Eq 1 Dmg Pbaoe Newbie Weapon

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Eq 1 Dmg Pbaoe Newbie Weapon 2

Warrior Strategies

Warriors are tanks in their purest form. Uncomplicated by songs or spells, Warriors are damage machines, pure and simple. They rely on brute force to get the job done. They are the ones in front, taking the hits and replying in kind while the casters sit back and cast their spells. And in the end, it's the Warrior that gets the most praise.

Skill levels

  • Level 5: Bind Wounds
  • Level 6: Dodge
  • Level 9: Bash

    General Strategies What is el pwn dmg for mac.

  • Your role in a group
  • Soloing methods
  • Equipment
  • Class links

  • Level 5: Bind Wounds
    This is a useful skill to have. Basically, when activated, it allows you to recover health much more quickly. You can heal up to 50% of your HP bar in this fashion. When you get really good at it, you can recover 22 HP per tick. However, this skill sucks down money like a vacuum. Every time you do it, it consumes a bandage. Bandages cost about 2 silver, That's not very much, but when you need to activate the skill 5 times to get it to work, that's 1 GP right there. Eventually, you'll get good enough at it that you can do it with just one bandage. Despite the cost of this skill, however, it will probably save your butt quite a few times. Invest enough time and money in it, and it will start paying off.

  • Level 6: Dodge
    Dodge is the first of many skills like it that you'll get. Basically, it increases the chance that the enemy will miss you. You don't need to activate it, as it functions automatically. So really, all this does is increase your AC. Not a big deal.

  • Level 9: Bash
    This is a very useful skill. It's alot like the skill Kick, i.e. it's a secondary attack that does a few extra points of damage. However, there are some very important differences. First of all, you need to be wearing a shield to use this skill. Second, it does less damage. Third, it can stun the enemy for a few seconds, allowing you to get in a hit or two without retaliation. Fourth, and possibly most important, you can interrupt enemy spellcasters, which normal attacks can't do. You have to manually activate the skill every time you want to use it, which can get pretty annoying, but assigning it to a hot button makes it easier.

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  • Creating your Warrior
    Every class, except for Erudites and High Elves, can be a Warrior. There are four main races for Warriors. First of all are the Halflings. Really, the only reason you'd want to be a Halfling is that they level faster than any of the others (in fact, faster than any other race-class combo). However, there are only three real choices for Warriors. Those races are Ogres, Trolls, and Barbarians. The reason these three are superior to the others is that they have the highest Strength and Stamina, the main attributes of a Warrior. Also, they have the natural ability to Slam, which almost exactly like Bash except that you don't need a shield. All of these three races have their advantages and disadvantages. Barbarians start next to an excellent newbie area, Everfrost, and are a 'Good' race, meaning that they are accepted all across Norrath except in 'Evil' areas. Also, unlike Trolls and Ogres, they can wear medium-sized armor, which is both cheaper and lighter. However, they lack the ability to see in the dark, and they are the weakest stat-wise of the three classes. Ogres are the strongest stat-wise of the three races. However, they are also the dumbest, so your skills will raise slowly. They are an Evil race, so you will have to avoid Good guards and cities. Trolls are right in the middle of Barbarians and Ogres, stat-wise. They are also Evil, but they have the natural ability to regenerate, meaning that they recover HP faster, which is a good thing to have as a Warrior. These three races are pretty-well balanced, so which you pick is a matter of personal preference.

  • Your role in a group
    In short, your role in the group is to whack. Whack at everything. When your group encounters a mob, whack it. Don't stop whacking until a) it's dead or b) you're dead. Trust your group members to keep you healthy through the fight. While you're whacking, you have to make sure that you keep the mobs off the casters. This another of the Warrior's jobs: keeping the casters safe. Casters aren't meant to take a lot of hits. If they do, that means that a) you're not doing your job and b) they're screwed. You are a shield that the casters need to live. You're gonna be in the thick of the fight the entire time. This means that if something goes wrong, you're probably going to be the first to die. Remember that. Every group needs a tank, and tanking is what Warriors do best.

  • Soloing
    If you like soloing, you'd better get in all the soloing you can at low levels, because it's not gonna happen when you get older. Warriors are not good at soloing. It's that simple. At lower levels, soloing is no problem, because mobs at your level generally have less HP than you do, and hit softer. And when one starts running, you can kill it with a few hits. When you hit the teens, however, this changes. Mobs are tougher and harder to kill. Also, they will start running earlier, when it still takes a while to kill them. If you don't pursue a damaged mob, it will come back later, generally at the worst possible moment. If you do, there's the chance that you will run into one of its comrades. Either way, you're screwed. There is also the problem of recovering HP. You heal slowly by yourself - at higher levels, it can take 20 minutes of sitting there to get from 10% to full health. There are a myriad of other problems involving Warriors by themselves, but I won't go into them. All of them can be solved by having a group.

  • Equipment
    Equipment is vital to a Warrior. How good your equipment is defines how good your Warrior is. You should always have the best possible equipment. This means you'll have to save a lot of money. This shouldn't be too much of a problem, however, since you don't to pay for spells or songs or anything else, just food, armor, and weapons. Use the player market to get the best deals on whatever you need. You should always be looking for ways to improve your AC or weapon stats. Equipment is the lifeblood of a Warrior.

  • Class links
    Some of the best Warrior sites on the web:

    Thanks to Dave Dursley for his advice on this class!

    EverQuest is a Trademark of Sony Corporation. Used without permission. Site design and coding copyright John Lenehan, aka Asfolath. All data, unless noted otherwise, is copyright Asfolath.
  • Eq 1 Dmg Pbaoe Newbie Weapon System


    Eq 1 Dmg Pbaoe Newbie Weapon List

    What is the highest damage weapon usable by a Soul Level 1 Pyromancer? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 11 months ago. Active 4 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 26k times 2. I'm currently working my way through a Soul Level 1 playthrough of Dark Souls. I'm using the. A ranger's fastest weap. Should go in their main hand. In the case of having this and a frosty, use the frosty in the mainhand, as it has the better dmg/dly ratio. I know some ppl would suggest that you want the snowchipper to proc more often (true if you are the main tank, which as a rng, you prolly aren't lol) because it procs for more dmg.

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