Mge To Dmg Rank Up

  1. Mge To Dmg Rank Up List
  2. Mge To Dmg Rank Up Games

Prints the Matchmaking Ranks on scoreboard, based on points stats by a certain rank.

Mge to dmg rank up system

Nov 26, 2015  Once they finally break free of the grasp of silver, they achieve the ranks of MG/MGE/DMG or higher within half the time it took them to get out of silver. Your post is an atrocity and you've clearly shown more of your ass than you may realize. If you SoloQ don't expect to rank up anytime soon. On a side note would you like to 1v1. 9 straight wins for me to get too dmg from mge, took a while though cause it's not realy easy too get 9 straight wins lol, But just have a 50%+ win ratio and you'll rank up sooner or later. What enchnat does more dmg to blazes. Level 1 CkzR.


  • Sourcemod;

The Following Plugins can be optional, you just need to have one of them enabled:

  • HLStatsX (version 1.7+, upgrade daemon and use hlstatsx_api plugin)

The following is just for those who want to compile the plugin:

  • Overlays;


  • sm_mm - It opens the Ranks Menu, with the option to check the rank points;


  • ranks_matchmaking_typeofrank (Default: 0) - Type of Rank that you want to use for this plugin (0 for Kento Rankme, 1 for GameMe, 2 for ZR Rank, 3 for HLStatsX)
  • ranks_matchmaking_prefix (Default: '[{purple}Fake Ranks{default}]') - Chat Prefix
  • ranks_matchmaking_flag (Default: 0) - Flag to restrict the ranks to certain players (0 enable the ranks for everyone)
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_s1 (Default: 100) - Number of Points to reach Silver I
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_s2 (Default: 150) - Number of Points to reach Silver II
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_s3 (Default: 200) - Number of Points to reach Silver III
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_s4 (Default: 300) - Number of Points to reach Silver IV
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_se (Default: 400) - Number of Points to reach Silver Elite
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_sem (Default: 500) - Number of Points to reach Silver Elite Master
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_g1 (Default: 600) - Number of Points to reach Gold Nova I
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_g2 (Default: 750) - Number of Points to reach Gold Nova II
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_g3 (Default: 900) - Number of Points to reach Gold Nova III
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_g4 (Default: 1050) - Number of Points to reach Gold Nova IV
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_mg1 (Default: 1200) - Number of Points to reach Master Guardian I
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_mg2 (Default: 1400) - Number of Points to reach Master Guardian II
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_mge (Default: 1600) - Number of Points to reach Master Guardian Elite
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_dmg (Default: 1800) - Number of Points to reach Distinguished Master Guardian
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_le (Default: 2000) - Number of Points to reach Legendary Eagle
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_lem (Default: 2200) - Number of Points to reach Legendary Eagle Master
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_smfc (Default: 2400) - Number of Points to reach Supreme Master First Class
  • ranks_matchmaking_point_ge (Default: 2700) - Number of Points to reach Global Elite
  • ranks_matchmaking_hudoverlay (Default: 1) -> Chooses between a HUD Text Message (0) or an Overlay (1). Overlays are made by RoadSide Romeo;
  • ranks_matchmaking_soundenable (Default: 1) -> Enable sounds when a player ranks up or deranks;
  • ranks_matchmaking_soundrankup (Default: 'levels_ranks/levelup.mp3') -> Path to the sound which will play on Rank Up (needs ranks_matchmaking_soundenable set to 1);
  • ranks_matchmaking_soundrankdown (Default: 'levels_ranks/leveldown.mp3') -> Path to the sound which will play on Derank (needs ranks_matchmaking_soundenable set to 1);

I hope you enjoyed, and I'll keep this repository updated as soon as I update the plugin!

My Steam Profile if you have any questions ->

My Website ->

Mge To Dmg Rank Up List

Mge to dmg rank up 2017

Mge To Dmg Rank Up Games

  1. Triscunt: i dont play baddies
  2. Triscunt: i want you to honestly ask your self
  3. TituSec: yes i solo q and win
  4. Triscunt: lmao 1 solo q game for every 4 five mans probably
  5. TituSec: ive been playing for 777 hours, moving myself through the ranks
  6. TituSec: its a team game, dumbass
  7. TituSec: I only recently started playing premades
  8. TituSec: I essentially solod / dualed my way to MGE/DMG
  9. Triscunt: but i know cutie pie
  10. Triscunt: kk
  11. Triscunt: nah
  12. Triscunt: not really
  13. TituSec: Do you have any proof I am cheating, or are you just gonna be a pussy about it?
  14. TituSec: How about you play with my SMFC friend?
  15. TituSec: OMG you would piss yourself.
  16. TituSec: You think I hack?
  17. TituSec: I sit with him at lunch.
  18. TituSec: And talk to him daily
  19. TituSec: and do projects with him
  20. Triscunt: great friends right there mayne
  21. Triscunt: nope
  22. Triscunt: yeah
  23. TituSec: do i have to fuck him in the ass to form a real bond?
  24. Triscunt: yeah thats how i make my friends
  25. TituSec: because i like to incite resoposces, so i copy and paste them
  26. Triscunt: those are too big words for you man
  27. TituSec: and to other peeps
  28. Triscunt: SCB: im in ts with him
  29. TituSec: rip
  30. TituSec: He's lying?
  31. Triscunt: im sorry
  32. Triscunt: its just something i dont do man
  33. TituSec: I just like your responses. They're hilarious.
  34. Triscunt: Do you legit have autism or something, cause you actually act like it
  35. TituSec: I'm not doing this to make you lose your game or anything.
  36. Triscunt: You think i take this game seriously?
  37. Triscunt: well
  38. TituSec: So is spamming a guy, who is better than you, that he is hacking or something.
  39. TituSec: Watch that video.
  40. TituSec: That's you.
  41. Triscunt: thanks for the game music
  42. TituSec: Triscunt: dillon are you actually gonna be his bitch for real
  43. TituSec: Bwahahaha
  44. Triscunt: yes
  45. Triscunt: Nah man its actually you
  46. TituSec: OOOH THE BURN
  47. Triscunt: thats not normal
  48. TituSec: How so, amigo?
  49. TituSec: Triscunt: mom didnt give him chicken tendies
  50. Triscunt: literally what you just said
  51. Triscunt: that was autisic
  52. Triscunt: k
  53. Triscunt: in text
  54. Triscunt: yes
  55. Triscunt: k
  56. TituSec: I think you are mad because you just cannot get better at this game, no matter how hard you try.
  57. Triscunt: im not mad?
  58. TituSec: you may say you are'nt but i know cutie pie
  59. Triscunt: we could fight at school if your down man
  60. TituSec: Triscunt: You think i take this game seriously?
  61. Triscunt: thats sad
  62. Triscunt: Triscunt: we could fight at school if your down man
  63. Triscunt: what lunch do you have
  64. Triscunt: ay same
  65. TituSec: parking lot? we fight, then we walk away?
  66. Triscunt: kek
  67. TituSec: everyone see you get mad over a video game?
  68. TituSec: What are you going to say when you lose? People are going to know why you wanted to fight.
  69. Triscunt: hmu with ur snap
  70. TituSec: If you win, you win against someone like a foot taller than you over a video game. If I win, you lost against a kid shorter than you over a video game.
  71. Triscunt: i said hmu with ur snap
  72. Triscunt: confirmed autism
  73. Triscunt: klienfelter?
  74. Triscunt: look it uo
  75. TituSec: Oh lol, that one disease.
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