would like help with Pathfinder player options not covered here, please email me and I am happy to provide additional assistance. I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks.

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  2. Pathfinder Dex Dmg On Melee 1
It came up multiple times in a single three hour span or so on another forum I frequent, so I put this together. I'm posting this guide to be useful, so if you note anything I missed, let me know please.
The Dexterity to Damage List
There are eleven ways I know of to get dex to damage. This post is an info post for everyone who keeps asking about it.
To get it out of the way: One of those eleven is the fifth level of Gunslinger and most of its archetypes, which grants dex to damage with firearms (and in one case, crossbows).The second is the fifth level of the Raging Technologist Barbarian Archetype.
now then:
#1 - The Agile weapon enhancement. This +1 enhancement can be placed on any finessable weapon, and from that point forward you may add your dex mod instead of your strength mod to damage.
#2: Dervish Dance - This feat is for scimitar only. Cannot be gained earlier than second level because it requires two ranks in perform dance, except by Bards with the Dawnflower Dervish archetype. Treats Scimitar as a one handed piercing weapon, add dex to atk and dmg.
#3: Mythic Weapon Finesse - only available if you have mythic. Allows the character to add dex to damage to all finessable weapons.
#4: Slashing Grace - came out with swashbuckler in ACG. Applies dex to damage to any single light or one handed slashing weapon, but does not make them finessable. It makes them treated as One handed Piercing weapons. This means that if you have one level of swashbuckler you can use dex to atk and damage with that weapon. - Errata caused this feat to be slightly less awesome, as you are required to have your off-hand completely empty and doing nothing at all.
#5: Fencing Grace - gain dex to damage with rapiers, which are already finessable. - Errata struck again, but arguably as it was simply a reprint some players might succeed in a case to specifically use the version from Advanced Class Origins, which does not require an empty and unused off-hand.
#6: Fourth level of a swashbuckler archetype called Whirling Dervish. Interestingly, applies to ALL weapons that work with Swashbuckler finesse, + scimitar.
#7: The third level of the Unchained Rogue (and the 11th and 19th levels) allows one to select a single finessable type of weapon. The rogue may now use dex to damage with that type of weapon.
#8(bit out of order): Second level of the Swordlord prestige class allows you to add dex to damage with an aldori dueling sword.
#9 Starry Grace - Gain Dex to damage with a Starknife
I know of only one way to make a one handed weapon count as a light weapon: Effortless Lace from the Giant Slayer's handbook, which causes any one handed piercing or slashing melee weapon sized for the wielder to be treated as light for purposes of weapon finesse and any feat, spell, or special weapon ability that can be used in conjunction with light weapons. It costs 2500gp and it is one use only. It affects a single weapon for as long as it is attached, but if removed loses all magic.
Note that order is effectively(though it may not be exact) chronological by release date, not by power, ease of use, or other criteria.

Beast Lord (Second row melee damage dealer)

The build starts with combining Amiri's so-so early game damage with an Animal Companion to really make her shine. The spells she picks are purely about increasing her damage, we're not going to waste time, feats or abilities in trying to fix her abysmal AC. Between your frontline tanks and her animal companion, she should be moving into melee to engage last anyhow.

Her spells will really help her throughout the game, especially toward the end. Dmg file mount on windows 8. Lead Blades makes her already oversized Bastard Sword count as Huge sized. True Strike is THE spell for Vital Strike feats. And of course, external spells like Animal Growth and Enlarge Person only serve to wildly spike up her efficacy.

I've done about 6 different Amiri builds at this point, toying with standard Barbarian / Tanks / spellcasting, and this is by far my most favorite. The build evolves and changes as you play it, but the highlight is that it never lags. She ends up as a top performer the entire game.

SkillsAthletics, Mobility, Lore (Nature), Perception, Lore (Religion)
Important GearOversized bastard sword
16 > 2013 > 14 (at level 20)16101210
Final Build
BarbarianFighter (Two-Handed)Sacred HuntmasterRanger
Leveling Guide
2Sacred Huntmaster - Gorum (Deity) - Strength (Domain) - Animal Companion Smilodon - Bless, Divine Favor
3Sacred Huntsmaster - Boon Companion - True Strike
4Sacred Huntsmaster 3 - Precise Strike - Expeditious Retreat
5Sacred Huntsmaster - Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword - Aid, See Invisibility
6Sacred Huntsmaster - Favored Enemy: Humans +2 - Invisibility
7Sacred Huntsmaster - Power Attack, Outflank, Lesser Restoration
8Ranger - Strength +1 - Favored Enemy - Magical Beasts +2
9Ranger - Cleave RF, Cleaving Finish
10Ranger - Endurance, Favored Terrain - First World
11Ranger - Animal Companion - Continue, Improved Critical: Bastard Sword
12Ranger - Strength +1 - Favored Enemy - Fey +2 Humans +4
13Two-Handed Fighter - Critical Focus, Sunder Armor
14Two-Handed Fighter - Greater Sunder Armor
15Two-Handed Fighter - Vital Strike
16Two-Handed Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Bastard Sword
17Two-Handed Fighter - Blinding Critical
18Two-Handed Fighter - Greater Vital Strike
19Two-Handed Fighter - Great Cleave
20Barbarian - Feat

This build has been generously provided with permission by Roahin and is current to December 1, 2018.


Not lore-friendly. At all.

Stacks flat damage bonuses quite high. Can sport about 60 AC with legendary proportions. Ok-ish damage with Sense Vitals late. Nothing too spectacular, as Amiri tends to be, but does have some damage and can take a hit, so there’s that. If you need a second tank and CBA to get a merc - it is a serviceable option.

Pathfinder Dex Dmg On Melee Pc

Main SkillsPerception, Lore: Nature, Athletics, 3 Mobility
Secondary SkillsMobility. Stealth, Trickery are all decent choices. You have 29 spare points - pick what you need.
Important Gear1h weapon of choice, Medium armor, light shield, +AC items, +Stat items
16 > 2013 > 14 (at level 20)16101210
Final Build
BarbarianRanger (Freebooter)Alchemist (Vivisectionist)Stalwart Defender
Leveling Guide
3Ranger - Shield Bash // Two-Weapon Combat > Two-Weapon Fighting
4Barbarian - Guarded Stance
5Ranger - Dodge
7Ranger - Outflank
8Ranger - Two-Weapon Combat > Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
9Barbarian - Improved Unarmed Strike
10Barbarian - Animal Fury
11Barbarian - Crane Style
12Barbarian - Beast Totem, Lesser
13Barbarian - Shield Master
14Barbarian - Beast Totem
15Ranger - Improved Critical✝
17Ranger - Bashing Finish
18Ranger - Two-Weapon Combat > Double Slice
19Alchemist - Shield Focus

✝Whatever 1h weapon you fancy. Scimitars and longswords are good. There are some ok Bastard Swords out there as well.

Good Ranger Spells: Lead Blades, Sense Vitals, Featherstep (Mass), Delay Poison (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal).

This build is current to November 17, 2018.

Pathfinder Dex Dmg On Melee 1

All builds on this page have been generously provided with permission by InEffect.

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