List Of Gods From The Dnd 5e Dmg

5e SRD >

Feb 23, 2015  So for those who use them, 5th edition reduced the number of divine ranks and changed them up a bit. The 5th DMG states 3 ranks: greater deities, lesser deities, and quasi deities. Greater are the big ones. They rare get into mortal business and slaying their avatar usually does jack squat to. Balena etcher 1 5 39 dmg download.


  • A list of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5e) SRD magic items order by rarity.
  • Feb 11, 2019  Is there a compendium of 5E Gods?. a paladin gets power from their sacred oath (which I would treat as a philosophy, DMG p13). But depending on the setting, they could all rely. 3.5 3.5e 5th edition advice bard build build advice class cleric d&d d&d 3.5 d&d 5e dm help dnd dnd 5e druid fighter help homebrew homebrew 5e monk optimization.
  • In defence of the 5e DMG. And of course the list of deities provided to go with this domain contains gods for whom my take would be blasphemy, so for them you'd.

Note: Some gods & pantheon information has been added to this page from a different Open Game Content source. Consult your GM to see if that god or faith is allowed in his or her campaign.

The Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, and Norse pantheons are fantasy interpretations of historical religions from our world’s ancient times. They include deities that are most appropriate for use in a game, divorced from their historical context in the real world and united into pantheons that serve the needs of the game.

List Of Gods From The Dnd 5e Dmg Table

List Of Gods From The Dnd 5e Dmg

The Celtic Pantheon

It’s said that something wild lurks in the heart of every soul, a space that thrills to the sound of geese calling at night, to the whispering wind through the pines, to the unexpected red of mistletoe on an oak—and it is in this space that the Celtic gods dwell. They sprang from the brook and stream, their might heightened by the strength of the oak and the beauty of the woodlands and open moor. When the first forester dared put a name to the face seen in the bole of a tree or the voice babbling in a brook, these gods forced themselves into being.

The Celtic gods are as often served by druids as by clerics, for they are closely aligned with the forces of nature that druids revere.

The Greek Pantheon

The gods of Olympus make themselves known with the gentle lap of waves against the shores and the crash of the thunder among the cloud–enshrouded peaks. The thick boar–infested woods and the sere, olive–covered hillsides hold evidence of their passing. Every aspect of nature echoes with their presence, and they’ve made a place for themselves inside the human heart, too.

The Egyptian Pantheon

These gods are a young dynasty of an ancient divine family, heirs to the rulership of the cosmos and the maintenance of the divine principle of Ma’at—the fundamental order of truth, justice, law, and order that puts gods, mortal pharaohs, and ordinary men and women in their logical and rightful place in the universe.

The Egyptian pantheon is unusual in having three gods responsible for death, each with different alignments. Anubis is the lawful neutral god of the afterlife, who judges the souls of the dead. Set is a chaotic evil god of murder, perhaps best known for killing his brother Osiris. And Nephthys is a chaotic good goddess of mourning.

The Norse Pantheon

Where the land plummets from the snowy hills into the icy fjords below, where the longboats draw up on to the beach, where the glaciers flow forward and retreat with every fall and spring—this is the land of the Vikings, the home of the Norse pantheon. It’s a brutal clime, and one that calls for brutal living. The warriors of the land have had to adapt to the harsh conditions in order to survive, but they haven’t been too twisted by the needs of their environment. Given the necessity of raiding for food and wealth, it’s surprising the mortals turned out as well as they did. Their powers reflect the need these warriors had for strong leadership and decisive action. Thus, they see their deities in every bend of a river, hear them in the crash of the thunder and the booming of the glaciers, and smell them in the smoke of a burning longhouse.

List Of Gods From The Dnd 5e Dmg Gun

The Norse pantheon includes two main families, the Aesir (deities of war and destiny) and the Vanir (gods of fertility and prosperity). Once enemies, these two families are now closely allied against their common enemies, the giants (including the gods Surtur and Thrym).

Table: Celtic Deities
DeityAlignmentSuggested DomainsSymbolSource
The Daghdha, god of weather and cropsCGNature, TrickeryBubbling cauldron or shieldSRD
Arawn, god of life and deathNELife, DeathBlack star on gray backgroundSRD
Belenus, god of sun, light, and warmthNGLightSolar disk and standing stonesSRD
Brigantia, goddess of rivers and livestockNGLifeFootbridgeSRD
Diancecht, god of medicine and healingLGLifeCrossed oak and mistletoe branchesSRD
Dunatis, god of mountains and peaksNNatureRed sun-­capped mountain peakSRD
Goibhniu, god of smiths and healingNGKnowledge, LifeGiant mallet over swordSRD
Lugh, god of arts, travel, and commerceCNKnowledge, LifePair of long handsSRD
Manannan mac Lir, god of oceans and sea creaturesLNNature, TempestWave of white water on greenSRD
Math Mathonwy, god of magicNEKnowledgeStaffSRD
Morrigan, goddess of battleCEWarTwo crossed spearsSRD
Nuada, god of war and warriorsNWarSilver hand on black backgroundSRD
Oghma, god of speech and writingNGKnowledgeUnfurled scrollSRD
Silvanus, god of nature and forestsNNatureSummer oak treeSRD
Table: Greek Deities
DeityAlignmentSuggested DomainsSymbolSource
Zeus, god of the sky, ruler of the godsNTempestFist full of lightning boltsSRD
Aphrodite, goddess of love and beautyCGLightSea shellSRD
Apollo, god of light, music, and healingCGKnowledge, Life, LightLyreSRD
Ares, god of war and strifeCEWarSpearSRD
Artemis, goddess of hunting and childbirthNGLife, NatureBow and arrow on lunar diskSRD
Athena, goddess of wisdom and civilizationLGKnowledge, WarOwlSRD
Demeter, goddess of agricultureNGLifeMare’s headSRD
Dionysus, god of mirth and wineCNLifeThyrsus (staff tipped with pine cone)SRD
Hades, god of the underworldLEDeathBlack ramSRD
Hecate, goddess of magic and the moonCEKnowledge, TrickerySetting moonSRD
Hephaestus, god of smithing and craftNGKnowledgeHammer and anvilSRD
Hera, goddess of marriage and intrigueCNTrickeryFan of peacock feathersSRD
Hercules, god of strength and adventureCGTempest, WarLion’s headSRD
Hermes, god of travel and commerceCGTrickeryCaduceus (winged staff and serpents)SRD
Hestia, goddess of home and familyNGLifeHearthSRD
Nike, goddess of victoryLNWarWinged womanSRD
Pan, god of natureCNNatureSyrinx (pan pipes)SRD
Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakesCNTempestTridentSRD
Tyche, goddess of good fortuneNTrickeryRed pentagramSRD

List Of Gods From The Dnd 5e Dmg Death Cleric

Table: Egyptian Deities
DeityAlignmentSuggested DomainsSymbolSource
Re-­Horakhty, god of the sun, ruler of the godsLGLife, LightSolar disk encircled by serpentSRD
Anubis, god of judgment and deathLNDeathBlack jackalSRD
Apep, god of evil, fire, and serpentsNETrickeryFlaming snakeSRD
Bast, goddess of cats and vengeanceCGWarCatSRD
Bes, god of luck and musicCNTrickeryImage of the misshapen deitySRD
Hathor, goddess of love, music, and motherhoodNGLife, LightHorned cow’s head with lunar diskSRD
HorusLNRulership, the sky, the sunAir, Animal, Law, Nobility, SunPBlog
Imhotep, god of crafts and medicineNGKnowledgeStep pyramidSRD
Isis, goddess of fertility and magicNGKnowledge, LifeAnkh and starSRD
KhepriNGFreedom, the rising sun, workArtifice, Good, Liberation, Sun, TrickeryPBlog
MaatLNJustice, law, order, truthKnowledge, Law, Protection, Void, WeatherPBlog
NeithNGHunting, war, weavingAnimal, Artifice, Good, War, WaterPBlog
Nephthys, goddess of death and griefCGDeathHorns around a lunar diskSRD
Osiris, god of nature and the underworldLGLife, NatureCrook and flailSRD
Ptah, god of crafts, knowledge, and secretsLNKnowledgeBullSRD
SekhmetCNFire, healing, vengeance, warChaos, Destruction, Fire, Healing, WarPBlog
SelketCGEmbalming, healing, scorpionsChaos, Good, Healing, Protection, ReposePBlog
Set, god of darkness and desert stormsCEDeath, Tempest, TrickeryCoiled cobraSRD
Sobek, god of water and crocodilesLENature, TempestCrocodile head with horns and plumesSRD
Thoth, god of knowledge and wisdomNKnowledgeIbisSRD
Re-­Horakhty, god of the sun, ruler of the godsLGLife, LightSolar disk encircled by serpentSRD
Anubis, god of judgment and deathLNDeathBlack jackalSRD
Apep, god of evil, fire, and serpentsNETrickeryFlaming snakeSRD
Bast, goddess of cats and vengeanceCGWarCatSRD
Bes, god of luck and musicCNTrickeryImage of the misshapen deitySRD
Hathor, goddess of love, music, and motherhoodNGLife, LightHorned cow’s head with lunar diskSRD
Imhotep, god of crafts and medicineNGKnowledgeStep pyramidSRD
Isis, goddess of fertility and magicNGKnowledge, LifeAnkh and starSRD
Nephthys, goddess of death and griefCGDeathHorns around a lunar diskSRD
Osiris, god of nature and the underworldLGLife, NatureCrook and flailSRD
Ptah, god of crafts, knowledge, and secretsLNKnowledgeBullSRD
Set, god of darkness and desert stormsCEDeath, Tempest, TrickeryCoiled cobraSRD
Sobek, god of water and crocodilesLENature, TempestCrocodile head with horns and plumesSRD
Thoth, god of knowledge and wisdomNKnowledgeIbisSRD
WadjetLGGood, Law, Protection, Travel, WaterLight macePBlog
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