Dota 2 Hero With Biggest Magic Dmg

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Why aren't there magical damage carries on number 1 position anymore? Like tinker/lesh/pugna safe lane?

Why does the meta favor physical damage carries over magic ones, given that magic resistance reduction stacks better than armor reduction? One could argue that BKB counters them, but same applies to ghost scepter, and in a way, force staff counters BKBs.
BKBs can be baited, and can be kited, and not everyone can get them. So that means supports will suffer, since BKB is twice the price of a ghost scepter.


A combo with shadow demon, skywrath, pugna, tinker can be devastating. And these heroes are generally lane winners too.


There is. Its called morphing With shotgun build. But Magic damage doesn't scale well.


Ult is still able to take down any hero late game that has half hp at the time of cast. Most players get Sceptre on Necro anyways. Now it's just a bit more mandatory than before. I don't see it being a problem. Finally, hood is often necessary on Necro, so big whoop they increased the magic dmg from 20% to 25%. Magic resistance is a stat that reduces (or increases, if negative) magical damage a unit takes from spells and attacks. Every unit is capable of gaining or losing magic resistance, and most units start with a small amount of base resistance. Loading hero data. Jul 18, 2019  This Forgotten Hero Is Not So Bad When Play by A 9500 MMR God Insane Magic Burst Dmg Dota 2. Oct 11, 2016  I mean she's probably attacking at 3 or 4 times a second, plus aghs split is 9-12 attacks a second with a 25% shot that's 2-3 mjollnirs a second, easily a thousand or more magic dmg to your entire team in a few seconds. Anyway if I knew how to make custom games I would totally make this.

Mac_Lilypad [NL]

Lesh doesnt gane extra damage if he levels from 16 till 25, somebody like void does get extra damage, thats another reason. Also, OD is kinda a magic carry


That's the thing, magic damage does scale well with decent magic resist reduction.

A combo of shadow demon sky and pugna.
Skywrath casts ancient seal, pugna casts decrepify, and shadow demon casts soul catcher.
5 stacks from shadow poison with those three debuffs dealt 2.4k damage. And that's only shadow poison. Pugna isn't even needed, and you can replace him with e blade.

Veil + decrepify + Ancient seal + ice vortex = -148% magic damage
A lv 1 dagon after magic reduction deals 1k damage. A lv 3 sky ult deals 3.5k damage, and with aghs you can cast like three at once.

Decrepify ancient seal and ice vortex are all low cd, and veil is AOE the single target burst only is a myth.

And holy shit i forgot about OD! Also, blink hex counters bkb's too. Lot of things counter BKBs.

Dire Wolf

OD and silencer use magic orb effects. Zeus uses like zero right click, he's sort of a carry.

But it's really pretty simple because all carries rely on right click and all right click dmg is physical. Seriously can't think of a single carry that doesn't rely on right click, like np and lycan use minions to push but still are right clicking heroes. OD and silencer use orbs to increase their right click. Bristle spams quills but his potential to carry is his right click combined with his steroid ult. Only hero that can sorta carry without right click that I can think of is axe cus all his dmg is counter helix, but that's still a physical dmg ability. Right click dmg only increases as game goes on, magic dmg stays flat.

Quick maffs

Dota 2 Hero With Biggest Magic Dmg In Mac

Magical damage carry can be good if they scale well

OD does so he is a good one

Ariana Grande

skywrath is a magic damage carry, but I wouldn't put him at 1 position

Quick maffs

Wish magical damage could crit in this game

Oh god a lina crit

Sir Rat-A-Lot

a 25% chance to crit on a 1250*(33/100) = 837.5 every 50 secs doesnt sound much to me
or maybe it is 1250*2.4 =3000*(33/100) = 2010
either way it doesnt sound much.


and then abaddon casts a shield and shits all over your 3 lane combo wombo

That's Numberwang!

Got to remember that very few spells work against towers, so having a magic damage carry, unless it's maybe pugna, OD, or Silencer, will do absolutely pants damage to building and so your push will be weakened, if you don't compensate for it in other ways with your draft


There is Death Prophet for towers and also have aoe mute, aoe damage.

Quick maffs

Speaking about theorycrafting shoudnt shivas guard be a really really good item on medussa ?

Cheap armor and cheap mana, plus - atack speed means its harder to manfight her

Kaptain KKona

Don't think there are any safe lane intel carries which is a shame. Silencer is probably the closest

ban 1515

Magic damage as a damage type scales waaaay better than physical does, people just deal more physical damage late.

I'd rather do 800 flat magical damage than 800 physical, and I'd rather do 300 magical dps than 300 physical dps.

However, options for increasing magical damage are worse than physical, and physical damage is also increased by IAS, something spells don't have

Dota 2 Hero With Biggest Magic Dmg In Windows 7

Also BKB


The thing is, late-game Medusa already has almost maximum armor, buying Shiva's will only give you like ~3% of damage reduction and aura isn't THAT good tbh. Also, Mystic Staff is pretty hard item to farm up and if you did, you could go into hex, which have better synergy with Medusa.

Quick maffs

Are you sure she has good armor at lvl 25 ? I mean her agility growth is ok-ish ( 2.5 ) and except butterfly its not like you are getting a lot of agi.

Anyway i am going to try out in a bot game and see how much physical reduction she gets at lvl 25 with shivas and without shivas ^^


I actually think spell vamp or more magic reduction items would be cool. Imagine cooldown reduction?


Skadi is 25 agi (5 less then Butterfly), Linken's is 15 and Scythe (if you'll go for it) is extra 10.
30+25+15+10 from items
82 is her natural agi at lvl 25
20 is from att bonus
80 + 82 + 20 = 182 agi.
182/7 = 26 armor, which is 1 over the damage reduction cap.

One big problem of low level LoL is every single player going carry. If you're going to implement AP and CR from LoL, imagine what Dota pub will become.

Dire Wolf

@JDF yes, but remember all magic dmg comes from spells or orb effects thus you have far less opportunity to do magic dmg. This should really be a discussion of why are most carries right clickers, not why are there no magic damage carries. The magic damage carries in this game get called nukers.

@epik, I don't think there is a cap on armor in dota 2. For some reason dota wiki table stops at 25 but it keeps going.

Quick maffs

I didnt knew there was a cap on armor

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anyway i am trying on a lobby right now

Quick maffs

lvl25 medussa with BoT manta skadi linkens bfly mkb: 26 armor 61 % phy reduction 1979 mana

lvl25 medussa with BoT manta skadi linkens bfly shivas: 41 armor 71 % phy reduction 2369 mana

lvl25 medussa with BoT manta skadi linkens bfly hex: 27 armor 62% phy reduction 2434 mana

lvl25 medussa with BoT manta skadi shivas bfly mkb: -285 hp 39 armor 70% phy reduction 2174 mana

So 10% phy damage reduction, i guess that its like 100 hp if they crit you for 1k

but getting skadi linkens and shivas is overkill, i guess if you dont need/want linkens you can get shivas instead, i am pretty sure if we ignore the block part 10 % phy damage late game seems to be better than 285 hp ( 8189 EHP with shivas and 7k EHP with linkens against phy damage without using mana shield )

About hex vs shivas, shivas gives you almost the same mana and way better armor, but i guess you get hex because of his active anyway. Highest possible dmg risk of rain.


Well, probably I am wrong about the cap, because it didn't existed back then in WC3. But still, going for extra armor at this point is ineffective.

Quick maffs

Meh you are right the difference is too little

I just tested and with shivas i could stand in the enemy fountain 22 sec, with linkens 18 sec

Dire Wolf

You don't get shiva's just for the armor, you get it for the debuff to enemy attack speed and the use. The use is really awesome for chasing down heroes and the debuff for getting tanky, but dusa is already tanky cus she has skadi and it has a slow and debuff. So it's kind of redundant in that regard.


Invoker has good scaling magic damage and he can played as a carry.
Skywrath Mage has spells that scale with his int and can be played as a carry.
Morphling's shotgun build is a carry build that scales with his agi.
Death Prophet was used as a carry during the push strat craze in competitive scene because of her extremely powerful ulti
The majority of Huskar's damage is his ulti and Flaming Spears
Necrophos is a carry who relies on his ulti and Death Pulse throughout the game in order for his passives to be as effective as possible
Outworld devourer is a carry who scales with int to deal more pure and magical damage

More spell-based carries:
Zeus, Tinker, Storm Spirit, QoP, Warlock, Timbersaw(?)


Mostly because no character in teh game can spam spells that deal 800+ damage.

Any good late game hard carry can right click easily dealing 800+ per crit, which can be spammed bc it's just a %

A right click carry can be out of mana and still spam its primary source of damage.

Last, intelligence provides zero survivability as a stat. Strength and Agi both innately provide survivability.


physical dmg carry > magical dmg carry

1) Attack speed. High attack speed -> high physical dmg. you can not do much with magical dmg carry
2) most physical dmg carries are agi or str heroes. aside from high dmg, high agi -> high attack speed and armor. high str -> high hp. both quite good for carries. if int heroes, high int -> high mana pool. least desirable for carries.


I'm not stating that there are no magical damage carries, i'm asking why the meta doesn't favor it.


Because they aren't efficient, cant sustain farm easily, and are far too squishy


Outworld carry destroyer wants a word with you.

Oh you bought a bkb? Too bad i have a force staff and the imprisonment to kite ur ass until forever then press R win game

Quick maffs
Quick maffs

Here you go. Arteezy playing Dagon/E-blade morphling. Is this magical enough?


Storm spirit can be a good safelane magical damage based carry.


Contrary to popular belief, OD doesn't scale well, so it's a rather bad example.

Dota 2 Hero List


^ the only reason he doesnt scale well it's bkb, but when it's off, OD rapes late game


there is shit tons of magic based carries ever since mjolnir got boosted

Dota 2 Hero With Biggest Magic Dmg Download

mirana and majority of other ranged heroes that u make mjolnir on

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