How Much Dmg Does Aftershock Do On Leona

Spell critical strike (often abbreviated as 'spell crit') is when a spell or magical effect (most damaging spells, healing spells, some damage over time effects) has an increased effect. To see your chance to critically strike with spells, open your character pane and view your spell stats. Mobs are unable to get critical strikes with spells. Nov 07, 2016  Highest crit in legion content so far? The 300% dmg multiplier doubledips with how GS stacks damage with frostbolts/icicles. The actual GS does not actually do. Does crit rating increase crit dmg legion.

  1. How Much Dmg Does Aftershock Do On Leona Williams
  2. How Much Dmg Does Aftershock Do On Leona Youtube

Been having trouble with this one. It's NOT a QQ thread, I'm simply listing the things I have trouble with and am looking for a good counterpick/strategy.
Kit Summary:
She has high base armor (+defense steroid), so poking her down usually doesn't work.
She has 2 stuns, one dash and one ranged.
Her combo provides her lane partner with a psychotic amount of bonus damage.
Usually they or their lane partner will run exhaust, which is just salt in the wound.
Counter-Pick so far:
Against Leona I usually like to run Sivir. When she dashes to me I pop spellshield and avoid the first stun.
I hate it, but Leona + anything immediately merits cleanse.
Counter-Strategy so far:
If her dash collided with minions I could just counterplay her like blitzcrank and hide behind a creep shield, but nope.
Her dash is really fast and hard to dodge, so right now the best I can do is ward bushes constantly and hope she doesn't buy vision wards. Clearly not the best strat.
If possible, I'll push the lane to their tower to prevent her from randomly stunning me from the bush, but that makes it impossible for our jungler to gank, opens us up to getting ganked and isn't always an option.
Obviously I use cleanse to break her first combo, but it's cooldown is pretty huge and I have to more or less pray that she doesn't land another combo before my cd is up or it's a guaranteed death.
I try to dodge the 2nd stun, but a good Leona is more or less guaranteed to land it. Even if you dodge the stun, you're going to get hit by an 80% slow which is almost as bad.
My support is usually Sona or Soraka. They do everything they can to help, but there's just a limit.
Is there something critical about her kit I can abuse or something about my playstyle that I can change to better handle her in lane? Right now I can lane against her and not feed, but it is extremely taxing (takes a lot of paranoia/extreme focus), I have to make weak late-game choices, my cs usually suffers, and I can't seem to deny farm from strong late champs like Vayne/Kog..

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How Much Dmg Does Aftershock Do On Leona Williams

How much dmg does aftershock do on leona today

How Much Dmg Does Aftershock Do On Leona Youtube

Nov 14, 2017 Haven't tested (since Charm champions generally wouldn't take Aftershock) but since it's forced movement like Flee, I'm quite certain it would. 'Immobilize' in this context means 'prevents the player from controlling their champion's movement,' which is why Polymorph doesn't proc Aftershock, since you can still control where you move. Change in Aftershock made leona tanky but she does less dmg and can't solo adc. Half of the problem solved. If Leona E to your ADC he shield you to negate dmg from enemy adc. Leona can't do as much dmg as she was dealing in 8.1 so your adc and you can stack braum passive on her while braum shield friendly adc from enemy adc.

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