Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 1

I've got a simple question. Which melee weapon (fully upgraded without any infusions) deals the most damage in 1 hit? I'm not talking about dps, but just about 1 single attack. Atm the most damaging 1-hit weapon I have is the Deamon's Great Hammer, but is there anything stronger then that? Hopefully you guys can answer this question, and also feel free to leave behind your own preferred setup:). Sheet DPS (AKA 'Paper DPS' or 'Profile DPS') refers to the damage per second listed on the Character window display in game, or seen in the Battle.net character armory. This value is meant to give a one-number indication of a character's total damage output and while it was a fairly useful figure in Diablo 3 vanilla, its' become much less so in D3v2 and especially in Reaper of Souls. Criticals are a gameplay mechanic in Dark Souls. General information Edit. Criticals are performed in what is considered the most vulnerable areas of enemies. There are four types of criticals: backstabs, ripostes, headshots and plunging attacks. Critical attacks do bonus damage based on a weapon's critical stat.

  1. Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 10
  2. Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 1 Release Date
  3. Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 1 Download

Cmx 1100 v dmg mori. Dark Souls 3 players who have reached the game's second half will no doubt remember Pontiff Sulyvahn, the dual-wielding cleric with an obnoxious habit of duplicating himself. But there's a way to slaughter this sadistic boss in only one hit, though it requires a witch's brew of buffs.

As seen in the video below, YouTuber neptunusequester managed to stack enough effects together to topple Sulyvahn in one fell swoop.

So what's going on here? The details are still a little murky, but Reditter HolidayForHire has comprised a pretty good summation of what this pro player is doing.

First off, they're equipping the Red Tear Stone Ring, which adds 20 per cent damage when your HP is low. That's why neptunusequester intentionally gets hurt prior to the fight. Secondly, they're using the Dragon Torso Stone, a magic item that turns them into a dragon, granting a 10 per cent damage boost for five seconds.

Next up, they're using the Sunlight Straight Sword, which offers an 11.5 per cent physical damage buff, while the Deep Protection spell offers a five per cent boost to your damage output.

Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 10


They've also equipped Yhorm's Great Machete, a bulky weapon with a weapon art Warcry that pushes enemies back. After parrying Sulyvahn they switch back to the Morion Blade, which offers an additional 20 per cent damage output when your HP is under 20 per cent. It's worth noting that they don't have the stats to actually use the Morion Blade in combat, but merely having it equipped still offers the perk.


Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 1 Release Date

Finally, they've ostensibly equipped the Hornet Ring, which boosts critical attacks (i.e. parries) by 30 per cent.

Neptunusequester further confirmed on Reddit that they were at Soul Level 70 when this video was recorded, though their build stats aren't clear.

Highest Dmg Per Hit Dark Souls 1 Download

There's also a couple of ring slots unaccounted for, so it's unclear exactly what concoction of buffs neptunusequester has mixed, but HolidayForHire estimated that it could offer them roughly three times the regular damage one would typically inflict. Combined with the fact that they're performing a critical attack, that sure brings a lot of pain!

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