Divcinity 2 Elf Range Dmg Buff Combo

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Divinity 2 Elf Range Dmg Buff Combo 2017

in Necromancer

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I am aware i am against the current of opinions on what should be changed on reaper but i believe going back into into shroud camping isnt going to happen.
And this brings us to topic,which i believe while the dmg boost been nice i think they should crank it up a little more.
Taking into account that survivability been shot and that our survivability options are subpar,anet should increase the dmg further to make reaper the one thing people should be afraid to allow to reach them.
Another 20% dmg increase while in shroud should be in order to make it even with the drawbacks,and perhaps a little more wouldnt hurt either.
In wvw enviroment as it is now protection drops reaper back where it was dmg wise and weakness pretty much shuts it down.
Adding into the mix that there isnt any external factor to boost shroud to compensate in heavy fights,shows up that reaper is on a disadvantage playstyle wise.
Thus why i believe reaper should be further solidified on an assasin playstyle by increasing the dmg more and leaving it as glass as it is.
It will encourage players to play smarter to be able to deliver the payload,and feel rewarding everytime you are succeeding.
A thief can drop an unsuspecting player anyways with a safe way to deliver the backstab,reaper without a safe way should be brought up considering there is no way to cheese in the burst.
Thats my opinion on it,discuss


Divinity 2 Elf Range Dmg Buff Combo Reviews

  • All reaper really needs is some cooldowns reduced imo

  • I wish Shouts did more for Power builds they could rework them to be better than Wells. It'd be cool if Augury of Death, and Shouts were worth it.

    Making an exe to a dmg file. Making the 'Nothing Can Save You!' Shout increase your damage by 10%-15% for 5 Seconds, and remove the Boon conversion to Vulnerably, and make it a base 5 Vulnerability to 5 targets near.

    Could make 'You Are All Weaklings!' Still break stun, but give the Might to allies as well.

    I think 'Rise!', 'Chilled to the Bone!', and 'Suffer!' are fine though.

    Augury of Death could still reduce Shout recharge, but instead of reduced recharge per enemy hit, it could do a base 20%-33% reduction. It could keep the Life Siphon, but also add a 150-250 Ferocity buff whenever you use a Shout for 5 seconds.

    These changes may be overpowered, underpowered, or mess up current builds, but I just wish Shouts were used in PvE.

  • edited November 23, 2017

    @grave of hearts.7830 said:
    Another 20% dmg increase while in shroud should be in order to make it even with the drawbacks,and perhaps a little more wouldnt hurt either.
    In wvw enviroment as it is now protection drops reaper back where it was dmg wise and weakness pretty much shuts it down.
    Adding into the mix that there isnt any external factor to boost shroud to compensate in heavy fights,shows up that reaper is on a disadvantage playstyle wise.
    Thus why i believe reaper should be further solidified on an assasin playstyle by increasing the dmg more and leaving it as glass as it is.
    It will encourage players to play smarter to be able to deliver the payload,and feel rewarding everytime you are succeeding.
    A thief can drop an unsuspecting player anyways with a safe way to deliver the backstab,reaper without a safe way should be brought up considering there is no way to cheese in the burst.
    Thats my opinion on it,discuss

    I experience that Power Reaper is at a critical point in terms of being able to outsustain opponents (not even talking about being focused by multiple targets). More shroud damage would not help that much in PvP (but would be nice in PvE of course), because if your opponent does not block, evade, invuln. your shroud burst can kill him in 2 seconds now (damage is so insane, you can basically ignore weakness or protection).

    I honestly would not know what to do with even more shroud damage in PvP because when I lose a fight, it's because I lacked sustain - like could not survive multiple thief engages (because I ran out of cooldowns) or the 6+5 (11) sec. ranger invuln. or 10 sec. DH block uptime wrecked me..

    @TheDevice.2751 said:
    All reaper really needs is some cooldowns reduced imo

    This would be the smart way because it creates more options for PvP and increases the damage for PvE.

  • If a class is slow as kitten, casting times are long as kitten, CDs are high as kitten and has almost no mobility options, it MUST hit reaaaally hard at meele range.
    But ofc, gw2 devs don't understand basic logic.

  • @vicious.5683 said:
    If a class is slow as kitten, casting times are long as kitten, CDs are high as kitten and has almost no mobility options, it MUST hit reaaaally hard at meele range.
    But ofc, gw2 devs don't understand basic logic.

    Devs logic: 'When you all will have mastered the shroud, you'll understand.'

    5 years of game: 'Okay, seem like the necromancers finally mastered the shroud after all our balance. Time to introduce an e-spec that don't use the shroud and fu*k up the shroud as they know it!'

  • edited November 23, 2017

    i do quote at 100% the two comments above mine!!!

    then, to discuss the main topic this thread is for, i got your logic but i still think that to do damage you need to stay alive and with the 5% decay it is not possible in any game mode (but maybe when u farm champions in cursed shore)

  • Changes that would help:
    Reaper's Might: SKILL 1 gives might.
    Spiteful Talisman: Deal 10% to enemies with boons, 15% to enemies without boons.
    Unholy Fervor: deal increased damage (+10% as is) to enemies with vulnerability (not weapon specific) + the axe skills recharge buff.
    Close to Death: deals +10% to enemies with less than 75% health, +20% to enemies below 50% health and +30% to enemies below 25%.
    Change the health stealing values to a % of your health instead of a static number. Vampiric would steal 1-2% of your health value and Vampiric Presence would steal 3-5% (this latter being a decent party buff).
    Reaper's Onslought: Speed and Ferocity buffs apply outside of shroud when entering combat, AND to allies (should help with overall attack speed in lieu of a chronomancer or allow the chronomancer to focus more on applying alacricity).

    At face value, these figures may seem overpowered but considering the lack of defenses, I don't think these would pose game breaking changes in PvP/WvW. Or they could have these traits split from PvP/WvW.

  • @Methuselah.4376 said:
    Changes that would help:
    Reaper's Might: SKILL 1 gives might.
    Spiteful Talisman: Deal 10% to enemies with boons, 15% to enemies without boons.
    Unholy Fervor: deal increased damage (+10% as is) to enemies with vulnerability (not weapon specific) + the axe skills recharge buff.
    Close to Death: deals +10% to enemies with less than 75% health, +20% to enemies below 50% health and +30% to enemies below 25%.
    Change the health stealing values to a % of your health instead of a static number. Vampiric would steal 1-2% of your health value and Vampiric Presence would steal 3-5% (this latter being a decent party buff).
    Reaper's Onslought: Speed and Ferocity buffs apply outside of shroud when entering combat, AND to allies (should help with overall attack speed in lieu of a chronomancer or allow the chronomancer to focus more on applying alacricity).

    At face value, these figures may seem overpowered but considering the lack of defenses, I don't think these would pose game breaking changes in PvP/WvW. Or they could have these traits split from PvP/WvW.

    Reaper's might is a nice change.
    That Spiteful Talisman change is way too much. Just increase it to 10% without boons.
    Changing Unholy Fervor isn't going to happen now we have Awaken the Pain, mainly because there would be no reason to take AtP over UF.
    I can definitely get on board with Close to Death change.
    190/380 health per hit base health from vampiric. 570 - 950 per hit base health from vampiric aura. I don't need to tell you that this is far too powerful.
    Reaper's Onslaught sadly wouldn't change how Chrono's play. Since these attack speed increases don't stack, Chronos will continue as they do now and alacrity upkeep is already assisted by a condi renegade.

    'Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.'

  • PvE (to gain better group utilities)

    • Vampiric Presence: in addition to the normal effect it should increase the crit chance against bleeding targets by 10% or scaling with the bleeding stack (to let Soul Eater challange Decimate Defense's supremacy)
    • Vampiric Rituals: in addition to the normal effect it should decrease toughness on foes standing on necro's dark fields

    PvP (to fight degen)

    • Revert Chilling Victory ICD nerf (from 2 sec to 1)
    • Let Blighter's Boon give Life Force and health without shroud/difference, doubling the actual healing and LF value. 1sec ICD
  • edited November 23, 2017

    Just make Decimate Defenses double the benefit of vulnerability fot the necromancer. It's a 25% damage buff at full vulnerability stacks, which brings the reaper closer to competitive even if it still won't touch holosmith or dragonhunter

    Move Soul Eater to Adept trait and make chilling nova merged with shivers of dread.

  • Adding mobility+reasonable sustain would be better to begin with.
    More damage isn´t needed because when reaper hits, it hurts.

    'I´m not big on sermons nor words, Broken bones teach better lessons and speak for themselves.'

  • @Arzurag.7506 said:
    Adding mobility+reasonable sustain would be better to begin with.

    Necro, reaper, Scourge need this. Not just Reaper. Lack of sustain and mobility really kills the specs as they are just too easy to kite to death

  • @Arzurag.7506 said:
    Adding mobility+reasonable sustain would be better to begin with.
    More damage isn´t needed because when reaper hits, it hurts.

    It hurts? No. Not even on static targets.

  • We already know all suggestions we make are ignored by 99.9%.
    Point of it beeing it is already proven that the developers do not wish to go with our wishes and instead they are balancing it according to theyr agenda.
    A guy above posted that the dmg outperforms protection and weakness,that is completely not the case since it is extremely hard to take out a scourge on a 1v1 senario with the dmg output beeing gutted by 33% from protection plus weakness.
    Personaly best i ever got was to get scourge to retreat because he run out of lifeforce,but chasing a scourge is out of the question when there is a trail right behind him applying conditions.
    As i mentioned in the first post,the drop from protection and weakness on dmg in combination with the nerfed shroud creates situations for reaper that cant be changed by boosting survivability and plague sending might cover one instance of weakness but wont do anything for the next 2 shades thrown at you.
    Now as far mobility,i am pretty much certain we wont be allowed to have that either outside a spec we will have to pay for.
    I am annoyed as much as any necromancer when the enemy gets a 1200+ gap which i cant overcome because there isnt anything on par on the necro kit that can close the distance,but at the same time if you see it from an overall perspective wvw is plagued by people and builds relying on escaping.
    Adding one more class that can just run away isnt a healthy way of promoting competition.
    If we cant have further mobility to chase,and survivability to bruise and dps is barely there then shroud dmg should be boosted even further or the might stack generation to be increased further to reduce the crank up duration reaper has.
    Anet already pushed reaper down the power path,they need to make it solid to be the go to option when you need a period of heavy melee dps.

  • ignoring suggestions is the fastest way to push players to other games, i wonder if that is why they get payed for.

  • @ilmau.9781 said:

    ignoring suggestions is the fastest way to push players to other games, i wonder if that is why they get payed for.

    This is spoken like someone who truly doesn't understand what is happening. The game doesn't appeal ONLY to you, or even the army of people that dislike the change to Reaper. Every change is met with positive and negative .. so to be honest, there isn't any reason for Anet to simply read the negative comments on the forum and make a game decision on that. If you honestly believe that the reaper is ruined, you have to wait until Anet comes to that conclusion too .. through their process of collecting data from the game. Not from immature rants and one line quips on the forums. Furthermore, if you want to contribute to the process of improving that .. then spending more time playing what you think is ruined vs. attempting a predestined failure of a forum revolution is what you should be doing.

    If you think balancing is only driven by performance and justified by comparisons to other classes then prepare to be educated:

  • @Obtena.7952 said:

    @ilmau.9781 said:

    ignoring suggestions is the fastest way to push players to other games, i wonder if that is why they get payed for.

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    This is spoken like someone who truly doesn't understand what is happening. The game doesn't appeal ONLY to you, or even the army of people that dislike the change to Reaper. Every change is met with positive and negative .. so to be honest, there isn't any reason for Anet to simply read the negative comments on the forum and make a game decision on that. If you honestly believe that the reaper is ruined, you have to wait until Anet comes to that conclusion too .. through their process of collecting data from the game. Not from immature rants and one line quips on the forums. Furthermore, if you want to contribute to the process of improving that .. then spending more time playing what you think is ruined vs. attempting a predestined failure of a forum revolution is what you should be doing.

    i play a lot of hours every day, i tested it already in any way beafore come here and complain. R E A P E R D O N O T W O R K.

    In any game mode nor in WvW nor in PvP and it is clearly not working either in PvE, and consider that the change was clearly made to make it viable for PvE raids.. Reaper was a decent class for WvW and PvP and a bad one for PvE, to try make it viable for PvE they destroyed the WvW and PvP builds in top of that the result is not even viable in PvE. So i am asking you, how can you call such events? epic fail.

    They should rollback it asap, the 28 would be great and say they are sorry and did a terrible work, then work out somethind decent. That what a serious company would do.

  • @vicious.5683 said:

    @Arzurag.7506 said:
    Adding mobility+reasonable sustain would be better to begin with.
    More damage isn´t needed because when reaper hits, it hurts.

    It hurts? No. Not even on static targets.

    Everything up to 20k+ on one attack is hard hitting which is equal to high damage.
    At least in my opinion.
    DPS is another story though.
    Unfortunately, these hard-hitting attacks have long charge times, clearly telegraphed and are melee.

    'I´m not big on sermons nor words, Broken bones teach better lessons and speak for themselves.'

  • No. He needs defensive buff. Every class is able to oneshot you

  • reaper needs a reverse nerf to the shoud regen.. the entire reaper spec (any of them) is built around using shroud to do your heavy damage. As it stands right now, they nerfed the drain on shroud 67% which means when you pop it. you may be lucky to get one rotation off.. maybe 6 skills at max then you are out of shroud and usually running away or dead. The main point of having reaper shroud was supposed to be that YOU WERE IN SHROUD DOING YOUR DAMAGE and pop out only when you need to drop marks to build up shroud to get back into the fight.. now you are constantly OUT OF SHROUD.. in other words.. you are a reaper no more. I was forced to go scourge and i really do not like it.. but i will play it in hopes that they will revert the shroud nerf. but if they nerf scourge again they are going to lose a TON of players.

  • @ilmau.9781 said:

    ignoring suggestions is the fastest way to push players to other games, i wonder if that is why they get payed for.

    This. exactly I have been playing reaper for about a year and a half now since i came back from a hiatus (pc died) and i built my toon as a reaper tank. Now even with full ascended dire or even trailblazers.. i cant keep shroud up more than 5 skills.. or one rotation, thats if i am lucky enough to get that one full rotation off. Already thought about going back to wow.. but i dunno. Still considering it and watching this Tue patch for indications that they may revert some of the changes to reaper.

  • everyone* here is correct. core/reaper/scourge need about 5k-7k dps increase (via new dmg trait modifiers), reworked weapon skills (added active defense, mobility, blast finishers) and reduced utility skill cooldowns and had some better dps utilities options (as well as invuln panic button). barrier needs to take over falling damage and reduce inc dmg by 50% like shroud. also lifesteal damage needs to be able to crit so the vamp aura gets useful in group play. but i said EVERYONE here is correct which means the claim that 99.9% of suggestions on this forum are ignored is also true. but i had a blast reading through this thread, i'm happy to see more people joining me in The Nihilist Necro Club. I rarely mark posts as 'helpful', but ones made by Dadnir and Vicious are sick and i have no regrets lmao

    *not really

    'clang clang shriiiiek clang!' -Belinda Delaqua
    When I join your LFG

  • @trueanimus.4085 said:

    @ilmau.9781 said:

    ignoring suggestions is the fastest way to push players to other games, i wonder if that is why they get payed for.

    This. exactly I have been playing reaper for about a year and a half now since i came back from a hiatus (pc died) and i built my toon as a reaper tank. Now even with full ascended dire or even trailblazers.. i cant keep shroud up more than 5 skills.. or one rotation, thats if i am lucky enough to get that one full rotation off. Already thought about going back to wow.. but i dunno. Still considering it and watching this Tue patch for indications that they may revert some of the changes to reaper.

    same here, i never played this week and if things not change with the 28/11 patch i will continue not to play nor buying anything till Reaper is viable again.

    Sorry guys but i do play this game for the Reaper and the Reaper only, even if i have every class/spec ready to use i do not find them fun, so i play Reaper or i do not play.


Divinity 2 Elf Range Dmg Buff Combo Reviews

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