How To Do The Most Dmg With Hecarim

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Full AD fighter Hecarim. Hecarim build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Hecarim Strategy Builds and Tools. Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK' thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.

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How To Do The Most Dmg With Hecarim 3

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Try not to fight him alone unless you're fed.


If he snares you, you're done. try not to fight him alone and make him waste his W.


His ult makes it extremely hard to kill since you depend on E and your auto attacks.


Xin Zhao

Really depends on if you can kill him before he gets his 3rd auto, if he does, he'll win, if he doesn't, you'll win.


If you can bait out her W you're fine, but if she blocks your E you're in deep trouble.


Late game he will beat you if he knows how to play, but before that you should beat him at any level over 3

Welcome to Hectrain, I'll be your guide

It's pretty straight forward, you run into things and spin, they die, unless it's Darius cause **** Darius.

Just don't play this against a tanky team.

Creeping / Jungling

You almost have to start with Gromp -> Blue buff since he demands a lot of mana with his Q.
He has some of the best ganks in the game with his speed after he gets Swiftness Boots and his R is great for chasing under turrents of ganking over walls.

Pros / Cons

-Insane damage.
-Without great escapes it's impossible to run away from him when you're using stalker's blade.
-You get more out of your ult since you can usually kill at least one champ while they're feared.
-Lots of CC with your R and E so it doesn't always matter than you don't have much tank stats.
-If you're playing against a tanky team you might not be able to take them down quick enough, so as I said earlier, don't play this against a tanky team, play it if you see that their team is pretty squishy.
-Stuns are very effective on Hecarim, but this can be fixed with scimitar.

Team Work

Just try to hit as many people as possible with your R, but don't use it to jump from straight forward the enemy team since he's not invulnerable while he uses it and can still be rooted and stunned.
Other than that he's a great team player since he can just R in to start a team fight then ram right into the enemy ADC or assassin to kill them with your burst.Not Updated For Current Season

How To Do The Most Dmg With Hecarim Skin

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The solo mage method at Dagannoth Rex requires you to stay in one specific corner of the dungeon in order to avoid Dagannoth Prime and Dagannoth Supreme. Osrs mage armor.

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How To Do The Most Dmg With Hecarim 1

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My best stat was 25/4 that build
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