League Bug Causing Champs To Peroidolicy Take Dmg From Xerith

Hey guys.
I change talents quite often, and because of that I'm looking for a way to combine two macros:
First one which allows me to hold down shift, ctrl or alt to cast a spell on either arena 1, 2 or 3:
And the second one which is 1 button for an entire talent row as shown with the lvl 75 talent row for hunters:
What I have done now with spells is to make many copies of the first macro with many different spells and then manually put them down on my bars everytime I change talents. Quite annoying. Is it at all possible to merge them into one? I found if I put all of the 'mod:X,@arenaY' infront of the macro text, it only works if I have the first talent picked and not the others.
I found another way to do it like this:
which is 1 button that always fires the talent in that row I have chosen on arena1. This works okay-ish, but with the large downside that I only have 60 bar slots and need 3 slots for every ability.
So in short:
Is it possible to make a macro that fires the currenly chosen talent in x-row on arena 1, 2 or 3 depending on which modifier I hold down, and once I change to a different talent in the same row - fire that talent on the same targets?

League Bug Causing Champs To Period Policy Take Dmg From Xerath 4

So glass cannon is adding only 40 dmg to max range orbs instead of say GC buffing orb by 800 x 15%. And it gets even worse. When accounting for both Zei's Vengeance and Arcane Orbit, Ming's orb (at lvl 23) does 1,249 damage at max range - while STILL only getting buffed by 40 dmg to 1,289 when including Glass Cannon. Seems super weak. LOOK AT HIS CHEST UNDER THE ARMOR. DID SOMEONE SAY PHOTOSHOP? Eat your heart out, Wrathion. Mar 31, 2017  Major Final Fantasy 15 Update Brings Chapter 13 Changes, Bug Fixes. Chapter 13 is one of the most divisive parts of Final Fantasy 15, but an update from Square Enix is looking to change that. Dec 27, 2012 Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK' thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.

Is a dmg file safe mode

League Bug Causing Champs To Peroidolicy Take Dmg From Xerith

League Bug Causing Champs To Period Policy Take Dmg From Xerath 10

League bug causing champs to period policy take dmg from xerath 2017

League Bug Causing Champs To Period Policy Take Dmg From Xerath 2

I've been playing LoL for a while now, and I feel that I have a pretty good concept of the game. Every mechanic and idea is pretty solid..except for one.
I've noticed how every single basic attack stacks with AD. Every one, from Master Yi's to Twisted Fate to Soraka.
Now why is this a problem? Well, not all champions are AD. The basic attacks from TF or Soraka are obviously magical and not melee at all, they should be dealing magic damage rather than physical damage; and they should stack with AP as well.
Not every basic attack should be AP of course, only the ones from mages. AD champions should still stack with AD.
Which leads me to the next issue. I've found something that isn't fair in LoL. Every champions' basic attacks stack with the more attack damage they get. This is obviously flawed because not every champion uses AD, so the ones that do have a significant advantage over those who don't. If a mage buys only AP items, then their basic attacks will be very weak throughout the game. This effects farming capabilities and in fights as well. While a melee champ buys AD items, and their basic attacks increase significantly. They can farm much easier and won't even have to use abilities to do so. Most mages have to use their abilites/mana to farm late game, because their basic attacks are still weak.
In conclusion, I believe that mages basic attacks should stack with AP and melee/ranged champions should stack with AD. It creates a more equal battlefield and just makes more sense. Thank you for reading.

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