How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 100

  • Mar 20, 2017  Does anyone else feel like symmetra does too much dmg for a support.i mean you can argue zen but at least with zen you have to aim your projectiles while managing your discord and harmony orbs. Her beam locks on at a considerable range.
  • Winston In-depth Strategy Guide ( FP's Overwatch Strategy Guide ) Story Winston is a super intelligent, genetically engineered ape that was raised on the moon at the Horizon Lunar Colony with a bunch of other genetically engineered apes by a human scientist known as Dr. Harold Winston.
  1. How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 100 Years
  2. How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 1000
  3. How Much Damage Does Zarya Do At 100 Charge
  4. How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 100 Miles
  5. How Much Damage Does Zarya Do At 100
Overwatch Strategy Guide

Zarya is well known for being one of the world's strongest women athletes. Later on in her competitive bodybuilding career, she decided to drop her all star status and join Overwatch to protect her family, friends, and country instead.

Jul 06, 2016  However, you will look to do as much damage as possible with your Particle Cannon weapon, instead of trying to keep your allies safe (though, as stated, Projected Barrier should be used nearly on cooldown). Aside from this, Zarya's Graviton Surge ultimate plays a very important role. It is a fairly easy to use ultimate that will frequently. Apr 19, 2019  How much HP does a zarya have compared to a tass, mediv, or aba? Zarya can do a tonne of damage if she times her shields well. With talents her shields can become more in number and absorb even more dmg making her quite tanky and yes like a better tassadar. But most of all she has CC in her kit with her ults which gives her team a big advantage.

Zarya, being a tank, has the lowest amount of hitpoints out of all tanks. What she lacks in hitpoints she easily makes up in raw damage output with her Particle Cannon weapon. Zarya's weapon is able to harness raw energy and use it to create Particle Barriers on herself or her allies which block and absorb firepower from her enemies for a brief period of time and transfer it to her own Particle Gun to make it stronger. These Particle Barriers have many uses for keeping Zarya and her allies alive, allowing them to push forward and absorb firepower for Zarya at the same time.

Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge unleashes a gravity bomb that draws all enemies close to it in a swirling clumped up mass that becomes extremely vulnerable to area effect damage such as Zarya's own explosive particle charges.

Zarya's main weakness is her lack of mobility as she will have a bit of trouble retreating from a losing battle or able to chase after nearly dying enemies.

Name: Aleksandra Zaryanova
Difficulty: Hard
Role: Tank
Age: 28
Occupation: Krasnoyarsk Front, Russia
Base of Operation: Horizon Lunar Colony (formerly)
Release Date: 10-27-2015

Base Hitpoints: 400 (200 of it is shield)

Because Zarya is comprised of 50% shield, it's important to keep these points in mind:

  • Shields regenerate at 25HP per second after 3 seconds of not taking damage.
  • Shields can still be healed up by healers and health packs.


In This Guide:
Particle Beam
Explosive Charge
Particle Barrier
Projected Barrier
ULTIMATE: Graviton Surge
Strong Against
Weak Against
Neutral With
Allied Synergies

Particle Cannon
(Primary Fire)

Zarya's mighty Particle Cannon unleashes a short-range beam of destructive energy.

Ammo: 100
Fire Rate: 20 rps
Damage: 75 - 150 DPS (depending on how charged up it is)
Range: 15 meters
Reload Time: 1.5 seconds
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: LM

Zarya's primary fire unleashes a short-range beam that fires out roughly about 25 feet in front of her. It acts similar to the lightning gun in Quake. The beam does not go through multiple targets as it only hits one target at a time. Shields and barriers will block the beam. It does more DPS than her alternate fire (explosive charges) and works best on single targets. If there is more than a few enemies close up you are better off using explosive charges to do area damage to them instead as it will do more DPS.

Gun Charge Strength

Zarya's Particle Cannon gets charged up and deals more damage when she absorbs enemy fire from her Particle Barriers that she can use on herself or Projected Barriers that she can put on her allies.
  • Particle Gun strength value is from 0% to 100%.
  • Particle Gun strength increases at 1% per 5 shield damage taken for weapon attacks and 1% per 2 shield damage taken from all melee attacks (this also includes Genji's Swift Strike and Dragonblade). This means that melee attacks will absorb a higher percentage of power for Zarya's weapon than normal attack weapons.
  • Particle Gun strength decreases at 2% per second. This means you have to keep absorbing damage to maintain your gun strength up or it will slowly dissipate over time.

There are five different indicators that show you how charged up Zarya's Particle Cannon is.

The 5 indicators that show Particle Gun Strength:
(from most helpful to least helpful)

  1. Your crosshair becomes thicker and bolder. I find this particular one is the most visually useful in the heat of battle.
  2. The sound of your Particle Gun will become more bolder and louder.
  3. When charged up further it will increase the width of Zarya's Particle Cannon's beam (primary fire). Please note that the increased beam actually has a larger hit area and can make hitting targets a tad easier.
  4. Your crosshair has a numerical value from 0 - 100.
  5. The energy ball grows larger in Zarya's gun.

NOTE: When you get to 100% charged, Zarya will sometimes say: 'Maximum charge!'

Not Charged at all (0%)

Half Way Charged (50%)

Fully Charged (100%)

Zarya will also look like this in-game to other players:

0% Charge - 50% Charged - 100% Charged

Importance of knowing how charged up you are:
When fully charged, Zarya becomes one of the greatest damage dealers in Overwatch. From 0% to 100% you will literally do twice as much damage per second. It's good to know how charged up you are so you know how much fire power it will take to kill someone. This especially helps in knowing how many explosive charges you need to lob out to kill something before moving on to another target.

Particle Cannon
(Alternate Fire)

Alternatively, Zarya can lob an explosive charge to strike multiple opponents.

Ammo: 100 (uses 25 per shot)
Fire Rate: 1 rps
Damage: 46 - 95 DPS (depending on how charged up it is)
Self-Damage: Up to 50 self-damage (depending on how charged up it is)
AOE Blast Radius: 2 meters
Reload Time: 1.5 seconds
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: RM

Zarya's alternate fire lobs explosive charges and explodes on the first thing it hits doing splash damage. The charges fly in an ark to its destination and just like the short range beam it will also benefit from Zarya's charged up gun status, dealing extra damage the more your gun is charged up. Enemies hit by an explosive charge will deal a slight knockback. Keep in mind that the slight knockback just might be enough to knock enemies into pits if they are close to one. A lot of Control maps have many pits where you can knock enemies into them with charged shots.

The alternate fire is Zarya's means of doing damage from longer ranges. You can lob explosive charges over walls or obstacles to hit potential enemies behind them. Remember that Zarya's short range Particle Beam does more DPS than charged shots, so always switch to your particle beam for close up enemies, unless you can do a lot of splash damage with the charged shots.

Precisely aiming explosive charged shots properly will take some practice. You can practice firing charged shots in the practice range at targets very far away from you for some good aiming practice.

Drained Ammo Trick
Each shot requires 25 ammo out of a pool of 100, this means you can only fire 4 shots until a reload is needed. However, you can still fire an explosive shot even if you only have 1 ammo left. This means you can make extra use of your ammo before a reload is needed via using three charged shots, then using your short range beam for about a second, then releasing the 4th charged shot. This can give you a little extra fire power before a reload is needed.

No Headshots :(
Please note that both Zarya's primary fire and her alternate fire will not do headshots, so don't bother aiming at heads with her as it will not make a difference.

Ability with cooldown

The Particle Cannon can emit a personal barrier that shields Zarya against incoming attacks, redirecting their energy to enhance her weapon's damage and the width of its beam.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
Barrier Strength: 200
Duration: 2 seconds
Default Hotkey: Shift

Particle Barrier is Zarya's personal shield which only last 2 seconds that blocks and absorbs damage. The Particle Barrier then transfers that absorbed damage to Zarya's Particle Cannon to make it stronger (but only temporarily). The shield only blocks/absorbs up to 200 damage.

Particle Barrier is best used when you are consistently taking damage. I have noticed a lot of new players turn on the ability immediately when they see enemies, this is not usually efficient because Particle Barriers only last 2 seconds, you generally want to use this ability right when you are taking damage. Remember that Zarya's health is comprised of 50% shield, so you can let that wither down a tad then activate Particle Barrier, it tends to be more effective that way. The same thing applies to when you give an ally a Projected Barrier (more on that later).

Particle Barrier is great for blocking enemy ultimates and other situations where high damage output could occur. I explain more in-depth when using Particle Barrier is important at the hero counters down below this guide.

Knock Backs
Particle Barriers and Projected Barriers do not fully protect Zarya (or allies) from knockbacks. If something was blocked by the bubble outside of Zarya (or the ally) he/she will NOT be knocked back. However, if the hit was done inside the bubble, Zarya (or the ally) can then be knocked back.

Ability with cooldown

Zarya surrounds one of her teammates with an energy barrier that simultaneously absorbs fire and boosts the power of her Particle Cannon.

Cooldown: 8 seconds
Shield Strength: 200
Range: 30 meters
Duration: 2 seconds
Default Hotkey: E

Projected Barrier is very much like Zarya's Particle Barrier but can only be used on her allies. If you look closely at the stats between the two barriers, you will see that Projected Barriers are slightly more powerful by having a 2 second less cooldown, but both barriers last the same length of 2 seconds and absorb the same amount of damage. Because of the lower cooldown for Projected Barriers, you need to be continuously using this ability to protect allies and absorb damage to enhance your Particle Cannon. You will be relying on the Projected Barrier just as much as your personal barrier to charge up your Particle Cannon.

As noted above, for every 4 points of damage blocked, Zarya will temporarily gain +1% on her Particle Cannon's energy output. If she blocks 100% of a personal or projected Particle Barrier Zarya will gain +50 on her weapon power.

Projected Barrier Mechanics

  • Projected Barriers (and Zarya's personal Barriers) do not charge your ultimate meter directly, but they do indirectly via the increased output of your Particle Cannon's damage.
  • The bubble size of the Projected Barrier will be the exact same on all allies (from small heroes like Tracer to big ones like Roadhog).
  • Allies cannot do self damage while having a Projected Barrier on to charge Zarya's weapon.

What separates a Zarya player from a really good Zarya player comes down to how good she is at keeping up with her Projected Barriers properly. It will take some skill to constantly keep an eye out on all your allies and to give a Projected Barrier to who needs it the most. This will come with practice, but here are some tips.

Who should receive Projected Barriers:

  • Offensive allies that are in the midst of harassing the enemy.
  • An ally that is getting flanked.
  • An ally that is in trouble of being hit by an enemy ultimate.
  • An ally that is pushing forward in the front lines.
  • An ally that is taking damage with the Orb of Discord on them.
  • An allied Roadhog who just Chain Hooked an enemy into him.
  • An ally who just jumped or boosted right into the midst of enemy fire, such as a Winston leaping, boosting, Reinhardt charging, a Pharah flying, or a Genji Swift Striking.
  • Most heroes in Overwatch become especially vulnerable while using their ultimate, but when they have a Projected Barrier on them, they become invincible.

These allies benefit the most from Projected Barriers while they use their ultimate:

  • Genji's Dragonblade
  • Roadhog's Whole Hog
  • Junkrat's Rip-Tire (while he stands still)
  • Soldier 76's Tactical Visor
  • McCree's Deadeye
  • Reaper's Deathblossom
  • Pharah's Barrage
  • Bastion's Tank Form
  • Mercy's Resurrect (she stands solid for a brief time while casting)

Particle Barriers can block infinite damage
Particle Barriers and Projected Barriers can block infinite damage from a single hit. Let me explain. Particle Barriers can block 200 damage before it disappears. If an attack does more than the barrier's strength it will not roll over to your heroes HP pool, but instead will have no effect at all. For example, Junkrat's Rip-Tire does up to 600 damage and's Self-Destruct does up to 1000 damage. A Particle Barrier can block all this damage and Zarya (or an ally) will take no additional damage from these higher damage abilities, but your barrier will drop prematurely.

Don't attack enemy barriers!
This is probably obvious by now, but worth mentioning anyways. Since Zarya's barriers absorb enemy fire and then transfers the energy to her weapon to make it stronger means you need to avoid attacking enemy Particle/Projected Barriers at all costs! This will also be mentioned throughout my guide on the other hero sections to continuously remind you about this.

Turn on Allied Health Meters
By default, allied health meters are turned off for Zarya. I highly recommend turning them on (in Zarya's custom control settings) so that you will be able to make more informed decisions on who to give a Projected Barrier to.

NOTE: Because I feel like Projected Barrier knowledge is so important, I may come out with a more in-depth guide about this topic later.


Ultimate Ability

Zarya launches a gravity bomb that draws in enemy combatants and deals damage while they're trapped.

Duration: 4 seconds
Damage: 22
Range of Surge: 8 meters
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: Q

Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge is arguably one of the most powerful ultimates in Overwatch. The ability lobs a gravity bomb similar to the mechanics of one explosive charge shot, but once it hits the ground it opens a massive ball of gravity that draws all nearby enemies to it and keeps them there for up to 4 seconds. Enemies can still use their abilities while being stuck in the surge. Graviton Surge does a very small amount of damage itself, but where this ultimate really shines is the ability to let you and your allies do AOE damage to the clumped up enemies, which can easily wipe all of them out. After clumping up enemies in a Graviton Surge you can dish out damage to the trapped enemies with your explosive charges as you will take full advantage of the AOE damage that your explosive charges can do. Graviton Surge has no effect on you or your allies, as you can walk right up to it and it will not trap you or your team, this allows your allies to get right up to the clumped up enemies to deal damage to them.

Graviton Surge also combos very well with many allied abilities and ultimates, most notably:

  • Zarya's explosive charges
  •'s Self-Destruct
  • Junkrat's Rip-Tire
  • Tracer's Pulse Bomb
  • Reaper's Death Blossom
  • Pharah's Barrage
  • Reinhardt's melee attacks
  • Symmetra's Photon Orbs
  • Bastion can easily aim in the general direction to do a lot of damage, or use his Tank form to do AOE damage.
  • Hanzo can launch a Dragonstrike at the mass

Because Graviton Surge is the best paired ultimate in the game, it is important to communicate with your allies that you are getting ready to use your ultimate so they will be ready to combo it with their ultimate or abilities. I recommend binding a key for 'Communicate: Ultimate Status' so you can press it when you are getting close to use your ultimate.

These heroes have the capability to actually escape a Graviton Surge after getting trapped in one:

  • Tracer can use a Recall to escape, or two quick Blinks.
  • Reinhardt can use a Charge to escape.
  • Genji can use a Swift Strike to get out of it.
  • Reaper can use Wraith Form to escape.
  • can use her Boosters to escape.
  • Widowmaker can use her Grappling Hook to escape.
  • Mercy can use her Guardian Angel ability to fly to an ally to escape out. The ally must be further away from the Gravition Surge in order for it to work.

Those heroes are the only ones (currently) that can escape a Graviton Surge, so definitely keep this in mind as this is very important information to know!

What weirds me out is some heroes do have rocket thrusters on them, but they cannot escape, such as:

  • Winston and his Jump Packs?
  • Pharah and her Jet Packs?

Some heroes have abilities that can somewhat counter Graviton Surge, and it's important to know this information.

These heroes have hard counters against Graviton Surge while trapped:

  • Lucio can use Sound Barrier to protect his trapped allies.
  • Zenyatta can use Transcendence to save him and heal his allies while trapped.
  • A trapped Zarya can put a Projected Barrier on a Mercy, allowing her to survive, she can then Resurrect all the dead heroes.

These heroes can partially counter Graviton Surge while trapped:

  • can use her Defense Matrix ability to block incoming projectiles.
  • Mei can throw up an Ice Wall to protect from incoming enemy fire.
  • Roadhog can use Whole Hog to knock enemies down and to prevent them from firing.
  • Winston can use a Barrier Projector.
  • Reinhardt can put out his shield.
  • An enemy Zarya can use a Particle Barrier to protect herself, or a Projected Barrier on one of her allies.

Zarya's Strength and Weaknesses Vs Other Heroes

Winston: Winston is not much of a threat to Zarya. If Winston leaps at you, simply use a Particle Barrier to protect yourself from his Tesla Cannon or melee attacks. A good Zarya player will also be able to protect any one of her allies that Winston leaps to with her Projected Barrier. Zarya's Particle Cannon at 0% charge without a Particle Barrier will out beat Winston's Tesla Cannon in a 1vs1 fight.

Unfortunately, Winston's Barrier does block both of Zarya's Particle Cannon attacks (both her short range beam and medium range explosive charges).

Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge is somewhat deadly to Winston since he has no way to escape it (his Jump Pack wont let him escape it), but Winston can put down a Barrier to block shots from hitting him and his allies stuck in the surge. Zarya's Graviton Surge becomes especially deadly when she traps Winston into it while his ultimate Primal Rage is active, making Primal Rage totally useless then.

If you can't use a Graviton Surge to trap a Primal Rage Winston, then use Particle/Projected Barriers to protect you and an ally from taking damage from it, even though Primal Rage will still knock you away from him.

Genji: Genji's Deflect does not work on Zarya's Particle Cannon Beam, but Deflect does work against Zarya's charged particle shots. For the most part, Genji will be a distance from Zarya throwing shurikens at her. If Genji gets close he may do Swift Strikes at you (that does 50 damage). Just keep your short range beam on him while taking cover, and use a Particle Barrier to further protect yourself from him.

Be careful launching a Graviton Surge around a Genji as he can Deflect the initial black Graviton Surge projectile causing a Graviton Surge for Genji's team. Also Genji is one of the few heroes that can escape out of Zarya's Graviton Surge with his Swift Strike ability.

Genji's ultimate Dragonblade happens to be deadly against Zarya as her poor mobility makes it hard to run away from it, although a Particle Barrier can be used to protect you (or an ally) from it (if it's not on a cooldown).

Mei: Mei's freeze gun is less effective against Zarya due to Zarya's Particle Barrier. A Particle Barrier will stop the freeze build up. With this in mind, when coming face to face with Mei, try to wait just a little bit before you are about to get frozen to use your Particle Barrier, so you can survive longer.

Zarya can also save her allies from Mei's freeze gun with Projected Barriers. If you see any of your allies getting attacked by Mei's freeze gun, just throw a Projected Barrier on that ally to save em. When your Particle Gun is near fully charged, it will be a close tie between killing Mei from full health and she freezing you. This is another important reason to know how charged up your Particle Cannon is!

In 1on1 fights, Mei's Cryo-Freeze heal is no threat to Zarya, as Zarya's shield will regenerate quickly while Mei is frozen, thus making things even. Although Mei can position her Cryo-Freeze so it blocks your explosive charge shots from hitting her allies.

Since Mei is usually right in the back with her teammates, she is usually in a targetable spot for Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge. While trapped, Mei can put up an Ice Wall to protect her allies that are stuck in the surge. Mei can also use a Cryo-Freeze to avoid any AOE damage thrown her way, while also potentially shielding any of her allies behind the Cryo-Freeze.

Mei's ultimate Blizzard can be countered by using a Particle Barrier, and a Projected Barrier on an ally in the Blizzard as well. The Particle Barriers will stop the freeze effect and let you walk out of it safely. If a Particle Barrier is not available, then Zarya is out of luck due to her slow mobility.

Lucio: Lucio will mostly keep his distance from Zarya while shooting his Sonic projectiles out at you. Sonic projectiles are somewhat easy to avoid and you can even soak up the spam with your Particle Barrier to easily charge your Particle Cannon up.

Zarya has multiple ways of countering Lucio's fast movement. Because Zarya's explosive charge shots do AOE damage, it's much easier to hit Lucio when he is skating around fast, whether he has his speed aura on or not. Graviton Surge is another counter to Lucio's fast movement as it can be tough to avoid a Graviton Surge since it get activated so quickly. However, when trapped in a surge, Lucio can use his ultimate Sound Barrier to protect his team from AOE damage.


When Lucio uses his ultimate Sound Barrier, his team may think they are invulnerable and will go right up in the front lines to do some massive attacks for a brief period of time. This is a great moment to capitalize on this to use a Particle/Projected Barriers to soak up as much damage as possible, then quickly back off. If your Particle Barrier is still on a cooldown, just take cover in the meantime until Sound Barrier fades out.

Zenyatta: Zarya is a great counter to Zenyatta because her barriers will remove Zenyatta's Orb of Discord from her or from her allies. Although, Zarya is one of the slowest heroes to reach getting behind a wall to block Zenyatta's line of sight to remove the orb.

Zarya's alternate fire (charged particle shots) are deadly against Zenyatta's slow movement as the AOE splash damage will be harder for Zenyatta to dodge.

Zenyatta can counter Zarya's Graviton Surge with his ultimate Transcendence, which will save him and rapidly heal his trapped allies from damage.

Soldier 76: Soldier 76's Pulse Rifle will be a nuisance to deal with as it does a good amount of damage. If you can, try to get close to him and use your short range beam on him, he will become weaker to you close up, especially if your Particle Cannon is charged up. Particle Barriers are great for blocking Soldier 76's Helix Rockets from hitting you and to protect your allies behind you as well.

Soldier 76 is usually in range to be targeted by Graviton Surge, as he typically stays with his team while putting down Biotic Fields to heal them so he is usually in the right spot for a Graviton Surge most of the time. There is not much Soldier 76 can do to counter a Graviton Surge besides putting down a Biotic Field to keep his allies healed a bit. However, Soldier 76's Sprint ability does enable him to reposition himself in different spots quickly away from Zarya to potentially avoid Graviton Surge and her short range particle beam.

Soldier 76's ultimate Tactical Visor is generally not good to use on tanks, but Zarya is the most prone tank target for Tactical Visor since she has poor mobility and lacks the most with blocking, healing or HP of any tank. If targeted by Tactical Visor, just use a Particle Barrier and take cover if you can. Zarya's explosive particle charges are very deadly to from medium to long range, since is such a big target and moves slow when firing. Close up and can dish out more damage to Zarya with Fusion Cannons (as long as Zarya's gun is not charged up).'s Defense Matrix does block Charged Particle Shots and even Graviton Surge (before it deploys). Defense Matrix does NOT block Zarya's short range particle beam.

Zarya's poor mobility makes running away from a challenge, but you can use a Particle Barrier to stay alive longer. Particle Barriers can also save Zarya from's ultimate Self-Destruct while still being able to continue attacking at the same time.

Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge is not very effective against If trapped in the surge, can use a Defense Matrix to block incoming shots and projectiles from hitting her trapped allies. can also use her Boosters to escape out of it as well. can also use a Defense Matrix to absorb Zarya's Graviton Surge before it detonates, but one would need to be extremely quick with the trigger in order to stop it. This also means don't use Graviton Surge at a Defense Matrix or it will get destroyed.

Symmetra: Both heroes are not much of a threat to each other. Symmetra is usually off in the distance putting up Sentry Turrets or lobbing Photon Orbs and is usually far enough away to avoid Zarya's short range particle beam, although Symmetra is somewhat susceptible to Zarya's explosive charge shots from a distance.

Symmetra's Photon Orbs will still strike through Zarya's Particle Barriers, but the barrier will absorb the damage making Zarya's gun stronger. One fully charged Orb will give Zarya +40 power for her Particle Cannon. And since Photon Orbs fly so slowly, you can purposely run into them while having a Particle Barrier on to absorb the damage to enhance your Particle Cannon.

If Zarya walks in a room full of Symmetra's Sentry Turrets, she can easily take them out with the AOE damage of her explosive charge shots, or even her short range beam while protecting herself with a Particle Barrier. Sentry Turrets will still attack targets that have Zarya's barrier on. The barriers will absorb the damage to make Zarya's weapon stronger and not slow down the hero with the barrier.

Symmetra's Teleporter ultimate is safe from Zarya due to the fact that Zarya has very poor mobility and is generally not a Teleporter hunter.

Symmetra is a sitting duck to Graviton Surge, as there is nothing she can do to escape or protect herself while she is trapped in the surge.

McCree: Zarya's Particle/Projected Barriers help protect you and your allies from McCree's flashbangs and fan fire attacks. However, Zarya's barrier only lasts for a very short period of time, leaving her vulnerable to McCree most of the time. Overall, Zarya's Particle/Projected Barriers, health, and damage from her particle gun will give McCree a tough time.

Out of all the tanks, Zarya is the weakest to McCree's ultimate Deadeye. Her lack of mobility to take cover and lack of damage mitigation to protect her whole team makes Zarya and her allies more vulnerable to Deadeye overall.

Graviton Surge is very deadly to McCree as he is usually right in the targetable spot for it along with not having ways to escape or counter it.

Pharah: Pharah pretty much pwns Zarya. It's hard to hit enemies far away or up in the air with Zarya's Particle Cannon, as explosive charges won't be able to do their AOE damage to hit Pharah while she is flying and hovering around in the air, this makes damaging Pharah extremely difficult for Zarya.

Be careful when Pharah spams her rockets down at you, try to take cover under a ceiling/wall or turn on your Particle Barrier to block and absorb all the rocket damage. Keep an eye out where Pharah is firing her rockets at, and use a Projected Barrier on an ally that is being attacked by her.

Since Pharah is usually in the air with her Jet Packs, she is usually in the clear of Graviton Surge (since it is a ground ability). But if for some odd reason Pharah does get trapped in it, she doesn't have much to counter it besides using her Barrage ultimate (Jet packs won't get her out of it).

Pharah's ultimate Barrage can be deadly against Zarya due to her poor mobility to dodge it, but you can use a Particle Barrier to protect yourself (only for 2 seconds though).

Widowmaker: Widowmaker's sniping abilities are very deadly to Zarya and there isn't much Zarya can do about her. Zarya's Particle Cannon usually doesn't reach far enough to damage Widowmaker, even with her explosive charges, which Widowmaker can usually strafe to avoid or grapple to a different sniping spot.

It's also hard to guess which ally to give a Projected Barrier to against her, since her sniping can involve any ally around you.

Widowmaker is also usually safe from Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge since she is usually away from the heart of the battle and off sniping by herself. Widowmaker can also escape out of a Graviton Surge by grappling somewhere.

Bastion: Watch out for Bastion Sentries, even with barriers. While in Sentry Form, Bastion can melt Zarya's barriers (both personal and projected) in about a half a second, normally they will last for 2 seconds before the cooldown is up for it. Even though you will receive +40 strength to make your Particle Cannon stronger, it doesn't take long for a Bastion Sentry to finish Zarya off completely before she gets many shots in. Because of this, barriers have minimal use against Bastion's insane DPS while in sentry form.

Zarya's slow mobility in general will give you a tough time taking cover from Bastion and you will have a tough time flanking him unnoticed.

From a distance Zarya can hit a Bastion Sentry with her explosive charge shots which has the potential to do a lot of damage to him, and she can sometimes achieve this while not being in his line of sight. This is one of the best tactics you can do against a Bastion Sentry.

Graviton Surge can be effective on a Bastion Sentry as he has no counters for it. Bastion Sentries can still fire while stuck in a Graviton Surge, but he is still very susceptible to area effect damage by you and your teammates.

Zarya can protect herself with a Particle Barrier against Bastion's Tank form ultimate, and you can protect an ally with a Projected Barrier against Bastion's Tank Form as well.

Mercy: Although Zarya can easily kill Mercy in combat with her explosive charge AOE shots, Mercy is deadly mostly due to her ultimate Resurrect. Resurrect is generally very powerful as it can bring all her dead allies back to life. Resurrect is a hard counter to Graviton Surge. As long as Mercy doesn't get trapped in the surge or is able to survive it (such as with a Projected Barrier), she can then resurrect all the dead heroes that died from the surge. This can make Graviton Surge very ineffective against Mercy. Mercy can also escape out of a Graviton Surge by using her Guardian Angel ability to fly to an ally that is further away from the surge.

Junkrat: Junkrat's mines and traps are no real threat to Zarya since she moves slow and is able to spot them before she runs over them, and even if you actually do run over them, you can quickly use your Particle Barrier to save yourself from any mine detonations. If your is quick enough, you can save your teammates from the trap/mine combo by giving them a Particle Barrier as well. Zarya can still get stuck in Junkrat's Trap even with a Particle Barrier on, but it will absorb the damage to make her gun stronger.

How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 100 Years

Zarya is most prone to Junkrat's grenade spam, since she doesn't have any means of healing herself besides her regenerating shield. However, Zarya's alternate fire (explosive charges) actually tends to be quite effective on Junkrat, since it does splash damage and can hurt Junkrat hiding around an object or wall.

If you happen to trap Junkrat in a Graviton Surge there is nothing he can do to escape or counter it. Gravition Surge will also trap Junkrat's ultimate Rip-Tire. You can also protect yourself from Rip-Tire detonations by using a Particle Barrier, or protect an ally with from it with a Projected Barrier.

Torbjorn: Zarya's alternate fire with explosive charges are somewhat effective against turrets thanks to the AOE splash damage, enabling it to potentially hit both the turret and Torbjorn at the same time but it isn't really enough to deal with Torbjorn's fast turret repair, unless your gun is charged up enough.

Zarya's Particle Barriers can help you and one of your allies get closer to Torbjorn's turret allowing you to take it out a bit easier. Torbjorn's Turrets can also attack Zarya's barriers, thus wasting the turret's fire power while Zarya's barriers absorb the damage to enhance Zarya's Particle Cannon.

Graviton Surge seems to only work on Torbjorn about 50% of the time, since sometimes he places turrets away from the heart of his team, such as on high up ledges, away from Graviton Surge. If you do happen to trap Torbjorn in a surge, there is nothing he can do to counter it. Graviton Surge has no actual effects on turrets.

Reinhardt: Both heroes generally keep their distance from each other, but Reinhardt can do serious damage to Zarya up close with his melee attacks and Charge ability as long as she is unable to use her Particle Barrier to protect her. Zarya's poor mobility only makes it harder for her to escape Reinhardt's deadly melee attacks and Charge ability. Reinhardt can still Charge Zarya while her Particle Barrier is up and Reinhardt's shield can block both of her attacks from her Particle Cannon (short range beam and explosive charges).

Zarya's Particle Barriers can block Reinhardt's Fire Strike damage and absorb the damage to make her Particle Cannon stronger. A Fire Strike will still pass through Zarya's barrier, doing no damage to her and giving her +40 power for her Particle Cannon.

Graviton Surge is not very effective against Reinhardt, as he is one of the few heroes that can actually escape out of it by using a Charge. Those rocket thrusters on Reinhardt's back is OP. Although his shield will not block the surge or the initial projectile shot.

Reinahardt's ultimate Earthshatter will NOT knock Zarya down when she has her Particle Barrier up, and she will absorb the damage as well (+13 to her Particle Cannon strength). The same thing will apply when her Projected Barrier is on an ally.

Tracer: Tracer is a hero known for her superior flanking abilities with her quick movements and constant harassing. Luckily, Zarya's Particle Cannon works decently on Tracer as her short range beam and AOE splash damage from the charged shots are easier to hit Tracer than most other weapons in Overwatch. Tracer's Pulse Pistols are only mediocre at best, especially against tanks. Zarya's Particle Barriers will make it harder for Tracer to harass and flank Zarya. Zarya can also protect allies that are getting flanked by Tracer with Projected Barriers.

Tracer's ultimate Pulse Bomb is very deadly and is one of the hardest ultimates to counter, but Zarya's Particle Barrier is a great counter to it, as it will absorb all the damage and transfer it to her Particle Cannon to make it stronger.

Since Tracer is usually out harassing and flanking, she is usually in the clear of Graviton Surge. However if Tracer does get trapped in Zarya's Graviton Surge, she can just use Recall to escape out of it, or use two quick Blinks as well.

Overall, Tracer is better off avoiding Zarya and focus on killing other easier targets.

Roadhog: Zarya has fairly good counters to Roadhog's Chain Hook. If you get chained into Roadhog, you can use a Particle Barrier while backing up to escape. You also need to watch out if Roadhog Chain Hooks one of your allies, if he does, simply use a Projected Barrier on that ally to save em.

From afar, you can do a lot of damage to Roadhog with your explosive charge shots, and since Zarya has the smallest hitbox out of all the tanks, she will take the least amount of damage from Roadhog's Scrap Gun. But Roadhog will still be very deadly close up with his Scrap Gun if you cannot use a Particle Barrier to protect yourself.

Roadhog's ultimate Whole Hog can be countered by using Particle Barriers, and since Roadhog will be unable to stop shooting he will most likely still connect his scrap hits with you, which will only make your gun stronger. However, Whole Hog will still knock Zarya back while using a Particle Barrier.

Graviton Surge is very deadly to Roadhog as he is usually in the targetable area for it and has no means to escape or counter it.

Reaper: Reaper is similar to Tracer, where he can randomly appear out of no where and start attacking you. Up close and Reaper's shotguns are very deadly, even to Zarya. A Particle Barrier can protect yourself for a few seconds from him, but Reaper can easily return and fire at you when your barriers are on a cooldown. Reaper will tend to avoid you altogether as long as you stick with your team and they have your back, as Reaper works best when trying to pick off single targets. While playing, listen carefully for his shotgun sounds and when you hear or see a Reaper attacking one of your teammates, quickly throw a Projected Barrier on that ally to save em.

Reapers are usually in the clear of Zarya's Graviton Surge, since Reaper is usually not around his team most of the time. If Reaper does happen to get caught in a Graviton Surge, he can simply escape out of it with Wraith Form.

Reaper's ultimate Death Blossom can be deadly to Zarya if you cannot use a Particle Barrier to protect yourself from it, as Zarya's slow mobility can easily get you stuck in it.


Hanzo: Because Hanzo is a sniper that usually fires from a distance, it will be tough for Zarya to do damage to him with your short and medium ranged weapons. Particle Barriers will usually just force Hanzo to fire at different targets for the time being and it can be hard to predict to use a Particle Barrier against him due to the nature of his sniping abilities.

Hanzo can sometimes be in the targetable spot for Graviton Surge, although a lot of times he can climb walls and be in a different spot from the heart of his team and can be safe from Graviton Surge. If he does get trapped in a surge, there is nothing he can do to escape or counter it.

A Particle Barrier will block and absorb Hanzo's ultimate Dragonstrike, but keep in mind that a Particle Barrier will not fully protect you from a Dragonstrike, as Dragonstrike actually does a damage over time effect, in which it can take down your Particle Barrier and then quickly eat away at your actual hitpoints.

Zarya: Particle/Projected Barriers will block everything Ana has, including: Ana's Biotic Rifle, Sleep Darts, Biotic Grenades and a Nano Boosted ally (Ana's ultimate). But Particle Barriers only last for a very short period of time so Ana will still have plenty of opportunities to use her abilities against Zarya, but your barriers can shield a lot of Ana's attack attempts.

Zarya can also use a Projected Barrier on allies that use ultimates that are very prone to Ana's Sleep Darts, such as: Pharah's Barrage, McCree's Deadeye, Reaper's Deathblossom and Roadhog's Whole Hog.

A lot of times Ana is in a targetable spot for Graviton Surge, which can be very hard for Ana to avoid sometimes as Ana has no way to escape out of it. If Ana gets stuck in a Graviton Surge the best thing for her to do is to simply throw down a Biotic Grenade at her allies stuck in the surge and she should keep firing at them to heal them up in the surge. Ana should be careful not to waste her ultimate Nano Boost on one of her allies stuck in the surge as the incoming splash damage may take that ally out anyways, instead Ana can Nano Boost one of her allies that is already not in the surge to have that ally help deal with Zarya's incoming attackers effectively.

Zarya: Dealing with another Zarya comes down to who has the better reflexes with aiming and avoiding fire once the opposing Zarya uses her Particle Barriers.

Trapping an enemy Zarya in a Graviton Surge is very reasonable, but she can use a Particle Barrier to protect herself or protect an ally with a Projected Barrier from the surge. Another backup plan for surviving a Graviton Surge is by using your own Graviton Surge back at the enemy to trap them too, so both teams will be trapped and unable to escape from each other.

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Overwatch Strategy Guide

Reinhardt is a true definition of a tank. He has a massive shield, rocket thrusters on his back, and a huge Rocket Hammer to hold back and decimate his enemies with. His massive shield can protect his whole team as they push forward absorbing an incredible amount of damage. His rocket thrusters on his back enables him to Charge forward quickly and pin anyone in his path to a wall, which will usually kill anything. Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer is an extremely powerful melee weapon that has the longest range of any other melee weapon in the game and can hit multiple targets at once. He can use his rocket hammer to launch a Fire Strike projectile that can strike through anything in its path. His ultimate Earthshatter hits the ground in front of him with his hammer and makes all his enemies fall down, take damage, and stuns them for a short period of time. Reinhardt's main weakness is his lack of vertical mobility and can be overwhelmed from enemies from high above and there isn't much he can do about that except throw Fire Strikes. Reinhardt's main role is to absorb damage and depends on his teammates to output most of the damage.

Name: Reinhardt Wilhelm
Difficulty: Medium
Role: Tank
Age: 61
Occupation: Adventurer
Base of Operation: Stuttgart, Germany
Release Date: 10-27-2015

Hitpoints: 500


In This Guide:
Rocket Hammer
Barrier Field
Fire Strike
ULTIMATE: Earthshatter
Strong Against
Weak Against
Neutral With
Allied Synergies

Main attacking weapon

Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer is an exemplary melee weapon, able to deal punishing damage in a wide arc with every swing.

Ammo: Melee (no reloading or pauses)
Damage: 75
Fire Rate: 1 swing per second
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: LM

NOTE: For comparison, all other basic melee attacks in Overwatch does 30 damage.

Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer is the second strongest melee weapon in the game, following Genji's Dragonblade ultimate, but for a main attacking weapon it's fairly close to Genji's as it does an incredible amount of damage. Reinhardt is the only hero in Overwatch where his main weapon is melee based. Each swing has a wide arc and the range is twice as far as most other melee weapons in the game. When Reinhardt swings his hammer it has an active hitbox associated with it, meaning that you can turn your character during a swing and it will change focus while turning. Each swing has the opportunity to hit multiple enemies at once and will also slightly knock them back as well. Getting up close to a Reinhardt is a very nasty situation for just about anyone and a lot of that is due to his powerful Rocket Hammer melee attacks.

Ability with cooldown

Reinhardt projects a broad, forward-facing energy barrier, which can absorb substantial damage before it is destroyed. Though Reinhardt can protect himself and his companions behind the barrier, he cannot attack while sustaining it.

Shield Health: 2000
Recharge Rate: 225 per second when not deployed
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Default Hotkey: RM

Reinhardt's Barrier Field is his staple defensive mechanism used to block an incredible amount of damage as it can block a whopping 2000 hitpoints of damage.

Barrier Field Mechanics:

  • When used it will switch your view to a 3rd person viewpoint, then back to 1st person once unused. This allows you to see your shield and align it properly on the battlefield.
  • While active it will greatly reduce Reinhardt's movement speed.
  • Reinhardt cannot do anything else while his shield is up, no other attacks are allowed and he will depend on his teammates to output damage.
  • Barrier Field Blocks 2000 points of damage.
  • Does not block shots from allies.
  • The shield will regenerate its hitpoints after 2 seconds of it being turned off at a rate of 225 hitpoints per second regardless if Reinhardt is taking damage or even dies.
  • If destroyed, the barrier will have a 5 second cooldown until it can be used again, although, it will start regenerating its hitpoints after 2 seconds of being destroyed.

The Barrier does NOT block the following:

  • Melee attacks. Reinhardt and his shield will both take full damage from a single melee attack.
  • Some channeled weapons, including: Winston's Tesla Cannon, but Symmetra's Photon Projector beam will be blocked.
  • Reinhardt's Fire Strike and Symmetra's Photon Orbs. Fire Strike and Photon Orbs can actually pass through and damage everything in its path, including Reinhardt, his barrier and anyone else behind Reinhardt.

The Barrier Field blocks everything else, but the less obvious ones include:

  • Symmetra's Sentry Turrets (turrets will still attack and damage Reinhardt's shield, but it will not slow Reinhardt down and it will not gain ultimate charge for Symmetra)
  • Symmetra's Projector Beam
  • Mei's Frost Stream
  •'s Self-Destruct
  • Junkrat's Rip-Tire (but tires can be steered through shields and then be detonated)
  • Reinhardt's Earthshatter
  • McCree's Deadeye
  • Roadhog's Chain Hook

Barrier Field Strategies

As Reinhardt you should be at the front lines most of the time soaking up damage with your Barrier Field, helping your team push forward. You should be using your Barrier Field most of the time, only dropping it when you need to use another ability quickly. Your goal is to keep your team alive and especially protect your support heroes as you will be relying on them to keep you alive as well.

On Attack you will want to be the one driving the Payload to its destination or pushing towards the objective while keeping your shield out most of the time to soak up damage. Once you successfully break through choke points is when you can be a bit more creative with Charging potential enemies down that are in the open. And keep throwing Fire Strikes once the cooldown is up for it every time.

On Defense it is similar to Attack except you will be more stationary with your Barrier Field as you will be trying to prevent the enemy from pushing toward your team.

Reinhardt's Barrier Field is great for blocking shots from hitting Torbjorn's turrets, enabling Torbjorn to dish out damage with his Rivet Gun instead of getting preoccupied repairing his turret. Barrier Field is also a great counter to Roadhog's Chain Hook, as he can protect his entire team from getting Chain Hooked into Roadhog.

Ability with cooldown

Reinhardt charges forth in a straight line, grabbing hold of enemies in his path. If he collides with a wall, foes he's carrying suffer extreme damage.

Cooldown: 10 seconds
Damage: Pin is 300 (additional enemies will take 50 damage if hit after Reinhardt grabs a victim)
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: Shift

Charge quickly dashes Reinhardt in the direction he is facing and will grab the first enemy in his path and then pin that enemy to the next thing he runs into dishing out 300 points of damage, which will kill all heroes in the game except other tanks. While charging, Reinhardt can slightly steer left or right enabling him to have some control over the charge direction by using your strafe keys. There is a max distance that Charge will go to, but it is generally so long that it is rare to see it with the collision heavy obstacles in Overwatch. Enemies will not take any pin damage if the Charge goes the max length before hitting a wall. Enemies that Reinhardt doesn't grab while charging, but still hits, will take a knock back with 50 points of damage. Charge can be used as a means of mobility and he can use it to get to the fight faster after dying. Charge can travel through enemy shields and barriers, so it works against other Reinhardt's who have their shield up, Winston's Barrier and Zarya's barriers. Although with Zarya's Barriers, it will not hurt the victim if the barrier does not wear off before ramming them into a wall.

It is recommended that after you pin a tank against the wall to immediately start swinging your Rocket Hammer to finish the victim off before they can escape or fight back.

Be careful when using Charge, as you cannot cancel the ability and you may run into things you didn't have an intention to, such as a deadly pit or a heavily guarded area with your team left way behind. Sometimes it is only wise to Charge at a group of enemies only if you have your ultimate Earthshatter available to knock them all down after charging, to allow you to escape or your team to catch up with you afterwards.

Ability with cooldown

By whipping his Rocket Hammer forward, Reinhardt slings a flaming projectile which pierces and damages any enemies it touches.

Cooldown: 6 seconds
Cast Time: 0.25 second
Damage: 100 per hit (can strike through every hero in it's path)
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: E

Fire Strike has a unique characteristic where it can strike through every target in its path and deal a 100 damage to each target hit. The only other projectile in the game that works similar to that is Symmetra's Photon Orbs. Unlike Photon Orbs, Fire Strike travels much faster, but deals similar damage. Fire Strikes can travel through shields and barriers while doing damage to them as well. This makes Fire Strike a good counter to other Reinhardts and their shields, and also Winston's barriers.

Fire Strike is Reinhardt's only ranged weapon, but a powerful one at that. It has a relatively low cooldown of only 6 seconds and I recommend using it almost immediately every time the cooldown is up for it. Fire Strike is Reinahrdt's main way of charging up his ultimate, so keep Fire Strikes going constantly.

Fire Strike is Reinhardt's only means of dealing with enemies that are high up, as he has no other way of getting to higher areas and ledges, unless an allied Mei uses her Ice Wall to lift up Reinhardt to a high spot.

Other important uses for Fire Strike:

  • At Pharah while she is using her ultimate Barrage.
  • Destroying Junkrat's traps, mines, and his Rip-Tire ultimate.
  • Fire Strikes are easy hits on Roadhog because he is such a slow moving target with a large hitbox, and it's important to keep him and his Chain Hook away from your team.
  • While McCree is using his Deadeye ultimate, since he stands still and can't move much at all while using it.
  • When Reaper uses Shadow Step. If you see a Reaper using Shadow Step, it will give you enough time to charge up a Fire Strike and aim it right at his Shadow Step destination.
  • At Widowmaker. If you spotted their Widowmaker, a Fire Strike at her will force her to relocate or move out of the way, disabling her from combat for a short period of time.
  • At another Reinhardt. Reinhardt Vs Reinhardt battles often result in a lot of Fire Strikes at each other, and for good reason. Hitting another Reinhardt with a Fire Strike is a relatively easy hit and will help charge up your ultimate faster.
  • At Torbjorn's turret, and it will have a chance of hitting Torbjorn at the same time as well.
  • Bastion Sentries. They are stationary and easy targets for Fire Strike.

Ultimate Ability

Reinhardt forcefully slams his rocket hammer into the ground, knocking down and damaging all enemies in front of him.

Cast Time: 0.5 second
Damage: 50
Stun Time: 2.5 seconds
Headshot?: no
Default Hotkey: Q

Earthshatter hits enemies in a cone in front of Reinhardt, and deals 50 damage to each enemy hit and drops them to the ground stunning them for 2.5 seconds. The only thing known to stop this is shields and barriers. So avoid using this in front of another Reinhardt with his shield out, Winston's Barrier, or a particle shield from Zarya. Also Zenyatta's ultimate Transcendence will stop the flow of an Earthshatter behind him.

Even though Earthshatter is more of a ground ability, it can knock down enemies that are 2 meters above the ground.

Strategies for using Earthshatter:

  • Earthshatter should be saved when you really need it, as it can get you out of deadly situations and can hit multiple enemies at once.
  • After using Earthshatter on a bunch of enemies, you can then do a deadly combo on one of their most important heroes and finish them off with a Fire Strike followed by a Charge, this works especially well on high HP heroes such as other tanks.
  • Earthshatter is a great compliment to's Self-Destruct as it locks enemies in place preventing them from running away from's exploding mech.
  • Earthshatter is great when combined with Mei's Blizzard, as they won't have time to run out of the Blizzard and they will most likely freeze, giving your team enough time to contest an objective or to hold them away from the objective.
  • An Earthshatter can give McCree enough time to line up his Deadeye ultimate without worrying about taking too much damage.
  • Earthshatter can protect Pharah while she uses her ultimate Barrage.
  • Using an Earthshatter on Torbjorn's turret will stun it (preventing it from firing for a few seconds) and also deal damage to it.
  • Payloads do not block Earthshatter, so using this at the enemies all bunched up around the Payload is a good idea.

Reinhardt's Strength and Weaknesses Vs Other Heroes

Soldier 76: Reinhardt's massive shield is a problem for Soldier 76 as it blocks all of his attacks, including his Pulse Rifle and Helix Rockets. There isn't a whole lot Soldier 76 can do to Reinhardt, it's tough for Soldier 76 to get close to Reinhardt due to his Charge ability along with his powerful melee hammer and ultimate (Earthshatter). Soldier 76's lack of vertical mobility makes it harder for him to avoid Reinhardt's Charge and Earthshatter. Although Soldier 76's Sprint ability can enable him to run away from Reinhardt if he gets to close to him, further avoiding Reinhardt's deadly close range attacks.

Soldier 76's ultimate Tactical Visor is practically useless against Reinhardt due to his shield. Reinhardt can protect all his allies behind his shield against Tactical Visor's deadly aimbot. Plus Tactical Visor does not headshot enemies and is overall less useful on tanks as it's easy to hit them normally without Tactical Visor's aimbot due to their large hitboxes. Tactical Visor is generally best used against low HP heroes anyways.

As Reinhardt, keep pushing closer to Soldier 76 with your shield out while flinging Fire Strikes his direction, the closer you are to him the better.

Hanzo: Reinhardt's shield protects all his allies behind it from Hanzo's Storm Bow. The fact that Reinhardt can move closer to Hanzo while having his shield out makes Hanzo an easier target for Reinhardt's Charge ability. Hanzo's Sonic Arrow (ability for his team to see enemies behind walls in a small radius) is not really effective against Reinhardt due to his obvious position in the front lines of his team with his big shield out, well seen to his enemies anyways.

Although Hanzo's greatest advantage over Reinhardt is his ability to get to higher up ledges with his climb ability, as Reinhardt has no vertical mobility to chase after him. This protects Hanzo from most of Reinhardt's abilities, including his deadly close range melee attacks, Charge ability, and safe from his ultimate Earthshatter.

Fire Strike is Reinhardt's main means of dealing damage to Hanzo, especially when he is high up on a ledge.

If Hanzo launches a Dragonstrike, you will need to drop your shield and strafe out of the way to avoid it, as Dragonstrikes can go through shields.

Ana: Reinhardt counters Ana mostly due to his large shield, as it will block just about everything Ana can do (besides her ultimate Nano Boost). Reinhardt's shield can block Ana's Biotic Rifle, Sleep Darts and Biotic Grenades from hitting any of Reinhardt's team behind his shield, all of this can really put a damper on Ana's use during a match.

Normally you will be safe from Ana's Sleep Darts, but be careful when dropping it to launch a Fire Strike as that is Ana's ideal time to throw a Sleep Dart at you which can be devastating for your team as you will not be able to use your shield for a short while. Although for the full duration of Reinhardt's sleep it will regenerate 1/3 of his shield.

Since Ana snipes from a distance she generally will be safe from Reinhardt most of the time as Reinhardt does most of his damage in close range with his Rocket Hammer. Although unlike Widowmaker and her Grappling Hook, it will be difficult for Ana to reach higher ground where it will be safer from Reinhardt (since Reinhardt has poor vertical mobility) as Ana's mobility is on the weaker side. With this in mind, it can be easy to Charge at Ana if she is out in the open as she has virtually no way to escape it besides aiming a Sleep Dart at you while charging.

Ana can also potentially save one of her allies from getting pinned from a Charge by giving them a Nano Boost, which could help them survive the pin as it will reduce Charge's damage down to 150 instead of 300, which is enough to save most heroes. Ana could also Nano Boost one of her allies, which could allow that ally get around Reinhardt to flank you from behind your shield much easier.

Torbjorn: Reinhardt's massive shield allows his team to attack Torbjorn's turret while taking cover and move towards the turret while his shield absorbs all the damage. Furthermore, Reinhardt can use his Fire Strike at the turret dealing a lot of damage to it, with the possibility of also hitting Torbjorn behind it thanks to the projectile's ability to hit all objects in its path.

Reinhardt's Charge actually works against Torbjorn's Turret. A Charge will slam into and stop right where the turret is placed. It will totally destroy a level one turret and deal 175 damage to a level two turret, he can then easily take out a level two turret with one additional Rocket Hammer swing.

Reinhardt can attempt to Charge at Torbjorn, but it is a very risky maneuver, due to all the damage he would take from Torbjorn's turret, and then possibly dealing with Torbjorn's ultimate Molten Core, which is very deadly to Reinhardt.

Earthshatter will damage Torbjorn's turret while also stunning it for a few seconds.

Widowmaker: Reinhardt's shield provides excellent cover from Widowmaker's sniper shots and it can give her a much harder time to get clear shots in. This lets Reinhardt's team push forward quite easily against Widowmaker.

The drawback of dealing with a Widowmaker as Reinhardt is that he has virtually no chance at taking her out. Widowmaker has very good mobility with her Grappling Hook as she can use it to get to high ground and away from Reinhardt and all his abilities except Fire Strike. She has no reason to get close to Reinhardt as her role is to keep her distance and snipe her enemies from afar.

Fire Strikes can be used to throw her off track, but it's generally better used on something that you know it is going to hit so it can charge up your ultimate.

Pharah: Pharah will be a nuisance to deal with as she will be flying in the air most of time while avoiding all of Reinhardt's attacks, except Fire Strike. Since she has 200 HP, it will take at least two Fire Strikes to take her down from full health.

As long as Reinhardt keeps his shield out, Pharah will be forced to focus on only targets she is visible with and will usually avoid Reinhardt most of the time. But she can spam her rockets down at your shield, wearing it out quicker. Reinhardt will depend on his teammates to really deal with taking out Pharah.

Reinhardt is a good overall counter to Pharah's ultimate Barrage, as he can easily aim a Fire Strike at her while she is stationary and can shield her shots to protect his team from the Barrage.

McCree: McCree performs decently at tanks, and his abilities work well against Reinhardt. A few fan fire attacks at Reinhardt's massive shield will bring it's hitpoints down tremendously fast. In fact Reinhardt's shield is one of the few instances where using the fan fire at a longer range makes sense for McCree since it is so big of a hit area.

McCree can counter Reinhardt's Charge with either a Combat Roll to dodge it or a Flashbang to stop Reinhardt in his tracks followed by McCree's fan fire attack.

This particular guy for example starts work at 10:30 and has a lunch break for 1 hour and a couple of other coffee breaks for at least 20 min. The technicians have a boss. He doesn't give a damn if such an expensive machine, paid by taxpayers to be used for educational and scientific purposes, is wasted. Deckel maho 3d quickset. Go talk to that person, and ask for help.Well, it is off topic but: I am actually in the process of filing a complaint, however it is rather complicated. Here in the Netherlands, especially in the public sector like universities, people with permanent contracts can't be supervised that much.

Be careful of getting too close to McCree as he can use his Flashbang and fan fire to deal a massive amount of damage to you. Reinhardt's shield will block Flashbangs, but McCree can actually throw his Flashbang above your shield to successfully stun Reinhardt. You can kind of counter this tactic by angling your shield up so he cannot Flashbang you, but McCree still might be able to Flashbang underneath your shield in this case. Only get close to him if you can Earthshatter him quick enough followed by melee attacks or a Charge at him.

McCree's Ultimate Deadeye is weak against Reinhardt due to every one of Reinhardt's abilities. McCree lines up his kill shots for Deadeye at a rate of 100 HP per second and moves very slow while revving up his shots. Since Reinhardt has a large amount of hitpoints and the fact that his shield can block it, protecting allies behind him, makes Deadeye very weak on Reinhardt. You can also Charge at McCree when he uses Deadeye as long as you spot him quick enough and he isn't too far away from you along with having enough health for it. A quick Fire Strike can also be used from a distance to deal some damage to McCree as he is revving up his Deadeye. Oh yeah, and Earthshatter will put an end to it as well.

How Much Dmg Does Zarya Do At 1000

Junkrat: Not many heroes have ways to deal with Reinhardt's massive shield, but Junkrat can shoot his grenades over his shield, potentially ricocheting off of a wall behind Reinhardt to deal a good amount of damage to him and his team. Keep in mind that Reinhardt's shield will block everything Junkrat has, including: mines, traps and frag grenades.

Thanks to Junkrat's mine jumps, he can get to higher ground and avoid most of Reinhardt's abilities, including: melee attacks, Charge, and his ultimate Earthshatter. Junkrat can also put a trap/mine down to stop a Charging Reinhardt coming after him.

Since Junkrat is usually able to take cover while lobbing grenades, he is virtually safe from Reinhardt's Fire Strikes. Although Fire Strikes can be useful for taking out Junkrat's traps and mines laying on the ground if you see them in the distance.

Junkrat's Rip-Tire is very deadly to Reinhardt as it can take him out at full health as it can do up to 600 damage. Reinhardt will need to rely on his teammates to shoot it down or fling a Fire Strike at it to take it out before it gets to him. Remember shields can block Rip-Tire damage, but unfortunately tires can also be steered right through shields and then be triggered.

Reaper: Both Reaper and Reinhardt excel at close range combat and it will be tough for both heroes to face each other. Reaper's shotguns are very deadly in close range so Reinhardt will need to react quickly with an Earthshatter or Charge. If Earthshatter is not available just use your shield if you can while your team dishes out damage to him. If you can't use your shield, just try to get some melee strikes in with your hammer or a Charge at him. Reaper can easily escape with Wraith Form but if you can land an Earthshatter or Charge at him it can be an easy victory for Reinhardt.

Be careful because Reaper can Shadow Step to a higher ground right around you to shoot down from high above, the only thing Reinhardt can do about that is launch Fire Strikes at him and hopefully rely on his teammates to take care of Reaper.

Zenyatta: Reinhardt can be a prime target for Zenyatta's Discord Orb (which will amplify all damage taken by +30%). This spells bad news for Reinhardt. Just keep your shield out and avoid taking damage directly as much as possible. This means refrain from using Charge as it will expose you to the enemy much more. Hopefully you will have a Mercy nearby to heal up any damage done to you and you should be okay. Zenyatta CANNOT launch his Discord Orb through shields, so keep your shield out to block incoming Orbs of Discord from targeting you or an ally behind your shield. Keeping your shield out to block shots will waste Orb of Discord's potential.

Reinhardt's ultimate Earthshatter will stun enemies for a period of time giving Reinhardt more time to prevent Discord Orb damage done to him or whoever has the orb around him.

Getting close to Zenyatta can be deadly to him as Reinhardt's melee attacks and Earthshatter will quickly decimate him as long as Zenyatta doesn't focus fire you down with Discord Orb and energy orbs, or Zenyatta can use his ultimate Transcendence to save him.

Be cautious using Earthshatter around a Zenyatta using his ultimate Transcendence as it will block the Earthshatter from hitting enemies behind Transcendence's hitbox.

Reinhardt can actually use a Charge against Zenyatta using Transcendence to push him and his healing effects away from his team. It is usually a good idea to use Charge for this particular reason often.

Symmetra: Symmetra's Photon Orbs will go right through Reinhardt's shield damaging it and then hitting anything behind the shield as well, including Reinhardt himself. This can charge Symmetra's ultimate up faster, quite easily. Even though Photon Orbs fly slowly in the air, it's still hard to dodge them as Reinhardt due to his slow mobility while his shield is out. However, Reinhardt's shield does block Symmetra's Projector beam.

Since Symmetra is usually back with her team taking cover while lobbing Photon Orbs or putting up Sentry Turrets, she is usually in the clear of Reinhardt's deadly melee attacks and Earthshatter. However if she does happen to get close to Reinhardt she will most likely take a good punishment from him as there is not much she can do about it.

It is possible to run into Symmetra's Sentry Turrets as Reinhardt, but it's rare. Reinhardt's shield does block Sentry Turret beams from hitting him and his wide melee arc swings can easily take them out.

Symmetra's Teleporter (ultimate) is not a job for Reinhardt to go hunt down, as that is a job for other heroes that have greater mobility such as Tracer, Genji, Reaper, or

Tracer: Tracer can be very deadly to Reinhardt, because he is a prime target for her Pulse Bomb. She can blink around your team unnoticed and then throw a Pulse Bomb on Reinhardt's back and potentially take him out, she can then Recall back to safety. However, Pulse Bombs do 400 damage so it may not be enough to take out a Reinhardt at full HP (of 500).

Fire Strikes and Charge is not very effective on Tracer due to her fast mobility. If you see a Tracer up close, use Earthshatter quickly to take her out if you can. Rocket Hammer swings can also easily knock her down and make her easy to deal with up close.

Tracer can actually Blink past a Charging Reinhardt, to prevent getting pinned by a Charge.

Winston: Winston can quickly leap up towards Reinhardt and has the ability to be very deadly up close. His short range Tesla Cannon can fire through Reinhardt's shield, potentially forcing Reinhardt to drop his shield to do melee attacks or an Earthshatter to save himself unless his team can provide enough fire power behind Reinhardt. Even worse is Winston can turn on his ultimate Primal Rage, which can knock Reinhardt and his shield away from your allies. If you can, Charge a Primal Rage Winston to disable him from attacking your team for a short period of time, then use Earthshatter if it's available followed by melee strikes, and then prey that you will still live through all that.

Winston can provide his team with Barrier Shields too, but it has no effect on Reinhardt as all his abilities can go through Winston's shield, including Fire Strikes and Charge. It's usually not wise to Charge at Winston from a distance because he can simply leap to avoid it (if he is quick enough), which can put you in a dangerous situation away from the rest of your team. It's usually only wise to Charge at Winston when he is close to you.

Roadhog: Even though Reinhardt can use his shield to block Roadhog's Chain Hook, Roadhog can still manage to Chain Hook you from any slight moment when you do lower your shield. If you can, use an Earthshatter after getting chained in followed by melee strikes at Roadhog. If Earthshatter is not available, then use a Charge at him or put your shield out to block incoming shots. Either way, Roadhog can be hard to take down after getting chained in, due to the close support of his allies, his powerful Scrap Gun, and his high HP. Also Roadhog can still Chain Hook you in while doing a Charge.

Roadhog's Scrap gun happens to be very deadly against Reinhardt's Shield, as it's the most powerful basic attack weapon (besides a Bastion Sentry) that can take Reinhardt's shield down the fastest. And this is especially the case when Roadhog uses his ultimate Whole Hog against Reinhardt's shield. Whole Hog will also knock back enemies he is firing at, this can make Charge difficult to do during this time or get close to him to execute melee strikes. Earthshatter can be used to put an end to Roadhog's Whole Hog though.

Roadhog's Take a Breather (self heal) can be canceled by Charging at him, or by using an Earthshatter.

Fire Strikes happen to be useful against Roadhog since he is a big target that also moves slow, thus making it easier to land Fire Strikes on him, which in turn can rev up your ultimate faster. You just need to watch out for Roadhog's Chain Hook when launching Fire Strikes as you will have to lower your shield temporarily. Consider only doing this from longer ranges.

Reinhardt: Vs another Reinhardt usually results in a big shield dueling Fire Strike battle between the two. Remember, Fire Strikes can go through another Reinhardt's shield and hit everything in its path behind it. Oftentimes the winner is the one who has a better supporting team and healer.

With 1 on 1 battles, the one who charges and pins the other one first usually comes out on top. When two Reinhardts Charge each other, they will both clash at each other and then drop, get stunned, and take damage.

An Earthshatter can also end the battle quickly as it can then lead to an easy Charge or Fire Strike to finish the opposing Reinhardt off.

Shields do not block melee attacks, and when attacking another Reinhardt's shield with a Rocket Hammer melee attack, it can hit both Reinhardt and his shield with one swing.

Genji: Genji has great mobility and is able to get high up and away from Reinhardt and most of his abilities, from there he can pick at Reinhardt with his shurikens. Reinhardt can block shurikens with with his shield most of the time, however Genji may be able to get all the way behind Reinhardt's team and harass him from behind, which can be annoying and Reinhardt will depend on his team to take out the wondering Genji as there is not much he can do about it except fling a Fire Strike at him, which can also be repelled by Genji's Deflect.

Up close battles are dangerous between both of the heroes, Genji's Swift Strikes can do an ample amount of damage (even through shields) and he can then use his ultimate Dragonblade up close which gives him very powerful melee strikes (that also works with attacking targets through shields). Reinhardt can counter that with an Earthshatter followed by a Charge or Fire Strike. If Earthshatter is not available, I recommend attempting to Charge him to either pin him or to escape from him if it misses.

Also keep in mind that Genji can use Deflect to block Reinhardt's deadly melee attacks.

Bastion: Reinhardt's Fire Strike is one of your strongest abilities against a Bastion Sentry. Even though Fire Strikes are slower moving projectiles, that's no problem against a stationary Bastion Sentry. Since Reinhardt can use a Fire Strike every 6 seconds, this will force Bastion to keep repairing or reposition elsewhere.

Besides Fire Strike, Reinhardt can attempt to Charge and pin a Bastion Sentry, but Bastion can still kill you while Reinhardt is charging. Charge really only works if it's a relatively short distance. Mei can also lift up Bastion in places where Reinhardt cannot reach thus making Charge useless in those situations. Reinhardt's Barrier Shield can help him and his allies get closer to Bastion, but Bastion can tear through Reinhardt's shield very fast in about 5 seconds regardless of range.

Bastion's ultimate Tank Form is a deadly ability, but Reinhardt can actually Charge and pin a Bastion using Tank Form and it will cancel out the ultimate. Reinhardt has some strong counters against, he can use his shield to block's Self-Destruct, potentially protecting his whole team from it while they can still fight and not worry about taking cover. But it will put a dent into his shield as Self-Destruct does up to a 1000 damage and his shield has 2000 HP.

If gets up close and starts firing her cannons, she can be an easy target to Charge/pin as long as her Boosters are still on a cooldown. If you can, just use Earthshatter to knock her down first then Charge at her, especially if you know her Boosters are available to her. Also Earthshatter works through's Defense Matrix.

With's Boosters so readily available, she can easily boost to high up ledges where Reinhardt cannot get up to and she can be safe from all of Reinhardt's abilities except Fire Strike.'s only use of Defense Matrix against Reinhardt is for Fire Strikes, but it would be kind of a waste as she can also just easily strafe to avoid them.

Mei: Both Reinhardt and Mei are both deadly in close range combat, but who wins? Reinhardt has the upper hand here thanks to his powerful Rocket Hammer, which can knock down Mei resetting her freeze gun. Reinhardt's ultimate Earthshatter is also a powerful counter to Mei's Freeze gun, which will knock her down and reset the freeze effect. Mei's Freeze gun also cannot go through Reinhardt's shield. Not to mention Reinhardt can Charge Mei unless she can respond fast enough with an Ice Wall or Cryo-Freeze to block it.

Mei's Ice Wall allows her to boost upwards to higher areas where Reinhardt cannot get up to and shoot Icicles down at you, this is devastating to Reinhardt as he cannot do anything (besides Fire Strikes) against enemies that are high up where he cannot get to.

Keep in mind that Reinhardt's Fire Strikes can strike through just about anything, but it cannot go through Mei's Ice Wall or a Cryo-Freeze, as they will both block it.

Reinhardt can use his shield to block Mei's ultimate Blizzard drone (but not actual Blizzard) by simply facing his shield toward the hovering drone to prevent it from flying to far. Reinhardt's shield will NOT block the actual Blizzard in any way, however Reinhardt can Charge out of the area of effect before he gets frozen.

Zarya: Zarya is not much of a threat to Reinhardt. Both heroes generally keep their distance from each other, but Reinhardt can do serious damage to her up close as long as she is unable to use her Particle Barrier to protect her. Her poor mobility only makes it harder for her to escape Reinhardt's deadly melee attack and Charge ability. Reinhardt can still Charge Zarya while her Particle Barrier is up and Reinhardt's shield can block both of her attacks from her Particle Cannon (short range beam and explosive charges).

Be careful using Fire Strikes around Zarya, because if she has her Particle Barrier up (or on an ally), she will block the Fire Strike damage and absorb the damage to increase the power of her Particle Cannon. A Fire Strike will still pass through Zarya's barrier, doing no damage to her and giving her +40 power for her Particle Cannon.

Unfortunately Reinhardt's shield will not have any effect on Zarya's ultimate Graviton Surge, but Reinhardt can actually escape out of it with a Charge.

Reinahardt's Earthshatter will NOT knock Zarya down when she has her Particle Barrier up, and she will absorb the damage as well (+13 to her Particle Cannon strength). The same thing will apply when her Projected Barrier is on an ally.

Mercy: It's generally not Reinhardt's job to kill another Mercy and vice versa. Mercy will make dealing with an enemy tank a lot more difficult with her incredible healing and damage buffing capabilities.

Fire Strikes can be used in her general direction to potentially hit her or her allies. If she uses a Resurrect, you then have an opportunity to time a Charge at one of the resurrecting heroes, or a Fire Strike. If there is a lot of enemies being resurrected, then an Earthshatter would be very useful once they get revived, followed by melee strikes.

Lucio: Lucio is not much of a direct threat to Reinhardt, but his healing and speed auras will give Reinhardt a tough time for sure. Reinhardt's shield does a good job of blocking Lucio's sonic projectiles and also his knockback (Soundwave). Lucio can still execute a Soundwave on Reinhardt if he moves into and past your shield first. Aiming Fire Strikes or Charges on Lucio or his allies will be a lot harder to do if Lucio has his speed aura on and even when it's not on, Lucio still has the fastest basic ground movement speed compared to any of the other heroes in Overwatch, thus aiming attacks at him can be quite difficult.

If you do manage to get close to Lucio, an Earthshatter can be quite useful on him, as long as you quickly take him out before he uses his ultimate Sound Barrier to protect him and his allies from dying.

How Much Damage Does Zarya Do At 100 Charge

When Lucio uses Sound Barrier, it's usually best to just keep your shield out to absorb damage until it's over, as it's pointless attacking them when they are nearly invulnerable for a short period of time, so it is best to focus on protecting your allies in the meantime with your shield.

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