Does Sion Ult Deal Dmg To Turrets

  1. Does Sion Ult Deal Dmg To Turrets Build

Dec 16, 2012  A hero will do an amount of damage equal to: 40% of their AP (it may be 30%) or 100% of their AD to turrets, whichever is higher. Of course it's reduced by the armor of the turret afterwards, but if a player has 100 AD and 750 AP, they'll do something like 350 damage per hit. This is why silly builds like AP Nasus 2 shot turrets. Sion - 3 sec turret destroyer. Sion build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Sion Strategy Builds and Tools. Apr 12, 2016  6.7 Sion Jungle: Never feel pain again. Sion build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Sion Strategy Builds and Tools. Bonus magic damage on-hit. Damaging abilities or basic attacks grant 1 stack per enemy champion or large monster hit, up to a maximum of 3. At 3 stacks, Mordekaiser gains Darkness Rise for 4 seconds. Further basic attacks and abilities against enemy champions and large monsters refresh the duration. R/DirtySionMains: You play Sion? You belong here! Share your games, share your strategies, cheeses, big plays, guides, etc. Sion is a champion from.


Does Sion Ult Deal Dmg To Turrets Build

Hey there guys!
I was wondering..since everyone*s complaining about OP/UP, I thought about something really useful:
Change the turrets!
Even those last updates kinda didn't bring a thing! So what I'm suggesting is:
- Turrets target champs if those are near turrets even with minions (optional*)
- Turrets target champs who attack you/allies in the turret range even if other enemy champ got agro from your turret (get what I mean :O?)
- Turrets deal DMG in percent and not base DMG so tanks couldn't just stand there and get no DMG (Malphite/Singed/etc.)
- Turrets get more life (optional*)

So before you flame me, 'noob, blabla', I'm not complaining. It's just a simple idea to fix the imbalances. A lot of you guys were pissed off by turret diving huh? Like this situation (yes I was in that situation):
Me (Lux) standing at the turret (mid), defending. Sion (enemy) and Vladimir (enemy) are attacking the turret. Mordekaiser comes out of the jungle and they dive me.. now following: Sion stun, Vlad ult, Morde ult. My actions were Snare+Flash (Sion and Vlad snared AT THE TURRET) Following -> I was stunned between my two turrets with both ultis on me. No big deal, shield + Shens ulti. I survived. My ulti afterwards and low life Vlad was gone.
What's the problem in that situation? Right, NONE of those enemy champs got hit by my turret while being snared right at it!
Wasn't the last update supposed to targed the enemy who hits allies? Well anyway, I suggest such small update and maybe this will change some tactics. Post what you think about it (pros/cons; good idea/bad idea)
PS: I'll say it once more: I AM NOT A NOOB AND I'M NOT WHINING ABOUT TURRET DIVING ! It's a simple suggestion + example. Nothing more
This means, that it CAN be changed if disscussed correctly. I'm not sure about those points, I simply heard what comunity was talking about and put thoose in too.

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