Does Crit Power Increase Backstab Dmg For Shade

Does crit power increase backstab dmg for shade 1

Jul 04, 2018  In every other game, 20% crit power would increase the total damage of the crit by 20%. In Vermintide, 10% crit power just increases the bonus damage from the crit. Get dmg file from yosemite zip on windows. So an attack does 10 damage, 15 damage with crit. 20% crit power increases the bonus crit from 5 to 6 for a total of a whopping extra single damage. And of course that only works on.

Does Crit Power Increase Backstab Dmg For Shade 3

edited April 2017 in TERA PC - General Discussion
As the title says, more power or more critical for VALKYRIE?


  • All power, duh. At least for pve. I don't have a single crit roll on anything except gloves and use crit vyrsks with priest, powerful with mystic.
  • I begin to wonder to add crit power at some point and some critical factor to stop looking at white numbers.
    You dont need to reach 200 to make a good amount of damage on guile so I will try to figure out what woukd be best to get, some increase on critical factor or rather more critical power.
    Several skills that crits more of the time with +60 critical factor coul get better damage from critical factor rather than power.
    Does anyone out of Korea had tried some critical power?
  • I begin to wonder to add crit power at some point and some critical factor to stop looking at white numbers.
    You dont need to reach 200 to make a good amount of damage on guile so I will try to figure out what woukd be best to get, some increase on critical factor or rather more critical power.
    Several skills that crits more of the time with +60 critical factor coul get better damage from critical factor rather than power.
    Does anyone out of Korea had tried some critical power?

    Don't. Stacking crit higher than +50 on valk is pointless and actually lowers your dps.
  • Shining Crescent and Runeburst will always crit as long as you detonate full runemark stacks from behind.
    Building crit only increases your chance to crit, but the only skills that really matters are Glaive strike and Maelstrom, maybe Spinning Death. Blood Flower also does decent damage when they crit often as well.
    However, to have more consistent crit for those skills to matter, from what I've tested in KTERA and NA,
    Glaive Strike already is pretty good, but its crit rate is more stable at 120+
    Maelstrom crits a bit better when crit factor is 120+, but even more consistently when around 180+
    Spinning Death varied a lot. I should test more but I'm guessing this crits better at 180+
    Bloodflower seemed to crit better staring 150+
    If you've went full crit setup as valkyrie, you will notice that your crit rate doesnt really improve that much, and since most of your Damage comes from Shining Crescent and Runeburst (as well as Glaive strike), you really don't need to invest on crit factor. In fact, crit factor actually result in DPS loss by great amount.
    As for Crit Power, where would you get those from? Rings and necklace have 0.04/0.02/0.01 but I'd rather get 4/2 Power over those.
    Don't even think about 0.3 crit power on weapon.
    The only other crit power boost is Bloodflower's glyph that raises its crit power by 2, but.. Hmmm..
  • @Idi0ticGenius
    Thank You for the info.
    To tell you the truth I only have the crit 4/4 jewellery and 3/6 belt and brooch, also from gloves and something else that i am forgeting.
    Then If i change 24 critical factor for 12 power would be better for what you have told me.
    Thank You again.
  • If you truly want to maximize your damage potential, ignoring crit factor for full power is optional, but I can't guarantee you the consistency in some skills including Shining Crescent and Rune burst.
    I've noticed that at the very base crit factor (58), they're not exactly 100% crit rate but maybe something like 90%. They sure do crit often so that it seem 100%, but in simulated calculation that ketoth made showed something like 95% and in-game testing with 100 cast (at least 200 hits on SC and 700 hits on RB), there were like few hits that did not crit, where the 100 casts test concluded 97% or something.
    so there's actually very slim chance for them not to crit, and having some crit factor helps with consistency with Glaive strike's crit rate which helps greatly in damage yield.
    I would like to see other tests people have done though, having multiple sample may help with putting thoughts to it.
  • @Idi0ticGenius
    Then do you recomend me to stay with my +65 crit factor?
  • the reason why I recommended having around that much is because people will struggle with critting due to desync and such. it counters side/front white damage so that you wont suffer in massive dps loss.
    If you are already comfortable with the class, and understand the basic rotation to build on as well as the concept of its gameplay, you can go with BiS build (rolling 4/4 on ring, 6/3 on belt and brooch).
    If you are aiming for true maximum, you can aim for 4/2 and 3/2 for ring/brooch/belt. the real trade off is 20 crit to 8 power.
    8 power is roughly 2.5~2.7% damage boost per hit. (I'm just assuming by lazy math saying 3 power is roughly 1% damage gain.)
    I think you'd have +30 crit factor even if you go full power rolls, so I guess it's fine.
  • Power. Crescent slash and runeburst is like 70-80% of all ur dmg and its crit rate is like 100% at just 100 crit total. Only thing that matters is ragnarok maelstrom crescent slash and runeburst. Everything else is a rune stacking filler or a dmg booster i.e. triple spin glyph, dark herald glyph, backstab dmg boost glyph b4 u use crescent slash or runeburst
  • you want to get about +40-60 critical rating and full on power. its really easy to get too! i love valkyrie so much that if it got nerfed as hard as slayers i would still main it.
  • I went full power with mine and usually maintain 2mil+ crit, highest I've gotten is I think 19mil. VERY happy with those numbers
    I don't remember my crit factor but I think it's below +50, can't remember, could be higher
    Power is +166 I think, somewhere around there, full +12 guile and gate jewels
    Crit power is +1.24 I think, just from the class itself I guess, I know when I wasn't 65 yet it was +016 or something
  • Reminds me of ninja at launch, ninjas used to crit nonstop anything.
    At least for now I would also just hit around 200 crit and then go power, maybe after the usual nerfs the builds could change to a typical crit focused one, but for now I'll go mostly on power.
    Specially when leveling you kinda wanna ignore crit rates cause Avatar weapons are pure crits.
  • I begin to wonder to add crit power at some point and some critical factor to stop looking at white numbers.
    You dont need to reach 200 to make a good amount of damage on guile so I will try to figure out what woukd be best to get, some increase on critical factor or rather more critical power.
    Several skills that crits more of the time with +60 critical factor coul get better damage from critical factor rather than power.
    Does anyone out of Korea had tried some critical power?

    Don't. Stacking crit higher than +50 on valk is pointless and actually lowers your dps.

    Is it? I haven't been focusing on crit and I'm over +50
  • I begin to wonder to add crit power at some point and some critical factor to stop looking at white numbers.
    You dont need to reach 200 to make a good amount of damage on guile so I will try to figure out what woukd be best to get, some increase on critical factor or rather more critical power.
    Several skills that crits more of the time with +60 critical factor coul get better damage from critical factor rather than power.
    Does anyone out of Korea had tried some critical power?

    Don't. Stacking crit higher than +50 on valk is pointless and actually lowers your dps.

    Is it? I haven't been focusing on crit and I'm over +50

    Everything rolled well and a quat+ you would be at a maximum of +52 if you don't go with any double power rolls.
  • Does anyone out of Korea had tried some critical power?
    I wonder about this too, being one of the many who probably are unable to get 4power/2power rolls on their rings over a reasonable amount SES.
    I did watch one KTera Valk streamer (3.6mil Nightmare Lache back in Januaray), and looked at their current stats. They had 0 bonuses to their Crit Power.
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in TERA PC - General Discussion
How much Crit factor is considered decent before you start investing points into power or how much power/fact should one have?
I'm a ninja if that matters.


Does Crit Power Increase Backstab Dmg For Shade Of Light

  • If this helps I'm a reaper and recently I've tried to replace my crit build with power and it was a up! I went 4 power vyrsks and power jewelry and I thought that: 'Now I will beat a [filtered] of EVERYTHING >:) '.. My crit was near +100. But it was awful. I felt myself as a child with a wooden weapon.. O.o Then I disposed all my items and build a crit +150 and there was a lot of the difference. I think reapers are kinda similar to ninjas so.. Just don't repeat my mistake! Now I'm dreaming of crit line +300 and then I probably begin to BEAT A [filtered].. oh, sorry, I'm slightly carried away you get my point, right?
  • for most classes there is a balance, I do not know how much crit you need for ninja and reaper, but remember, no matter what people say about crit, if that atk was going to crit, it will crit harder with power.. like this whole all crit on warriors fad, i am at over 260 crit with mixed, i crit a lot. and my power makes it crit harder. just remember that.. feel it out for yourself, tell where your balance is with your class, when you see yourself critting the majority of the time, then start going power. crit has diminishing returns.. i am not a expert on every class, i am just putting in that you do not want to put everything you have into crit if you are already critting.
  • Don't think about power unless you play gunner and warrior ( in some cases)
  • Well then i wasted all that time farming powervain (+ rerolling perfect stats) as a reaper? Currently sitting at 220+ Crit Factor. Guess i have to start pvping for that shadowmaze sets then

Does Crit Power Increase Backstab Dmg For Shade 1

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