Hearthstone 1 3 Deal 3 Dmg Gain 3 Armor

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Deck 1

Evocation2SPELLGain 5 Mana Crystals this turn only.
Astral Portal41SPELLSummon a random <b>Legendary</b> minion.
Bag of Stuffing11SPELLDraw cards until your hand is full.
Consult Brann11SPELLDraw 3 cards.
Mage Armor11SPELLGain 10 Armor.
Arcane Power22SPELLYou have <b>Spell Damage</b> +5 this turn.
Archmage's Apprentice22MINIONWhenever you cast a spell, shuffle a copy of it into your deck.
Kirin Tor Elemental22MINIONYour spells cast an additional time.
Research Project22SPELLEach player draws 2 cards.
Arcane Intellect23SPELLDraw 2 cards.
Archmage's Insight23SPELLYour spells cost (0) this turn.
Embers of Ragnaros23SPELLShoot three fireballs at random enemies that deal $8 damage each.
Flameheart13SPELLDraw 2 cards. Gain 4 Armor.
Hunter of Old13MINIONWhenever you cast a spell, gain <b>Spell Damage +2</b>.
Mysterious Rune23SPELLPut 5 random Mage <b>Secrets</b> into the battlefield.
Wondrous Wand13SPELLDraw 3 cards. Reduce their Costs to (0).
Fireslinger15MINIONAfter you cast a spell, cast a Fireball at a random enemy.
Hallowed Water17SPELLRestore your hero to full Health.
Draw 5 cards.

Notes edit edit source. Armor is persistent, and will last until removed through damage. Unlike Health, Armor cannot be affected by enchantments, and there are currently only two cards which set a hero's armor total, Reckless Flurry and Platebreaker, which both set a hero's armor total to 0. Jan 07, 2016  Simply I do not encounter enough 7dmg+ minions to use him. Some decks have cards that can increase enemy minion dmg to count as 7+, (like warrior control), but not this one. Brawl is great card against aggro, and do miracles with sylvanas on board, because result will always be 0 minions for enemy, and 1 survivor for me. For negative Armor, it is damage increase = 2-0.94^(-armor) since you take more damage for negative armor scores. Consult this chart. for more information. A Positive Armor of 1 reduces damage by about 5.7%. A negative armor of 10 increases damage by 46.1%. A unit with 20 armor basically has 55% extra hitpoints - 100 would become effectively 155.

Deck 2

Greater Jasper Spellstone11SPELLDeal $6 damage to a minion.
Greater Pearl Spellstone12SPELLSummon a 6/6 Spirit with <b>Taunt</b>.
Greater Ruby Spellstone12SPELLAdd 3 random Mage spells to your hand.
Hunter's Insight23SPELLReduce the cost of all cards in your hand by (3).
Pristine Compass23SPELLDraw a card and add 2 extra copies of it to your hand. They cost (0).
Sulfuras13WEAPON<b>Battlecry:</b> Your Hero Power becomes 'Deal 8 damage to a random enemy.'
Wand of Disintegration13SPELL<b>Silence</b> and destroy all enemy minions.
Wondrous Wand23SPELLDraw 3 cards. Reduce their Costs to (0).
Greater Amethyst Spellstone14SPELL<b>Lifesteal.</b> Deal $7 damage to a minion.
Amara, Warden of Hope15MINION<b>Taunt</b>

<b>Battlecry:</b> Set your hero's Health to 40. Barnabus the Stomper 1 5 MINION <b>Battlecry:</b> Reduce the Cost of minions in your deck to (0). Crystal Core 1 5 SPELL For the rest of the game, your minions are 4/4. Galvadon 1 5 MINION <b>Battlecry:</b> <b>Adapt</b> 5 times. Greater Emerald Spellstone 1 5 SPELL Summon four 3/3 Wolves. Greater Onyx Spellstone 1 5 SPELL Destroy up to 3 random enemy minions. Megafin 1 5 MINION <b>Battlecry:</b> Fill your hand with random Murlocs. Nether Portal 1 5 SPELL Open a permanent portal that summons 3/2 Imps. Queen Carnassa 1 5 MINION <b>Battlecry:</b> Shuffle 15 Raptors into your deck. Time Warp 1 5 SPELL Take an extra turn. Greater Diamond Spellstone 1 7 SPELL Resurrect 4 different friendly minions. Greater Mithril Spellstone 1 7 SPELL Summon three 5/5 Mithril Golems. Greater Sapphire Spellstone 1 7 SPELL Summon 3 copies of a friendly minion. V-07-TR-0N 1 8 MINION <b>Charge</b> <b>Mega-Windfury</b> The Ancient One 1 9 MINION Azari, the Devourer 1 10 MINION <b>Battlecry:</b> Destroy your opponent's deck. Does melee dmg affected guns ark. Highkeeper Ra 1 10 MINION At the end of your turn, deal 20 damage to all enemies. Wish 1 10 SPELL Fill your board with <b>Legendary</b> minions. Fully heal your hero.

Deck 3

Archmage Staff1WEAPONAt the start of your turn, add a random Mage spell to your hand.
Bag of Stuffing11SPELLDraw cards until your hand is full.
Blade of Quel'Delar11WEAPON
Case Study11SPELL<b>Discover</b> a <b>Quest</b> <b>Reward</b>.
Gentleman's Top Hat11SPELLGive a minion +2/+2 and '<b>Deathrattle:</b> Give your Top Hat to another random friendly minion.'
Gloves of Mugging11SPELLSteal 3 cards from your opponent's hand.
THE CANDLE11SPELLDeal $4 damage to all enemy minions. Shuffle this into your deck.
Banana Split12SPELLGive a friendly minion +2/+2. Summon two copies of it.
Murloc Holmes12MINIONWhenever your opponent draws a card, add a copy to your hand.
Conjuring Attendant13MINIONYour spells cost (2) less.
Elistra the Immortal13MINION<b>Battlecry:</b> Recast all spells you've cast on this minion this run.
Exterminate13SPELL<b>Echo</b>. Deal $10 damage to a minion and any excess to the enemy hero.
Parrot Mascot13MINION<b>Combo:</b> Add a copy of each card you've played this turn to your hand.
Rabid Saurolisk13MINION<b>Poisonous</b> <b>Deathrattle:</b> Deal 1 damage to all enemies.
Wax Rager13MINION<b>Deathrattle:</b> Resummon this minion.
Blessed One14MINION<b>Battlecry:</b> Draw spells until your hand is full.
Leap Frog14MINION<b>Battlecry:</b> Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion. If it dies, repeat this.
Lobstrok Tastetester14MINIONAfter you cast a spell, draw a spell from your deck. It costs (2) less.
Razzle Dazzler14MINION<b>Taunt</b> <b>Battlecry</b>: Fill your hand with Arcane Missiles.
Sack of Gnomes14SPELLFill your board with random Gnomes.
Fireslinger15MINIONAfter you cast a spell, cast a Fireball at a random enemy.
Ironhorn Drummer15MINIONYour minions can't be reduced below 1 Health on your turn.
Super Simian Sphere15SPELLSummon King Mukla. Give it <b>Immune</b> and 'Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.'
Raging Contender16MINION<b>Rush</b> <b>Deathrattle:</b> Fill your board with random Pirates.
Amalgamate18SPELLDestroy all minions. Summon an Amalgamation with the combined Attack and Health.
Bestiary18SPELLFill your board with copies of random minions from your opponent's deck.
Unbound Punisher18MINION<b>Battlecry:</b> Destroy all enemy minions. Gain 2 Armor for each minion destroyed.
Dreamgrove Ring19SPELL<b>Discover</b> a <b>Legendary</b> minion. Summon five copies of it.
Shallow Graves19SPELLSummon 7 random minions that died this game.
Rod of Roasting110SPELLCast 'Pyroblast' randomly until a hero dies.

Deck 4

Pogo-Hopper301MINION<b>Battlecry:</b> Gain +2/+2 for each other Pogo-Hopper you played this game.

Hearthstone 1 3 Deal 3 Dmg Gain 3 Armor Review

Source: Original link

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Hearthstone 1 3 Deal 3 Dmg Gain 3 Armor

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