Dota 2 Dmg In Single Attack Quest Tusk

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ok guys hope this change is something you like!!! its going to be simple yet hard and the quests are the same for EVERYONE across all groups so im looking forward to seeing the different takes on them!!!


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Void Spirit wraps himself in a protective shield that absorbs physical damage and emits a single damaging pulse around him. The shield gains increased damage absorption for each enemy hero the pulse hits. desolator2 +100 Attack Damage and -12 Armor on attack phoenixash. Dota and the Dota logo are trademarks and/or registered. Beginning soon, users will be suspended from Dota 2 for 30 days when external tools attached to Dota 2 are detected by the Valve Anti-Cheat system Increased length of forgiveness threshold to reset the severity of communication bans to 3 weeks The quality of the item drops you are eligible for is now tied to your Dota profile level.

So for my hero I based it off of the question;
what is something that can never been touched but always felt?
from the rogue's quest.
The answer?
Dark matter. It's dark matter. Or the force behind it, currently theorised as a possible fifth fundamental force of the universe. And there nobody was surprised.
So here, I present to you

Eleusis, the Void Haunter


Dire Agility
Carry, Escape, Disabler
Base Health: 540
Base Mana: 270
Base Armour: 6
Base Damage: 54-62 (58)
Base Attack Time: 1.7
Range: 225
Movement Speed: 305
Sight: 1800/1800
Attack Point: 0.3/0.47
Cast Point: 0/0.3
Strength: 17 + 2 (65)
Agility: 24 + 3.7 (113)
Intelligence: 20 + 2.4 (78)


Q: Dead Zone
Affects: Units
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes

Eleusis creates a zone of utter darkness, preventing light from reaching in or out. Heroes within the zone cannot see out of it; heroes outside of the zone cannot see within it.
Area: 400/500/600/700
Duration: 6/10/14/18
Mana Cost: 140/150/160/170
Cooldown: 40/35/30/25
Dark matter seeps into the land, returning it to atomic stillness.

W: Dark Matter
Affects: Enemy units
Damage: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No

Eleusis creates a zone of darkness at the targeted area that lasts for 3 seconds. A second cast will teleport him to that zone, dealing damage to enemies within the radius and applying a weak purge to Eleusis.
Range: 500/600/700/800
Damage: 90/165/240/315
Area: 150
Mana Cost: 90
Cooldown: 8
Eleusis slips through the cracks in reality to materialise in full force.

E: Void's Embrace (Passive)
Affects: Enemy units
Damage: Magical
Pierces Spell Immunity: No

The attacks of Eleusis reduce the enemy's vision radius by a percentage, then deal base damage + damage equal to the a quarter of the vision removed.
Base Damage: 5
Night Base Damage: 20
Vision Reduction: 8%/9%/10%/11%
Duration: 40
To be robbed of all sensation, unable to even feel your body being torn apart… a terrible fate indeed.

Ultimate: Empty Spaces
Affects: The UI
Pierces Spell Immunity: Well, technically…

Eleusis envelops the battlefield in still darkness, disabling the minimap for his enemies.
Duration: 20
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 180/150/120
The light shall never rise again.
There are two kinds of people in the world; those who can count, and those who can't.
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+ + = 5750 gold
+ 20 Armor
+ 20% Magic Resist
+ 80 Damage
ACTIVE: JUDGEMENT DAY - Places the attention of the goddess on a select hero for a duration. When the duration ends the hero will be lifted up towards the heavens. They are invulnerable while being Judged. If this hero is an enemy, they'll be branded, reducing all damage output for a short time depending on how much damage they dealt while under the attention of the goddess. If it is an allied hero, they'll granted damage boost for a short time dependant on how much damage they took under the duration.
Attention Duration : 3 seconds
Judgement Duration : 1 second
Damage Reduction per Damage Dealt : 0.02
Damage Boost per Damage Taken : 0.02
Duration of Reduction/Boost : 12 seconds
Manacost: 225 mana
Cooldown: 120 seconds

For crossing swords with others, the goddess will raise you up and smile upon you or inflict a great pain based on the length of your sins.
I'm pretty sure this is broken AF but oh well.

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I am happy to present you my hero:

Wahlkrin Grosetaginkei vin Krein

She is based upon the question: What is something that can never be touched but always felt?
The answer is a classic: Love, friendship and peace.
Notice that I am extremly tired while writing this but I don't know if I will find time in the next few weeks.Now without further ado I present you her lore.

Did anyone read through the lore? Maybe I wrote a bit too much..
Anyways.time to get to her abilities.

Holy Bond

Pierces Spell immunity : No (works like 's - it will persist through magic immunity but can't be casted on magic immune targets.
Affects: Allied heroes
Wahlkrin creates a Holy Bond between her and an allied hero. If one of them receives a buff the other receives it as well.
Mana Cost:70/90/110/130
Through love and friendship everyone is connected – and through Wahlkrin’s magic of course

Spectral Existence

Wahlkrin enters a friendly hero after a short delay. She shares her mana and Hp regeneration with the hero however she is unable to cast any spells while spectral Existence is active. When the hero she is within dies Wahlkrin will also die. Due to her ancestral powers the other hero will respawn 10% faster.
Wahlkrin can only exit after a minimum of 20 seconds have passed and she has to channel 3 seconds before doing so.
Mana Cost:30/60/90/120
Wahlkrin is able to cast spells while spectral existence is active. This means that Holy Bond will affect the hero she is within and another hero she selescts.

Ofan Zahrahmiik (offered sacrifice)

Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Wahlkrin sacrifices parts of her own energy to aid nearby allies
Affected allies will regenerate a percentage of max Mana per second while this ability is active.
They will also receive a movement speed boost. Wahlkrin however will loose mana every second per hero affected by this spell. Likewise she will also loose ms speed per hero affected.
This skill ends prematurely if Wahlkrin runs out of mana or if she cancels it.
Mana Regeneration (Allies):2/4/6/8% of maximum of Mana
Movement Speed Bonus(Allies):3/6/9/12%
Negative Mana Regeneration (Wahlkrin):1.75/2.5/3.25/4% of maximum Mana
Movement Speed Slow (Wahlkrin):4/5/6/7%
Wahlkrin is always willingly to sacrifice her own for the good of others

Drem (withholding aggression)

Affects: Enemy heroes
Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes
Wahlkrin cleanses the mind of an enemy hero of all evil intentions. Overcome by repentance for the crimes committed the enemy will lay down their arms and be unable to interact.
After this time the bad emotions will return but the hero will still feel grieve when attacking therefore his attack damage is reduced by 20%.
As long as this ability is on cooldown the mana used to cast this ability will be locked.
Although being in a weakened state Wahlkrin is able to invoke emotions of friendship and love in even the most savage and devilish creature.

Mana Cost:120/240/360

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I wish someone had told me about the missing information.
I had it all but I forgot to type it in because I had no time.
Well whatever..more chances for the other guys.

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arrival of another Dota 2 patch brings with it Tusk, a new
strength-based melee hero who hurls ice magic at his enemies and has a
deadly Walrus Punch waiting up his sleeve. That’s not something any
injured hero wants coming their way, as it does quadruple damage if its
target has less than half its health remaining. The cooldown for his
powers is very low, the longest being just 50 seconds for Frozen Sigil, a
spell that creates an enormous snowstorm.

Dota 2 Dmg In Single Attack Quest Tusk Trailer


As well as a new hero, the patch cleans up the game’s combat log, making it easier to read and to filter.

you don’t want to hear about that, you want to know about just how
deadly Tusk is. Well, click through and I’ll give you a rundown of his

Tusk’s abilities are:

Ice Shards:
Five shards of ice are packed up into a ball and launched in front of
Tusk. When they strike a hero, or when reach their maximum range, they
spring up to form a barrier that stands for five seconds. The cooldown
on this is just 18 seconds at first level, and is subsequently reduced
to 16, 14 and then 12.

Snowball: This is particularly good fun. Tusk transforms into a giant snowball
and then rolls into an enemy unit, stunning it and any others that get
in the way. But that’s not all, as any nearby allies can also join the
snowball and roll along with you, smashing through creeps and heroes
alike. Ridiculous? Yes, particularly if you’re the one killed by it. The
cooldown on this is just 24 seconds at all levels.

Frozen Sigil:
This area-of-effect sigil brings down a thirty second snowstorm that
slows the movement and attack speed of all enemies caught within it. The
sigil automatically follows Tusk, but can be directed elsewhere. It can
also be destroyed by enemies for a bounty of 90, 100, 110 or 120 gold
dependent upon level, and has 220, 240, 260 or 280 hit points
respectively. With a 50 second cooldown, that means there’s a gap as low
as 20 seconds between active snowstorms. This could be a serious

Walrus Punch:
Tusk’s next melee attack will do triple damage, or quadruple damage if
its target is at less than 50% health. The target is tossed into the air
and slowed for two, three or four seconds, and the cooldown for this is
30, 24 or just 18 seconds respectively.

May 16, 2010  Basically how we go about installing snow leopard on virtualbox is to first install leopard on a “harddisk”(virtualbox harddisk) and then boot up leopard and install snow leopard on another virtualbox harddisk. Installing leopard is generally no problem if you set the virtualbox settings correctly. Install Leopard. Oct 24, 2007  Hey guys, I have already ordered Leopard, but I was wondering how do you install leopard from a.DMG (Like the files the ADC members download) with out burning a DVD? Do you make a new partition or something? I am so confused how this is done, and would really appreciate if someone. Here’s how to do this: Hit the CTRL key on the right hand side of your Keyboard. Right-Clock the CD/DVD icon in the bottom right hand side of your running VM. Select IDE Controller (IDE Primary Master) and select the OS X Snow Leopard ISO file we created in. Left click the RED Apple inside. Feb 26, 2018  I almost pulled my hair out trying to install Snow Leopard into Virtual Box, but with a few minor tweaks I finally made it happen. Installing Mac OS X Snow Leopard in VirtualBox Nissmo 33. Install leopard on virtualbox from a dmg pc. Nov 17, 2011  We’re going to assume you have the Snow Leopard DVD or ISO/DMG handy already, and that you installed VirtualBox, if not get those figured out and proceed: Installing Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in a Virtual Machine. This guide was done in OS X 10.7.2 Lion with the newest version of VirtualBox, it should work to install OS X in Windows too.

Here’s a video of all of these powers in action:

Dota 2 Dmg In Single Attack Quest Tusk Movie

Players of the original Dota will probably remember the Walrus-like Tuskarr, on whom Tusk is based.
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