Does Roll20 Have The Dmg

  1. Does Roll20 Have The Dmg Password
  2. Does Roll20 Have The Dmg File

Some frequently asked questions:

What is Emblem20?

Emblem20 is a system of scripts and sheets built for Roll20 for Xeohelios'Fire Emblem Tabletop system, automating most of the complicated calculations that go into one round of combat. This means that you can play fast-paced, full-scale Fire Emblem tabletop campaigns with your friends! As of now, Emblem20 is live on both the Roll20 Character Sheets repository and the Roll20 API Scripts Repository, and can be added to a game on the main site. However, I can't guarantee those will always be 100% up-to-date, as pull requests only really get merged around Wednesday or so and I'm constantly making changes and updating things, etc. General rule of thumb is that this repository will have the newest updates, but the version on Roll20 will be the easiest to add to your game (and the most stable, probably).

We also have a Discord server! Check it out!

What Fire Emblem era/system does Emblem20 use?

Emblem20 is a mixture of Awakening/Fates mechanics (as per the original tabletop system) and GBA (FE6-8) mechanics, as well as a handful of homebrew fluff I've added myself. In the future, I plan to have different 'packages' for different Fire Emblem game playstyles. Right now, mechanics include:

Good day all you Roll20 Redditors! A few weeks ago I added a new member to our group who decided to play a rogue - and to make life easier on us (and him) I found a string of logic to add when he makes his attacks that will prompt him if he's got Sneak Attack - and if he does - it will automatically roll the damage for that. The Roll20 version of the PHB does not include a pdf as someone suggested below (there are no official PDFs of WOTC 5e books). Whether it is worth $30 is up to you and how you play. I constantly reference spells and work with lots of players every day, so having digital drag and drop access (plus now full Charactermancer support to level 20) to.

  • 3 weapon triangles! The melee triangle (swords, axes, lances), the magic triangle (anima, light, dark), and the ranged weapon triangle (bows, daggers, firearms).
  • Different healing and status staves
  • Different promotional items for each class
  • Light tomes deal little damage with a wide range, and dark tomes gain stacking bonuses when being used against another tome-user.
  • Firearms don't use strength in their calculations, instead running off of pure Might, and are counted as a separate damage type.
  • Weapon usabilty checking based on class and weapon rank. Not implemented yet for staves, but implemented for normal battle.
  • Broken weapons have 'broken' appended to their names when they run out of uses, and their rank is set UU (unusable)! This allows for them to be repaired at the GM's discretion (or alternatively, deleted).
  • A fully-fledged, dynamic skills system allowing for the creation of custom skills! See the wiki for more details!

To Do

  • Finish all of the goals for the Tellius Package and release a beta build of that
  • Finish tweaking stuff for the Classic Package, which is more or less basically the more rulebook-adherent version of the Basic Package.
  • Add more skills to the wiki!
  • Eventually figure out a good way to handle 'aura' skills (Hex, Charm, etc.)
  • Add different 'FE Era packages'- one with pure Fates mechanics, pure Tellius mechanics, etc.
  • Stat initialization before adding a character's class for the possibility of creating attackable obstacles (alternatively, add an 'object' class with no stats?)
  • Add a glossary of terms to the wiki so players unfamiliar with FE terms can have a quick reference point.


Now that it's up on Roll20, you can easily add Emblem20 to your game! Be warned, adding the full system requires a premium or a pro account.

DoesDoes Roll20 Have The Dmg
  1. When you open up your game management screen on Roll20, click on the dropdown to the right. You should see the Game Settings option. Open that up.
  2. On your game settings, search for Fire Emblem Tabletop. Select that option.
  3. Now go back to the game management screen, and click on API scripts. (Requires a pro account!!) Click on Roll20 script library, and search for Fire Emblem Tabletop Combat Script. Add that to your game!
  4. Go into your game, and click to the macros tab. Copy-paste these macros into your game- the scripts won't work without them otherwise.

Play minecraft games. Attack

!combat @{selected token_id} @{target token_id}


!item @{selected token_id} ?{Item @{selected item_name0} @{selected item_name1} @{selected item_name2}}

Does Roll20 Have The Dmg Password


!staff @{selected token_id} @{target token_id}


!skill @{selected token_id} @{target token_id}


!forecast @{selected token_id} @{target token_id}


!view @{selected token_id} @{target token_id}


!stats @{selected token_id} ?{Hit Modifier: @{selected hitmod} + 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5} ?{Crit Modifier: @{selected critmod} + 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5} ?{Avoid Modifier: @{selected avomod} + 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5} ?{Dodge Modifier: @{selected ddgmod} + 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5} ?{Damage Modifier: @{selected dmgmod} + 0 1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4}


!exp @{selected token_id} ?{Add EXP }

*I suggest making this one only viewable by the GM, since they'll be doing a lot of background work with this macro.

  1. For convenience' sake, check the box that says 'Show as token action' for each macro. Make sure to select the token you're using before taking any actions.

  2. Finally, pull up the turn order by clicking the clock icon on the sidebar, and click the blue settings icon. Add a custom item named Turn Counter with the formula +1.

Does Roll20 Have The Dmg File

And you're done! If you want the latest updates and tweaks to Emblem20, feel free to individually copy the character sheet and API scripts; just be warned that they may be a little less than stable.

The macros and their linked scripts will not work properly on a token if it's not linked to a character in the Journal.

Have fun!

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