Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic

  1. Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic Treatment
  2. Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic Symptoms

Intel Power Gadget causes kernel panics. The latest version of Intel Power Gadget (3.6.1) is causing frequent kernel panics in macOS Catalina (10.15.1), causing the system to freeze and then shut down. Newest kernel-panic questions feed Subscribe to RSS Newest kernel-panic questions feed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this. Kernel Panic El Capitan Installer with Clover Precision 390 C2D E6300 with MSI Radeon HD6670 1GB Dual Fan Edition. Followed this guide to make my installation USB, tried one from tonymacx86 and it does the same KP. I started a thread on their forum but they deleted it when they found it my Yosemi.

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance your Mac just suffered a kernel panic and you’re searching for what to do next. We’ve got the answer, and it’s simple: Don’t panic. Instead, take a deep breath, relax, and know that almost all kernel panics are transitory; events that aren’t likely to keep repeating. You don’t need to live in fear that in the next minute, your Mac will crash once again.

On the downside, you likely lost any unsaved work up to the point of the kernel panic. There’s a remote chance that some work may have been saved in the last Time Machine backup.

What a Kernel Panic Is
In UNIX-based operating systems, such as OS X and macOS, a panic is an unrecoverable error that was detected by the operating system kernel. It’s unrecoverable because the kernel, the basic heart of the operating system, can’t figure out how to get back on track. In essence, it’s lost, and not sure how it got here. When this occurs, the kernel runs the panic function code that tells it what to do in these situations. Unfortunately, about the best the kernel can do once it runs the panic code is collect some data about the current condition of the processors, and what processes were running, and then halt or restart your Mac.

(The older style kernel panic text stayed until you restarted your Mac.)

In OS X Lion and earlier, a panic resulted in the screen dimming and a message in multiple languages that said: “You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the restart button.” The message was white text on a black background.

OS X Mountain Lion changed the look and sequence by automatically restarting the Mac, and then displaying a text message similar to the one above, but with black text on a gray background.

What a Kernel Panic Is Not
Kernel panics are sometimes confused with application crashes, startup problems, or sustained beach balls. The big difference is that with a kernel panic, your Mac will display the kernel panic message as well as halt or restart on its own.

Check for Recurring Kernel Panics
It’s a bit more difficult in the older versions of OS X to discover if the panic will recur; that’s because you really need to have the same conditions in place: the same apps running, and the same background processes; you also need to perform the same task that precipitated the panic, such as saving a file, loading a web page, or launching an app.

Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic Treatment

(Selecting Open will launch all the apps that were running when your Mac crashed.)

With OS X Mountain Lion and later, your Mac saves the log of which apps and process were running, and will offer to reopen them when it restarts after a kernel panic. Simply click the Open button on the “You shut down your computer because of a problem.” dialog box when it’s presented during the login process.

Once your Mac has finished launching all the apps and processes, you should attempt to perform the same tasks you were involved in when the panic originally occurred. If there’s no panic after a reasonable amount of time, it’s probably not worth further troubleshooting attempts, and can just be chalked up to gremlins and ghosts.

Troubleshooting Recurring Kernel Panics
If, on the other hand, a kernel panic occurs soon after you click the Open button in the dialog box, you likely have a problem you need to track down.

One of the options in the “Your computer was restarted because of a problem” dialog box is “More Info.” Pressing this button will cause the dialog box to expand and display the panic report, a detailed look at what occurred at the time of the panic.

(You can view the panic report, which includes details about the kernel panic.)

How to install macosxupdcombo10.6.8.dmg windows. Don’t worry if you already dismissed the dialog box; you can view the panic log with the Console app, located at:


Simply launch the Console app, then in the sidebar, select the System Reports item, and then select the Kernel Panic item (the actual name will include the terms kernel and panic, but it will also have the date and the name of your Mac in the title).

Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic

(The panic report includes the calling app that was likely involved in the kernel panic, as well as active kernel extensions.)

Reading the Panic Report
The panic report includes the memory address and, in most cases, the name of the process that called for the panic function to be invoked. The calling process may be helpful, but it doesn’t always indicate what actually caused the event that led up to the panic; only the last process in the chain of events.

Other important information in the panic report is the list of loaded kexts as well as the last loaded kext. Kexts are extensions to the kernel that can be used to add functionality to the operating system. Apple provides many different kexts, but so do some third-party developers. If the last loaded kext was from, say, a third-party system utility you installed, that may be a good indication of what caused the panic, or at least, what was involved in the panic.

Kernel panics can be caused by hardware as well as software. Checking for a hardware cause for a panic is fairly straightforward. Start by isolating all external peripherals you have connected to your Mac, except for the keyboard and mouse or trackpad.

Start your Mac in Safe Mode by holding down the shift key and pressing the power button. Keep pressing the shift key until your Mac finishes starting up.

If your Mac is able to start in Safe Mode, then its basic hardware is in good shape. Restart your Mac to leave Safe Mode. Once back in normal mode, try running a few apps. If everything is OK, then the kernel panic was likely a transitory event caused by an app or process in combination with another app, process, or device not getting along; it may also have been caused in part by one of the peripheral items you disconnected.

Shut down your Mac, reconnect a peripheral, and then restart your Mac. Try opening the same apps that were in use at the time of the panic. If everything seems OK, then shut down and connect the next peripheral. Continue the connect-and-test process until all your devices are reconnected.

If you find a device that causes a panic, check for updates to the device’s drivers, as well as updates to any apps that are involved.

Apps and Software
Just like you did for checking the Mac’s hardware, you can use Safe Mode to test for apps and other software that are causing the kernel panic. Safe Mode keeps startup items from being loaded, as well as third-party kexts and fonts (other than those used by the system). Once you’re running in Safe Mode, you can disable startup items by using the Users & Groups preference pane.

After you disable startup items, use Font Book to validate your installed fonts. If any fonts come up with errors, use Font Book to disable the indicated fonts.

Go ahead and restart normally. If no kernel panic occurs, add one of the startup items back, then restart. Repeat and test each startup item until all have been restored.

Internal Hardware
Your Mac’s internal hardware, including RAM and storage drives, can be a source of kernel panics. You can use Apple diagnostic routines to test your Mac. You’ll find instructions for how to do this in the Rocket Yard Guide: How to Run and Interpret Your Mac’s Built-in Diagnostic Routines.

Reinstall the Mac OS
Because the OS can also be a source for kernel panics, usually due to corrupt system files, if you can’t resolve the panics, our last tip is to reinstall the OS. You can use the Recovery HD partition to perform the reinstall. Reinstalling the OS should replace any corrupt system files, while retaining user data and apps.

For more Rocket Yard guides and tricks, please visit our Tech Tips section.

How to solve Kernel Panic error

What is Kernel Panic?

Kernel Panic, though sounding scary, is simply an occurrence when your Mac keeps restarting for no obvious reason. Your Mac’s screen goes black giving you various warning messages like “You need to restart your computer.” Note that the presence of the warning message is what distinguishes Kernel Panic from usual Mac restarts and app crashes. In other words, Kernel Panic is just a Mac version of “blue screen of death” on Windows, but luckily, it can be fixed. So, let’s face the issue head-on.

What happens is your Mac encounters a critical error that it can’t handle, so it automatically shuts down. If it happens rarely enough (like once in a few weeks) that shouldn’t be a trouble. A basic restart should help it. It’s worse when Kernel Panic happens regularly, especially if your Mac crashes right on startup. It might be a sign of a damaged hardware, which isn’t funny, given your Mac is almost unusable by that time.

What’s causing Kernel Panic on Mac

There are a million reasons. One user reported he had simply installed the iTunes folder on a different drive than a system one. But in 90% of cases software conflicts are to blame. Here’s a list of main suspects:

  • Not enough RAM and lack of hard drive space.
  • Outdated drivers or plugins
  • Broken disk permissions
  • Conflicting apps
  • Hardware issues and incompatible peripherals

The first step should be to isolate hardware issues from software-related ones. It may be a combination of both, like when your RAM has turned off, while two apps are conflicting for memory. Anyway, there’s a path, laid out by great Mac experts which will now follow immediately.

Software solutions to fix Kernel Panic on Mac

1. Update all your software

Start by launching App Store app through Spotlight or Apple menu. Go to App store and click Updates to see the latest updates available for your Mac. If some tools haven’t been updated for long, it may well be the root of the Kernel Panic problem.

2. Find which apps are corrupted

If your Mac keeps crashing on a particular app, you know which one is to blame. That’s what you should do in this case:

  1. Try updating the problem app and then reboot your machine.
  2. If there's no updates or you cannot run them, delete and reinstall the entire app.
  3. Alternatively, use a dedicated app-uninstaller tool.

If Kernel Panic occurs on random apps, you should look into deep-seated system drivers, specifically the ones that came with peripherals, like video cards, adapters, etc. Make sure you updated everything that deals with graphics, file system or networking. And, if it doesn’t help, here are more tricks.

3. Repair disk permissions

Sometimes applications are fighting each other in order to get access to files and folders. This is what disk permissions are all about. When your applications go awry, fixing broken permissions helps a big deal. Unfortunately, the option to manually repair disk permissions has been disabled in Disk Utility since OS X El Capitan. But if you are running OS X Yosemite or older OS, you need to:

  1. Restart your Mac holding Command + R
  2. Launch Disk Utility
  3. Click First Aid > Repair Disk Permissions

If you’re on macOS Sierra or OS X El Capitan, the easiest is to fire up an app, like CleanMyMac X. The app has an advanced Maintenance module where you can repair disk permissions in one click. It also has the Verify Startup Disk command that may help you find Kernel Panic source.

4. Ensure you have enough free space on drive

Apple recommends reserving at least 20% of free space on your startup drive. Your Mac needs enough room to breathe freely. But when there’s lack of physical or virtual memory, your Mac’s performance drags down and Kernel Panic is quite common.

  1. Choose Apple menu > About This Mac.
  2. Switch to the Storage tab.

If your main volume is approaching full capacity, then you ought to make more room on it. The obvious solution would be to delete unused apps or whatever old junk is stored there. Or simply leave it to a dedicated app to free up your drive. For instance, try this one as it’s reported to find 74 GB of junk on an average Mac.

5. Launch Disk Utility

Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic

Kernel Panic may happen due to corrupted files or issues with external devices. Fortunately, Apple partially took care of this with their built-in Disk Utility. Launching Disk Utility’s First Aid tool would detect any disk errors and if it can solve it, you’re lucky again.

  1. Choose Apple menu > Restart.
  2. Hold down Command + R while you restart the computer.
  3. Go to Disk Utility > First Aid.

Follow the onscreen commands and expect to see something like “Operation successful” in the report. In the worst case scenario, you might get “The underlying task reported failure” which suggests a disk repair failed. At this point you should start thinking about saving your data and reformatting the drive.

6. Disable startup items

There is a good chance login items are the reason your Mac randomly restarts. With dozens apps launching on startup, they could be too many for your processor to handle. To troubleshoot Kernel Panic, now your tactics would be to disable these programs and check how your Mac is behaving.
To disable login items, follow this path:

  1. Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups.
  2. Select your username in the menu.
  3. Switch to the Login Items tab.
  4. Choose a startup item you want to disable and then click the “–” symbol.
  5. Restart your Mac to enable the changes.

Now, it’s time to put on your detective’s hat as we’ll be investigating which login item has been causing Kernel Panic. This time we’ll go in the opposite direction and will be turning on the login items — one at a time. If your Mac crashes after the particular login app is enabled, congrats, you’ve hit right on the nail. Note that you’ll have to reboot after each step, but finding the root of the problem is intriguing, right?

BTW, if you’re uncomfortable messing with system settings, there’s an easy alternative. CleanMyMac X, the app we’ve mentioned above, has a lot of tools for deep-level Mac maintenance. And there is a feature to disable/enable Login Items as easy as pie.

  1. Download CleanMyMac for free.
  2. Launch it.
  3. Click on the Optimization module.
  4. Go to Login Items.

Disable startup apps one by one.

Hardware fixes to Kernel Panic

All the connected hardware could be responsible for the crash fever on your Mac — it happens quite often, actually. So, let’s walk through the hardware solutions to Kernel Panics. And be prepared to restart your Mac a few more times when you follow the next tips.

1. Turn off peripheral devices

Just as we did with startup items, we have to figure out which exactly device is conflicting with your system. Now, you need to plug off everything connected to your Mac: printers, external video cards, network adapters, etc. Restart your Mac and connect one device at a time — if nothing happens, restart again with the new device plugged in. This trial-and-repeat approach should isolate the reason for Kernel Panic. Found which peripheral is corrupted? Well done, now reinstall it and update the software that came with it.

2. Run Apple Diagnostics

Depending on your OS, this built-in tool may be called Apple Diagnostics or Apple Hardware Test. These advanced Apple’s utilities shouldn’t be reserved for geeks only — in fact, they really save lives (okay, Macs).

  1. Disconnect all peripherals.
  2. Choose Apple menu > Restart.
  3. Hold down D while you restart the computer.

Do nothing. Apple Diagnostics would launch automatically and test your hardware condition. If any problems are detected, you’ll get a detailed report which is now your official invitation to pay a visit to Apple Support.

Hackintosh Mounting Dmg Causes Kernel Panic Symptoms

The last-ditch solution to Kernel Panic

So, here we are. Nothing of the above helped and now you are desperately scrolling this on your friend’s computer (as your Mac keeps on crashing, obviously). In no way you should panic. Now, you can try a way that most definitely will save your Mac — reinstall your OS from scratch. It’s like starting a new life — and there’s nothing difficult to it.

If you’re running macOS Sierra, check out this article on how to reinstall OS.
Here you'll find instructions on how to reinstall macOS High Sierra.
If you wish to reinstall macOS Mojave, click here.

To reinstall macOS Catalina, follow these steps.

Hope this tricks helped you eliminate Kernel Panic. Mac should maintain its reputation as the best computer in the world, so let’s keep it healthy. Share this article if you liked it and thanks for reading.

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