Obliteration Explosion Affected By Dmg Modifiers Poe

Does Mastermind of discord elemental penetration value's function with righteous fire degen?
Nothing on that note indicates it only functions on 'on hit' damage, since it reads 'damage penetrates', which sounds to me like a global modifier.
Questionnaire on cognitive dissonance,
If = a transwomen joins a womens group and interupts women from speaking
does = she exhibit male privilege and toxic masculinity?
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 4:09:41 AM
How does the exploding enemies part of Obliteration, Infernal Blow, Abyssal Cry and Profane Bloom interact?
Specifically: Do the chances to explode on Obliteration and Profane bloom stack? i.e. using all three you'd end up with 60% chance for a killed enemy to explode? or would it be three lots of 20% chance to explode? And could they all trigger on the same enemy, meaning, if you're lucky the enemy would explode for 75% of it's max life.
Also, how does the above interact with Abyssal Cry and Infernal Blow? (Of course Obliteration cannot be used with Infernal Blow but Profane Bloom still can) Since they're guaranteed to make the enemies explode does that override the chance to explode from the above? Or can they all cause the enemy to explode, stacking the % life damage?
How do Infernal Blow and Abyssal Cry Interact with each other? Does one take priority or do they both trigger?
The explosion on Infernal Blow has 5% chance to crit (going off the wiki) Is that the same for the others? Does the crit chance support gem effect the explosion part of Infernal Blow and Abyssal Cry?
And do normal damage modifies apply to all of them? i.e. fire damage would increase the explosion from Infernal Blow and chaos damage for the other three. Area damage would affect all of them.
I think this thread was an awesome idea btw!
Last edited by voragghoulking on Aug 25, 2016, 5:36:45 AM
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 5:06:41 AM
Does Mastermind of discord elemental penetration value's function with righteous fire degen?
Nothing on that note indicates it only functions on 'on hit' damage, since it reads 'damage penetrates', which sounds to me like a global modifier.

By default to penetrate you need to hit .. so answer is no
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 5:53:04 AM
Hi there Ben, on my main set up i use, TS/PPAD/sl.proj./pierce/fstr attatck/incr crit strikes.
My question is about making some changes on gems, like i would like to use poison gem or added chaos.
Would this be beneficial for me? would my poison damage be enhanced by using poison gem? even if i was using cospri's chest (i use kintsugi) but even so either case would it be better with poison gem in main set up?
btw to make things easier for you to get an idea how my build is and tree, i followed ziggy build the AssReacher (yes with the upcoming Reach getting nerfed) :((
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 3:52:17 PM
Hi! I dont know If I am wrong, but my Elreon is level 6, I have never bought anything from him and still I cannot buy the discount orbs from him. What should I do?
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 4:22:10 PM
hello, i have question with taming.
lets say i have totally zero damage increases and that ring only gives it's first mod- 10% increased damage per freeze shock and ignite on enemy.
and emberwake only with its ignite stacking. and nothing else- no other increases, decreases, etc.
so lets say my first hit deals 100 fire damage, and it ignites for 80 damage over 4 secs (yes lets ignore emberwake's 80% less).
1) So the first question is- will second hit deal 110 fire damage and will it ignite for 110*0.8*1.1=96.8 over 4 secs- third multiplier 1.1 asks if ignite will also be increased separately or in other words will it double dip?
2) and the second question- i have noticed from previous youtube videos and current my taming behavior that the taming no longer increases tooltip damage. Does it now deal different increased damage to each mobs individually or is it just bugged (yes i inflict ele status ailments)?
3) does it still stack with multiple ignites?
Last edited by Andrius319 on Aug 25, 2016, 7:10:18 PM
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 7:08:59 PM
Does the -20% Cold Resistense stack on 1 enemy if i throw e.g. cluster frost bomb traps in?
ty in advance

There's a cooldown on frost bomb.

BUT my question was another 'i said' that i apply multiple frost bombs with cluster traps so 4 of them are on the ground! i wanted to know if the -20% can stack
thank you in advance
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 7:28:11 PM
Hi, I contacted Support for this but they weren't able to answer this and referred to this thread here.
Therefore my questions here:
In your detailed Atlas mechanics post Chris wrote this:
There are fifteen available, and they are distributed among specific maps in the Atlas (one at each of map tiers 6-12, two at tier 13, and three each at tiers 14 and 15). Earning the 1% cumulative map quantity bonus mentioned above earns you the Shaper's Orb from that map, if it has one.
Generally you earn a tier X Shaper's Orb from completing a tier X+5 map. For example, if you complete a tier 15 map that has a Shaper's Orb as the reward, then you'll receive a tier 10 Shaper's Orb, allowing you to upgrade a tier 10 map of your choice to tier 15.

Now I am wondering, can I earn that Shaper's Orb from a map multiple times? Like the map quantity bonus reward is to kill the boss in a reare map (for yellow maps). So let's say Shore map with is a T8 (yellow) map. I kill the boss from a rare version of it, get a Shaper's Orb and upgrade Vaal Pyramid (which is T3) to T8. Now I do another rare Shore, kill the boss again. Do I get another Shaper's Orb to upgrade another T3 to T8 or is that thing one-time-only-per map?
so basically do I need to think about which maps especially I want to upgrade or can I change the whole atlas, so there are no 1-5 maps at the end anymore because I upgraded every 1-10 map to 6-15 maps?
Thanks in advance!
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 8:07:23 PM
Hi, kind of new to the forum. I'm trying to learn the poe math so here is my question:
I'm running a freezing pulse build and use a crit dagger. so when I press C and look at my freezing pulse stats I have 2631-3949 cold damage. when I remove my dagger
my cold damge turn to 2317-3478
I know the dagger has 68% spell damage but why does it change the base cold damagae??
Last edited by chusestoa on Aug 25, 2016, 8:42:44 PM
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 8:42:05 PM
Hi, kind of new to the forum. I'm trying to learn the poe math so here is my question:
I'm running a freezing pulse build and use a crit dagger. so when I press C and look at my freezing pulse stats I have 2631-3949 cold damage. when I remove my dagger
my cold damge turn to 2317-3478
I know the dagger has 68% spell damage but why does it change the base cold damagae??
What you see in your character screen is not the base damage. What you see is the damage amplified by all modifiers you have (passives, itmes, buffs). If you want to see the base damage, you have to look at the gem itself.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
This forum is a worse place without Charan.
Posted by
on Aug 25, 2016, 9:02:55 PM

Obliteration Explosion Affected By Dmg Modifiers Poe 4


Report Forum Post

This page on PoE Wikipedia says. Apple configurator 1 dmg download torrent. The burning damage over time is 40% of the base damage of the hit of fire damage, per second. Righteous Fire does not hit, but its burning damage per second is still increased by 40% of the base fire damage a character would deal. Therefore both modifiers have the same effect. The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage and cannot be reflected. Per 1% Quality: 0.5% increased Cast Speed Explosion deals base Fire Damage equal to 6% of the corpse's Maximum Life Deals (15-798) to (22-1197) Fire Damage +(0-4) to radius Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. This page on PoE Wikipedia says. The burning damage over time is 40% of the base damage of the hit of fire damage, per second. Righteous Fire does not hit, but its burning damage per second is still increased by 40% of the base fire damage a character would deal. Therefore both modifiers have the same effect.

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