Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg

Jul 19, 2011 My workflow depends on a stable NTFS Driver, so I wonder if NTFS 3G will still work under OSX Lion? If not, is there any other solution for Lion out there yet? Doesn´t have to be blazing fast, only stable. Thanks for your answer. Ειδοποίηση μέσω mail για νέα σχόλια. Να ειδοποιούμαι μέσω mail για νέα άρθρα. This solution helped me without problem, since I couldn't finish last step, immediately after that could not mount stopped. I have Lion 10.7.5 Macbook Pro 2011 and have NTFS Mac-fuse solution installed from early beginning.

UPDATE: Now that OSXFUSE is released, use this as the recommended (drop-in) replacement for MacFuse.

Rest is only for historical information.

Now that I have upgraded to Mac OS X Lion, I found that MacFusion does not work. Before diving into a workaround as back in Snow Leopard days I remembered that then it was because of MacFuse and even that time there turned out to be a build floating around the web that would have worked. As is the case now.

This forum listed one of them that got it working for me – macfuse-core-10.5-2.1.9.dmg.

Though, pardsbane here tells of another project – OSXFUSE – one the way that will support Lion out of the box (when the box is released).

Older entries..
Jul. 23, 2011
Jul. 24, 2011
Jul. 25, 2011
Jul. 26, 2011
Newer entries..


Paul Killen

Has anybody else noted differences in the way the hosts file functions in Lion vs. Snow Leopard? I have copied the identical hosts file into the /private/etc folder replacing the file from the clean install. Privileges were restored correctly by Disk Utility. However there is a *huge* difference in the way the two OS use the data, as there are many ads in websites viewed with Safari (5.1 in both cases) on the Lion version of the OS. Very puzzling.

[Apple is apparently doing some tricky things with the hosts file in Lion. See: Mac OS X Lion /etc/hosts file for a discussion about this. -MacInTouch]


Scott Little

I installed Lion on my mid-2010 iMac, over a fresh install of Snow Leopard. I thought it best to start from scratch. A Time Machine backup was used to restore my docs and images and so forth. It all worked without a hitch. The download and install process was quicker than I expected - from start to finish in under two hours via Comcast residential cable service.

A few notes:

The new Mail design fits better on my widescreen display.

iCal looks nice but retains the same tedious method of editing events as its predecessor. I work mostly in month view. The new animated page turns appear only when I switch months using the keyboard shortcuts or toolbar buttons. Switching via trackpad gestures offers no animation - just a simple change of months.

Preview opens a folder of JPEGs very quickly. The app also - thankfully - seems to remember my window size and position.

Preview does display Word docs, but I find the text to be a bit fuzzy and blurry. I wouldn't want to use it for reading long documents.

I'm not sure about the All My Files view. One thing is certain, the thumbnail reflections in icon view are a distraction. What's the point of that?

My Magic Trackpad is now instantly available after waking from sleep.

Is the iTunes widget missing?

The new toolbar icons are a bit lacking in contrast. I wish they had a bit more definition.

I like the new border for Quick Look.

Launchpad isn't too bad. I've assigned the F15 key to call it up or dismiss it. Arrow keys can switch between screens.

Mission Control seems a bit over the top. I haven't taken to it.


C. R. Oldham

Under Snow Leopard I would close the lid of my MacBook Pro to put it to sleep. After the Lion upgrade this only works when I am *not* connected to my external display. If my display is connected the Mac doesn't sleep but just moves the window contents and dock to the external. Is there any way to get the old behavior back? I've searched the System Preferences panes to no avail.

Macfuse core 10.5 2.1.9 dmg download


Scott Bayes


Spotlight lists the file size! So if you wanna trash large files, you can.. how long has *that* taken?



On my iMac, searching for .dmg shows only the first 20-30 .dmg files. Show All in Finder reveals that I have 458 of them. Not sure how Spotlight chose those particular ones to display.

Wish they'd just show the size inline with the filename. Having to hover over each one is tedious, and hinders mental comparisons.


Richard Foss

I purchased a new Air yesterday. Using the new Migration Assistant, I began to transfer data from my Macbook using a USB to Ethernet adapter. It was very slow but the progress bar snailed across for 22 hours before it stopped, just 1 hour 4 minutes before completion. Apple told me to quit (it required a hard reset of both computers) and to reload Lion from the Recovery option!
I have opted to just transfer the data by hand which was a little tricky until I found the ~/Library.
Also Kindle does not work (for me and at least one other who talked to support at Amazon) which is known to Amazon and being worked on.

Vista You will need to burn the file. Copy-pasting the ISO image to the drive will not cut it. USB drive can be made bootable, but it is not as straightforward as it may sound.


James French

Relatively pain-free upgrade to Lion for me.

I had the Library folder in my sidebar under Snow Leopard and it survived the upgrade and still works, but without the nice icon.

Not sure if it is possible to add it under Lion - has anybody tried?


Skot Nelson

The Dropbox plugin, allowing you to share from the Finder instead of having to go the web site, doesn't seem to work in Lion. Here's hoping the get this fixed. Incredibly convenient.


David Ramsay


Unfortunately, [AirDrop] requires WiFi hardware that can operate in both infrastructure and ad-hoc mode at the same time.. a feature not available in pre-2010 Macs.

Comment: I have a late 2008 MBP it works fine for me.


Marian Petrides, M.D.


Have you looked at converting your HyperCard Stack to SuperCard?You might also look at LiveCode.

I've been using LiveCode for almost 10 years now and it is a great way to give my old HyperCard stacks new life. The conversion may take some work up front, but once done the end result is moving HC into the 21st Century!


George Machen

Hello, Chap Harrison..

To emit a 'silent' sound every 20 seconds, to keep the sound chip from going to sleep:

Download the demo of the shareware Keyclick 1.3c2 here:

..just to get at its Silentium sound:

..and copy Silentium.aif anywhere convenient. I put mine here:

(Or make your own silent sound in a sound editor utility.)

Then in Apple Script Editor:

..and save as an 'Application bundle' (that's what makes it an Intel app; if you had saved as an 'Application' it would be a PPC app which would need Lion's non-existent Rosetta).

Make it a Login Item in your Accounts System Preference (or whatever it's called in Lion.. I'm still in plain-vanilla Leopard).


Don Eby

While Lion seems zippy it does seem to have a few issues. Safari insists on opening back to where it was when you closed it regardless of what is set in Preferences. I guess Apple knows better than me how I prefer to operate but what else is new?

Shockwave is apparently broken at this point. Seems to install okay but doesn't work.

I painfully and grudgingly switched to MoneyDance from Quicken because of losing Rosetta. Now I find that I have to manually install Java just like Rosetta. Does this mean MoneyDance is going to become obsolete next OS?


Robert Mohns


'[The latest MacBook Air comes without any installer disc or flash drive; you're expected to install from a (fast) Internet connection if you need to restore the system.-MacInTouch]'

Does the internet restore also include the iLife apps which are bundled with every Mac?


Lyman Taylor


But what if I go ahead with the move to Lion? And the OS is download-only? How can I download the OS if my computer won't boot up?
Has Apple given any thought to this scenario?

You mean the 'I don't have a backup of my system - I am screwed' scenario. Yes, Apple has thought of it. It is called Time Machine (or SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner or..).

You are blaming this on 'download only'. That is *not* the root cause issue. The root cause issue is that you do *not* have a backup. You can 'burn' the installer to a DVD if you wish.

Once you get your copy of Lion installer downloaded to your Mac, back it up. [..]
Before doing an OS upgrade; back up what you have.

Having the 'restore' partition on your hard drive and a Time Machine backup effectively means you have a 'bootable' system. However, if the whole drive goes out, having a 'bootable clone' (like what SuperDuper does) works. If things haven't changed, there is a 'disk image' in the Lion installer package that can also have some utility in recovery.


Christopher Moss

Oh shoot! This sucks!
My guide to Lion:
1. SysPrefs: uncheck 'Natural' scrolling.
2. Drag from dock the Launchpad and Mission Control.
3. Install Java.
4. If you need an older flavor of Java, install a VM of 10.6 server, because none of the old tricks work to get 1.4.2 going again.
5. Choose 'Use classic layout' in Mail.
6. Hide the Reminders in the left pane of Mail, once you figure out how. By the way, you have to get it to show the pane first. What a pane!
7. Reinstall Click to Flash extension in Safari.
8. Visit SysPrefs and look at Trackpad. 'Pinch with thumb and three fingers'? 'Spread with thumb and three fingers'? Turn it all off. It stinks and it is ridiculous. It seems that only by turning off the rubbish can you use a gesture for backwards and forwards in Safari (and either two or three fingers will work - I give that three thumbs up and a pinch, a spread and a squeeze at the same time. It's alright officer, I'll come quietly).
9. Finder Prefs: attempt to make the sidebar look like something reasonable, and in an order you recognise. Drag your hard drive into the sidebar in a Finder window; there is no pref for showing it any other way.
10. Install X Menu as a better way of accessing apps and documents than all the above (just a satisfied customer etc etc).
11. (Insert expletive of choice) Checkpoint SecureRemote Client actually works if you start up with the 3 and the 2 keys depressed!
12. There will be more, no doubt, but this is my experience so far with two installations.


Bret Knight


And if the computer won't boot because its hard drive died and the non-geek user has no backup, like most of 'The Rest of Us', a recovery partition is vapor. Then what?

My guess would be you'd get a new HDD, then use your Snow Leopard install discs to re-install Snow Leopard then upgrade to Lion (no charge). The bigger question is how will this same scenario unfold for folks who've purchased new Macs with Lion pre-installed?


David Charlap

David Henson wrote:

'They took out iSync. Anyone without an iPhone is screwed for backups. Argggghhhhh! I refuse to upgrade my Nokia 'Ghetto Phone' to iPhone until iPhone supports 4G and has a larger screen!'

Can you use 'The Missing Sync'? They make a Nokia edition. I don't know if it supports your model phone and/or Lion, but it's worth investigating.

Again, I don't know about Nokia, but for my Motorola Android phones, I can back up the address book to a file on its SD card. I can transfer the data to my Mac by mounting its SD card (via USB) and copying the files from there.


Rajiv Dewan


I can't get MacFusion with MacFUSE to work with Lion. A colleague told me MacFUSE had an update, but I can't find one for the GUI part MacFusion.


This worked for me with encfs.


David Andrews

I have Lion on two work machines and two machines at home.
A few niggles:
The standard 'Open file' dialog box has taken a step backwards in usefulness. It used to be possible to drag a file or folder to the 'Open file' dialog box to have that location available. i.e. You are in TextEdit and from the 'File' menu select 'Open.', you used to be able to drag a folder from the desktop to this window to have that location set, this no longer works. I find I must now navigate to the desired folder. This stinks!

The new TextEdit no longer allows you to edit HTML files without converting them. In Snow Leopard I could use TextEdit to open a HTML file, selecting 'Ignore Rich Text ..' in the open dialog. I could edit the raw HTML code and save it back as HTML. Now the HTML is not editable unless I allow TextEdit to save a new version with the '.txt. suffix. Very annoying.

Parallels needs version 6, I'm on version 5 on all 4 machines - an unexpected expense.


David Losada Soler

Hanno Wirth -
Version of the SIliconImage driver for 3132 based cards seems to work fine under Lion:

At least, my LaCie TwoBig mounts on the Lion desktop.

Ceterum censeo Leonem esse delendum


Charles Lindauer

I sorted out the Safari problem I was having in Lion.. Glims seems to be incompatible. Once I deleted it, Safari has been rock solid.

I found the preference for viewing Mail in 'classic' mode, the view we've been used to for years. Now I think I'll keep trying the new view, see if I can learn to like it.

I'm not seeing a lot of major reasons to switch to Lion for my clients, and lots of reasons to wait. For me, it's OK, but nothing (yet) that makes it worth the effort, other than the fact that I need the experience.


William Damon

I worked all day using Lion with an SMB Server and had no problems at all. The server was fast, stable, responsive. I was moving files, copying files, opening and modifying and saving documents on the server all day long. I don't know what problems others are having but for me the SMB Server was working fine.


David Bogart

Default Folder is now at 4.4.3


Christopher Moss

For Ian Cottam:
I had to go searching for the latest MacFuse to get shared folders and clipboard working in SL Server on Parallels. I found both a 2.17 and a 2.19 version:

The first one is working for me.


Chap Harrison

Gregory Tetrault suggests implementing 'KeepSoundAwake' using an AppleScript that repeatedly invokes:

I appreciate the idea, and agree that it should be a simple roll-your-own. However, after experimenting with this a couple of days, I've seen some strange things (coreaudiod perpetually consuming 3% of CPU; a resource exhaustion of some sort after 9 hours requiring a restart to clear up). I'm going to take it to the developer forum at Apple. If I get a sturdy version running, I'll post back here.


Rob Gilgan

I understood that when I installed Lion that a copy of the installer would be placed in my Applications folder. No sign of it there (or anywhere else on my computer). How does a person, after installing, access a copy of the installer to upgrade other Macs in the household?

Also - I'd like to acknowledge the superior service and response I received from Global Delight when issues arose around updating Voila to version 3.1
Voila has become a very important tool in my workflow and I was getting a little panicky when there was a hiccough in the upgrade process. Global Delight responded immediately with a solution that resolved the issue.

[To save the Install Lion application, you must cancel the Lion installer when the Mac App Store autostarts it, then copy that Install Lion file from the Applications folder to another disk, then re-launch the installer to run it. At the completion of installation, the installer deletes itself from the Applications folder. -MacInTouch]

Jul. 24, 2011


A Kaleberg

When upside down two finger scrolling came out, I balked. I turned it on and turned it off. It seemed so unnatural. I've sort of gotten used to pulling down to go up, but it still feels weird. To be honest, I'm looking forward to Lion even though I expect it to break all sorts of things. (I'll have to update my version of Office, if nothing else, and there is probably going to be a lot of else.)

Jul. 25, 2011


Bill Hamlin

I arrange my Documents folder in icon view, as I am a visual kind of guy..
Anyway, I sort those icons geographically in the window according to what I use them for.
View Options menu shows 'none' in Arrange By and Sort By.
After a while of using Lion, I will open my Documents folder only to find that all those icons are now sorted by name; and this is even when the Arrange By and Sort By are still set at 'none'.
So I resort these (over fifty, so annoying) just to have it happen again.
I open this folder either via the sidebar in a Finder window or via an alias in the Dock. Neither of these seems related to this behavior.
Thoughts? (I would really prefer solutions, as I am getting pretty good at rearranging things *and* pretty annoyed at having to do it.. <grin>)


Eric Woehler

The Lion Finder List View of a folder has a minimum window size that is 12 lines (files/folders) deep. So if you have a folder with one file, in list view, you get 11 blank lines - waste of space on any machine/screen, and especially so on a 13' Macbook. Any way to reduce the number of lines/entries in the list window?


John Pellino

Safari. On Lion. Yikes.

OK the two-finger history scroll is whizzy, useful as long as you need it. Oddly enough, you would think that Clear History would make it stop, but it does not. It retains the scrolled windows, AFAICT no matter which end of the two finger scroll train you're at when you think you cleared it.

Only way to lose these seems to be to close the Safari non-window (remember, we're in fullscreen here, so technically no window, right), which of course takes you out of fullscreen and drops you back through the rice paper blank screen to your desktop screen.

Maddening, interface-wise. Anyone check to see if Tog is in a coma yet?

Fullscreen is nice, but I'm not sure it's as nice as the mental shift you have to make to have a hybrid of spaces made of typical windows and full screen ones. Screen real estate was not the issue with mail, barely one with Safari, and the about tweaks to iCal nearly negated its legendary screen hogging status.


A Ratner

Experienced a relatively painless (so far) 10.7 upgrade for my Mac Pro 1,1. Only compatibility issue I hadn't seen publicized elsewhere that I experienced initially arose with the 10.6.8 update but expanded with 10.7. With 10.6.8 my Xerox Phaser 8500 returned the following spurious warnings : 'The printer is out of ink. The printer's waste bin is full.' Other pre-10.6.8 Macs on the network reported no such errors. Beginning with 10.7, the Xerox XSupport Center application, a PPC application, unsurprisingly died. Good news is that the printer otherwise doesn't seem to care and works fine. I could find no mention of this or an update plan from Xerox on their web site. Does anyone have any further insights?


Bill Schwartz

Don Eby writes:

'I painfully and grudgingly switched to MoneyDance from Quicken because of losing Rosetta. Now I find that I have to manually install Java just like Rosetta. Does this mean MoneyDance is going to become obsolete next OS?'

According to the developers of Moneydance, no:

I also switched to Moneydance from Quicken in anticipation of Lion. It was a process, but now I'm very glad I did it. I'm much happier with Moneydance. Not perfect, somewhat ugly perhaps, but a very mature, well-supported app that looks to have a great future. Unlike Quicken Essentials, it handily supports investment accounts and direct online bill pay with every financial institution Quicken supports.


John Crane

Having major problems with Thunderbird, Chronosync and BackJack with Lion. Also some weird problems with Mouse when clicking on Done button on some tasks. Nothing happens, so I have to Quit application.


Robin Dover

A friend updated to Lion and now his HP all in one CD055B doesn't print. It will scan via Image capture. Deleted and allowed it to re-instal but printing starts but never finishes. Copying works so the printer is capable of printing OK looks like a software issue. Anyone else seen the same thing/have a fix?


MacInTouch Reader

Upgraded to Lion on Thursday; my MacBookPro3,1 will no longer automatically reconnect after sleep to my AirPort Extreme 802.11n (3rd Generation). I have to wait a few seconds for the network name to appear, then select it manually.


MacInTouch Reader

Several notes on Lion compatibility:

First, PageSender won't be upgraded and doesn't work.

Second, Viscosity is a little flaky. I had to enable BackToMyMac to get it to make a connection. But that connection seems stable.

Third, Has anyone had problems with VNC clients run from an iPad trying to connect to Lion? Briefly, with either Mocha VNC or RealVNC I can connect to the log-in screen of Lion, but when I try to type in a password it won't take it. Interestingly, I used to be able to go right to the desktop of Snow Lepoard after putting in the VNC password. Anyway, I can't connect any more.

BTW, VNC Mac-to-Mac or Mac-to-PC works better than ever under Lion. I may have to give up Timbuktu (which incidentally was just updated for Lion to v 8.8.3).

Fourth, I couldn't get Vmware Fusion to work. Frankly, I'd rather reboot into real Windows (Boot Camp) when I need to actually run PC software (not often). So VMWF is now gone from my computer - too many headaches!


Kit Weitnauer

A common error message now that I have installed Lion:

There was a problem connecting with the server.
URLs with the file type ???file:??? are not supported.

This happens all the time - when, so far as I know, no attempts to connect to any server should be going on. Anyone know what this is?


Wil Nelson

Discovered an iCal gesture in Lion..

With iCal open and with it active and the cursor on the page, from the right of the track pad create a sweeping motion that goes from left to right and then curves up and it will cause the page to act as if you are turning the page up to the next month, week etc., or create a sweeping motion that goes from right to left and then curves downward and the previous month, week etc with come into view as if you have manually turned the pape down.


MacInTouch Reader

I have an early 2009 MacPro4,1 with two (Apple BTO) internal drives. One runs OS X 10.6.7 and has many applications installed, and I just upgraded the other one to OS X 10.7 today. It is a clean 10.6.8 system upgraded to 'Lion,' with no no 3rd party applications except Disk Warrior.

After the Lion install, I was pleased to find that once I encrypted the 10.7 drive (several hours), and logged in as the admin user, I did *not* have to decrypt the 10.7 drive in order to run Time Machine and back it up to an external RAID.

File Vault 1 (Snow Leopard) insisted that I decrypt that drive prior to making a TM backup under 10.6.7.

I can option-boot into either drive now, but if I boot into 10.6.7 it does not mount the 10.7 volume. Disk Utility just brands it an 'Incompatible Format.' And the system suggests that I upgrade to Lion while reassuring me that my files are still there.

No free trial of iLife '11 with Lion, oh well. Thanks to Ric and everyone on the MacInTouch site for sharing their experiences and thoughts about this new OS version. Brave new world..


MacInTouch Reader

I just setup a new Mac Mini with Lion installed and after entering all the appropriate information and registering it I noticed that the Mac App Store icon was indicating three (3) Apps to update.

I checked the Mac App Store and found that iMove, IPhoto, and GarageBand needed to be updated. However, when I attempted to perform the update I was informed that I had not purchased them and had to buy them even though they were listed as 'Update' in the buttons.

I checked and the box the Mac Mini came in stated that iLife '11 was included. I found the three programs in the Applications folder and was able to run all of them with no problem.

So, I ran System Update figuring that the pre-installed versions were not covered by the Mac App Store. However, System Update did not show these applications as needing to be updated.

Next, I went to the Support section of the Apple website and downloaded the appropriate updates for iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand. I tried to install the updates and was informed that the updates had to be performed via the Mac App Store.

CATCH22! I can't update the application via the Mac App Store, I can't update the applications via Software Update, and I can't update the applications by downloading the updaters and running them. Austin, we have a problem!

I contacted Apple technical support (they are in Austin, Texas) and after discussing the issue with the level one tech for 5 minutes, he didn't believe me, finally got to a level two tech. He asked me to run a utility to capture some information while I tried to perform the Mac App Store upgrade again and send it to him via email. He will get back to me next week.

I'll let you know how it turns out, but this is very frustrating to say the least.


Pat Scott

My white MacBook 2GB memory, Intel dual core 2.2 GHz seems to be working fine after the upgrade to Lion. I did have to remove Boot Camp partition before it would install.


Bart Hanson

[I'm] missing the friendly Find command, too, as Spotlight does not search globally, misses hidden files and has limited result sorting. Why not true metadata searching, with searching only on the criteria you choose? Going forward seems to involve a fair amount of going backwards, too!


Michael Spencer

I've been running the Lion beta for some months now and have to say that my biggest issue? The monochrome sidebar in Finder windows!

I know. Seems silly. But if you use that area as intensely as I do you will come to dread having to look at it.

In iTunes the color can be switched on. But I've not sen this yet for Finder windows?


Michelle Steiner

Running Lion, when I press the Menu button on my Apple Remote, nothing happens. But when I press the Play button, it launches iTunes in the background.

The select buttons (>> and <<) will select within lists of movies, TV shows, and music (but not books or apps), and the play/pause button will play or pause the selected item.

The volume buttons will adjust the volume of the Mac regardless of what application is running.


Danny Coyle

A friend of mine (new convert from the dark side) found that the latest Parallels 6 update that came out at the same time Lion was released will allow an instance of Windows XP or Windows 7 to successfully run VirtualPC, making it possible to run DOS and older versions of Windows.

In prior versions, Virtual PC would pop up a message to the effect that it couldn't itself run under virtualization. The Parallels people must have really made the VM look like real hardware.


Gregory Tetrault

David Charlap said:

'..I don't know about Nokia, but for my Motorola Android phones, I can back up the address book to a file on its SD card..'

Unfortunately, many of the Nokia phones transfer only contact names and phone numbers to the card's memory. Street addresses, e-mail addresses, and other information is not transferred. However, Bluetooth synching (using iSync and Address Book) transfers all the contact data, which is why the loss of iSync will be a pain for those who upgrade to Lion or buy new Macs.


Derek L

David Andrews wrote:

The standard 'Open file' dialog box has taken a step backwards in usefulness. It used to be possible to drag a file or folder to the 'Open file' dialog box to have that location available. i.e. You are in TextEdit and from the 'File' menu select 'Open.', you used to be able to drag a folder from the desktop to this window to have that location set, this no longer works. I find I must now navigate to the desired folder. This stinks!

Ugh, that's a loss. Does this behave any differently in applications that haven't been updated recently for Lion? I haven't used Lion yet so I can't test this out, but I'm guessing this is because of the increased sandboxing of privileged operations available in 10.7. Open/Save dialog boxes are now managed through a separate process called 'Powerbox'. See John Siracusa's writeup of this subject at

Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg


Scott Bayes


You are in TextEdit and from the 'File' menu select 'Open.', you used to be able to drag a folder from the desktop to this window to have that location set, this no longer works. I find I must now navigate to the desired folder. This stinks!

Hmmm. It worked for me with both Safari File > Open.. and TextEdit File > Open.., the same way in both Snow Leopard and Lion. Maybe you have some maverick extensions or plugins?


Scott Bayes


The new TextEdit no longer allows you to edit HTML files without converting them. In Snow Leopard I could use TextEdit to open a HTML file, selecting 'Ignore Rich Text ..' in the open dialog.

Again, this worked the same for me in TextEdit on both Snow Leopard and Lion.


Michael Bernstein

Robert Mohns asks if the online restore process for the new Macbook Air also reinstalls the included iLife software. The answer appears to be no (I just finished a restore due to a stupid mistake with a corrupted XCode download..). However, the iLife apps are listed under 'Purchases' in the App Store app, so they can be reinstalled without too much hassle.


Chuck Weger

David Andrews says:

'It used to be possible to drag a file or folder to the 'Open file' dialog box to have that location available. i.e. You are in TextEdit and from the 'File' menu select 'Open.', you used to be able to drag a folder from the desktop to this window to have that location set, this no longer works. I find I must now navigate to the desired folder.'

I have to disagree. For me, this works the same as in 10.6 on my MacPro running 10.7 (11A511).

Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg Software

'The new TextEdit no longer allows you to edit HTML files without converting them.'

There are many better ways to edit HTML than TextEdit. TextWrangler, free from long-time Mac vendor Bare Bones Software, is my personal favorite.

Thanks as always to Ric for running the best Mac site on the planet (and possibly in the galaxy).


Rob Gilgan


[To save the Install Lion application, you must cancel the Lion installer when the Mac App Store autostarts it, then copy that Install Lion file from the Applications folder to another disk, then re-launch the installer to run it. At the completion of installation, the installer deletes itself from the Applications folder. -MacInTouch]

Is there a way, after the fact, to access the Lion Installer?

[As other readers note, you can apparently Option-click on Purchases in the Mac App Store to re-download the Lion installer. -MacInTouch]


George Game

Since upgrading to Lion I cannot use Disk Utility to Verify my main drive or repair permissions. When I click the buttons nothing happens. I am using two 1 TB drives in a mirrored configuration for my boot drive.


Alan Somers

I use a MacBook Pro exclusively at home, so the reverse scrolling makes sense in a way, using a trackpad. At first, I decided to go back to the traditional scrolling method because that's what I have on my Windows XP PC at work and I figured it would be too confusing to go back and forth between the two methods.

I then discovered a way using the AutoHotKey utility and an associated script to reverse the scrolling of the PC's mouse wheel, so I did that and went back to the default scrolling method in Lion. I'm still in training, but I'm starting to get used to it.

Here's a link to a page explaining how to configure it on Windows.


Bart Grootkerk

I installed Lion on a clean disk and started playing some World of Warcraft. While playing I noticed that my ctrl-1 through 4 keybinds were not working but ctrl-5 through 0 were. After some investigation I found that ctrl-1 through 4 are assigned to spaces by Lion. I succeeded in turning of the ctrl-1 keybind in the keyboard preferences. But ctrl-2, 3 and 4 still aren't working. I am wondering how I can unbind these keybinds as I have no use for spaces. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

PS: For those interested during my investigation I came across some keybinds: you can also jump through spaces by pressing ctrl right arrow/left arrow, and enter mission control by pressing ctrl upper arrow.


Bill DeFelice

Purchased Lion the day after introduction. With a slow aDSL line it was quite painful waiting hours for this to complete.

At first I was going to install Lion on a processor-upgraded Mac Mini 1,1 which started life out as a 1.83 GHz Core Duo that I upgraded to a 2.33 GHz Core2Duo.

After preparing a flash drive to boot the Mini I shortly discovered that even though the processor had been upgraded to one qualified to run Lion, Apple has disabled the ability to install 10.7 on hardware regardless of the processor on-board. Needless to say, I did a clean install of 10.6 to return the Mini to its former home theatre PC delegation.

I suppose I will eventually upgrade my Mac Pro 1,1 to Lion but that will require weeding out all the PPC applications as well as making sure all other programs are compatible. At that rate I might as well wait for 10.7.1 to be released.


William Staman

Cloned my hard drive & tried to install Lion. I didn't realize that permissions repair was still running in an under-window.
Installer paused until I noticed it, and by then permissions were done, so I clicked on continue.
The screen of death showed if I tried to start from that drive.
I had to physically remove that drive to start my Mac Pro. Just got a grey circle with a slash through it on any start up drive if that drive is in a bay.
What a waste of 30+ hours so far.


Gregory Tetrault

Chap Harrison said:

'Gregory Tetrault suggests implementing 'KeepSoundAwake' using an AppleScript that repeatedly invokes.. However, after experimenting with this a couple of days, I've seen some strange things..'

George Machen later posted a similar AppleScript that uses 'on idle' with 'repeat 20' instead of 'repeat forever' with 'delay 20.' George's solution is better and probably will prevent the 'strange things' from happening. (I run my own background 'on idle' Applescripts continuously without problems, and I should have used the same method here.)


John Tsombakos

One thing I noticed about Lion's scrollbars, on my early generation MacBook Pro (MacBookPro2,2), without the mousepad that can do gestures: having the Show Scroll bars setting set to 'Automatically based on input device' always shows the scrollbars. If I change it to 'when scrolling', then they will go away, except when scrolling.


James Lynch


The Dropbox plugin, allowing you to share from the Finder instead of having to go the web site, doesn't seem to work in Lion. Here's hoping the get this fixed. Incredibly convenient.

Re-download the latest version from it works fine in Lion


Christopher Moss

There is much grief at the BuffaloTech forums about Lion and the loss of support for DHCAST128. I'm glad I didn't know about it, or I wouldn't have petted the Lion.
Anyway, my two non-current LinkStations (both are LH-CH2.0TL-V2) which had AFP enabled before the upgrade are visible, mountable and useable from this Lionised MBP. I don't know why or how.


MacInTouch Reader

Why am I being required to erase my Hard drive to enable Lion to be installed?
I have an Intel machine from 2009. On Lion installation I am told my disk is not formatted as 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' so 'I need to use Disk utility to enable journalling or reformat disk'!
I am in Mac OS Extended only and my HD is my start up disk and is not partitioned.
So I deduce I have to fully back up my data, erase my hard drive and then start up from a copy of OS10.7.
Isn't such an upgrade unreasonable risk and effort for a consumer product? I don't ever recall such complex and high risk update as this in 15 years with Apple.


I am pleased to say I have solved my earlier problem when I could not install Lion. The system said my disk was not formatted for Mac OS extended(journaled). By looking in Disk utility when going to indented HD location, I saw a heading to Enable Journal. I clicked that to enable the feature, and that showed my HD was then capable of being partitioned, which Lion seems to need. So now have a successful installation of Lion without having to delete my HD.


Benoit Evans

I installed Lion on my mid-2007 Mac Mini with no problems.

I immediately made ~/Library visible, opted for Mail's Classic look and put my default disk in the sidebar.

The new look for the Address Book as an analog to a paper book is esthetically pleasing but less practical until you select the one-page view and enlarge the window.

Faxing from my HP Photosmart is possible for paper docs but it is not possible to fax files from the computer since the printer is not recognized as a fax modem so I'll have to get a Lion compatible USB modem to replace my old Apple USB modem. (That was the case in Snow Leopard too, so I suppose HP has to take the blame.)

Sadly, Canvas X had to be (incompletely) replaced with EazyDraw and iCalamus, and Radio365 is dead forcing me to open the Live365 Website to listen to my stations.

An old problem has come back in Mail. In what seems a random way, Mail often takes an account offline and asks for its password. Sometimes dismissing the error window and trying again works; sometimes Mail has to be quit and relaunched. The problem stopped occurring for me at least two maybe three Snow Leopard upgrades ago, but now it is back.

To troubleshoot a problem, it is sometimes necessary to temporarily move an app from the Applications folder to the desktop. In Lion, if you drag an app out of the Applications folder, an alias is created on the desktop and the app stays in place. In other folders, dragging actually moves the file (as before).

The print options (views) in iCal are still rudimentary and not very well implemented. In particular, the list view includes *every* day in the range, even those that have 'no entry'. That is a terrible waste of paper and not very helpful if you simply want (for example) a 12-month list for a calendar of repeated events that only occur a couple of times a month.

Occasionally, waking from screen sleep (I never put my computer or disk to sleep) is very slow, raising fears that the computer has gone into a 'coma'. So far that hasn't happened and no forced restart has been required.

Jul. 26, 2011


David Losada Soler


George Game
Since upgrading to Lion I cannot use Disk Utility to Verify my main drive or repair permissions. When I click the buttons nothing happens. I am using two 1 TB drives in a mirrored configuration for my boot drive.

I'm afraid that you will have to un-RAID to be able to use Disk Utility. Another great Lion thing.

By the way, ceterum censeo Leonem esse delendum.


Scott Aronian

I've had the Desktop (Finder) lose my Icon positions twice in the past few days. Mostly after a restart.

Most likely a bug, and according to Bill Hamlin's comment, it's not confined to the Desktop view


Peg DeBiasi

My experience is different, I had no issue deleting a partition that had Lion installed using the Snow Leopard disk utility. I had partitioned my drive, installed the Developer preview and played with it for a while. It was not a problem to delete that partition once I was done with it.


Stephen Hart


'The standard 'Open file' dialog box has taken a step backwards in usefulness. It used to be possible to drag a file or folder to the 'Open file' dialog box to have that location available. i.e. You are in TextEdit and from the 'File' menu select 'Open.', you used to be able to drag a folder from the desktop to this window to have that location set, this no longer works. I find I must now navigate to the desired folder. This stinks!'

This works for me in Lion just as it always has. Both Open File dialogs and Save dialogs allow drag and drop from a Finder window.


David Dunham

Hmm, TextEdit's Open dialog works the way it always has with respect to dragging folders or files to it. Anyone who experiences something different should report a bug to Apple (e.g. via, since there might be something different about their system configuration.

Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg Free


Stephen Hart

Wil Nelson wrote: 'Discovered an iCal gesture in Lion..'

Thanks for that cool tip. It works with a Magic Mouse too. A diagonal swipe upward and downward does the trick.


Curious Sam

Thank you, Ric, for your always-interesting and reliable site - it's an essential part of my day. I've pored over with great interest everything on MacInTouch about good folks' experiences with Lion.

Would someone out there please make even a single comment about what new things they are able to do for the first time, now that they've gone to the trouble of upgrading to Lion, of abandoning this or that important application, creating workarounds for one problem or another, and so on?

Thank you!


Paul Maeder

Here's a problem I've found that may be caused by Lion: HP iPrint, the iPhone app that allows printing photos from the iPhone to a printer connected to my iMac, no longer works.

I'm not sure Lion broke this, but it sure was working just fine before Lion. I tried reinstalling iPrint, but no luck.


Printer: HP C428 All in One
Computer: 27' iMac 2.8 GHz i7, 8 GB
iPhone 4


Joe White

Two negative functional aspects of in Lion:
1) an IMAP connection *still* opens four processes on the mail server.. and does not close them. This happens whether IDLE is checked or not, Trash and other boxes are stored on the server or not, &c.
2) The ability to bounce a message has been removed.


David Johnson

Ran into my first Lion problem today. I have a Canon 8350cdn Multi-function on my network. The computer would not communicate with the printer. Went to Canon's site. the had drivers, etc, posted July 19. Downloaded, installed and still have no printer. It gives the message, No receiver identified, when you tell it to print. It is not 'my' main printer. My wife, still running Snow Leopard, uses it.

Anyone else see problems with Canon drivers? I have a HP color laser and two Epson ink jets. they still work.


Doug Adams

I have been using MoneyDance for almost a year and I'm happy with it. It can be kinda clunky, but considering the many little annoyances of Quicken 2007 -- like misreading my QIF files, which is why I switched -- I have no complaints.


Dave Schaffelburg

I have now installed Lion four times on two different drives. Restarts, shutdowns and then start up works without problems. Shutdown and turn the power off for 15 seconds and start up gets me to the password box but the mouse and keyboard inputs are ignored and I cannot startup fully. This leaves me with a machine that totally ignores me. Same happened with a cloned disk and the recovery disk does the same thing.

Do a restart with the option key and I have no problem launching my 10.6 disk and the Lion disks will mount in 10.6 and test as fine.

Glad I don't need Lion and that I was just trying it out.

Has anyone else experienced this?


Michael Cohen

Bart Hanson writes,

'[I'm] missing the friendly Find command, too, as Spotlight does not search globally, misses hidden files and has limited result sorting. Why not true metadata searching, with searching only on the criteria you choose? Going forward seems to involve a fair amount of going backwards, too!'

Yes, you can search metadata and system files and all sorts of other stuff with Spotlight on Lion. Do Command-F in Finder, choose 'Other' from the Kind popup in the attribute bar, and there are all sorts of metadata that you can both search on and add to the default Kind popup. Adding 'system files' to that list, and then setting its attribute to 'are included' lets you search among those otherwise hidden files. Spotlight is really quite a bit more powerful than it seems.

Also, in the Spotlight menu (which is really just a shortcut for quick searches), use 'kind:' and some type to search for those. For example, 'kind:property info' will find all the plist files with 'info' in the filename.


Paul Macdonald

Kit Weitnauer wrote:

A common error message now that I have installed Lion:
There was a problem connecting with the server.
URLs with the file type ???file:??? are not supported.
This happens all the time - when, so far as I know, no attempts to connect to any server should be going on. Anyone know what this is?

I've had the same thing, getting two of the messages back to back at one hour intervals (at least in the times when I was working and noting the timing). It happens with no network connection (Airport turned off). I had Dropbox stop looking on the for LAN data (Enable LAN sync unchecked in preferences). I've gone through all the system prefs and can't see anything that would likely be happening once an hour. Very puzzled and would very much like to know of a solution.


C. R. Oldham

Regarding the advice to re-download the Dropbox installer from and install it so it will work under Lion -- I did just this and it mostly worked. The badges that appear in your Dropbox folder to indicate sync status were not there and the context menu for Dropbox files was also missing. I emailed support and they directed me to

I don't know if this is a public release yet. The download links on still show 1.1.35.


Scott Aronian

Lion is good.

Highly recommend clean install of everything. (Won't say I told you so/)

Missing Command+D for Don't save the document, but I'll get over it.


John Tsombakos

Michelle Steiner wrote:

The Lion installer deletes itself after installing Lion. If you want to download it again, open the Mac App Store app, and while holding down the Option Key, click the Purchases icon.

Not on my system. Installed Lion, rebooted, copied the Install Lion to my other system, and was able to update that one without a problem.


Samuel Herschbein

Unfortunately, my experience with Lion was pretty negative; to get work done I had to revert to Snow Leopard. This review is only about the negatives I experienced in Lion, there are many things I like about Lion.

I clean installed Lion and migrated *only* my user settings.

The Finder does not remember window settings nor the position of icons on the Desktop. IMHO it's a total *fail*, much worse than Snow Leopard's already-dysfunctional Finder.
Option-clicking a folder to close the window after opening the new now opens the new folder in the old folder's window using the old folder's View settings and window size.

In spite of repeatedly unchecking both the General Preference Pane's 'Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps' and the Restart dialog's 'Reopen windows when logging back in', apps are relaunched on a restart and their previous windows opened. Safari is a major offender, in spite of its prefs being set. This is also a major fail for me, since my workflow varies radically from hour to hour (I wear too many hats..).

IMHO Lion is way too aggressive saving preferences. Open ~/Library/Preferences and view by date modified. Do nothing, just watch the show. I had updates every few seconds on a quiescent system.

All apps using the Internet are having major issues. I haven't checked yet, this *may* be the mDNS pre-fetching issue present in 10.6.5 & newer. Lion's mDNS files in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/share/sandbox are different sizes than any 10.6.x version's.

Safari and NetNewsWire load pages radically slower than in Snow Leopard. Common websites often timeout. Part of this is the DNS issue above; part does not seem to be. has trouble reading many of my eight accounts. One account authenticates to a Snow Leopard Server using Kerberos, it had so many issues I had to disable it. Other accounts continually have random errors connecting, including MobileMe.

FireWire drives often don't mount on startup, nor when plugged in. Sometimes in Lion's Disk Utility their names don't appear, only the generic diskXsY. If the disks are then unplugged, Disk Utility does not update the list. Sometimes when disks are plugged in Disk Utility does not update the list (and of course they don't mount). When booting to Snow Leopard the same disks work perfectly.

When root (yes, I live dangerously sometimes..) is logged in while another user is logged in, logging out root from the Apple menu does nothing. But after switching back to the other user the logout dialog is present with the timer running. I didn't test this with other accounts.

After removing a SATA Controller ExpressCard34, the menu item stayed in the menu bar and continued to show the 'Power off Card' option.

The App Store asks for my password multiple times while it has been running continuously.


Christopher Moss

Here's something new. I have installed Lion on three laptops - a 2011 MBP, a 2010 MBA and a 2009 MBP. All of them are set to never sleep when plugged into their power adaptors, but the displays sleep after 15 minutes. I used to be able to wake up the displays by touching the trackpad, but after 10.7 this no longer works; I have to depress a key such as the spacebar. Not a problem, but an observation of a change. I don't see anything in SysPrefs to allow alteration of this behaviour, nor the old wake/sleep on opening option.


Stephen Spector

Haven't seen this mentioned yet.. I have a bunch of folders dropped into the right hand side of dock. I have the 'options' set to folder, list and date modified. In 10.6.8, clicking on the folder icon would open a list of files, with the most recent at the top and scrolling down. Now, in 10.7, it opens with the oldest at the bottom and you have to scroll up. I suspect this has to do with the scrolling issue (reverse).. unless I missed something?


Arthur Lowe

Has anyone else noticed the terrible spelling in the dictionary with Mail? Try tying the following words..
'completed' - and hint comes up copmpleted..
There have been others and I have to date assumed I have a corrupted dictionary. Not sure about this.
The correct spelling of colour works properly however!
How do you purge/reload a dictionary?


Bill Johnston

With Lion I lost my Epson Perfection 3170 Photo scanner. The message:

'You can't open the application EPSON because PowerPC applications are no longer supported.'

I followed the instructions for updating the driver at the Epson site (posted July 22, 2011), without effect. Software Update sees no need to update anything. But in the case of my older Samsung ML-1210 laser printer, no problem. If anything, it works a bit faster. That wasn't the case with Snow Leopard. I had to resort to a Gutenprint driver when I updated to that cat. Happily, the little Samsung, with that 'old' Gutenprint driver, still works under Lion like a champ.


Arthur van der Harg

I tried the new scroll direction, didn't like it and turned it off after half a day. Then I found myself consistently scrolling the wrong way, so apparently using the scroll wheel to control the content instead of the scroll button *is* more natural. I reverted to Lion's default. Now I'm using Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection to connect to a Windows XP machine. I'm happy to find that the scroll direction in Windows matches that in Lion. Sweet!


Richard Foss

VMWare Fusion works for me. I have a new Air and Windows XP whizzes along.
Also my earlier post about Kindle is not correct. If one deletes the app, application support file, and 2 preference files and then downloads it from the App Store instead of Amazon, it will work.


MacInTouch Reader

Regarding my earlier post that 'There is something annoying with Finder that I had hoped would be corrected in Lion' I must apologize for not noting a setting that exacerbates the problem. I had Finder's 'ShowAllFiles' turned on. Because of dynamic changes in some of the normally hidden files, the sort by 'Date Modified' choice causes most if not all of the erratic behavior that I reported. It does seem from my testing that Apple has repaired the less often formerly occurring symptoms that I used to see even with ShowAllFiles turned off.


Terence Devlin

Scott Aronian writes:

'Missing Command+D for Don't save the document, but I'll get over it.'

Here's how: use command-delete instead.


MacInTouch Reader

James Lynch writes,

'Re-download the latest version from it works fine in Lion'

Actually, it's not that simple. The official release (as of right now) does not support Lion. You have to hunt in their forums to find the beta version of the Lion compatible one.


John Horridge

Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg Plus

1Password and Lion (especially the 1Password extension) is an absolute disaster. Whose fault is it? Agile's or Apple's? It needs sorting out now!

BTW - why change the Safari extension to the Chrome version? Agile - are you listening? You are going to lose a whole raft of customers.


Russell Finn

David Andrews wrote:

Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg 1

The standard 'Open file' dialog box has taken a step backwards in usefulness. It used to be possible to drag a file or folder to the 'Open file' dialog box to have that location available. i.e. You are in TextEdit and from the 'File' menu select 'Open..', you used to be able to drag a folder from the desktop to this window to have that location set, this no longer works. I find I must now navigate to the desired folder. This stinks!

Macfuse Core 10.5 2.1.9 Dmg 2

This does not correspond with my experience under Lion. I have just performed these exact steps, and the Open panel updated to show the contents of the folder as expected.

I have no idea what may be different in the original poster's environment, but it works fine here.

Comments are closed.