How To Be Dmg Mage Dungeon Quest

  1. Created by cri.#6558
  2. _G.TOKEN = '070b439d06e80a5f2d530b0664ef96e12b938ff52b87d3e2e94cbaed042385e7'
  3. _G.TimeToWait = 0 -- Increase when your game loads slow
  4. Level = true,
  5. Gold = true,
  6. }
  7. _G.InstaRejoin = true -- Directly rejoins when you die or when the dungeon is finished
  8. _G.AutoLeave = 600 -- Time after the script rejoins (if you get stuck)
  9. _G.CustomD = {
  10. WaveDefense = false,
  11. Difficulty = 'Nightmare'
  12. _G.CollectDailyReward = true
  13. _G.InstakillDebounce = 0 -- Time before it instakills
  14. _G.SkillPoints = 'physicalPower' -- physicalPower,stamina,spellPower
  15. _G.AutoUpgrade = false -- Auto Upgrades your equipped armor and weapon
  16. _G.AutoEquip = false
  17. Enabled = false,
  18. SpellsOnly = false, -- Only spells are going to be sold
  19. Rarities = { -- Rarities to NOT sell (legendary,epic,rare,uncommon,common)
  20. 'epic'
  21. Items = { -- Items to NOT sell
  22. ['Overlord's Rageblade'] = {'legendary'},
  23. ['Overlord's Warrior Hat'] = {'epic','rare','uncommon'},
  24. ['Overlord's Warrior Armor'] = {'epic','rare','uncommon'},
  25. ['Overlord's Mage Hat'] = {'epic','rare','uncommon'},
  26. ['Overlord's Mage Robes'] = {'epic','rare','uncommon'},
  27. ['Overlord's Guardian Hat'] = {'epic','rare','uncommon'},
  28. ['Overlord's Guardian Armor'] = {'epic','rare','uncommon'},
  29. ['Mana Infused Spellblade'] = {'epic'}
  30. }
  31. Enabled = false, -- true = Waits for members/Joins host; false = Doesnt wait for anyone
  32. Members = {'Player2','Player3','..'}
  33. _G.DEBUG_MODE = false
  34. loadstring(game:HttpGet(''._G.TOKEN,true))()

Mage Dungeon Run

Arch Mage Dungeon Quest

How to be dmg mage dungeon quest free

How To Be Dmg Mage Dungeon Quest Walkthrough

Is the 6th dungeon in Dungeon Quest. It was released on June 8, 2019. The Samurai Swordsman is the basic melee enemy, and the Shuriken Thrower is the basic ranged enemy. The dungeon has 2 mini-bosses and 1 main boss. Samurai Palace requires players to be level 90 for Insane, and level 95 to play Nightmare. It is recommended to go into Insane with approximately 90k+ HP and is recommended to be. Is the fourth dungeon in Dungeon Quest, It was released on April 6, 2019. It is available at level 70 for Insane difficulty and level 75 for Nightmare difficulty. Minibosses include the Beast Master in the 3rd room and the Arch-Mage in the 5th room. The boss is The King. This dungeon also introduced a new type of enemy. The Hitman runs quickly and has an area-based strike. The Hitman has equal. How do you raise your DPS? That's plenty. Now we want to buff that using ElemCrit DMG, which for poison is Blight. But dungeon level 350 is the max I can go.

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