Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg

Dec 07, 2016 Invoker is one of the most picked heroes in Dota 2. Whether it be new players or professionals playing in Tis, he is a very popular and common hero in team drafts.His primary skills Quas, Wex and Exort are used to invoke new ones for him.

  1. Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg Free
  2. Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg In Mac
  3. Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg 2
  4. Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg In Games
  1. Feb 01, 2018  Other heroes that are bad are ones that don't scale, but this is tricky because supports have a ton more gold. So in a normal match lich, cm, lion don't really scale, but in turbo they can all get blinks and aghs and do tons of dmg with their ults. Heroes that don't scale well would be more like viper, disruptor. Then you want strong laners.
  2. . Ghost Shroud is very good against pa mk and other phy dmg dealers and it is very good in team fights and catching escaping enemies. agh scepter now no longer increases Reaper's Scythe dmg so keep in mind that now u cant cast it on heroes with 50% hp make sure there health is about 30%.
  3. General DiscussionHighest DPS hero in late game? Highest DPS hero in late game? (this is no doubt, god strengh + great cleave make Sven dps god and one of the hardest carrys in dota 2, even pa with her cirt cant match with sven insane dmg). Stupid rightclick heroes suck. Remember kids DPS is not Damage.

When farmed what you think what is DPS king of game:
1. SVEN (this is no doubt, god strengh + great cleave make Sven dps god and one of the hardest carrys in dota 2, even pa with her cirt cant match with sven insane dmg)
2. Medusa (5 split shot make her realy dps machine when is farmed)
3. Chaos knight (many illusions with imba dmg)
4. Phantom Lancer (many illusions)
5. Phantom Assasin (450% crit)


Highest DPS is probably Sven, yeah.

However, highest average hero damage (on a good game) would most likely be Ember.


Don't forget heroes, like Spectre, Anti-Mage and Juggernaut.


ROCKAS- Anti mage deal low dmg compare these 5, juggernaut deal big dmg only due his ulti and true Spectre deal huge aoe dmg by her ulti radiance dispersion.


Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg Free

Anti-Mage's damage is descent but he can deal a huge amount of damage with a perfectly timed ulti on a hero with low mana next to his team.


^Let's say antimage ultis a storm spirit with 1/2000 mana, thats 2200 aoe damage (on 5 heroes = 11000 damage)

Sven critting twice is that much damage if he cleaves 5 heroes
pa can crit for higher than 2000 damage on her own as well


Yeah Sven is pretty much the King of Comebacks for a reason. It's not so much even his single-target dps but it's the fact that he has such a good built-in Battlefury that can hit all 5 enemy heroes and wipe them out in a couple of hits assuming you built properly. Now, if you're talking 1v1, a full-built Chaos Knight can wreck some serious havoc on a hero by engulfing said hero in CK's illusions. And those illusions HURT. Idk, I would feel safer with Chaos Knight in a 1v1 scenario but Sven in all other scenarios.


Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg In Mac


if you measure dps by raw damage output with reasonable and realistic item builds late game nothing comes close to terrorblade, he takes 5 seconds to wipe a t3 tower, even tiny wont be able to rax that fast


I would say Sven, but dont forget Drow and Sniper. As funny as it seems, but imagine Drow fully slotted with all the bonus agi and dmg from her passive already. She hits hard as fuck, same with Sniper. Not taking anything away from other mentioned heroes. For 1 vs 1 CK is a beast.


Also, what about Gyro? I don't play him much so I really can't say.



41 remote mines with Aghanims = 30750 AoE damage

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Dota 2 heroes with largest rightclick dmg world
Dire Wolf

It depends on what kind of damage you're talking about. Gyro can do amazing dmg too with flak cannon but it's only 6 attacks while sven's is all attacks. But tower dmg? Luna crushes them, along with tb. And what about illusions? Naga and PL can bring it. It's all situational depending on what you're fighting. I mean spec with diffusal + refresher + radiance and getting attacked deals a ton of dmg. Sniper is one of the highest single target damages if you get a bunch of negative armor since his headshot benefits.


Highest DPS != best late game carry; Void doesn't have highest DPS but he carries harder than Sven imo.


Crystal Maiden ultimate with Aghanim and Veil on 5 players deals max ~26k damage to each player in 7 seconds. That is 130k damage in 7 seconds.

Winner IMO.


earth shaker with aghs+veil+refresher on 5 heroes + 10 illusions + 5 treants + 20 spiders + double creepwave + 4 meepo clones + illusion rune + 5 necro books + 5 helm of dominator creeps all affected by ice vortex and fatal bonds = computer explodes

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Winner IMO

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Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg 2

I agree about Earthshaker. This hero rapes.
1. ES
2. CM
3. Useless heroes with unnoticeable DPS.


Also, realistically, the highest critting hero in the game is earthshaker. totem+daedalus+damage items = rape


If counting aoe damage to every single hero, then definitely Sven. For 1v1 Legion Commander can potentially have the best DPS with enough duel wins.

Chaos Knight DPS is pretty huge with his superb illusions, but your item build for him is more limited if going for maximum DPS, since his horsebuddies only gain from stats, which makes rapier a weaker item. Real CK will still gain higher DPS, but his crit is possibly the worst in the game since it only has 10% chance to proc, while SK for example has 15% for the same amount of damage. So the DPS he gets from rapier is not as good as with for example PA's crit, Sven with daedalus or troll with his insane attack speed. Though considering the toughness of the horsemen too with your double hearts, he is still one of the best 1v1 heroes in super late game. Although Legion q will pretty much clear all the illusions so she can duel a single horseman with a disabled crit. Doom 2.0


^seriously overestimating Q damage. also, pudge wins all 1v1 because infinite flesh heap = infinite hp AND damage


he probably overestimate it, but not far. The Q will let him know who's the real CK afterall.

However, Legion is a pretty mediocre hero


Change dmg file to ipsw. Depends on if the hero has cleave or not i guess..

Heroes that haven't been mentioned yet: Terror blade has to be up there though I would think. Maybe Riki if we assume he is always backstabbing. If luna only had damage items (which she never does in a game) in theory here glaves can multi-bounce targets. Tiny is pretty insane as well with his aghs.

Then there is meepo chaos knight and lone druid who are multiple units.

Mac_Lilypad [NL]

If rubick and chen keep dominating the same creep over and over again, it will gain more en more health, than clinkz walks up, eats the creep, gains shit ton of damage and 1 shots everybody

Maxwell Lord IV

highest dps hero is tinker, and tiner is the best carry. Stupid rightclick heroes suck


remember kids DPS is not Damage. its damage per second.


Pretty sure ember spirit, tinker, spectre, and zeus are the top 4 heroes in terms of late game damage.

edit: well, looking at what dotabuff says its zeus, tinker, spectre, and razor (rofl)

Ember is the only hero I've been able to get over 60k hero damage with.


ok so you take the pubge who has 450 flesh heap stacks, then target him with decrepify , and have a husker with VoD aghs orchid and E blade ult him, in that second huskers DPS is over 9000.

leave me alone
Dota 2 heroes with largest rightclick dmg download

Yeah i forgot Terrorblade but Sven still out dps him.


Highest Herodamage is Spectre with Radiance, Diffu, Manta, Shotgun (or butterfly) and Refresher Orb. There is no escape from that. There is also NOTHING in this game, that can outcarry a so equiped spectre. While void can kill everyone in his chrono, you simply wipe out the whole enemy team, while sitting on the other side of the map. After 2 spectre ultis, while beeing 6 slotted there is no enemy team, that could start a fight. The supports die alone to your ult. I had games, where this combo just served a tripplekill, every time i used it naked, without any followups or without jumping in.


^Smoke of Deceit

^^that is a joke right? Sven's DPS does NOT even come anywhere close to TB's even with God's Strength up.

Dota 2 Heroes With Largest Rightclick Dmg In Games

Maxwell Lord IV

I guess he is thinking all 5 heroes will be clumped up so Sven will hit them all.


(If you'd make a dummy with infinite HP and 0 armor)
Highest right clicking dps is Juggernaut, WHY? Let me explain.

1.4 base attack (ridiculous.. get his attack speed to 480 and he will attack with a cooldown of 0.24)
36% critical is basically +36% DPS, its not like vengiful spirit aura that works only on base damage
(Just give him 2-3 mjollnirs and rapiers)

(Maybe alchemist with ulty can do more)

Or you ask which hero deals most damage in a real situation?


has anyone watched those Na'Vi series? It contains a lot of heroes. Haven't seen PL though. And jugger didn't have 1.4 BAT then.


Spectre with: Refreshers, diffusal 2, daedlus, 3x eth blade.

Haunts from hell.

leave me alone

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