How Much Dmg Does A Two Weapon Axe Do 5e

Without the fighter, paladin, or ranger's two weapon fighting style you do not get to add an ability modifier to the off-hand attack damage, but you can still make the attack. Just keep in mind that a player can only make ONE bonus action per turn. The Dual Wielder feat adds some more bonuses to the two weapon fighting. I'm fairly new to DnD so I apologize for the noob question. I recently found a game store running the Adventures League for 5e. Last night was our first adventure, had a ton of fun but I was hoping someone could help me with a couple questions in regards to the Attack roll and Damage modifiers. Jun 23, 2015 In AD&D, the list of weapons you could use in your off-hand was very short, just the dagger & hand axe, in 1e, IIRC, and not expanded much in 2e. Once weapon double-specialization came around, a pair of hand axes made your fighter into the cuisinart of doom. AD&D also featured a reasonably cool magical throwing ax, FWIW. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. A melee weapon is used to Attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to Attack a target at a distance. Weapon Proficiency Your race, class, and feats can grant you proficiency with certain Weapons or categories of Weapons. Move speed jhin build. The two categories are simple and martial.

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This is why when I designed the Caturday for Weird Races (5e) I stated that they use Dexterity for their claw attack and that it can be used as a bonus action (but if you do so you cannot add your Dex mod to the damage). An extra 1d4 claw swipe per round is not much, but it is something. We found out that Caturday are mook slayers. Turn one or two loose in a gang of kobolds and the kobolds die in droves (two attacks per round, one at 1d4+ Dex and one at 1d4 is almost guaranteed to kill one kobold and at least wound another, even better if they are wielding a weapon in one hand and not just their claws).
I do understand why the 5e designers made natural weapons for PC races weak. We have found out in playtesting various weird races that natural weapons can become a game breaker if not handled carefully. They can be used to turn any warrior into a two weapon combatant. A great axe wielding PC with a bite attack can inflict a lot of damage at once. Consider:
Str 16 (+3 mod), great axe 1d12+3 (avg dam 9) + bite attack 1d6 (avg damage 3) lays out 12 damage per round. Assuming you read the rules for two weapon fighting as including a bite attack (RAW says in the other hand, but a clear interpretation is that other it means two weapons and just assumes one is in your hand).
However, my design philosophy is that the PCs should be Big Damn Heroes and adding a claw or bite (or horns, whatever) as an option is awesome and compelling. Then again, I love the concept of bonus actions which seems contrary to the current design theory of WotC.

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How Much Dmg Does A Two Weapon Axe Do 5e Use


Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe10 gp1d8 slashing4 lb.Versatile (1d10)

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