D2 How To Take Less Dmg In Pvp Hunter

Aug 16, 2019 A Destiny 2 Hunter PvP Tips video or Hunter PvP Gameplay video. Today we are going over my 4 Hunter PvP Tips. These Hunter Tips can be used on any Hunter Subclass. These Tips also apply to many.

Hello all,
my name is røtter and iam playing an ally Beast Master Hunter on Aegwynn. Iam a very casual Player and i know, that out there many better BM Hunter players then me. To this Players: 'I need your help'.
First of all: I read all these topics here in the forum and i realize, that many players are screaming for a buff, but in my situation iam pretty sure, that iam lack on dmg because its my own mistake. I am sure i could do much more dmg when i just know what iam doing wrong.
I am always on the bottom of the damage meter which makes me a bit sad. There is not one single encounter i am under the Top 5 of details! To help the raid, to have a chance to raid mythic in the future and to have a better contribution in WoW my goal is to improve that situation. If you can see any major mistakes please let me know what i should do better and i try to learn it.
So now the facts:
Crit: 6776 (27%)
Haste: 10722 (30%)
Mastery: 10972 (80%)
Versatility: 2628 (6%)
15: Way of the Cobra (Beast Mastery Hunter)
30: Dire Frenzy (Beast Mastery Hunter)
45: Posthaste
60: One with the Pack (Beast Mastery Hunter)
75: Binding Shot
90: Volley
100: Killer Cobra (Beast Mastery Hunter)
1. Iam using the tool simulationcraft (current version 7.3.0-02) to see my damage potential and getting out a pawn string which helps me with my item decisions.
The result of simcraft is:
Røtter : 1268136 dps (Single Target DPS / Patchwork style)
Ranking Mastery > Crit > Vers ~= Agi > Haste
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: 'Røtter-BeastMastery': Class=Hunter, Spec=BeastMastery, Agility=24.51, CritRating=28.05, HasteRating=23.08, MasteryRating=34.29, Versatility=24.87 )
When i compare this result with a guide from icy-veins there is a difference. Simcraft says, that mastery is my mainstat and icy-veins says, that crit and haste are more important.
What should i trust?
2. Here are some better logs (from my opinion):
prefix for logs: w a r c r a f t l o g s . c o m
Kin'garoth HC overview: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=18&type=damage-done
Kin'garoth HC my own logs: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=18&type=damage-done&source=3
Varimatrhras HC overview: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=23&type=damage-done
Varimathras HC my own logs: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=23&type=damage-done&source=3
Shivarra HC overview: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=28&type=damage-done
Shivarra HC my own logs: /reports/jRtv1XrT2mQAbVHh#fight=28&type=damage-done&source=3
All the logs has the same result, iam at the bottom of the damage meter and i dont know why. Please let me know if you can see why. And dont be afraid to be hard to me. When iam doing many failures its ok to let me know...what counts is, that i have enough information to have the possibility to improve my self.
best regards
røtter - aegwynn

What are the best Destiny 2 PvP weapons? After some smart changes from the game’s Crucible team, PvP in Destiny 2 is in a better spot now. A more balanced weapon meta, nerfed abilities across the board, and subtle extensions to times-to-kill have helped turn Destiny 2 into a more robust experience for PC multiplayer shooter fans.

Recent changes also mean the Crucible feels more lethal, and the weapons are a crucial part of that. Despite the emphasis on balance, some guns still stand out from the pack. Here are the weapons you’ll want to track down to shine when once Trials of Osiris has resumed.


Our lineup of essential Crucible PvP weapons includes something for everyone, from precise exotics that will eliminate a Warlock mid-super at 500 yards, to SMGs that’ll melt anyone who gets close enough. Whether you prefer sniping, shotguns, or the humble hand cannon, here are the best Destiny 2 PvP weapons for you to seek out.

Destiny 2 best weapons

The best Destiny 2 PvP guns are:

spare rations

Weapon type: Hand cannon
Rarity: Legendary
Source: The Reckoning


Hand cannons are in a pretty good spot in the meta right now, as they usually are, and this is a handy legendary one you can use to free up an exotic spot. The Spare Rations is pleasingly swift, and downs guardians with two shots to the head, and one to the body. Keep an eye out for one with the kill clip perk, as it’ll boost your damage if you reload after a precision kill.


Weapon type: Hand Cannon
Rarity: Exotic
Source: Complete the Thorn exotic quest

If you’ve got space for an Exotic, then Thorn is a deadly option. Not only can you down a foe in three headshots – two headshots and one body shot if you’d like – but you can also infect them with poison. Not only does this stop them from healing, but it also gives you some more visual information as you’ll see the numbers float above their head, even if they’re behind a wall.

mindbender’s ambition

Does eidolons take ips dmg in mac. Weapon type: Shotgun
Rarity: Legendary
Source: Hollowed Lair Nightfall Strike

Shotguns have had a mixed time in Destiny 2, going from entirely useless to overly dominant. Shotties are in an okay spot right now, but it depends on which one you use. If you’re a fan of them and the aggressive playstyle that comes with it, we would recommend this one. You’ll have to wait until the Hollowed Lair comes into the Nightfall Strike rotation, but once it does, you can keep chipping away until you get a roll you like.


Weapon type: Sniper
Rarity: Legendary
Source: The Menagerie

Sniper rifles in Destiny 2 have been making a steady comeback over the past year, and they’ve received another boost thanks to the Beloved. Essentially, the scope has a low zoom factor that makes it akin to a lot of snipers used in Destiny 2. Perks are to the user’s preference but can include additions to make the ADS much faster, or others that make flinch less severe.


Weapon type: LMG
Rarity: Exotic
Source: Engram

D2 How To Take Less Dmg In Pvp Hunter Stats

We’ve gone over a few primary and secondary options, but you may be on the lookout for something for your heavy slot. LMGs are in a great spot as heavy ammo in the Crucible is still pretty plentiful, meaning that you can rack up some kills.

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And there you go, the best Destiny 2 PvP weapons to take into the Crucible. The meta is a fickle thing, and you never know when an update will shake everything up. Don’t worry though, as we’ll keep this guide up to date with all the comings and goings of the PvP Crucible meta.

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