Diablo 3 More Dmg To Elites


Jul 24, 2019 3) Getting elites in the middle of the pack: You need the WD to move with you on the elites, and max the dps from area dmg ON the elites. Either the barb will help you to rageflip then in right in the middle, otherwise you need to communicate well with the WD and move with him.

One of my favorite things that keeps pulling me back to Diablo 3 is how fun it is to theorycraft and analyze all of the different values that are well documented either in game or by other nerds like me posting in forums. It's fun to break everything down and use basic math skills to determine what I can do with my characters to increase their power level.

My monk has 40% Critical Chance + 400% Critical Damage + 25% (Damage Against Elite) from soj. I wanted to increase 'Damage Against Elite' since it's all about elite fight this game. What is i put a Diamond into my off hand weapon this will 'Increase' against Elite to 45% but 'Lower' my critical damage. So here are the break down. Elites in Diablo 3 have a 'reflects damage' affix. What resist or setup do you need to reduce that damage? How Does One Reduce Reflects-Damage Affix Damage? Ask Question Asked 7 years, 2 months ago. It works wonder well:D even though I do a lot more dmg with +X% dmg to cold skills. Which isn't calculated in the info screen. Base dmg is always better because your other elemental and elite dmg is added to your base, lets say you have 100k base dmg with 50% ele and 50% elite you end up with 225k ele elite dmg. With 10% higher base dmg it would be 247.5k but with 10% elite dmg instead only 240k. Plus, elite dmg is only against elites of course.

I also enjoy sharing my findings with the community, as I've done in the past: /r/diablo3/comments/abtpaf/diablo_3_greater_rift_scaling_guide/

I make no claims of any of these ideas being completely original, but they are relatively new to me at the time of writing, and I did the work of figuring things out on my own. Anyone can hit up Google and try to find the answer, but I'm weird like that. If I don't understand the process of getting to that answer, how am I to trust that they didn't make a mistake?

This guide is for everyone out there who, like me, have been curious about just how valuable this stat really is.


From the ingame tooltip: 'All attacks have a 20% chance to also deal ___% of the damage to enemies within 10 yards.'

This means different things to different builds and classes. To a Condemn Crusader, it means the more density and the more enemies they hit, the more Area Damage procs they can get. If they fight 5 or more enemies, they have a good chance to proc Area Damage with each attack. If they fight 10, they have a good chance to get 2 Area Damage procs for each attack, and so on. For a Condemn Crusader with 100% Area Damage, this nearly triples the damage of Condemn, and it actually is for all enemies but the 2 it was procced off of. Area Damage scales amazingly with AoE and density.

To an Impale Demon Hunter, it means something different. It means that if they can 1-shot an enemy, then at 100% Area Damage they have a 1 in 5 chance to 1-shot all the enemies within 10 yards. This is amazing for a fast-hitting elite hunter that is limited on how many enemies they can hit with each attack, often with lesser enemies blocking attacks on elites. However, to a rift guardian killer, it means nothing unless they get a rift guardian that spawns lots of adds. Otherwise, it's completely wasted. Area Damage is good for everyone, so long as you are fighting more than one enemy at a time.

There are a few different values that are necessary for determining the effectiveness Area Damage. How many enemies are hit, how many enemies are in 10-yard Area Damage range, and how much total Area Damage you have:

EP = Enemies Procced (20%)

ER = Enemies in Range hit by area damage

AD = Area Damage

Diablo 3 More Dmg To Elites 1

EH = Enemies Hit by the player

DMG% = Percent damage vs hitting a single enemy.

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

For example, with the free 50% Area Damage everyone gets from paragon, a Crusader hitting 5 enemies with Condemn:

Why do pykes do so much dmg lyrics Duskblade-mobis-Essence reaver-youmuus-situational-situational. Because I like to absolutely wreck people early+late game, and it works wonders. God I love silver.

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 50 + 5 * 100 = DMG%

200 + 500 = 700%

All 5 enemies get hit with 100% damage from Condemn, and 4 out of 5 get hit with 50% Area Damage. So just how effective is it? Well, if Area Damage was 0%, the total damage would be 500%.

700 / 500 = 1.4

That's right! Just those 50 points from paragon gives us 40% more damage against 5 enemies. Let's check out a realistic scenario for the Impale Demon Hunter. 1 Enemy Hit, 5 in range:

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 50 + 1 * 100 = DMG%

200 + 100 = 300%

Triple Damage! Well…every 5 hits…let's add up 5 hits…

100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 500 @ 0 Area Damage

100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 300 = 700 @ 50 Area Damage

700 / 500 = 1.4

Yes, same as the AoE scenario. It is 80% as effective as its Area Damage value. If we double enemies hit by Area Damage:

Condemn – 10 enemies (8 hit by AD):

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

2 * 8 * 50 + 10 * 100 = DMG%

800 + 1000 = 1800%

1800 / 1000 = 1.8

Impale with 9 enemies (8 hit by AD):

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 8 * 50 + 1 * 100 = DMG%

400 + 100 = 500%

100 + 100 + 100+ 100 + 500 = 900%

900 / 500 = 1.8

80% more damage. This is why it truly shines with density. But how does it scale with additional Area Damage on Gear?


(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 100 + 5 * 100 = DMG%

400 + 500 = 900%


(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 100 + 1 * 100 = DMG%

400 + 100 = 500%

100 + 100 + 100+ 100 + 500 = 900%

900 / 500 = 1.8

It scales with gear similarly to how it scales with density. It's worth noting that it is affected by diminishing returns. The first 50% gives you 40% more damage. The second 50% gives you 1.8 / 1.4 = 1.286, or 28.6% more damage. Again, it is exactly 80% as effective as its Area Damage value. We can use this to make a new formula to actually compare values:


So, we all get 50% Area Damage from paragon, and as you can see it is very effective. However, it is situational, and so it is important to be able to estimate just how much more damage you will get by rolling off one of your stats to get more.

If we take our new formula and plug in the amount of Area Damage you're thinking about rolling for such as shoulders with 20% Area Damage, we can do this:

(50 * 0.8) + 100 = 140%

(70 * 0.8) + 100 = 156%

156 / 140 = 1.1142857142857142857142857142857

20% more Area Damage will increase your overall damage, against multiple enemies, by about 11.4%.

If you have a specific goal in mind, you can actually figure out how much you need. For example, you just got a Furnace in the cube that gives you 50% additional damage against the rift guardian, and now you feel like your weakness is clearing up to the rift guardian. In order to raise your damage against multiple enemies by 50%, you can do this:

What you have: 50 * 0.8 + 100 = 140

What you want: 140 * 1.5 = 210

AD * 0.8 + 100 = 210

AD * 0.8 = 110

AD = 110 / 0.8

AD = 137.5

Diablo 3 More Dmg To Elites

You can get 24% AD on weapons and 20% from 3 other items to get pretty close at 134% Area Damage. It's kind of funny to think about, but at over 100% your Area Damage will actually be hitting harder than you do.


Is it worth it to stack Area Damage? It really depends on where you are in your progression. It does have diminishing returns, and you already get a good amount of it through paragon. It also depends on what you'd be replacing. It is a good idea when your mainstat starts hitting significant diminishing returns at high paragon levels. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!

Source: Original linkHow to install when dmg takes up all space.

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An Elite is a monster type in Diablo III.

  • Were you looking for information about elite items?
  • 1Overview
  • 2Elite Types

Overview[editedit source]

Elite kills tracked in a player's armory.

Elite monsters are any monster which have special attributes not normally found on their base type. Champions, Rares, and also Superunique monsters are all considered 'elite'. The term is a categorical definition which ties into some of the gameplay systems. As an example, some itemmodifiers increase damage to elite monsters by a specific percent. Elite kills are tracked in the player's armory as well as achievements for killing a specific number and type of elites.

Special Attributes[editedit source]

Elite packs have variable health.

Elites have special attributes which are called Boss Modifiers. Note that for Superunique types, these modifiers are not shown, although with champions and rare elites, the special attributes will be visible underneath the monster's nameplate at the top of the screen.

The type and amount of modifiers an elite can have will vary by difficulty and mlvl. An example of this is the knockback modifier, which is present starting around mlvl 4 in normal difficulty. As the player reaches higher difficulties, a larger pool of modifiers will be available to elites, as well as the amount of modifiers an elite can spawn with.

In normal difficulty, an elite can spawn with one boss modifier (although superuniques, covered below, are an exception to that rule). In Nightmare they can spawn with two modifiers, three in Hell, and finally four in Inferno.

Elite Types[editedit source]

There are three types of elite monsters in Diablo III.

Superunique[editedit source]

Chiltara, a superunique.

Superunique monsters have their name displayed in purple. They vary drastically from the other forms of elites in a few ways.Superunique monsters have fixed spawn locations, but they normally have a low chance to spawn (unless they are quest-related superuniques such as the Skeleton King). They do not come in packs, have set boss modifiers, and also do not count towards a stack of nephalem valor. Set modifers means that superuniques cannot take on a larger number of modifiers in subsequent difficulties. If a superunique spawns with only mortar, as an example, it will spawn in normal or inferno difficulty with only mortar as well. Their modifiers are native and static. For this reason, superuniques tend to be much less deadly than their rare or champion counterparts.All quest monsters, including Diablo, are considered superunique.

Rare[editedit source]

A rare elite pack.

Elite rares have their name displayed in yellow. Rares differ from champions and superuniques in that there is one 'boss' monster who has more health and deals more damage than their minions, and there are also certain modifiers which can only spawn on rare-type enemies, such as horde or illusionist.It is often the case that the boss monster in a rare pack has special properties that the minions do not share, due to concerns of game balance in higher difficulty levels. As an example, in a rare pack, only the boss will be able to be harmed with the Invulnerable Minions modifier, and only the boss will be able to use the jailer ability.Rare monsters count towards the nephalem valor buff, but only the boss kill counts. The minions do not refresh or add to a valor stack.

Champion[editedit source]

A champion elite pack.

Similar to rare elites, champions have some specific modifiers like Health Link and Fire Chains. A champion's name appears in blue, and in addition their models and textures also have a bright blue glow to them to separate them from the rest of the monsters. Champion packs usually revolve around mechanics such as fire chains which require the monsters to work in tandem, as a team, to attempt to kill the player. There is no 'boss' monster in a champion pack.Champion monsters count towards the nephalem valor buff, but only once all of the champions in a pack have been killed.

Spawn Locations[editedit source]

Diablo 3 More Dmg To Elites For Kids

It is worth noting that there are set locations for an elite to spawn, whether it is a rare, champion, or superunique. However, D3 has no internal rules on how many spawn points can actually spawn an elite pack, which lends much more danger to certain areas than others.As an example, shown in the image below, it isn't uncommon to spawn two different elite packs in one small area within the Halls of Agony. The image depicts a rare cultist pack spawn in addition to a champion berserker spawn. Also, the mid-western side of the Desolate Sands zone is particularly deadly, with three or more elite packs spawning at once not being an uncommon sight.

Diablo 3 More Dmg To Elites Download

A double spawn in Inferno difficulty.

Diablo 3 More Dmg To Elites Download

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