Is Crtd Or Dmg Better For A Tac Romulan Captain

Download os x 10.12 dmg. Oct 27, 2018  It's generally recommended that Tacticals go for Dmg, and Eng/Sci go for CrtD. What makes Dmg so good for tacs is that it goes after every last damage buff they have.

  1. Is Crtd Or Dmg Better For A Tac Romulan Captain Ship

In this guide we will give you a complete overview about recommend traits for space PvE and ground PvE. You may have already seen some suggestions in our PvE-DPS-Basics.

Personal Space Traits:

Is Crtd Or Dmg Better For A Tac Romulan Captain Ship

  • Anchored (Lock Box / Exchange) or Self-Modulating Fire (Herald Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Give your All (R&D eng lvl 15) or Repair Crews (Lock Box / Exchange) or Ablative Shell (Lock box / Exchange
  • Fluidic Coccoon (Lock Box / Exchange) or Duelists Fervor (Infinity Box / Exchange)
  • Inspirational Leader (Elachi Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Terran Targeting System (Emperor Lockbox / Exchange)
  • (Superior) Beam/Cannon Training (free or K13 fleet holding for Superior)
  • Fleet Coordinator (free)
  • Context is for Kings (Lockbox / Exchange)
  • A Good Day to Die (Lockbox / Exchange Tac) or Nadion Bypass and eps Overload (Lockbox / Exchange Eng) or Photonic Reinforcement (lockbox / Exchange Sci)

An alien has an additional trait slot, you can slot “Duelists Fervor” (Lockbox / Exchange) there.

*The Profession-Specific trait for engineering and science captains is different than for tacticals. An alternative for that would be “Intense Focus” (if romulan / reman), “Helmsmann” or “Failsafe Scrambler” (Delta Expediton Lock Box / Exchange)

Some of the traits above a really expensiv, if you don’t have the money for that, we are recommending the following traits:

  • Accurate
  • Astrophysicist (if romulan: Romulan Operative)
  • Beam Barrage (R&D beam level 15)
  • Elusive
  • Beam Training
  • Fleet Coordinator
  • Innocuous
  • Operative
  • Warp Theorist (if reman: Infiltrator)
  • Point Blank Shot (Episode Reward)

Starship Traits:

Here are some good starship traits:

  • All Hands on Deck (tactial Command Battlecruiser):
    Activating a Tactical or Command Bridge Officer ability will reduce the recharge time of Science Bridge Officer and Captain abilities. This may only occur once every five seconds.
  • Emergency Weapon Cycle (Arbiter/Kurak/Morrigu):
    Using Emergency Power to Weapons provides a reduction in weapon power cost and gives a boost to weapon firing speed for the duration of Emergency Power to Weapons. This is a must have trait for all energy weapon based builds!
  • Invincible (Zahl-Cruiser):
    While reduced to very low hull, your ship becomes undefeatable for a short amount of time. During this window all incoming hull and shield heals receive large boosts. May activate once per two minutes.
  • Supremacy (Vaadwaur Astika):
    Cannon Scatter Volley or Beam Fire at Will provide +1 Energy to all subsystem power levels per target hit for a short time. This bonus stacks up to 20 times.
  • Promise Of Ferocity (Tactical Pilot Escorts)
    5 Stacks of +4% Bonus Weapon Damage for the duration of the combat
  • Reciprocity (Phantom [Fed] / “Year of Hell”-Lockbox [KDF/ROM]):
    If you are missed, all cooldowns of tactical and intelligence bridge officer abilities are reduced by 10%.
  • Radiant Nanite Cloud (Dauntless):
    Any hull heal heals additional 25% in a radius of 3km for 4 seconds.
  • Withering Barrage (Valiant/Malem/Kor)
    Extend Cannon: Scatter Volley by 4 seconds to a maximum of 14 seconds (with 15 seconds shared cd => up more or less all the time!)
  • Redirecting Arrays (Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser)
    Extend Fire at Will to a maximum of 15 seconds (with 20 seconds shared cd, duration from 10=>15 seconds increased, thats great!)
  • Calm Before the Storm (Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser)
    Firing Cycle Haste buff for 50% of the time

You can find more Traits in the STOWiki.

Space Reputation:

  • Advanced Targeting Systems (Dyson T2)
  • Precision (New Romulus T2)
  • Magnified Firepower (Gamma Rep)
  • Controlled Countermeasures (Temporal Rep)
  • Enhanced Armor Penetration (Delta T2)
  • Auxiliary Power Configuration – Offense (Nukara T4)

You can buy a fith space reputation slot on a “Fleet Research Lab”. “Tactical Advantage” (Dyson T4), which debuffs your target based on it’s hull if it is below 50% hull, or “Energy Refrequencer” (Iconian T2), which heals you when you deal damage, or “Advanced Engines” (Delta T2), which increases your turn rate and flight speed.

Personal Ground Traits:


  • Adrenal Release (Undine Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Bombardier (Vaadwaur Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Hive Mind (Xindi-Terrestrial Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Lucky (free)
  • Soldier (free)
  • Strike Team Specialist (free)
  • Vicious (Xindi-Amphibious Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Conduit (Tal Shiar Lock Box / Exchange) [if you don’t use Energy Cells, use “Aggressive” (free) instead of “Conduit”]
  • Berserker (Delta Expedition Lock Box / Exchange)


  • Adrenal Release (Undine Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Bombardier (Vaadwaur Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Hive Mind (Xindi-Terrestrial Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Lucky (free)
  • Soldier (free)
  • Field Technician (free)
  • Vicious (Xindi-Amphibious Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Conduit (Tal Shiar Lock Box / Exchange) [if you don’t use Energy Cells, use “Aggressive” (free) instead of “Conduit”]
  • Berserker (Delta Expedition Lock Box / Exchange)


  • Adrenal Release (Undine Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Bombardier (Vaadwaur Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Hive Mind (Xindi-Terrestrial Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Lucky (free)
  • Soldier (free)
  • Field Technician (free)
  • Vicious (Xindi-Amphibious Lock Box / Exchange)
  • Field Researcher (free)
  • Berserker (Delta Expedition Lock Box / Exchange)

Ground Reputation:

  • Armor Penetration (Delta T1)
  • Mental Acuity (Undinen T1)
  • Deadly Aim (Dyson T1)
  • Lethality (New Romulus T1)
  • Emergency Personal Cloaking Device (Terran T3)

Active Reputation:

Actice reputation is sadly not splitted in ground and space. That means, you have to switch them for ground and space. Active reputatuion traits have to be activated in the mission like all other abilities. So, you have to put them on your tray.

Is crtd or dmg better for a tac romulan captain 3

If you are doing space missions, just choose the ones for space and if you are doing ground missions, just choose the ones for ground.

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