Dmg Dog Armor Fallout 4

Tired of your companion succumbing to the dangers of the wasteland of Fallout 4? Did you stumble across some super mutant or dog armor and wonder how to get your companions to wear them? It’s actually fairly simple, but not as easy as just passing the items to them and hoping that they use them. Instead you have to specifically choose to have them equip armor and other gear. Here’s a quick guide on how to put armor and gear on Dogmeat, or any other companion in Fallout 4.


To do this simply walk up to the companion and select the option to transfer items. Most players will simply transfer the item over thinking the companion will equip them, but instead you have to push the button displayed at the bottom that specifically makes them equip it. This should be Y on Xbox One, Triangle on PS4, and T on PC.

May 13, 2016  First off I'm not very experienced in modding Fallout 4, so there's a decent chance I did something wrong along the way, and there's also a decent chance I'll have no idea how to fix some issues that might crop up, I'll greatly appreciate any help should anything go wrong with this mod. Nov 12, 2015  Here's how to get his fashionable raider warrior dog metal armor! In Fallout 4 you can equip your companions with all sorts of armor and our trusty dog companion.

Sep 21, 2017  Destiny 2 Massive Breakdown Weapon Stats Spreadsheet With the arrival of Destiny 2 comes a new and improved spreadsheet, with all of the info. Oct 24, 2018  The toughest thing about understanding random rolls in Destiny 2: Forsaken is looking into the purely stat-focused perks like barrel and magazine. It’s easy to look at a gun that has Outlaw. Shotguns randomly does half dmg destiny 2 free. 99% of the guns you come across in Year 2 and Year 3 content will be random-rolled. To put it another way, each of a gun's perk choices - a barrel perk, a magazine perk and two weapon trait perks - are randomly determined at the time the gun drops. Each gun will have a specific pool of perks that it can roll from in each slot.

If the item is equippable for that particular companion, so human items for a human/ghoul, dog items for Dogmeat, and super mutant items for Strong, then it should work immediately. Having your companions use this armor and gear should make them much tougher during your travels, so it’s almost essential in the later portions of the game.

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Dmg Dog Armor Fallout 4 Mods

Of course, it’s not like your companion can die in Fallout 4, and most are pretty useless in combat, so maybe the fun of watching them kneel down in the middle of a fight is worth just skipping this entirely. Probably not, but I just had to vent.

Fallout 4 Armor Mods

- This article was updated on:April 17th, 2017

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