Moze High Gun Dmg Build

Sep 12, 2019  Our Borderlands 3 Moze Leveling Build Guide features a complete step-by-step leveling guide, focusing on your weapon damage and shields while keeping the early progression on this build exciting! Out of all the vault hunters, Moze has the highest potential in damage. She specializes in a variety of ways, mainly offense. She's capable of unlimited.

Welcome to our Boss Killer guide for Moze the Gunner in Borderlands 3.Featuring several damage multipliers and the ability to extend the firepower ofalready powerful guns like Lyuda and Cutsman, this build sports the fastest bosskill times. Here, you will learn everything you need to know to gear yourselfup and play this build at the highest level.

  1. Sep 27, 2019  Moze is a run and gun style of character, but utilizes a huge mech called the Iron Bear. If you're up against tough to kill enemies, you'll be utilizing this vehicle to deal huge amounts of damage to your foes with a variety of different weaponry!
  2. Sep 27, 2019  Moze the Gunner DPS Build (A focus on Moze and high damage output). A legendary Hyperion Shotgun that deals damaged based on the player's melee damage, meaning this gun buffs based on Amara's.
  3. Sep 25, 2019  Also good for this build is The Duc, the sticky bomb revolver, and Flakker, the super explosion gun that may be the most powerful in the game, but even more so when combined will all of Moze.

By heavily investing in the Bottomless Mags tree, this build coupled withspecific Vladof and Maliwan weapons provide the fastestboss killing potential since Porcelain Pipe Bomb nerf. Embracing theadage 'the best defense is a good offense' the following build offers little interms of survivability, in exchange for the ability to melt bosses in a handfulof seconds, at worst.


Skill Tree

  • Extremely fast at killing bosses.
  • Good enough survivability.
  • Requires only a primary weapon and a secondary of your choice.


  • Iron Bear used only to enable some Anointed Traits (if you have any)
  • Weapon dependent.

Boss Killer Moze playstyle is extremely simple and it is meant to be as quickand effective as possible. Start the boss encounter in Iron Bear, pop out toproc any anointment effects you may have and to enable Some for the Road.Delete Boss with the appropriate elemental weapon; rinse and repeat.


Boss Killer Moze Skills

  • Cloud of Lead improves our ammo efficiency whileRedistribution and Forge provide continuousammo regeneration for the active weapon.
  • Scorching RPM's together with “Click, Click..”provide increase gun damage.
  • Matched Set and The Iron Bank combined almostdouble the baseline magazine size of any weapon, which in turn also double theammo regen from Forge and Redistribution.
  • Some for the Road allows us to burst down targets and bosses in1 Cutsman or Lyuda clip.
  • Rushin’ Offensive is a quality of life change, mostly to speedup even further our farming. Gotta go fast!
  • Thin Red Line and Vladof Ingenuity are used to increase the shield pool and increase our survivability.
  • Experimental Munitions adds some extra Incendiary damage everytime we score a Critical hit.
  • Desperate Measures increase weapon damage by a noticeable amount.

Action Skill, Augments, and Elements

Iron Bear is mostly used to proc Some for the Road and anointed effects, thus itsloadout is more of a personal choice. I like to run with doubleSalamander, augmented with both Fuel Economy andMolten Roar for the extra mobility.

The 1 point in Rushin’ Offensive can be reallocated into Scrappyfor faster weapon swap.


Boss Killer Moze Gearing

While maximizing Matched Set is not as important as in Maliwan Moze, it is advisable toget at least 2 matching weapons and a grenade mod of the same manufacturer tobe able to dispatch a boss within the 5 seconds of Some for the Roadand the remaining clip under negative mayhem 3 affixes.

For the primary weapon, there are 2 main boss killers:

  • Lyuda is the first choice. A Sniper Rifle with the rate of fire of an Assault Rifle, the gun is only limited by its magazine size and reload time. Fortunately with this particular setup we can double the starting capacity which coupled with Some for the Road and any eventual anointment effect allows us to fire continuously till the boss is dead (provided it doesnt have immunity phases). Ideally found with the Annexed affix, it is recommended to have an Incendiary version, and a shock one as backup for high Shield bosses.
  • Cutsman is the other obvious option. Try again to have multiple guns with Incendiary/Corrosive/Shock damage to deal with the corresponding health bar.

Last weapon slot is for the Sellout in case we want to hunt red health bosses,and it is best paired with an Elemental Projector artifact.

Regarding Class mods, Bloodletter synergizes with the build, but it isnot mandatory. There are simply no other options that stand out for the timebeing.

When choosing the Artifact, Deathless offers the highest damageincrease unless you have a class mod that gives you at least 2 extra points inThin Red Line; if that is the case, then using a Grave offerseven more damage at the expense of further lowering our shields.

The Re-Router Shield is the offensive choice, providing even more damageon our first shot. Ward can be a good alternative, although somewhatrisky. If you prefer instead a safer approach, your best options areThe Transformer, Re-Charger, and Stop-Gap.

Grenades mods are mostly used to extend primary weapon magazine size through Matched Set;pick any Vladof mod if you run with Lyuda, or a Tran-fusion foradded sustain if you run with Cutsman since there are no MaliwanGrenade mods yet.


Anointed Rolls

Anointed rolls are special additional effects that can appear on weapons andshields at higher levels. The special effects relate to the use of actionskills and provide powerful temporary buffs.

Boss Killer Moze build greatly benefits from Action Skill End rolls such as:

  • 'On Action Skill End, the next 2 magazines will have 50% additional bonus Element Damage' works extremely well as we basically never reload, making that an almost always active bonus on a given weapon.
  • 'After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 40% bonus Incendiary damage', is numerically a worse roll than the generic one, but it always comes with Incendiary Damage as the upside.
  • 'After exiting Iron Bear, gain 75% increased shields and health for 25seconds.' offers the best defensive capabilities, and can be used to complementan extremely glass-cannon loadout.

Alternative Gear from Missions

The build relies on a tight combination of specific legendary items, thusthere is no viable alternatives from missions.

SlotItemSpecial EffectSecondary Stat/Effect Priority
Weapon 1Lyuda
  1. Incendiary/Shock Damage
  2. Consumes 2 ammo per shot
Weapon 2Cutsman
  1. Incendiary/Shock/Corrosive Damage
  2. % Damage
Weapon 3Any Vladofor Maliwan weapon depending on your first weapon choice.
Weapon 4Sellout when fighting against Red Bar bosses, else use a matching Vladof orMaliwan weapon
ShieldThe TransformerWhen full, drain 50% of shield to amplify next weapon shot by an additional 120%. Damage dealt that way is returned as Health Points.25% max capacity
Class ModBloodletter
  1. % Weapon Damage
  2. % Magazine Size
  3. % Incendiary Damage
ArtifactElemental ProjectorWhile suffering an elemental effect, increase your damage with that same element.
  1. % Elemental Damage
  2. % Weapon Damage
  3. % Magazine Size
Artifact alternativeDeathlessReserves all but 1 health point. 100% shield Increase. -20% Shield recharge delay.
  1. % Elemental Damage
  2. % Weapon Damage
  3. % Magazine Size
Grenade ModIt's PissRemoves negative status effect on friendlies and debuff enemy targets for 20% increase received damage.
Grenade Mod AlternativeTran-fusionHeals for 120% of the damage dealt on health bars, and for 60% of the damage dealt to shield bars.


  • 13 Nov. 2019: Guide added.

Moze High Gun Dmg Build 2

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This guide has been written by Motoko,Warlock main since The Burning Crusade, co-admin in the Warlock Discord, and theorycrafterand contributor for LockOneStopShop.

Welcome to our leveling build guide for Moze the Gunner inBorderlands 3.Iron Bear plays the central role in this unique setup tailoredto offer you a smooth leveling experience with plenty of firepowerregardless to your luck with weapon drops.Here, you will learn everything you need to know to gearyourself up and be proficient with this build.

So, you want to pilot a badass mech, you like explosions, grenades andwielding enough firepower to put all the others Vault Hunters combined toshame? Look no further, this is Moze, the Gunner.

This build is primarily meant for leveling up to TVHM Mayhem 2 offering high damage/survivability through Iron Bear, and means to replenish grenades and reset the cooldown of the mech, without relying on specific legendary/unique weapons/items.More often than not while leveling, players have to work with what is best atthe moment and single items can become quickly obsolete in a matter of fewlevels; to minimize this aspect, we focus on Action Skill effectiveness and complementary traits.



  • High burst and damage output while being safe.
  • Independent from gear for the most part.
  • Power spike tied to your mech, so when it is on cooldown, you have to rely on your weapons/grenades.


The Playstyle of the build revolves around maximizing Iron Bear uptime andusing Splash Damage to both refill your Grenades andMech cooldown.When on your own, it is advisable to fight at mid-range with automatic andfast-firing weapons such as Assault Rifles and SMGs with the occasional use ofJakobs Revolvers or bipod Vladof Assault Rifles to extend your range of engagement.

This build excels in solo and in duo, but can also be played in a larger group.While not offering substantial party buffs, you are a more-than-capable frontlinerand you excel at mobbing and bursting down badasses;plus you can carry a friend as a gunner!



Early on, your mech suffers from relatively poor fuel efficiency, longcooldown, and average survivability, so we focus on improving mechuptime and staying power with maxed Grizzled, Stainless Steel Bear, and Deadlines.

Auto Bear increases the uptime passively as long as you exit the mechwith some armour (you can deplete all the fuel).

A single point in Means of Destruction allows us to take Lock and Speedload which drastically increases Iron Bear damage output and burst.

In the shield of Retribution tree, we pick early Security Bear tofurther increase Iron Bear survivability, before maxing outMeans of Destruction.

Now that we have a way to replenish grenades, we want to invest intoPull the Holy Pin and To the Last which enable clutch plays with grenades.

Next, we want to rush to Short Fuse as it dramatically improves thenumber of explosions, thus the grenades and cooldown reduction on Iron Bear wecan get, especially when using fast firing weapons such as Assault Rifles orSMG or even multiple pellet weapons like shotguns.

The last 3 points are going on Cloud of Lead which both improvesour damage and increases our ammo economy.

At this point, your Iron Bear is already a force to be reckoned with,but remember: unlike shields or health, it cannot regenerate armour, so makegood use of the air slide function to dash across the battlefield and dodgeprojectiles while you can.To do so, simply press the Jump button with a directional input again while jumping.Prioritize Grenade capacity when upgrading SDUs so you can start the playstyle loop of:

  1. spam grenades;
  2. enter the mech and lay waste while refilling all the grenades;
  3. use those grenades together with your weapons explosion procs from Short Fuse to reset your mech cooldown.

Maxing out Cloud of Lead allows us to take Redistributionwhich again gives us more ammunition everytime we hit a weak spot or our grenades scores a critical hit.

3 points in Stoke the Embers is a flat damage gain when using incendiary weapons and will have an even greater synergy later as we get more points to spend.

Last point to unlock the next row can go either in Scrappy for better weapon handling while moving, or in Dakka Bear which allows us to carry a friend as gunner or even use it ourselves during Auto Bear duration.

Scorching RPM's is a flat output buff but 4 points are enough there;the 5th is better spent in Rushin’ Offensive which allows us to be moremobile and reposition while also shooting outside of Mech.

The final point in the tree is on Specialist Bear, which equals to aflat 25% damage buff, provided we run with two of the same weapons.

At this point, we have the option to swap from the twin Grenade Launchers tothe Twin Minigun with Exploding. Bullets.; the former offers better burstand AoE at the expense of shorter reach, while the latter allows us to extend the Mech range at the cost ofmore sustained and slightly worse damage per second.Double Minigun also offers better target tracking against flying units and let us 'park' the Mech in Auto Bear without worrying about its position and range too much.

What about the last 4 points? Back in the Demolition Woman tree, there isFire in the Skag Den which allows us to deal bonus incendiary damage whenever Moze deals Splash Damage, so by using Grenades, firing weapons with explosive properties or simply proccingShort Fuse.That bonus damage is further amplified by Stoke the Embers we maxed before. YAY Synergy!

Playstyle-wise, we are going to spend the vast majority of the time pilotingIron Bear and laying waste to everything in front of us, and when it is offcooldown (or destroyed), it is just a matter of seconds to get it back againthanks to all the grenades or secondary explosions we can generate.


Recovery disk mac. As this is a leveling guide, legendaries are a bonus during the playthrough,however, there are some important manufacturers synergies worth mentioning, evenif ultimately weapon choices are a matter of personal preference.

As mentioned already this build works around generating as many explosions as possible to quickly regenerate both grenades and Action Skill cooldown, therefore fast firing weapons have a stronger synergy than slower ones like Launchers or Sniper Rifles.

Assault Rifles are your mid to long range bread and butter options.

  • Jakobs have the highest damage per shot at the slowest rate of firewhich works well if you want to click heads consistently at any range. Carbinemodel in particular is extremely effective for hipfiring headshot and dispatchingmobs in 2-4 shots. The ricochet trait snapshots the original projectile properties so it can double the effect of both Cloud of Lead and Short Fuse.
  • Dahl offers semi auto and burst fire solutions which will improve your accuracy at longer ranges compared to a full auto weapon, especially if you can click fast.
  • Vladof underbarrel attachments can come handy in a pinch but thebipod allows you to transform the Assault rifle into a fully automatic and almost recoil-less sniper rifle.

SMGs are mostly for the close quarter combat and for elemental damage

  • Dahl SMGs are precise, offer high elemental damage and the fastestreload speed in the category. Due to the extremely low recoil, they are generallypreferable in full auto mode rather than burst.
  • Hyperion offers increased accuracy the more you fire and solid elemental damage that complements high rate of fire.
  • Maliwan have the best elemental damage but are often hindered by slow projectile travel time which require you to lead the target, and a charge time before they can fire; powerful, especially when elemental damage is required, but not as usable as the other two options.

Pistols or Revolvers are generally used to complement your loadout. If youneed more range or more upfront damage against dangerous targets, considerusing a revolver. If your current loadout lacks elemental damage mid-close range,pick a Dahl/Maliwan pistol instead.

  • Torgue revolvers are basically hand cannons with the option of stickybombs for even more damage on a single target; mostly a mid-to-close range optiondue to rocket travel time. Skill Cannons.
  • Jakobs revolver can fill the gap of a pocket sniper rifle or a shotgun in a pinch, while still being more ammo efficient; a good gun can delete a target in a blink of an eye.
  • Dahl pistols being usually x-rounds burst are better suited for mid range when you need specific elemental damage, and they are great at dispatching hordes of enemies.
  • Maliwan offers in general a bigger elemental punch but again isbetter suited for closer range due to slower rate of fire, projectile traveltime, and sometimes charging time before you can fire.
  • Tediore guns, while offering on paper just another explosion effecton reload, most of the times have the drawback of poor ammo economy and, ingeneral, their model damage is lower to compensate for the unique reload effect.

Grenade mods are somewhat important: you want to focus on those withcontinuous damage and possibly the MIRV property.Lifesteal and homing end up taxing the damage too much in favour of a slightquality of life change; on the other hand, cryo damage and to a lesser extentshock damage are extremely valuable for the crowd control they can apply along the damage.

Notable Grenade mods rewards from the main story and side quests areFungus Among Us and Whispering Ice, both on Eden6.

Shields are generally underwhelming unless you get a random legendary, buttry to focus on shield capacity and chance to absorb hits. Later in the mainstory, you will unlock an extremely useful shield: The Transformerwhich converts all shock damage into shields.

Good traits to find in class mods are, Stainless Steel Bear,Deadlines, and Explosive Punctuation, which give a higher uptime ofpiloting Iron Bear

Moze High Gun Dmg Buildings

Finding Experimental Munitions trait in a class mod can be extremely valuable if you can consistently hit headshots.

Torgue Cross-Promotion, Vampyr and Why Can't I Carry All These Grenades? offer mostly quality of life bonuses; small but noticeable nonetheless.

  • 13 Oct. 2019: Guide added.
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Moze High Gun Dmg Build Guide


This guide has been written by Motoko,Warlock main since The Burning Crusade, co-admin in the Warlock Discord, and theorycrafterand contributor for LockOneStopShop.

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