I Keep Doing 1 Hit Dmg In Union Cross Bosses


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I Keep Doing 1 Hit Dmg In Union Cross Bosses List

'Where's the fun in this?'

This page is about bosses in Kingdom HeartsRedis desktop manager that give away grief like it's candy. Given the fact that there are more bosses in the series than average, it's not surprising some of them made this list. Nonetheless, It's rather ironic that a series that's got complaints lodged at it for being easy has a lot of fans raging about difficult bosses..but nevertheless, even some easy games have sudden difficulty spikes. We need no advice for defeating these monstrosities — that defeats the purpose!

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NOTE: A Bonus Boss is supposed to be overpowering, as well as optional, so they don't belong here. The same applies to Olympus Coliseum cups and Mirage Arenas. That One Boss only applies to storyline bosses who are abnormally difficult.

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  • In Hollow Bastion, it's frequently a toss up between two fights which occur within minutes of each other:
    • First, Dragon Maleficent. She has a massive amount of health, hits hard, and the location of her one weak point frequently forces you to stand right in her line of fire. Since she takes up so much of the room, there's also a lack of places to dodge and/or hide.
    • The second, Riku possessed by Ansem, is fast and insanely aggressive, with a signature move that can do enormous damage very quickly if not dodged (or flown over). Compounding the difficulty, you fight him without any party members in an arena that gives little room to maneuver. However, despite all of that, his infamy stems mainly from the fact that in the original release of the game, you couldn't skip cutscenes. That meant you had to watch all of two and a half minutes of the preceding cutscene before the fight even began.
  • The first fight with Ursula has a gimmick where you must throw magic at her cauldron to stun her in order to win. Unfortunately, all the game does to explain that gimmick is have Triton warn you about it before you head off, leaving players to flounder around wondering why they can't beat her. Flotsam and Jetsam don't help by getting in the way of your targeting.
    • The second fight with her is no cakewalk either. While most of her attacks can be avoided by super-swimming around her, you'll still have a hard time hitting her without being hit yourself. The thing is, she has unbelievably strong attacks, she's constantly throwing them out, and she can't be staggered, so there's no halting her moves.
      • Thankfully, Final Mix added Leaf Bracer, allowing you to gain invincibility frames while healing yourself. However, if you picked the Sword at the Dive to the Heart first, you don't learn it until the later levels, so if you fight Ursula's second form without it, pray for mercy.
    • Keep in mind; both these fights are underwater meaning having to not only deal with slower and more awkward controls, you completely lose your ability to dodge AND block, which only serves to increase the difficulty of both of Ursala's forms dramatically. And no, the game does not loosen her up much to compensate for your lack of these abilities.
  • For being likely the second boss the player will face, Clayton is an absolute nightmare. This is a two-phase fight, the first has Clayton alongside a group of Powerwilds, the second has Clayton riding the giant and invisible Stealth Sneak. Clayton's attacks are fast, heavy hitting and unpredictable, and he can also heal himself. The Stealth Sneak isn't entirely invisible, but good luck predicting its attacks. There's no healing in between the two phases, and you only get Cure right after beating this boss. Thankfully, you only need to beat Clayton to win (though beating Stealth Sneak first nets you additional experience).
  • The second fight against the Parasite Cage can be the absolute pits if you're not prepared for it. The room you fight it in is surrounded by stomach acids (you know, since you're inside a whale's stomach), meaning if you step in, you're taking a bit of damage. On top of that, the only way to attack this thing is up front, where it can spew its poisonous breath at you. And even if you stand on the nearby platforms, you're not safe from its Combat Tentacles, which have an incredible range and can hit like a truck if you don't block them. And much like Ansem!Riku after it, the PS2 version of the game forces you to watch an incredibly long cutscene before the fight even starts.
  • In the original GBA game, but not the remake, Captain Hook is far more powerful than the other bosses at that point in the game due to stunlock attacks and a constantly tilting field that usually dumps his bombs right on top of you.
  • Riku Replica, in both scenarios.
    • The third and fourth time you fight him in Sora's half of the game, he's just plain hard.His Dark Aura attack requires a Zero card (or a powerful enough sleight in the GBA version provided you have the cards) to break it, and he spams the move again and again.The fourth battle, especially in the PS2 version, is infamously hard because Donald and Goofy are not present, and the battle is no doubt the hardest mandatory battle in the franchise, and up there with the race with Erol in Jak II: Renegade as one of the hardest missions in the PS2 era.
    • The second time you fight him as Riku is no easier, as now you only have a one-use enemy card and unpredictably spawned Mickey cards (if you're playing the remake) to heal you.
Kingdom Hearts II
  • The first 'fight' (That is, performing a hasty retreat after Sora realises it's an unwinnable fight) with Hades has one of the biggest jumps in difficulty change when playing in critical mode; getting hit even once during this fight results in a near immediate death and with various enemies all over the place and Hades firing unpredictably; it can be a frustrating slog. The only saving grace is its briefness. Among critical mode speedrunners 'Hade's Chase' is an incredibly notorious and difficult section due to the sheer random death chance.
  • Despite how Demyx appears to be the Quirky Bard slacker who really doesn't care about anything except playing sitar, you'd be surprised how many people think he fits the description for That One Boss. He seems harmless at first, but then the timer starts. He creates a batch of water clones, which while harmless on their own, you have to kill within a time limit or lose instantly. This happens multiple times during his fight, and the final round requires you to defeat 10 clones in 10 seconds. Pray they all spawn close to one another. The Final Mix version, mercifully, changes the time limit to 15 seconds.
    • Even without the clone attack Demyx attacks weakly but rapidly and can quickly setup massive combos on Sora draining your health quickly. His attacks are also rather erratic and very hard to predict and even blocking will only get you so far with the water walls he can summon.
    • Want to know what the worst part is? If you happen to die or suffer a power failure in the next section before you reach the area with a save point, you're forced to fight Demyx again.
  • Xigbar is most players' biggest challenge in the World that Never Was, as he's capable of sniping you from a distance, frequently teleports out of your line of fire, and has a nasty Desperation Attack which he uses with increasing frequency as he takes more damage. In fact when his health gets to the last bar he will use start to use it at the end of every single combo he does often leaving players literally no way to damage him if they don't know how to reach him in time.
    • True; his attacks deal little damage but they can combo and rack up hits fast, furthermore Xigbar does not stagger unless reloading (R FOR RELOAD) thus he can counter you easily. If a player isn't making good use of Reflega; they are going to stuggle hard. The final note is that he has a unique mechanic of defying gravity and standing upside down; thus any attack is an air combo making the normally overpowered Decisive Pumpkin useless here and if the player doesn't normally use or have abilities for air combos their damage will be lacking; not to mention it makes Donald and Goofy even more useless at dealing damage.
  • Xaldin combines high damage, teleporting, impressive reach and the fiendishly hard to avoid Wind Dragon attack. You'd better pray that Mickey shows up to save you if you're killed. Thankfully his Achilles Heel is quite simple; blocking any of his attacks. This boss is a primary roadblock for the X mashers out there and serves as a good lesson in how to deal with the upcoming challenges.
    • The biggest fault of Xaldin's boss fight is II's lack of evasion abilities. In the original game, Dodge Roll provided invincibility frames; its replacement, Quick Run, does not. When Limit Form brought back Dodge Roll in the Final Mix, Xaldin became much, much easier.
  • Roxas (only fought in Final Mix) is fast, unpredictable and hits hard, which only makes sense since he's Sora. It's actually recommended by most players to just avoid him when he tries to initiate Duel. Sure, getting to use his Keyblades against him is cool and all, but that doesn't really make up for the fact that now his telegraphed and easily-blocked attacks have been replaced with spamming light beams.
  • Final Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 suffers from a glitch where his reaction commands don't always appear making a normally decent challenge a cheap death montage. Playing this boss on Critical mode requires either excessive Reflega spamming or limit abuse, otherwise just let Jesus take the wheel and hope for the best that the command won't be missed. A patch for the PS4 version in June 2017 finally fixed this, along with other issues.
    • This section of this video shows the bug in more clarity.
I keep doing 1 hit dmg in union cross bosses day
  • Leechgrave. It has a lot of HP for that point in the story, hits like a truck when you get close enough to hit it, and has four regenerating tentacles that you'll have to deal with repeatedly in order to stun it. Prepare for a long fight. Doesn't help that none of the tentacles drop health orbs upon defeating them, forcing you to rely solely on potions and healing magic to recover health.
  • Ruler of the Sky is constantly flying away from you, in a huge arena, and its attacks are nasty when it does come for you. Dying in this fight is especially punishing because of the sheer amount of time it takes to whittle it down. Thankfully it doesn't deal much damage in succession so this boss is more a test of the player's patience than anything. Expect to be sick of its boss theme before long.

I Keep Doing 1 Hit Dmg In Union Cross Bosses Online

  • Remember Xigbar? Meet his original self, Braig. He's basically everything you hated about Xigbar, but even worse.
  • Near the end of his story, Terra fights Master Eraqus. The foe is an absolute beast. His attacks are incredibly powerful, and the most dangerous ones come out with no warning whatsoever. Even after you've gotten his pattern down, you have to have the utmost skill to block and/or dodge his attacks, because if you don't, expect three or four hits to kill Terra. Your opponent is also resistant to Dark attacks, and the only Command Style that will activate during this boss is Dark Impulse, so you're at quite the disadvantage.
  • Speaking of Terra's story.. Olympus Coliseum. Helmet-less Zack.. When he gets overcharged with Hades' darkness, he's going to let you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of an Omnislash. It cannot be interrupted. It cannot be blocked. And he uses this as his opening attack. Pray to Kingdom Hearts you didn't equip that fancy Double-Impact you got immediately before.
  • The final boss of Terra's story can quickly turn into this. He has a combo that is just plain unfair: it involves dropping an unblockable meteor which also causes a bright explosion, and then using Ars Solum twice in a row. Even Terra's ultimate abilities won't do you any good. The developers had the sense to program him with the knowledge of your attacks and how to dodge them. Go ahead. Try using Ars Solum, Meteor Crash, or Chaos Blade. He'll perfectly dodge all of them, then smack you down for even daring to try. The only way you're ever going to use his own moves against him is by blocking his attacks (without using Counter Hammer), then taking advantage of a (very) small window of vulnerability by starting off with a regular combo before using said commands. And the reason why he even has your moves? He's basically you. As in, he literally hijacked your body.
    • Said final boss is recycled as the first phase of the boss of the final battle. It is next-to-impossible to land a hit on him under normal circumstances, and in this fight especially he tends to spam his charge move to nullify ranged damage via invincibility frames. So have fun unleashing your perfectly executed shotlock command and then watching it do little or no damage. In fact, there is only one easy way to win the fight, and it takes forever, even if you are at the right level. Combine that with playing as Aqua, and ONLY Aqua.
  • Experiment 221/Sparky, Terra's boss of Deep Space. He's fast, attacks like a truck, and has unbelievably dastardly moves such as possessing laser cannons and firing them at you. And since you're playing as Terra, you're gonna have a hard time pursuing Sparky around.
  • Vanitas. JUST VANITAS. This son of a bitch keeps teleporting out of everything you throw at him. He has a LOT of counters: hurling three fireballs at you, a repetitive dodging attack, and ESPECIALLY his bullshit diving attack. No wonder his battle quotes are so sadistic: he's hard, and he wants you to know it.
    • His final battle with Ventus is somewhat hard, but the final phase is worse, not necessarily because of the difficulty level—though it can be quite difficult—but because of the ridiculously frustrating way that it's set up. During the battle, you're forced into a D-Link with Vanitas, which leaves you unable to access any of your commands, meaning that it’s impossible to recoup your health with potions or Cure. And for the whole duration, Vanitas' health stays permanently at critical levels, but it's impossible to drain his last little bit of health no matter how much you beat him up. The only way to finish him off is with your finishing move 'Last Word', and the only way to do that is by building up a meter by beating him in a series of Beam-O-War confrontations by using 'Dark Link' or 'Dark Spiral' at exactly the right moment. But if you don't land your attacks in quick enough succession, the meter goes right back down to zero, and you have to start all over again while just trying to stay alive. Does the game explain any of this to you? Hell no!* And while that would ordinarily just be a mild annoyance, it's made excruciating by the fact that you get sent right back to the previous stage of the battle if you die, where you then have to defeat Vanitas all over again before you can even get another shot at finishing him off.
  • Dragon Maleficent is fought as part of a sidescrolling segment, so you don't have any of your regular commands, including healing. Her attacks are surprisingly difficult to avoid as well.
  • Roxas is still a beast. He's ungodly fast, hits like a truck, can inflict multiple stat effects and even his blocked attacks are very hard to punish. Through the fight, he'll teleport around the arena, fire unblockable, homing light pillarswhile he dashes at you and attacks and will rain down Frickin' Laser Beams once he Turns Red. For extra sadism, when you're almost finished with him, he'll attack with Frickin' Laser Beams (his Final Limit from 358 Days Over 2), only to finish the attack and follow up with even bigger laser beams. It gets better: These beams will cripple your DEF stat if it hits. Get hit once, you take ungodly damage. Get hit twice, you die. Heck, Sora even lampshades this right after you finish the boss fight!
  • Wargoyle when fought as Sora. He moves all over the place, hits like a truck and he has an annoying habit of using his attacks in rapid succession making it very easy to get stun locked. And as he gets less HP, how long he chains his attacks together gets ridiculous.
  • Young Xehanort. Being the penultimate boss and the true form of the Mysterious Figure, he's not easy to begin with, but the real punishment comes when you deplete his first batch of life bars. Fail to pull off a Reality Shift in a tiny window, and he partially revives himself, forcing you to fight him down once more. Succeed and the fight continues, but now he's surrounded by clones which attack almost without pause, using his old moves from when he was the Mysterious Figure. He Teleport Spams, he's open for only a fraction of a second before attacking, and his attacks are blistering fast. That's not all: you now have a time limit to defeat him.. or rewind back to phase 1. The True Final Boss is actually easier.
    • Although there is a saving grace if you manage to make it to the second phase, namely that not only will any damage done to it remain if you can't kill it in one go, any damage done to it reduces the first form's recovered health, making the repeat somewhat more tolerable. Still, this is a former bonus boss..
  • Rinzler can be a nasty surprise to anyone who expected a regular Disney villain fight and not a cyber ninja. He's fast, he hits hard both up close and at a distance with a hard-to-predict attack style, and when he flips gravity, the camera doesn't follow suit.
  • You know who's a fun boss? Spellican. The first part of the fight locks you into Flowmotion, meaning no Cures or healing items. Later on you have to do the Flowmotion segment again, almost certainly with less HP to work with. While outside of Flowmotion, he has a variety of painful attacks and a habit of teleporting to hard-to-reach locations and spawning brooms for backup.
  • Anti Black Coat Nightmare's attacks are really hard to dodge/predict to begin with. Then That One Attack drains all but one of your health — and then drops it all over the arena as HP orbs, which the boss can pick up. Luckily, so can you, but taking time out of a battle to pick up your own health does tend to leave a massive opening. And it's worse, as there's a chance the boss will attack Riku while he's still stunned and on 1HP.
  • Ansem, Seeker of Darkness's second form is often considered the test of if you made the correct Dream Eaters to get the Second Chance and Once More abilities. And if you decide you need to go back and grind some more, you have to deal with both his forms and Anti Black Coatall over again.
Kingdom Hearts χ

I Keep Doing 1 Hit Dmg In Union Cross Bosses 2

  • In mission 425 of Unchained/Union Cross, the player faces Master Ava. This opponent has far and away more HP than any other non-raid boss enemy before them, with over 20 health bars. The boss is also immune to all status effects, alternates between boosting attack and defense every other turn, and increases these boosts even further when HP is low, at which point the boss's boosted attacks are extremely likely to one-shot an unprepared player. Getting through the mission requires patience, luck, and a carefully chosen set of medals that may be difficult to impossible to get without buying lots of them with Jewels.
  • This also extends to the boss of mission 555, the foreteller of the player's union or Foreteller Ira for Vulpes players. This boss starts off with a massive defense boost which can make dealing damage nigh impossible without some sort of dispel or defense debuff in tow. On top of this is also a massive pool of health extending up to 48 bars of HP. They switch up buffs on the second turn to an immense attack buff that can and will defeat you instantly. And the objectives want you to defeat said boss in only two turns. Strong speed medals with their special attack bonus, or guilt, unlocked are almost mandatory to achieve these objectives.
  • The Darkside Union Cross quest. The Darkside has a lot of HP (to the tune of twenty million, where other Union Cross bosses peak at less than four million) and its attacks are capable of one-shotting even the strongest of players. It gets even worse if you're matched up with weaker teammates who don't deal a lot of damage and constantly need to be revived, which takes up one of your attacks for each counter they have. It's far harder than any other Union Cross boss, but its rewards aren't adjusted at all to compensate. Thankfully, it has since been severelynerfed to the point where it is on par with the other bosses.
  • Quest 660 gives us the Goddamned Mean Maiden; on top of that name being one of the biggest descriptive understaments ever, this Heartless takes no prisoners. She is yet another enemy with the damned counter over her head; Seven hits and she attacks. She'll conjure a cage to fall on you and when it breaks, it does two hits that can easily take out half your health without any defense skills on you medals, cause paralyze AND poison, on top of her regular attack that does two more hits that most like will kill you. And that's just HER. She's back up by two cats, the concept is neat, it's Lady Tremaine and her Daughter, cool, it's symbolic, it's cool. But these two cats are more evil then Lucifer, the actual cat! So these bastards had hit counts as well, but they are the ones that go down PER hit, as apposed to just having a move done on them. So if you use say, Master form Sora which does 15 hits, that will bring the counter from 35 to 25, where as the Mean Maiden herself would just go from 7 to 6. When the cat on the left hits zero, he buffs the enemy teams damage, not too bad, but the cat on the left restores the enemies health. TWENTY BARS of Mean Maidens SIXTY SOME HEALTH BARS. And they attack you as well. Twice each. So seven hits of ball breaking damage, a huge amount of HP from a none raid boss, this is the text book example of a wake up boss. If you've been playing the game super casual and been missing out on medals and power ups or just stopped for a while then got here, this boss is gonna seem impossible, one of the few levels in this game to require actual grinding and some meticulous strategy.
  • If you thought Maleficent's dragon form was tough inothergames, think again! Here she's spiked up to level 1000 with an HP bar to match, her attacks are easily one-hit kills, she automatically attacks after a certain number of hits, and her defense is so ludicrously high that without the trait that reduces Ground Defense, even the game's biggest Game Breakers will do nothing but Scratch Damage.
  • The Iron Giant added to Proud 160. Fifty-eight health bars, high defense, and One-Hit Kill attacks are bad enough on their own, but normally they can be overcome with attack and defense buffs. Except this is Proud Mode, and in this quest you're restricted to medals that deal eight or more hits, which locks all the best buff medals which generally deal one hit, and you're also locked to a specific keyblade, which may be nowhere near your best. And, to a lesser degree, the Trickmaster Omega added to Proud 230, which plays under the same eight or more hit restriction.
Kingdom Hearts 0. 2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-
  • The Demon Tide is quickly gaining notoriety for being a terribly unfair boss, especially at higher difficulty levels. It appears to have practically no consistency in its fight pattern, throwing out highly damaging attacks with seemingly random timing and strange, difficult-to-avoid movements. It also has a frustrating air toss move, which throws Aqua into the air and then summons Shadow balls that are extremely hard to dodge with your limited aerial mobility. And the best part? There's barely any clue towards when it uses what attack.note
  • Sköll, the Heartless of Hans Westergaard, the final boss of Arendelle. A huge ghostly/demonic wolf that hits like a speeding truck, soaks up hits like a sponge, and moves & attacks in the blink of an eye, summons entire packs of ghostly wolf packmates, and for a desperation move can summon a titanic orb of darkness big enough to blot out the sky, and if you don't build up charge and reaction-command it in time, you'll lose a massive chunk of HP.
  • Luxord in The Caribbean. First, instead of actually fighting him, you must race him to Port Royal, and he throws everything he can at the Leviathan to slow the party down. Upon reaching the harbor, Luxord will send countless Heartless ships, and the objective is to sink his ship. The battle requires a lot of timing in defense and a command bar that is filed from sinking enemies. What makes it worse is that it's impossible to heal during the battle, and the Leviathan cannot be upgraded just yet. The last stage, fortunately, returns direct control to the player party and is a standard battle.
  • Dark Baymax, the final boss of San Fransokyo. The fight begins with a rail shooter-esque flying portion with you shooting at the boss, while dodging attacks and sending certain attacks back at them, which can throw people off of they completely weren't expecting it. Then the real fight begins, which takes in its entirety in Baymax's 'Interceptor Wing' team attack, which is awkward to control and has strange combose with drawn out animations that leave you open. While still pretty awesome, it unfortunately also completely locks you out of using your items, meaning that Baymax's 'Care Spray' ability is your only means of healing yourself, which has a long cooldown. All of this against a boss that is incredibly aggressive, leaves you barely any room to breath, attacks faster than you can, loves leaving area-denying, damaging objects behind it, of which running into them can easily trap you into taking tons of damage due to the stun of getting his. Better hope that you've gotten Withstand Combo by this point, because otherwise some of the 'combos' it has are a death sentence if you get caught.
  • The Lich near the end of the game is a real pain to fight against. Not only does he like to summon other enemies while you fight him, he also uses a large amount of powerful magic spells that can potentially inflict status effects. Additionally, he'll occasionally avoid your attacks by teleporting away, leaving behind a clone of himself that you'll stay locked on to and that will explode after a short duration, which can lead to unavoidable damage if you were in the middle of an attack as he teleported away. And if all that wasn't enough, you need to fight him seven times in a row.

I Keep Doing 1 Hit Dmg In Union Cross Bosses 2


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