How To Enable Pet Dmg Numbers Wow

May 07, 2016  How to enable Pet Damage Text on Target in WOW Linnet's How To. Unsubscribe from Linnet's How To? World of Warcraft; 2004; Category Gaming; Show more Show less. Jan 23, 2019  I dove into the addon world to find the greatest addons to display floating damage numbers. Here's what I found! 10 Unique and Cool Hunter Pets That AREN'T Spirit Beasts for World of Warcraft.

  1. When fighting anything, the damage text does not show up above the target. For whatever reason, the word 'Snared' does. I am using ElvUI (interface a.
  2. Jan 23, 2019 I dove into the addon world to find the greatest addons to display floating damage numbers. Here's what I found! 10 Unique and Cool Hunter Pets That AREN'T Spirit Beasts for World of Warcraft.
  3. I can't see my pet damage with floating combat text I make sure I have the options turned on, but I still can't see my pets damage. I installed the advanced options addon that allows you do turn on and off settings Blizzard decided to hide.

The chat log at the bottom of World of Warcraft’s screen can be used to keep in contact with the world’s players, but it’s also the place to go to if you’re looking to make things happen. You probably already know about emotes, such as /dance, but did you know that there are a whole world of forward slash commands? Start playing more effectively with these World of Warcraft commands.

How do you enter World of Warcraft commands?

It’s really simple to enter commands into World of Warcraft. Just open the chat, and type in any command, prefixed with a forwards-slash. Then tap enter, and see the results in action. Make sure you type in the ‘/’ before any command though: without it, you’ll simply say the command in chat, and everyone else will see it.


Start a Wargame
Starts a War Game.

Blizzard Interface commands

/ach /achieve /achievement /achievements
Opens the Achievements menu.

Opens the Calendar menu.

Guild Finder
/guildfinder /gf
Opens the Guild Finder tool.

Looking for Group
/lfg /lfd /df /dungeonfinder
Opens the Dungeon Finder ‘Looking for Group’ tool.

Raid Browser
/lfr /raidbrowser /rb /or /otherraids
Opens the Raid Browser.

/macro /m
Opens the Macro interface.

/stopwatch /timer /sw
Opens the Stopwatch interface.

Chat Commands

Away from Keyboard
/afk /away
Marks your avatar as “Away From Keyboard”.

Toggle Announcements
/announce /ann
Toggle on and off channel announcements.

Ban a user from chat
Bans a user from a user-created chat channel.

Battleground Chat
/battleground /bg
Sends a chat message to your battleground.

Chat to Channel
/c /csay
Sends chat text to a channel.

Invite to Chat
/cinvite /chatinvite
Invite a user to a user-created chat channel.

List Chat Users
/chatlist /chatwho /chatinfo
Displays a list of users in a chat channel, or what channels you are currently a member of.

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Chat Logging
Toggles on and off chat logging.

Combat Logging
Toggles combat logging on and off.

Display Chat Commands
/chat /chathelp
Displays a list of commonly used chat commands.

Kick User from Chat
Kicks a user from a user-created chat channel.

/emote /em /e /me
Perform an emote with the given text.

Do Not Disturb
/dnd /busy
Marks your avatar as “Do Not Disturb”.

Message Guild
/guild /g /gc
Sends a chat message to your guild.

Chat with Instance
/instance /i
Sends a chat message to people in your instance.

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Join a Channel
/join /channel /chan
Join or create a user-created chat channel.

Leave a Channel
/leave /chatleave /chatexit
Leave a user-created chat channel.

Moderate Channel
/mod /moderator
Sets moderation in a user-created chat channel.

/mute /squelch /unvoice
Stop a player from speaking (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel.

Officer Chat
/officer /o /osay
Send a chat message to your guild’s officer channel.

Chat Owner
Display or change the owner of a user-created chat channel.

Set/remove Password
/password /pass
Set or remove a password on a user-created chat channel.

Party Chat
/party /p
Send a chat message to your party.

Bonus dmg to shield hots card. Gain 2.5% of your health per second as shields, up to a maximum of 15%. Shields have permanent duration. Shields will not take dmg until the Druid (or target) is at 75% life. Potential 2 ticks over the shield max, total 20% hp. Bonus 25% healing 'while in combat'.

Raid Chat
/raid /rsay
Send a chat message to your raid.

Raid Warning
/raidwarning /rw
Send a raid warning to your raid group.

/r /reply
Reply to the last user who sent you a whisper.

Reset Chat
Reset chat settings to default.

/say /s
Send a chat message to players in your immediate local area.

Unban a user from a user-created chat channel.

/unmod /unmoderator
Remove moderation from a user-created chat channel.

/unmute /unsquelch /voice
Allows a user to speak (voice or text) in a user-created chat channel.

/whisper /w /tell /t /send
Send a private chat message to a player.

/yell /y /sh /shout
Send a chat message to all players in your zone.

Character Commands

Dismount your character from a mount.

/equip /eq
Equip an item to its default slot.

Equip Set
Change equipped items to a set stored in the Equipment Manager

Equip to Slot
Equip an item to a specific slot.

Add to Friends
/friend /friends
Add a player to your Friends list.

/f /follow /fol
Set your avatar to follow the selected target.

Add a player to your ignore list.

/ins /inspect
Open the Inspection menu of the selected target.

Leave a Vehicle
Allows your character to exit their current vehicle.

Summon a Pet
Summons a random companion pet.

Remove a Friend
/removefriend /remfriend
Remove a friend from your friend list.

Set a Title
Set the active title for your character.

Start Trading
Opens the trade window with a targeted player.

Remove a player from your ignore list.

Use a Talent Spec
Swap to a saved Talent spec.

Combat Commands

Turn off an Aura
Cancels an aura you have.

Cancel a Spell
/cancelqueuedspell /cqs
Cancel a spell you have queued up for casting.

Cancel Shapeshift Form
Cancel your current shapeshift form.

Cast a Spell
/cast /spell /use
Cast a given spell, or use a given item.

Cast a Glyph
Activate a glyph.

Cast Random Spell
/castrandom /userandom
Cast a random spell from a prepared list.

Cast Spell Sequence
Casts a list of spells in sequential order.

Change Action Bar
Changes your current action bar page.

Challenge another player to a duel.

/forfeit /yield /concede
Forfeit a duel.

Toggle PvP
Sets whether or not you are attackable by other players.

Turn on auto-attack.

Stop Auto-Attack
Turn off auto-attack.

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Stop Casting
Stops casting or channeling.

Swap Action Bar
Swaps between two action bars.

Guild Commands

Demote Guild Member
/gdemote /guilddemote
Demote a guild-member.

Disband Guild
/gdisband /guilddisband
Disband your guild.

Guild Information
/ginfo /guildinfo
Display information about your guild.

Invite to Guild
/ginvite /guildinvite
Invite a player to join your guild.

Promote to Guild Master
/gleader /guildleader
Make another guild member the new Guild Master.

Quit Guild

/gquit /guildquit
Remove your character from your current guild.

Guild Message of the Day
/gmotd /guildmotd
Set the guild Message of the Day.

Promote Guild Member
/gpromote /guildpromote
Promote a guild member to the next highest rank.

Guild Roster
/groster /guildroster
Opens the Guild window.

Kick Guild Member
/guildremove /gremove /gkick
Remove a member from your guild.

Party Commands

Clear Assist
/clearmainassist /clearma /mainassistoff /maoff
Clear the current Main Assist.

Clear Main Tank
/clearmaintank /clearmt /maintankoff /mtoff
Clears the current Main Tank.

Clear World Marker
/clearworldmarker /cwm
Clears world markers.

Invite a Player
/inv /invite
Invite a player to your party or raid.


Free-for-All Looting
Set the loot method for your raid/party to Free-For-All.

Group Looting
Set the loot method for your raid/party to Group Loot.

Master Looting
Set the loot method for your raid/party to Master Loot.

Need Before Greed Looting
Set the loot method for your raid/party to Need Before Greed.

Round Robin Looting
Sets the loot method for your raid/party to Round Robin.

Loot Threshold
Set the loot threshold to apply loot rules.

Set Main Assist
/mainassist /ma
Set the main assist.

Set Main Tank
/maintank /mt
Set the main tank.

Promote to Leader
/pr /promote
Promotes a member to Party or Raid leader.

Raid Information
Shows what instances you are saved to, and the Instance ID.

Ready Check
Perform a ready check in your raid or party.

Target Marker
/targetmarker /tm
Toggle on/off a target marker from your current target.

/uninvite /u /un /kick /votekick
Remove a player from your current party or raid.

World Marker
/worldmarker /wm
Allows placement of world markers.

How To Enable Pet Dmg Numbers Wow 1

Pet Commands

Assist Mode
Set pet to assist mode.

Attack Mode
Order pet to attack currently selected target.

Pet Autocast Off
Turn off autocast for a pet spell.

Pet Autocast On
Turn on autocast for a pet spell.

Pet Autocast Toggle
Toggle autocast for a pet spell.

Pet Defensive Stance
Set pet to defensive.

Pet Follow
Set pet to follow you.

Move Pet
Set pet to move to and stay at a hover-targeted location.

Pet Passive Mode
Set pet to passive mode.

Pet Stay
Set pet to stay and stop moving.

System Commands

Open Console
Opens the developer console, which allows players to view or change global client-side options, or perform certain system commands.

Mouse Click
Simulate a mouse click on a button.

Enable User Interface Addons
Enables all addons and reloads the UI.

Disable User Interface Addons
Disables all addons and reloads the UI.

Displays the value of a given variable.

Event Tracer
/eventtrace /etrace
Allows the user to trace events in-game.

Frame Stack
/framestack /fstack
Allows the user to see all frames under the cursor.

/h /help /?
Displays a help message with some basic commands.

Log Out
/camp /logout
Log your character out of the game, and return to the character selection screen.

Macro Help
Displays a help message with basic information about creating and using macros.

Time Played
Displays information about your character’s time logged in.

Quit Game
/quit /exit
Exits the game.

Random Number
/random /rand /rnd /roll
Generates a random number from 1 to 100. “/random X” rolls a number from 1 to X, “/random X Y” rolls a number from X through Y.

Reload UI
Reloads the User Interface.

Run Script
/script /run
Runs a block of LUA code.

Stop Macro
Stop processing the current macro.

Displays the current time.

Benchmark Time Test
Used for benchmarking, also shows FPS.

People Search
Shows a list of people matching filtering options.

Targeting Functions

Assist a Player
/assist /a
Targets a player’s target.

Clear Focus
Clears the current focus target.

Clear Target
Clears the current target.

Focus on Target
Set a focus target

/target /tar
Target a selected unit by name.

Target Enemy
Target the given hostile unit by name.

Target an Enemy Player by Name
Target the given hostile player by name.

Target Unit by Name
Target the unit by exact name match.

Target Friendly by Name
Target the friendly unit by name.

Target Friendly Player by Name
Target the friendly player by name.

Target Last Enemy
Target the last attackable unit you had selected.

Target Last Friendly
Target the last friendly unit you had selected.

Target Last Target
Target the target of the last unit you had selected.

Target Party Member
Target a party member by name.

Target Raid Member
Target a raid member by name.

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